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R ecognition
By Cindy Mielke, VP Marketing,
Marketing Innovators
A Changing Workforce Requires a
New Perspective on Recognition
he workforce is changing drastcally, becoming Among the many questons that will need to
even more diverse and mult-generatonal. be resolved when recognizing Millennials: How do
TAs Boomers hang on longer and even forego you create a meaningful recogniton program for
retrement as an end goal – and up to four more employees who view praise as a given? Or who, in the
generatons squeeze in behind them – creatng extreme, might expect praise simply for showing up?
appropriate rewards and recogniton programs is By the way, forget that old standby, the “years
becoming increasingly complex.
of service” award that usually kicks in at fve-
Until recently, employee recognition has year milestones: According to a 2011 survey by
been associated with rewarding years of service or PricewaterhouseCoopers, just 18% of recent college
outstanding performance. But the time has come for graduates expect to stay with their current employer
a more nuanced approach that takes into account for very long.
vastly different expectations and aligns those
expectations with recognition programs that engage SHIFTING YOUR PERSPECTIVE
and motivate employees regardless of their cultural Here are some tps that could shif your perspectve on
or generational differences. recogniton for today’s employee:
THE IMPACT OF MILLENNIALS • Treat employees like a valued asset. Yes, they
are…but do they know it? Employees, and
Of partcular interest to organizatons today are especially Millennials, need to feel their work
Millennials. As Millennials become an increasing maters. Recogniton needs to acknowledge the
presence in the workforce, now comprising impact of that work, as well as convey thanks
approximately 36% of all employees and projected to and praise. Take the tme to explain to the
reach 50% by 2020, their impact on organizatons will employee why his/her achievement is valuable
grow as well.
to the company. Understanding the big picture
One of the hallmarks of Millennials is that they can help give perspectve and value to an
thrive on—and expect—praise. And why not? They employee’s eforts no mater where they are on
were raised with a stream of constant praise and the organizatonal chart.
encouragement, from “trophies for all” team sports • Be authentic. If you’re giving praise, say
to parentng styles that used every opportunity to it like you mean it – or don’t say it at all.
provide positve feedback. A colleague even reported Consider the context and the scale. Over-
hearing a parent say “Thank you for saying ‘thank praise for a minor accomplishment can come
you’,” to a child who had just thanked another adult.
off as phony and even be de-motivating.
continued on page 20
8 engagement strategies Vol.18 Issue 2
8 engagement strategies Vol.18 Issue 2
By Cindy Mielke, VP Marketing,
Marketing Innovators
A Changing Workforce Requires a
New Perspective on Recognition
he workforce is changing drastcally, becoming Among the many questons that will need to
even more diverse and mult-generatonal. be resolved when recognizing Millennials: How do
TAs Boomers hang on longer and even forego you create a meaningful recogniton program for
retrement as an end goal – and up to four more employees who view praise as a given? Or who, in the
generatons squeeze in behind them – creatng extreme, might expect praise simply for showing up?
appropriate rewards and recogniton programs is By the way, forget that old standby, the “years
becoming increasingly complex.
of service” award that usually kicks in at fve-
Until recently, employee recognition has year milestones: According to a 2011 survey by
been associated with rewarding years of service or PricewaterhouseCoopers, just 18% of recent college
outstanding performance. But the time has come for graduates expect to stay with their current employer
a more nuanced approach that takes into account for very long.
vastly different expectations and aligns those
expectations with recognition programs that engage SHIFTING YOUR PERSPECTIVE
and motivate employees regardless of their cultural Here are some tps that could shif your perspectve on
or generational differences. recogniton for today’s employee:
THE IMPACT OF MILLENNIALS • Treat employees like a valued asset. Yes, they
are…but do they know it? Employees, and
Of partcular interest to organizatons today are especially Millennials, need to feel their work
Millennials. As Millennials become an increasing maters. Recogniton needs to acknowledge the
presence in the workforce, now comprising impact of that work, as well as convey thanks
approximately 36% of all employees and projected to and praise. Take the tme to explain to the
reach 50% by 2020, their impact on organizatons will employee why his/her achievement is valuable
grow as well.
to the company. Understanding the big picture
One of the hallmarks of Millennials is that they can help give perspectve and value to an
thrive on—and expect—praise. And why not? They employee’s eforts no mater where they are on
were raised with a stream of constant praise and the organizatonal chart.
encouragement, from “trophies for all” team sports • Be authentic. If you’re giving praise, say
to parentng styles that used every opportunity to it like you mean it – or don’t say it at all.
provide positve feedback. A colleague even reported Consider the context and the scale. Over-
hearing a parent say “Thank you for saying ‘thank praise for a minor accomplishment can come
you’,” to a child who had just thanked another adult.
off as phony and even be de-motivating.
continued on page 20
8 engagement strategies Vol.18 Issue 2
8 engagement strategies Vol.18 Issue 2