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In this excerpt from his new book, ‘Laddering:

Unlocking the Potental of Consumer Behavior,’
PossibleNOW VP Eric Holtzclaw explains how
techniques such as laddering, lensing and

latcing can radically and permanently change Glossary
the way you view your products, services,
customers and marketng message Clusters: Distinct consumer
groups that map to one another
because of their core DNA or
behavior. It’s crucial to understand
the infuence of a cluster – do others
listen and care when this group says
PARSING PATTERNS something? Also, the ecosystem
Foursquare is a locaton-based social networking applicaton frst of the cluster – to whom are they
introduced in 2009 that allows users to “check-in” to various places naturally attached, and where do
they visit using a mobile website. The brand’s creators discussed some they get their information?
paterns they notced early on in a recent Inc. magazine interview.
When they viewed the inital “big data” that their system generated, Laddering: Thomas Reynolds
they notced that many of the users saw a use for the applicaton not as and Jonathan Gutman developed
they had intended – for checking into locatons and collectng badges and introduced laddering in 1988,
based on Gutman’s Means-End
– but rather as a great way to get reviews and recommendatons for Theory of 1982. Their approach
locatons around them. So instead of fghtng this cluster’s natural states that product attributes lead
behavior, the creators embraced and celebrated it. Afer all, people to consequences that generate
were using their product; did it mater that it wasn’t in the way they personal meaning (values) for users.
had initally envisioned? In other words, they worked from
the starting point of features to
Foursquare is one of my favorite examples of an applicaton that determine which functional and
has embraced the fact that diferent consumers use the applicaton for emotional benefts resonate with
diferent reasons. In additon to their fexible approach to supportng the consumer – a process much like
consumers’ preferences, they also know how to use a single applicaton climbing a ladder.
to message and provide functonality that hits four core consumer
behaviors: the desire to 1) become the “mayor” of a given locaton, Latticing: If you have conducted
an honor you receive from having checked-in to a locaton more than your laddering work broadly, in
anyone else; 2) receive unexpected rewards or discounts; 3) fnd out the proper context and with the
what other people might be at places near you; and 4) discover new right person, you can explain with
fnite detail how specifc clusters
and interestng places around your current locaton. relate to each other. This process is
MORE IS LESS called “latticing” the user groups.
Many companies are following a somewhat disingenuous trend by Understanding this relationship can
help you to both target consumers
trying to become more to the consumer than they really are in an and create additional reach for the
efort to collect more big data on their consumer clusters. For instance, products, services or experiences
they atempt to become a destnaton spot for their consumers for you’re creating. You can use the
shopping and for informaton or services that are outside of their lattice to unlock your big data
primary business focus. But these initatves’ ultmate goal isn’t to know and make it actionable and useful
their customers beter; it’s to sell the informaton they gain to other beyond just being a collection of
companies or data aggregators. information on different groups.
Trying to be more to a consumer than they need or want you to Lensing: Lensing is one of the
be is a tricky balance to strike. More ofen than not, your customers most powerful aspects of laddering,
will quickly recognize this inauthentc atempt and thwart your eforts. because it puts your team in your
One example of this is Facebook’s atempt at building stores into its consumers’ shoes. Analyzing how
platorm. We found in our studies that very few consumer clusters people from the outside world
would consider shopping at a “Facebook store.” Additonally, the truly perceive your brand gives you
an idea of the attributes that are
clusters that would shop there are not the ones most brands are most important to mapping your
atemptng to target, nor do they have the infuence to drive other clusters. For the lensing process
clusters to this type of adopton. to work properly, you may need to
Following laddering techniques will put your company in a break down some internal barriers
stronger position moving forward in the big data conversation. By that prevent knowledge from
being shared across the entire
taking the time to truly understand your consumer clusters, their organization. Lensing will result
desires or needs and the elements that comprise their core DNA, in actionable and measurable
you can better predict how to support them as technology and the initiatives for your team to help the
marketplace grows and shifts. ESM company move forward.

engagement strategies Vol.18 Issue 2 15
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