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A Millenial's Perspective on Motivation at Work

continued from page 10

What’s most important to us in a job may not be what’s by a network of people who like and support us. We like a
important to the rest of the workforce… lot of friends, and family means everything to us.
• To feel useful: We need to feel useful, important, and an asset • To be proud of a culture: When job searching, companies
not only in our positon, but to the company overall. If we that offer employee benefits beyond cash bonuses will be
don’t, it won’t be long before we fnd somewhere we feel we most sought after by Millennials. We’re more attracted to
can contribute. a company’s culture. Does my company make this a place I
would want to spend 40 hours (or more) a week and still say
• To have opportunites to grow: If the positon we have doesn’t
allow growth in our career, we’ll move on to the next job I love my job?
opportunity that will. We strive to be the best and, ultmately, PLEASE DON’T JUDGE ME
to make money. Although Millennials are the future, there’s some stgma surrounding
this term. The word lumps us into a category of people thought to be
self-enttled and self-absorbed. Personally, I don’t think there’s much
to “fgure out” about my generaton.
First, we don’t like to be looked down upon as the self-enttled
My generation has children of the world. All of our behaviors and characteristcs
have been shaped by the world that has surrounded us. But most
importantly, my generaton has something to show and something to
something to show prove for themselves. It’s tme to spend less energy judging and more
of it engaging Millennials.
If you show us that you care about us as employees, we’ll do
and something to anything to help grow your organizaton. We are the culture of the
future, both in and out of the ofce.
As a Marketng Specialist at Ditman Incentve Marketng, Monica
prove for themselves Hedden works to expand business and grow the existng customer
base. As a resident millennial, she ofers the insights of a young
person in the Employee Engagement industry. For more informaton
on Ditman Incentve Marketng, go to

• To know we are appreciated: Yes, we are
the generaton that got trophies for just
partcipatng. It’s understandable that this takes
away chances to teach us valuable lessons. © 2014 TUMI, INC.
However, this is the world we grew up in, and
this concept follows us into our work life. If we
do a great job, we want to know about it! We
want to hear thank you, or receive some sort of
recogniton for a job well done.
• To provide fact: We’ve grown up with so much
technology and informaton. We’ve learned
to sif through all of this material to fnd out
what’s real. We seek truth and we’re good at
fnding it.
• To work hard and play hard: Millennials will
work just as hard as the rest of the
workforce. We will put in the long hours and
make sure the job is done well. However,
we need some fun in the mix! We like
going out for drinks with coworkers, taking
company trips, having co-workers meet our ERIC WHITACRE . GRAMMY ® AWARD-WINNING COMPOSER
friends. Our jobs take up over 30% of our
time, so we might as well get close to those
who surround us every day.
• To be a part of a community: We need a 800.669.3181
strong sense of community and like working
in teams. We seek the need to be surrounded

engagement strategies Vol.18 Issue 2 21
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