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engagement industry briefs
[ EVENTS ] A recent blog post by Gallup Global
Practice Leader Ed O’Boyle noted
that social media isn’t the powerful
and persuasive marketing force many
companies assumed it would be. Gallup
fnds that a full 62% of U.S. adults who use
social media say these sites have absolutely
no infuence on their purchasing decisions.
Another 30% say these sites have some
infuence, and just 5% say they have a great
deal of infuence. To positively infuence
purchasing through social media, marketers
should learn to use it to listen and interact.
Consumers are more likely to engage when
the brand-related posts they encounter are
authentic, responsive and compelling.
The 2015 Engagement University & Expo
convenes in Denver April 14-16. The event Nearly 85% of engagement leaders believe that
is co-sponsored by Omni Resort Interlocken, companies must engage their workforces differently if
Denver, where the event will be held, and they’re to succeed in the future. Yet only 30% believe their
the FIRE Light Group, which provides event organizations are doing enough to adapt appropriately to
planning and logistics. Based on responses the changes that lie ahead, according to new research from
to post-event surveys, the program will be Hay Group. Human resources professionals continue to list
employee engagement as the top issue keeping them up
enhanced in the following ways: at night. But just as they generally view their companies as
• People-Centric Awards and Case Studies. sluggish in responding to the new rules of engagement,
Education will feature case studies from most are also personally struggling to adapt to the trends.
winners of the EEA’s new People-Centric Two-thirds of those surveyed said they haven’t personally
Awards program highlighting America’s changed the way they operate.
Top 25 People-Centric Companies.
• Expanded Engagement Education. Based
on attendee feedback, Engagement
University education will be expanded into
a full two and a half days, with multiple
sessions on all areas of Engagement
presented by Enterprise Engagement
textbook contributors and other experts.
• Engagement Exhibits. The Rewards &
Recognition Expo, the official successor
to the industry’s 65-year-old Motivation
Show, will be expanded to include other
types of engagement solution providers.
• Tuesday-Thursday Schedule. Based on a
solid majority of survey respondents, the
program will begin on a Tuesday and end
at noon on Thursday to minimize time
away from home on weekends or from the
offce during the week.
• Expanded Roundtable Discussions. Based
on the popularity of this year’s on-foor
Roundtable Discussions in Nashville, the
program will be expanded in 2015 to
include opportunities to meet with even
more experts in all areas of engagement.
6 engagement strategies Vol.18 Issue 2
6 engagement strategies Vol.18 Issue 2