Page 26 - Enterprise Engagement and ISO Standards eBook
P. 26

Enterprise Engagement and ISO Standards

create conditions which enable people to achieve desired results, ensuring relevant statutory
and regulatory requirements are met.”14

Moreover, ISO 10018 speaks to planning and measurement, individual learning plans
(including formal and informal training) and incentive programs for employees and suppliers
that use both tangible rewards and intangible recognition/appreciation.15 Throughout, the
standard emphasizes measurement, assessment and communications. It addresses
collaboration and innovation, and points to the need for equipment and other resources
sufficient to enable employee competency.

Similarities and Differences

The principles underlying enterprise engagement go beyond implementation tactics. They
address universal principles of engagement that have proven effective with multiple
stakeholders. These principles – Purpose, Autonomy, Task Value, Fun, Appreciation,
Contribution Awareness, Inclusion, Wellbeing and Learning/Mastery – combine to drive
commitment, productivity and loyalty among employees, customers and other
stakeholders. They are the foundational elements of engagement.

ISO 10018 speaks to several of these principles. The overall tone of the standard feels
somewhat transactional, however, emphasizing planning, measurement and hygiene factors
such as safety over less programmatic factors such as purpose, meaning and inspiration.
Nonetheless, it does not altogether ignore these elements.

For example, the standard advises a demonstration of “shared understanding” between
employees and leaders, 16 and it speaks extensively of the need for employee autonomy and
control over their work. It emphasizes contribution awareness through rewards and
recognition, by aligning individual goals with larger, shared goals, and by showing
employees how their work impacts the larger success of the team, division and organization.
The standard emphasizes that employees need to know what is expected of them, enjoy
wide latitude in deciding how to do their work, be properly resourced and collaborate with
peers (showing one another respect).

As noted above, ISO 10018 directly addresses nine of the ten elements of the Enterprise
Engagement Implementation Framework. ROI is not explicitly mentioned by ISO; however,

14 Ibid p.2
15 Ibid p.19
16 Ibid p.4

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