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15 Minutes with ...

Josh Klapow,

Chief Scientist, The Ultimate

Chip Rewards, Inc. Rewards Source

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-> Direct pricing
on’t be fooled by the name – an acronym for Consumer Health In a sense, the ChipRewards’ methodology is a melding of
Incentve Program – ChipRewards means business when it says Klapow’s expertse in behavioral science and the retail marketng and
Dits passion is for behavioral science. healthcare background of its CEO, William R. Dexheimer, a Founder of
In fact, the company’s Chief Scientst, Josh Klapow, is a clinical ValueCentric Marketng Group, now a division of FIS, which provides
psychologist who was a professor for 20 years at University of loyalty rewards sofware and marketng solutons to retailers. Because
Alabama at Birmingham. He was eager to apply his knowledge to the of Dexheimer’s extensive experience in the medical business, it
business world, and his opportunity came in 2007, when the founder seemed logical to marry these concepts to create a consumer health
incentve program that ultmately became ChipRewards.
of a consumer loyalty company known as ValueCentric Marketng
Group contacted him with the idea of applying the company’s ‘BUYING TOYS’
loyalty mechanics and technology approach to wellness. To Klapow, Klapow thinks the market for his company’s approach is improving.
achieving goals boils down to “utlizing science to achieve behavior “I think companies are getng more scientfc,” he says. “They’re
objectves and matching it up with the technology necessary to foundering because there’s so much noise. The barriers to entry are
facilitate the process in an organizaton.”
so low anyone can put an incentve program in place or do a health
Klapow’s strategy is to make an impact by applying science to challenge. Companies are investng in these products and then
behavior change. “The key to success is to understand the foundaton discovering they don’t work. There has to be something to guide your
of behavior change,” he says, adding that “The common denominator decision-making. Companies are buying toys and either don’t care
in almost everything we do in business – marketng, promotons, because they just want the toy, or they’re struggling. We help clients
incentves, recogniton – is behavior. When you believe that, which track what they’re doing – that’s the matchup of technology, science
we do, then behavior is linked back to a well-founded science. It’s and measurement.”
not about shootng from the hip. We combine behavior science, Klapow believes companies make engagement more
technology, retail loyalty experience and healthcare expertse. complicated when they don’t operatonalize processes. “The frst
Companies are not relying on the science enough, and as a result thing you have to do is quantfy and artculate what engagement
they’re short changing themselves.” means,” he notes. “How will you infuence and track it?” • Search the latest inventory of over 1 million
IT’S NOT COMPLICATED “I believe in the importance of a positve culture and emotons,
Applying behavioral science to achieve goals doesn’t have to be but if you never translate these into business results, what’s the true products and gift cards.
complicated. “You can have a quick fx. You can have it be simple and beneft? The most powerful thing we can do on any given day is tell
stll apply good science,” Klapow notes. “Many very smart people our clients how many people completed a health risk assessment,
in business have almost no training in this area, and therefore have had a physical, received a congratulatory leter, were ofered • Find the hottest new rewards in stock at over
no systematc way of looking at the role of people when it comes to points or dollars in a FSA, and compare this with the actvites and
achieve goals. That said, this doesn’t have to complicate things.” consequences of everybody else.” 50 wholesalers, retailers, and brands.
Behavioral science allows organizatons to more efciently Klapow sums it up this way: “What we want to do is help people
achieve objectves that have to do with specifc behaviors. Klapow engage in those behaviors that make them healthier and feel beter.”
explains that if you happen to be doing program A or interventon B, ChipRewards contnuously strives for beter ways to infuence more • Browse Brand Stores to discover the many
what the science allows you to do is make predictons about what’s individuals to engage in new types of behaviors. The company
likely to happen behaviorally based on the path you choose. You stll is commited to leading the way in web-enabled technologies to participating brands and vendors.
may have to make a gut decision, but science allows you to hedge change more behaviors, enhance more programs and partner
your bets. “When you talk about changing behavior,” he says, “we with organizatons with common goals. For more informaton on
tend to talk in absolutes when in fact it’s all about probabilites.” ChipRewards, go to ESM • Contact vendors directly for all purchases based
on their business rules.
22 engagement strategies Vol.18 Issue 2
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