New EEA Research Division Focuses on Effectiveness Studies and Program Design
A collaboration of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, Rick Garlick and Associates; Dr. Paul White and Appreciation at Work, and others committed to stakeholder engagement program design and measurement, the EEA research division supports efforts to measure stakeholder management effectiveness.
Founded by Leaders in Engagement Research
Who Can Benefit
A new research service uniquely focuses on helping organizations more effectively engage their stakeholders across the enterprise—customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, communities—consistent with the new
European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive that brings stakeholder management reporting worldwide to an entirely new level of transparency.
Enterprise Engagement Alliance engagement research service brings together experts in consumer and business research, organizational psychology, engagement program design and return on investment measurement specifically in employee, customer, distribution partner, and related engagement, as well as a methodology for calculating the costs of low customer, employee, or other stakeholder engagement, explains
Bruce Bolger, EEA founder.
Founded by Leaders in Engagement Research
The team and other resources available consist of business leaders with a combination of measurement, qualitative and quantitative analysis, organizational psychology, and statistical process controls frequently used in total quality management. The service also draws upon other independent experts in engagement services, based on client needs.
Founding research resources include
Dr. Rick Garlick, who served as the Incentive Research Foundation Chief Research Advisor for five years, and who has held senior research positions for Gallup, J.D. Power, and Magid;
Dr. Paul White, an organizational psychologist with extensive research experience, co-author of “5 Languages of Appreciation at Work,” which sells nearly 50,000 copies a year, and CEO of culture firm
Appreciation at Work; and
Dr. Jack J. Phillips, Founder and CEO of the
ROI Institute. Bruce Bolger, Founder of the EEA, received the Richard Ross award from SITE International for his early leadership role in engagement for the SITE Foundation, which developed research on measurement processes. He later helped founded the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement at the Medill School of Journalism and Marketing Communications at Northwestern University that focused on research on the connection between customer, employee engagement and financial results.
Explains Garlick, “Despite my good fortune to have conducted research on all aspects of customer, channel partner, and employee engagement for leading organizations, I believe we are still at the frontier of measurement when it comes to the hundreds of billions spent on ad hoc efforts to engage people. Clearly something isn’t working, because despite all those expenditures, little has changed in terms of overall employee or customer engagement in decades.”
Writes Dr. White in a recently published a guest insight in the EEA’s RRN,
Viewpoint: Recognition—It’s Time to Demonstrate the ROI, “Peer-to-peer recognition and now online gifting programs have become quite the rage in the past few years. Unfortunately, they are not the panacea for a positive workplace culture they are often purported to be, but rather the latest in a series of approaches that clearly have had little impact on overall employee engagement.” He says “it’s time for companies to demand that providers of engagement services demonstrate how they create value and what organizations on their need to do to ensure they derive measurable results.”
Who Can Benefit
Bolger says the service is designed for organizations and their solution providers seeking:
Independent evaluation: highly credible third-party analysis of the effectiveness of current incentive, reward, and recognition platforms, including: retention, referrals, sales, quality, safety, loyalty, or efforts to promote DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and ESG (Environmental, Stakeholder, Governance) processes.
Professional independent design: Return-on-investment-based design of incentive, recognition, loyalty, DEI, ESG programs to reduce turnover, cut costs, increase referrals, productivity, quality, in a highly measurable, auditable fashion, with optional RFPs and managed outsourcing as desired.
Cost of disengagement research: How much waste is your organization burying into the bottom line because of sub-optimal of engagement of employees, customers, distribution partners, or other key stakeholders. This new service can help you find out.
Cost of disengagement analysis: How much waste is your organization burying into the bottom line because of sub-optimal engagement of employees, customers, distribution partners, or other key stakeholders. This
new service can help you find out using methodologies validated by
research and ISO human capital and people engagement standards.
Independent research: authoritative market studies, white papers, surveys, based on customer needs with a built-in means to promote the results. When appropriate, the service includes helping organizations market the research through its media platforms.
As appropriate, the service draws upon its extensive library of expert resources in all areas of engagement and ROI measurement, with transparent fees charged only when the EEA adds value.
For More Information
Bruce Bolger, Founder
Enterprise Engagement Alliance at
914-591-7600, ext. 230
Through education, media, business development, advisory services, and outreach, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance supports professionals, educators, organizations, asset managers, investors, and engagement solution providers seeking a competitive advantage by profiting from a strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder engagement across the enterprise.
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2. Media
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Stakeholder Management and
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4. Advisory Services for Organizations
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