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enterprise engagement

EEA for Government  

Part of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance
Engagement Network

An Opportunity to Tap The Government Market For Engagement

As the nation’s largest category of employer, government is under pressure like never before to find new levels of efficiency and maintain services with fewer resources. The ability of federal, state, and local governments to find, manage, and engage talent in these challenging times will have a tremendous impact on the level of innovation and entrepreneurialism that will be needed in the coming years to improve government efficiency and services.

Federal, state, and local governments already spend billions of dollars on efforts to attract and retain talent; provide training and communications, and market their services more effectively to the public. The ability to help meet the challenges of the coming decades represents a significant opportunity for suppliers of engagement products and services, from leadership training, surveys, and polling, to communications and rewards and recognition to help government do a better job for the public. provides management in government content on the latest ways to improve performance in government and suppliers of engagement products and services a cost-effective way to tap the government market. offers low-cost ways to reach this market via print, the Internet, and e-mail newsletters, we provide expert consulting on how to position and market your organization for government work.

A Turnkey Solution to Enter the Government Market

The program can include the following elements:

Marketing Support and Services offers a complete solution for getting your products and services in front of government officials in search of engagement solutions.

Consulting provides expert consulting services that enable your organization to determine and target its opportunities in the government sector. These services include:
An evaluation of your products and services as they relate to the needs of government in its various sectors.
A face-to-face or webinar meeting on the steps necessary for success.
An explanation of the General Services Administration process along with help in determining the proper time to consider this step.
Cost: Ranges from nothing for a phone consultation to up to $5,000, based on needs.


Leadership Excellence in Government
Published quarterly, this digital magazine is distributed to 20,000 management-level officials at all levels of government (majority Federal). Each issue has over 20 articles by well-known management consultants such as Tom Peters, Jim Collins, Warren Bennis, Marshall Goldsmith, and more.

2010 Publication Schedule


Size:   1 X 3X
Full-page $1,500 $1,200
½ page $1,000 $  750
¼ page   $  750 $  550
Full page 8 x 10  
½ page 4 x 5  
¼ page  2 x 2.5  

Ad creation services are available at $1,000 per 4 color ad (any size) Engagement Services Resource Center offers the leading portal to information on talent management and engagement in the government sector. It provides the most complete directory of engagement services and products along with useful how-to and reference articles that can help government officials make better buying decisions. The portal, launched in February and already generating thousands of unique visits a month, is being marketed throughout government agencies, departments and the military. It is direct emailed to  more than 20,000 government decision-makers each quarter and available online at

The Engagement Services Resource Center enables suppliers to market and display their services and products as they relate to government needs to engage their key audiences in key three ways designed to target people in a planning or buying mode.

The Vendor Directory includes a What’s New listing that enables companies to easily announce new products and services.

Topic Sponsorships

Place your advertising adjacent to a category of content directly related to what you sell, from leadership training and communications to rewards and recognition. Your ad will appear whenever someone clicks on the topic you sponsor or when they search for it with related key words.

Cost: $2,000 per year for charter sponsors

Article Sponsorships

Sponsor or author a how-to or reference article on a topic related to what you sell, based on meeting the editorial standards of, which only publishes articles deemed to objectively outline a particular issue, challenge, opportunity, or fact and provide a balanced solution. The article can also be used on your own Web site.

Cost: $1,500 per year per article for charter sponsors, including the cost of creating the article and ghost writing if required.

Vendor Directory Listings

Premier Listing: $950  per year

Highlighted Listing: $550 per year

Basic listing: No cost


Your organization can sponsor a webinar on a topic of your choice, subject to the same content restrictions for article sponsorships: they must be informative, fact-based, and focus on an objective solution, and may not contain any overt sales pitch. All materials are subject to approval by editors. TMgov. can handle all aspects of the Webinar, including:

Cost: $10,000 (guaranteed 100 participants)

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Enterprise Engagement Resources
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Engagement Solutions


PurposePoint: The Purpose Leadership Community


Catalyst Performance Group




Fire Light Group

Luxe Incentives


Incentive Team