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Model For an Ideal Human Capital Report

This "model" human capital report condenses the longer profile of the "ideal" practitioner of Stakeholder Capitalism - a fabricated organization known as IMC, an integrated communications company. See ESM: -"The Perfect Company: Anatomy of an Ideal Practitioner of Stakeholder Capitalism." This model was created to help organizations of all sizes visualize the format and contents of a human capital report based on ISO 30414 Human Capital reporting standards for employees and ISO 10018 People Engagement standards for customers, channel and supply chain partners, and communities. ... [ read more ]

Brand Engagement 360 Guide to Implementation

Kicking off the new Enterprise Engagement Alliance Brand Engagement 360 Knowledge Management program with the Association of National Advertisers, this primer on Brand Engagement 360 is prepared for marketing and agency management ready to implement a strategic brand engagement process that includes its internal and other stakeholders--including employees, distribution and supply chain partners, communities, volunteers, donors etc. This article summarizes the two key phases of the process: 1) Strategic brand purpose definition and 2) Implementation. Neither require major investments in time and money and in fact are designed to save both over time while enhancing performance and stakeholder experiences through greater alignment and efficiency. These processes are based on over 40 years of academic research and processes time tested in the world of total quality management in factories around the world. ... [ read more ]

Now Available: The Essential Guide to Implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism

Last week, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance released its updated Enterprise Engagement for CEOs: The Little Blue Book for Stakeholder Capitalists. This week, it has published its updated Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap - How to Implement Stakeholder Capitalism to provide management at all levels a comprehensive implementation guide with detailed information on the theory, economics, and practices of Stakeholder Capitalism and human capital management across the enterprise. ... [ read more ]

EEA Webinar: Total Rewards 2.0--At the Junction of Benefits and Recognition

Traditionally, most incentive and recognition companies have never sold benefits services and vice versa, even though employee engagement and benefits often fall into the same department. This 30 minute webinar with experts in benefits, incentive, and recognition companies will talk about the opportunities to bring these services together to provide Total Rewards 2.0 solutions. Get your questions answered by registering to attend the live event Wed. August 18, at 1 pm ET. ... [ read more ]

One10 Marketing: The Power of the Pivot in the Time of Covid-19

One10 Marketing, a top-10 full-service performance improvement company, faced the pandemic by finding new ways to serve customers and leverage its people and expertise, says Richelle Taylor, Vice President Strategic Marketing. It is helping companies rapidly shift to new ways to engage, from moving travel incentives and meetings to merchandise and other rewards and virtual events; connecting to the hearts and minds of employees through enterprise engagement technology and effective communications and training, and by helping clients benefit from analytics to make better decisions.... [ read more ]

iAspire Platform Develops and Connects Culture to Organizational Goals

iAspire is designed to help organizations make culture a measurable competitive advantage, according to Jason Cochran, the company’s co-founder. He claims that his company offers the first human development platform “that transforms an organization’s values into ongoing micro-coaching and employee experiences to engage, develop and retain talent--leaders included. The end-result is a clear, scalable culture strategy executed by our software solution that aligns daily behaviors and activities to core values and ultimately connects the dots between your culture and measurable business outcomes using our impact economies.”... [ read more ]

June 16: David Ulrich Headlines Zoom Show on New Human Capital Mandate and HR

A human resources visionary will discuss the emerging concept of Stakeholder Capitalism, the coming human capital mandate and the challenges and opportunities presented to the human resources management community in this new EEA Zoom series: Stakeholder Capitalism in Action, kicking off June 16 at 12 pm, ET. The program will be followed on June 24 at 1 pm ET with a new EEA Zoom show on Measurable Engagement Solutions, focused on what CEOs and HRs need to implement Stakeholder Capitalism principles. ... [ read more ]

Q & A with Dr. Ron McKinley: Why and How to Achieve ISO 10018 Certification for Employers and Solution Providers

Dr. Ron McKinley, Vice President and Chief Standards Officer for the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, co-founder of the UTMB’s Enterprise Engagement Advisory Practice focusing on the healthcare and hospitality fields, and co-founder of the International Center for Enterprise Engagement (ICEE), recently spoke to ESM, outlining the benefits of the ISO 10018 framework and how to obtain certification... [ read more ]

'Good Company' Pioneer Laurie Bassi Sees Progress

Will companies finally begin to wake up to the financial benefits of having engaged customers, employees and communities? Laurie Bassi, Principal of McBassi & Co., a leading analytics firm, sees progress on multiple fronts. Bassi is author of ... [ read more ]

Employee Engagement: Short Cuts Won’t Get You Where You Want to Go

The business case is very clear. Employee engagement programs contribute to improved business outcomes. It makes sense that engaged employees will make a difference in a competitive marketplace by increasing productivity, inspiring innovation, and delivering best results to clients and consumers.... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: Foundation & Framework

For decades, it was easy to ignore the issue of engagement because engagement was hard to define and almost impossible to measure. But for a growing number of organizations, the question now isn’t if engagement matters, but how to make it happen.... [ read more ]

TD Bank Exec Says Success Requires Finding Common Ground Between Business and HR

To have any competitive edge, an organization’s talent management strategy must be integrated into its business strategy. Talent management is no longer about the discovery of a valued skill, but instead incorporates people management, enterprise goals, competitive talent infrastructure and optimized performance management. In other words, to get top talent, organizations have to offer a full-packaged deal. ... [ read more ]

New Academic Advisor for EEA Curriculum

Gary Rhoads, currently the Stephen Mack Covey Professor of Marketing and the Associate Director of Entrepreneurship Center at Brigham Young University, joins the Enterprise Engagement Alliance curriculum group as Academic Advisor. He will advise the EEA on its curriculum development on Enterprise Engagement for businesses, as well as the creation of an education program for students at various levels. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance is an outreach and curriculum development organization dedicated to establishing engagement as a formal business practice.... [ read more ]

The Economics of Retention

A carefully considered employee retention strategy can help boost engagement and reduce hiring, training, and other costs associated with turnover.... [ read more ]

Practicing the Power of Nice

Linda Kaplan Thaler, one of the keynote speakers at this year’s Enterprise Engagement Expo, believes that – contrary to the conventional wisdom – ‘nice guys finish first’ ... [ read more ]

10 Steps That Ensure Employee Engagement Success

Improving Employee Engagement is not the product of one initiative. Organizations need a framework to achieve significant improvement in engagement. Sequencing and content of the initiative are critical, as is communication. ... [ read more ]

Sunovion Training Exec: Treat Your Salespeople Like Volunteers

Veteran sales training executive Richard (Rick) Beers turns a lot of traditional thinking about sales training on its head through a strategic, systematic, and measurable approach. His program is designed to increase learning retention by creating a positive training environment, leveraging the strengths of newly hired sales professionals, and delivering a strong training curriculum.... [ read more ]

EEA Class 6 Focuses on Case Studies Featuring Sunovion Pharmaceuticals

Enterprise Engagement Alliance Class 6 of the formal education program on Enterprise Engagement and Human Capital management features a case study of the Sunovion Pharmaceuticals training and engagement process highlighted for its strategic and systematic approach. The EEA curriculum is the only known professional information anywhere ... [ read more ]

EEA Offers First Executive Training Program on Stakeholder Management

Business leaders worldwide are talking about Stakeholder Capitalism. The EEA Stakeholder Management Implementation Curriculum and Certification program focuses on the systems and tactics with contributions from world-wide pioneers in the implementation of Stakeholder Management and Enterprise Engagement --the theory, framework, and practical implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles.... [ read more ]

Grand Canyon Among First Known Universities to Focus on Stakeholder Capitalism Principles

Despite the enormous academic interest in the world of sustainability in general, the academic world has largely ignored the concepts of Stakeholder Capitalism, often called Conscious Capitalism, Inclusive Capitalism, Stakeholder Management, or the "Social" of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) management. Grand Canyon University is among the first focus on Conscious Capitalism in its graduate program. ... [ read more ]

Total Rewards 2.0: At the Convergence of Rewards, Recognition, and Benefits

Organizations can maximize the impact of their rewards, recognition, and benefits programs if they align these efforts under a holistic approach known as Total Rewards 2.0. That's one of the key findings of this Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube show designed to help management at all levels optimize the results of their engagement efforts. ... [ read more ]

The Stakeholder Capitalist's Toolkit

As can be seen in the ESM feature, The Perfect Company: Anatomy of an Ideal Practitioner of Stakeholder Capitalism Seen Through Its Human Capital Report, implementation requires strategic and systematic management to align the many tactics already used in organizations toward supporting common goals, values, and metrics. ... [ read more ]

EEA Consolidates Education on the "S" ESG Management, Aka Stakeholder Capitalism

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance has consolidated all its educational and information resources on the "S" of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) into a single 24/7, 365-day-a-year information center with news, resources, and training available via the Web, social media, e-newsletters, Youtube expert panels, face-to-face learning, and books. ... [ read more ]

A Dozen Students Attend Stakeholder Capitalism Society Soft Launch Meeting

A new student society for college students interested in Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) management, increasingly known as Stakeholder Capitalism, aims to help engage and educate a new generation of management, entrepreneurs, and investment analysts who fully grasp the new principles of success through people: creating returns for shareholders by creating value for customers, employees, distribution and supply chain partners, communities, and the environment. ... [ read more ]

New Engagement Agency Total Rewards Solution Offers Employees a Personal Prosperity Assistant

In conjunction with ProsperBridge, an Enterprise Engagement Alliance supplier member, the Engagement Agency offers organizations a complete benefits package with a unique addition: a trained Personal Prosperity Assistant who checks in with participating employees each month on a scheduled basis to assist with their financial and related wellbeing. The service is part of a Total Rewards 2.0 benefits package available from the Engagement Agency that also includes access to the KART employee discount program from CarltonOne Engagement and other employee benefit services. ... [ read more ]

Q&A with EEA Head Bolger on The Engagement Agency

Offering so many services to support the growing field of Human Capital Management and the discipline of Enterprise Engagement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at can seem confusing to some. Here's a Q&A with Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, to explain the Engagement Agency and how it fits into the overall goal of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance: to promote a strategic and systematic approach to people management across the enterprise to fulfill the "S" of Environmental, Social, Governance management principles, increasingly known as Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

EEA Youtube Show--Total Rewards, a Great Idea, Rarely Practiced

Total Rewards might be one of the best ideas in human resources that once attracted a lot of buzz but never took off, according to this Enterprise Engagement Alliance Youtube show featuring panelists who are at the front lines of leadership and talent development, compensation, and benefits. ... [ read more ]

Human Capital and Enterprise Engagement Youtube Channel: 22 Sessions and Counting

Management involved with engaging people have to be jacks of many trades -- from branding, culture, and communications to DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), innovation, and human capital analytics. In its quest to help organizations profit from the principles of Stakeholder Capitalism through an enterprise approach to engagement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance is building a continually growing library of 30- to 60-minute panel discussions with experts at the front lines of implementing people-focused strategies. ... [ read more ]

How ISO 30401 Knowledge Management Standards Can Help Promote This Critical Field

The process of addressing the challenges of the pandemic and post-pandemic world is prompting many organizations to embark on new self-discovery journeys, reinvention paths, and the redesign of their businesses, products, and services. Many organizations are already on the way to digital transformation and transformational innovation. The time is now to address the field of Knowledge Management.... [ read more ]

EEA Launches Enterprise Engagement Education 2.0 to Power the S of ESG

The 12-year-old Enterprise Engagement Alliance education and certification program focusing on connecting employee engagement and the interests of all stakeholders to organizational success now includes the latest information on Securities and Exchange Commission, World Economic Forum human capital disclosure; other sustainability standards, and return-on-investment of engagement practices. ... [ read more ]

EEA Creates Curriculum for CFO.University

The EEA is creating the first formal learning and certification program on Human Capital Management, Measurement, Employee Engagement ROI, and Compliance for chief financial officers for CFO.University, a leading community for CFOs that will qualify CFO.University members for an EEA CFO certification and annual membership status. This new course at CFO.University is focused specifically on the needs of the CFOs seeking to understand the basic principles involved with managing, measuring, and reporting on all aspects of human capital and employee engagement. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement Alliance Covid-19 Industry Support Strategy

To keep the engagement community connected during a period without trade shows and business travel and to keep people informed when reliable information is needed, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance provides free supplier listings on the online marketplace and ESM at provides news announcements for all suppliers or organizations seeking to share information.... [ read more ]

Unique Opportunity to Get Brand Alignment Certification

A veteran in brand alignment processes for organizations and teams is launching a new certification program for practitioners and solution providers being tested on March 24, in Hamilton, NJ, near Philadelphia. Three slots are open for a program ordinarily priced at $795. ... [ read more ]

First Certifications of ISO HR Standards Now Available

HR professionals and consultants now have a new way to distinguish themselves as industry leaders through the first-ever ISO certifications for human capital management provided only by the International Center for Enterprise Engagement by the people who helped pioneer their creation. ... [ read more ]

The CEO's Enterprise Engagement Toolkit

A definitive guide to all the tools, tactics and types of engagement solution-providers, offering strategic and tactical solutions for all types of organizations, audiences and applications, as well as some insights on how to select the right solution-provider for your needs and how your organization will pay for the services and measure the impact. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 5th Edition Is Released - The Desk Reference for Engagement Leadership Across the Enterprise

The latest edition provides a comprehensive reference guide for anyone in charge of designing strategic or tactical engagement efforts at public, private, not-for-profit and governmental organizations. It demonstrates how to connect the dots between the organization’s brand, values and goals, the people necessary for goal achievement, and the tactics used to engage them and measure results. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Safety Engagement

This article is an excerpt of a new chapter in Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, Fifth Edition, due out in January 2019. This chapter focuses on how Enterprise Engagement and ISO 10018 and Annex SL principles can be applied to addressing why safety remains a serious challenge on many worksites. ... [ read more ]

2019 Engagement World to Focus on 'Most Effective Practices for Everyone'

Engagement World 2019 will present the most effective enterprise engagement practices for organizational practitioners, solution- providers and educators, designed for organizations of all sizes and types based on open-source ISO standards, practical case studies and the certification programs of leading associations in multiple key areas of engagement. ... [ read more ]

Baudville Brands, C.A. Short and Divvy Engagement Become Engagement Agency Partners

Baudville Brands, a leading recognition firm in Grand Rapids, MI, C.A. Short Company, an innovator in employee engagement based on Shelby, NC, and Divvy Engagement Solutions, the new name for a 25-year-old, full-service incentive company based in Pleasant Valley, NY, have become partners in the growing Engagement Agency network of engagement solution providers. ... [ read more ]

Worktango Aims to Improve Manager-Employee Communication

It's often said that people leave managers, not companies. Two members of the I Love Rewards Team team that gave rise to Achievers Inc., which was recently acquired by Blackhawk Network, have launched WorkTango, a platform that enables managers "to have better conversations with employees to create alignment, approve accountability, and develop high-performing teams." ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition has been completely updated with new information, illustrations and new chapters. Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, the Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by leading companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management, and community relations.... [ read more ]

CEOs and Celebrities Help Promote a More Human Workplace

Organizations as diverse as media giant the New York Times and Globoforce, the recognition company, are bringing in big names in business, academia and even entertainment to promote workplace transformation and human-focused leadership. The New York Times' New Work Summit, Feb. 29-March 1... [ read more ]

Engage For Success Conference - Nov. 24th - London

"Engage or Bust" is the theme of the Engage for Success Conference, set for Tuesday, November 24th, 9 am to 6 pm at the QEII Center in central London. The event is sponsored by Engage for Success, the government-backed organization established to... [ read more ]

Engage For Success Conference November 24th in London

"Engage or Bust" is the theme of the Engage for Success Conference, set for Tuesday, November 24th, 9 am to 6 pm at the QEII Center in central London. The event is sponsored by Engage for Success, the government-backed organization established to... [ read more ]

Engagement World Set for April 25-28 2016 in Orlando, FL

A Conference and Expo dedicated to the many strategies and tactics of Enterprise Engagement and their impact on business is being launched by the Exhibit and Event Marketers Association (E2MA) and Enterprise Engagement Alliance. The event, Engagement World 2016, is designed to ... [ read more ]

Hay Group: Engagement Creates Talent Challenge

Oliver Rueth, U.S. Market Leader for the Employee Engagement practice of Hay Group, says business is good, almost too good. "Our No. 1 problem right now is not how to expand our business, structure our organization to handle the new marketplace, or develop a plan. Today, our challenge is finding the talent we need to manage the new requirements of our clients."... [ read more ]

Marcus Evans 5th Annual Talent Management Canada - Sept. 23-24, 2015 - Toronto, ON

This marcus evans event targets talent management as the backbone for organizational success. Heads of Talent, Human Resources, and Organizational Development will address holistic and persona-based trends for talent management, solidifying an organizational identity, progressive and competitive talent strategy, and an influential and engaging corporate culture.... [ read more ]

Driving Talent Development with Data

Leading-edge companies are tapping the potential of advanced analytics to improve talent acquisition, employee engagement, retention, talent development and, ultimately, their bottom lines. Soon this will be the... [ read more ]

Driving Engagement through Business Travel - Wed, May 6, 2015 2-3:00 PM EDT - Live Webinar

The impact of well-designed incentive travel and other business travel– as compared to cash and merchandise incentives – appears to be increasing as both consumers and high performers seek tailored experiences over commodity goods aimed at the mass market. But extracting the greatest impact and ROI from investments in business travel requires more imagination and creativity than ever. Join experts from industry, Patty Pae and Sandra Daniel, along with the EEA’s Curriculum Chair, Allan Schweyer, as they discuss and demonstrate the practices, trends and innovations in better business and incentive travel design. ... [ read more ]

Marcus Evans Corporate Learning & Talent Development Summit - May 31-June 2, 2015 - Palm Beach, FL

This event brings together executives from the industry to learn and discuss current issues they may be facing. The content portion will be led by industry leaders through keynote presentations, panel discussions and roundtables. Some topics that will be covered include Leadership Training and Development, Onboarding and Succession Planning. The one-on-one meetings give executives and sponsors the opportunity to sit down and learn about each other’s needs and solutions. For more information, contact Jennifer Keljik at | 312.540.3000 x6592... [ read more ]

Get Your Copy of Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook

Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by Ernst & Young and other top companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management and community relations. The newly-released textbook is available from the EEA Store at for $36, or you can purchase it online through The first edition is 268 pages. Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook also provides formal preparation for the Enterprise Engagement Certification program. Preparation and general learning is also available at Engagement University Online. The textbook is updated regularly based on input generated through the online university. ... [ read more ]

Dittman Becomes First Certified Engagement Solutions Provider

Dittman Incentive Marketing announced that it has attained the status of Certified Engagement Solutions Provider, a new certification recently created by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA), a coalition of companies and associations dedicated to the concept that engagement is an enterprise-wide endeavor that “begins with people and ends with profitability.” To attain Certified Engagement Solutions Provider status, members of the Dittman team were required to successfully complete rigorous testing and demonstrate their understanding of the engagement framework, economics, implementation process and tactics, and validate their actual experience with design and implementation. Susan Adams, Special Initiatives Director and President of IMA Recognition Council for 2013, Brian Carr, Director of Individual Awards, and Steve Cummins, Director of Digital Marketing, are among the Dittman team members who have achieved the individual Certified Engagement Practitioner designation. For more information, visit [ read more ]

Leadership Development vs. Employee Engagement

Chris Brunone, Leadership Practice Head at BlessingWhite, recently posted an article on the firm’s website noting that organizational development budgets are limited these days, so it's important that every initiative count. Training leaders who are trying to do more with less often ask which approach will produce the best results: 1) Training the more senior ranks in the organization to become better leaders or 2) Focusing on the engagement of the broader employee base? Should you cut back on leadership development efforts to refocus our energy on Employee Engagement? To help you answer this question, check out the full article at [ read more ]

Corporate Learning & Talent Development Summit - April 28-30, - 2013 - Atlanta, GA

The Corporate Learning and Talent Development Summit offers a unique format for the learning & talent executives across North America to attend strategic summit sessions led by thought leaders from across the industry, and meet with leading solution and service providers through a number of one-on-one business meetings and many organized networking activities. Topics of the presentations at the event: Leadership Training and Development Succession Planning for Tomorrow's Leaders Global Management Training High-Potential Training and Development Social Networking and Employee Collaboration Web 3.0 Target Audience: Include: CLO, SVP, VP and Head of Learning, Talent Management and HR ... [ read more ]

Marcus Evans LOYALTY Canada 2012 - July 25-26, 2012 - Toronto, Canada

This Loyalty Canada 2012 Conference will give customer loyalty marketers a deeper look into the key issues affecting the creation and implementation of effective loyalty strategies to achieve an ever-growing, profitable, and engaged customer base. Hear from: Canadian Tire, HSBC Canada, Capital One, Scotia Bank, Sobeys, Xbox Canada, JPMorgan Chase, TD Bank Group, PayPal Canada, Suncor Energy, Hudson’s Bay Company, Staples Advantage Canada, Virgin Mobile Canada and More! This is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes workshops, case studies and panel discussions over two days. This is not a trade show; this event is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives and key decision makers to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. In short, this is a peer-to-peer driven conference.... [ read more ]

Marcus Evans Strategic Recruiting for Technology & Computer Science Talent - April 19-20, 2012 - San Jose, CA

By attending this event, industry leaders will share best practices, strategies and tools necessary to understand and utilize innovative recruiting strategies to enhance an organizations ability to deliver sound recruiting practices. Hear from speakers from Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Rockwell Automation, and many more at this two-day premiere event! Contact Lisa at today and mention “EEA” to receive a $200 discount! ... [ read more ]

Marcus Evans Strategic Recruiting & Employer Branding Canada - March 20-21, 2012 - Toronto

The Strategic Recruiting and Employer Branding conference will enable employers to re-purpose and re-focus recruiting efforts by advancing processes to adapt to evolving challenges within the current recruitment market. This conference will demonstrate how to align a truly integrated Strategic Recruitment Strategy to the multiple business units across the organization while building on internal bench strengths, the employer brand and successfully capturing valuable talent within national and global markets. For additional information please email or visit [ read more ]

EEA Curriculum Webinar Series Announced

The EEA has announced a series of 1-hour webinars covering various aspects of its newly developed curriculum on Engagement. Each live session will be followed by a half-hour Q&A with presenters.

Nov. 16: Measurement
The EEA has also scheduled a series of webinars on The Science of Rewards & Recognition presented by EEA Chairman Allan Schweyer on the following dates: Dec 7, Jan 18, Feb 16 and March 15. Sponsored by Canon.
... [ read more ]

RPI Annual Conference - April 29-May 2, 2012 - St. Louis

At the Recognition Professionals International (RPI) annual conference, recognition professionals from all industries, levels, and departments including human resources, benefits, compensation, and management from around the world will meet to network with peers and learn how to develop effective employee recognition systems based on best practices that enhance employee engagement and performance. ... [ read more ]

7th Annual Customer Experience Management

This conference will focus in on leading current practices within customer experience management practices that include feedback gathering, managing customer expectations, driving operational efficiencies in response to feedback, understanding and reporting measurements and driving an overall organizational customer focused culture that is supported by a growing department budget and enterprise-wide interest. ... [ read more ]

RPI Offers Certification Programs, Webinar

Become a Certified Recognition Professional through Recognition Professionals International’s CRP program, to be held March 29-31 at Rideau Recognition Solutions in Montreal, Canada, and also at the RPI Annual Conference in San Antonio.... [ read more ]

AMA, Marcus Evans Embrace Enterprise Engagement

The emergence of Enterprise Engagement is supported by a growing cadre of business executives specifically responsible for engagement and the expanding number of education and seminar programs on this topic. The American Management Association has just published an article entitled “The Art and Science of Embracing Engagement for Bottom Line Results.” ... [ read more ]

Employee Engagement Levels Increased in 2010

Chicago-based Human Capital consulting form HR Solutions International, Inc. recently released its 2010 Overall Employee Engagement Norms, finding that Employee Engagement levels increased from 2009 to 2010. ... [ read more ]

Master Measurement: The Critical Performance Elements of Incentive Design

Measurement is a key element in any performance improvement effort and particularly to the development of any incentive or recognition plan. The intent of this paper, published in October 2010, is twofold: First, it updates a performance measurement methodology originally published in 1992 called the “Master Measurement Model of Employee Performance”; second, it addresses how to measure the short and long-term impact and ROI of incentive and recognition plans. This paper is targeted primarily at professionals who design incentive and reward programs, whether they are organizational staff or external consultants, as well as for those that support and implement the programs, whether they conduct training, deliver the rewards and incentives themselves, or manage the programs. ... [ read more ]

6th Annual Talent Planning & Leadership Development Conference

More than 20 leading experts in Talent Management, Leadership and Organizational Development will focus on driving and retaining high performing talent in order to grow employees in both performance and productivity. Cost is $2,500, but you can save 10% by emailing and mentioning the Enterprise Engagement Alliance.... [ read more ]

HCI Engagement and Retention Conference

The Human Capital Institute (HCI) brings together thought leaders and leading companies to share ideas and best practices related to employee engagement and retention at this three-day conference.... [ read more ]

Gallup Spring Summit 2010

The Gallup Summit Spring 2010 provides leaders the opportunity to share best practices and discuss the crucial issues that affect maximizing performance in their organizations. It also offers organizations the opportunity to benchmark their management practices against the world's best. It will include a look at best practices in managing employee and customer engagement and best practices in recruiting, hiring, and developing talented employees.... [ read more ]

Driving Engagement by Focusing on Strengths

A common error that frontline managers sometimes make is to focus their performance improvement efforts on employees’ weaknesses, rather than focus on their strengths. But Gallup research shows that the worst thing managers can do is to ignore their employees altogether. According to Gallup researchers Brian Brim and Jim Asplund, “If your manager focuses on your strengths, your chances of being actively disengaged at work are only 1 in 100. If your manager ignores you, however, you are twice as likely to be actively disengaged than if your manager focuses on your weaknesses. Being overlooked, it seems, is more harmful to employees’ engagement than having to discuss their weaknesses with their manager.” This paper offers a summary of their research.... [ read more ]

Engagement and Enablement Will Boost Company Performance

Recent research by the Hay Group suggests that while increasing employee engagement will certainly improve performance results, increasing employee engagement in tandem with employee enablement will result in even more significant performance improvements.... [ read more ]

The Intersection of Development & Engagement

For more than a decade, former American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) President Dr. Lauri Bassi and her colleagues have tracked hard “proof” that investments in training pay off to the bottom line. Their findings demonstrate that, year over year, there is a high correlation between the expenditures on training/training content and company stock price returns – in some cases, “super normal” returns occurred in model portfolios. Bassi et al demonstrated a 5.6% per annum out-performance compared to the S&P 500 index over the same period of time, and much greater returns for organizations that were in her top quartile for training expenditures.... [ read more ]

Training & Development

T&D magazine is published by the American Society of Training & Development (ASTD) and covers the field of workplace learning and performance improvement. Topics range from training in specific skills to strategies for corporate change. Some articles focus on topics related to sales and customer service training. ... [ read more ]

American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)

ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. ASTD’s members come from more than 100 countries and connect locally in almost 136 U.S. chapters and 26 Global Networks. Members work in thousands of organizations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers.... [ read more ]

Customer Care Institute (CCI)

Customer Care Institute (CCI) is an international organization serving customer care professionals. It focuses on issues found in the customer service, consumer affairs, telemarketing, and help-desk professions. With more than 7,000 members, CCI provides Customer Care assessments, Customer Care Manager and Customer Care Professional certification courses, Customer satisfaction measurement programs, front-line skills and management training, as well as many others.... [ read more ]

International Society for Performance Improvement

Founded in 1962, the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) is the leading international association dedicated to improving productivity and performance in the workplace. ISPI represents more than 10,000 international and chapter members throughout the United States, Canada, and 40 other countries. ISPI's mission is to develop and recognize the proficiency of our members and advocate the use of Human Performance Technology. Assembling an Annual Conference & Expo and other educational events like the Institute, publishing books and periodicals, and supporting research are some of the ways ISPI works toward achieving this mission. ... [ read more ]

Recognition Professionals International

Recognition Professionals International (RPI) is the new name of the National Association For Employee Recognition (NAER.) Recognition Professionals International (RPI) is the only professional association at the forefront of workforce recognition through its sole focus on recognition innovations and education as a systematic method for improvements in the workplace. RPI is endorsed by top authorities in the industry, has an impressive membership of Fortune 500 organizations and is the only association offering Certified Recognition Professional (CRP) courses.... [ read more ]

ESM Association Annual Conference and Exhibit

The Employee Services Management (ESM) Association's annual conference and exhibition provides an opportunity for managers responsible for employee work/life and other services to network within the community vendors and other employee service managers. The exhibition is also a great way to expand your knowledge of available vendors. ... [ read more ]

ASTD International Conference & Exposition

The American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) annual conference and expo covers a wide range of training topics in concurrent sessions, and many sessions are directly or indirectly related to sales or customer service training. There are also pre- and post-conference workshops and a large exposition.... [ read more ]

Professional Society for Sales and Marketing Training (SMT)

The Professional Society for Sales & Marketing Training (SMT) is the ONLY association fully dedicated to accelerating business results for its member organizations by improving sales and marketing performance through training. SMT's vision, since 1940, is to continue its role as the leading resource and authority for the sales and marketing training industries. SMT members include corporations and their inside training executives and practitioners, consultants, suppliers, and academic institutions.... [ read more ]

Society for Human Resource Management

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest professional association devoted to human resource management. Our mission is to serve the needs of HR professionals by providing the most current and comprehensive resources, and to advance the profession by promoting HR’s essential, strategic role. Founded in 1948, SHRM represents more than 225,000 individual members in over 125 countries, and has a network of more than 575 affiliated chapters in the United States, as well as offices in China and India. ... [ read more ]


Training magazine covers productivity in American organizations with a focus on the role that training departments and programs play in achieving competitiveness and profitability. Articles cover presentation techniques, computer-based interactive learning, and leadership. ... [ read more ]

Branding Excellence 2009-2010

The Branding Excellence Conference, sponsored by the American Strategic Management Institute (ASMI) aims to teach companies how to market their brands for the "customer of the future." If offers best practices in brand management, ROI, and customer loyalty for enhanced brand appeal and recognition. ... [ read more ]

Seven Steps to Performance Through People

Presents an overview of the essential elements involved with performance improvement strategies. Breaking new ground, "people performance management" takes familiar disciplines and integrates them across functional lines to maximize results.... [ read more ]

The Birth of a Needed New Profession: People Performance Management

This paper introduces the discipline of "People Performance Management" as developed by the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement, a unit of the Integrated Marketing Communications Department of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. People Performance Management refers to an integrated process designed to help firms maximize long-term financial performance through a strategic focus on their most valuable asset -- human capital.... [ read more ]

Games That Drive Change

Games That Drive Change shows you games and excercises that will help focus on change management. With 100 ready to play activities to reduce people's anxiety about change, this book is perfect for anyone in a leadership position. ... [ read more ]


Published by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) HRMagazine focuses on issues, products, and trends of interest to human resource professionals.... [ read more ]

Human Resource Executive

Human Resource Executive Online® is an interactive resource designed specifically for directors and vice presidents of HR. ... [ read more ]

Workforce Management

This publication focuses on human resources, staffing, and staff management issues, as well as legal and regulatory issues affecting workforce management.... [ read more ]

Engagement Strategies Magazine

Engagement Strategies focuses on what's new, how-to, and where to find products and services related to incentives, motivational meetings, and performance improvement. Its affiliated Web site, the Sales Marketing Network at, offers comprehensive how-to and reference information.... [ read more ]

Annual Call Center Exhibition (ACCE)

The Annual Call Center Exhibition (ACCE) offers a variety of educational tracks and sessions presented in several different formats focusing on customer relationship management (CRM), call center management, and technology. The exhibit hall includes providers of a large range of solutions and services, including quality monitoring, information technology, and interactive voice recognition.... [ read more ]

The Braun Rewards, The Winning Edge program

The Braun Corporation, a manufacturer of vehicle wheel chair lifts, leveraged their involvement as a Bush series NASCAR sponsor to create an exciting incentive program for their US based dealer network. In addition to increasing sales, The Braun Rewards, The Winning Edge program was designed to increase dealer knowledge of Braun’s specialized products and to create a “programmed learning environment” that facilitated dealer training and education. ... [ read more ]

"Leveraging Excellence"

Anderson’s thirty-five employees are young, technologically savvy, professionals between the ages of 25-45. Most are married with children and, as a group, the staff tries to maintain a fair balance between work, family, and community involvement. The “Leveraging Excellence” program was designed to motivate positive changes in employee behavior that would improve each employee’s knowledge, increase their performance, and thus, contribute directly to their own success, as well as their organization’s success. ... [ read more ]

The Performance Institute

The Performance Institute is the nation's leading authority on measurement and management methodologies for improving individual and organizational performance. The Performance Institute's mission is to identify, study and disseminate the leading strategic management and performance measurement practices pioneered by best-in-class organizations.Through national conferences, in-house training programs, consulting services and on-going research, The Performance Institute helps organizations access cutting-edge expertise in planning, implementing and evaluating business strategies to address their management challenges and improve organizational results.... [ read more ]

SHRM Annual Conference & Exposition

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Annual Conference & Exposition offers attendees the most comprehensive and relevant professional development programs available in the field. It offers opportunities for HR professionals to improve their knowledge, skills and abilities in a variety of areas, including employee retention, human resources development and training, and employee engagement. ... [ read more ]

Field Guide To Current Training Videos

With this guide, trainers and managers now have a one-stop reference for practical evaluations of the best videos on the market, written by the practicing trainers, consultants, and line managers who use them. Paper. DLC: Employees Training of.... [ read more ]

Training magazine's 33rd Annual Event

Join your training peers for Training magazine's 33rd annual event—Training 2010 Conference & Expo, Feb. 1-3, 2010, in San Diego. Experience a world-class program featuring 125+ sessions—including a special keynote event with Stephen Covey Sr. and Jr. together on stage, as well as keynotes by social media, 3D learning, and future workforce gurus.... [ read more ]

3rd Annual Internal Branding & Employee Engagement Conference

Are you looking for ways to drive employee engagement and internal culture to impact your bottom line? Then try the 3rd Annual Internal Branding & Employee Engagement conference, hosted by marcus evans and taking place February 22-23, 2010 in Miami, FL. Smart companies realize that their employees have a profound impact on the profitability of their business through customer centric service and loyalty to the organization. But to ensure that there is a return on Internal Branding strategies within your organization; collaboration is needed from the marketing, communications, and HR. This conference offers insights from American Airlines, Blue Cross - Blue Shield, Eddie Bauer, Google, and ING.... [ read more ]

The Power of Full Engagement

In this groundbreaking book, co-author Jim Loehr, Ed.D., co-founder of the Human Performance Institute, demonstrates how managing energy, not time, is the key to enduring high performance as well as to health, happiness, and life balance. At the heart of the program is the Corporate Athlete® Training System. It offers a a highly practical, scientifically based approach to managing your energy more skillfully, both on and off the job.... [ read more ]

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