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Brand Engagement 360 Guide to Implementation

Kicking off the new Enterprise Engagement Alliance Brand Engagement 360 Knowledge Management program with the Association of National Advertisers, this primer on Brand Engagement 360 is prepared for marketing and agency management ready to implement a strategic brand engagement process that includes its internal and other stakeholders--including employees, distribution and supply chain partners, communities, volunteers, donors etc. This article summarizes the two key phases of the process: 1) Strategic brand purpose definition and 2) Implementation. Neither require major investments in time and money and in fact are designed to save both over time while enhancing performance and stakeholder experiences through greater alignment and efficiency. These processes are based on over 40 years of academic research and processes time tested in the world of total quality management in factories around the world. ... [ read more ]

EEA Launches Engagement Widget to Promote Referrals, Suggestions, and the IRR Field

Using the EEA Engagement Widget powered by INCENTCO, any size organization can now easily promote and reward referrals, suggestions, and feedback using a widget that can be embedded within minutes on any web or social media site, along with whatever incentives they wish to test to encourage engagement. The widget will be available for free on a beta basis the week of Oct. 31, 2022. ... [ read more ]

EGR Management: We're Entering the Era of the Whole Person and What That Means

EGR International was one of the first firms to position itself as an enterprise engagement agency to help organizations align all stakeholders around a common vision. It was also one of the first in the incentive field to diversify beyond face-to-face events and incentive programs into other forms of communications through its in-house creative agency BlackLab Media.... [ read more ]

June 16: David Ulrich Headlines Zoom Show on New Human Capital Mandate and HR

A human resources visionary will discuss the emerging concept of Stakeholder Capitalism, the coming human capital mandate and the challenges and opportunities presented to the human resources management community in this new EEA Zoom series: Stakeholder Capitalism in Action, kicking off June 16 at 12 pm, ET. The program will be followed on June 24 at 1 pm ET with a new EEA Zoom show on Measurable Engagement Solutions, focused on what CEOs and HRs need to implement Stakeholder Capitalism principles. ... [ read more ]

Sales Tech CEO: It's Time to Change the Game

Gary Rhoads, Co-Founder of, a SaaS-based software to support effective one-on-one sales management, believes that the current crisis could cause a permanent change in the way organizations engage their people and sell. ... [ read more ]

Q & A with Dr. Ron McKinley: Why and How to Achieve ISO 10018 Certification for Employers and Solution Providers

Dr. Ron McKinley, Vice President and Chief Standards Officer for the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, co-founder of the UTMB’s Enterprise Engagement Advisory Practice focusing on the healthcare and hospitality fields, and co-founder of the International Center for Enterprise Engagement (ICEE), recently spoke to ESM, outlining the benefits of the ISO 10018 framework and how to obtain certification... [ read more ]

Northwell Health Rebranding: A Marriage of Marketing and HR

Who has ever heard of a major human resources initiative being funded by the Marketing Department? In the world of enterprise engagement, that will be the new normal, according to Ramon Soto, Senior Vice President and CMO for Northwell Health. Northwell, headquartered in Great Neck, NY, is the new name for... [ read more ]

Confessions of a Cautious Convert: Tricia Veness, Artis REIT HR Exec

Tricia Veness, Director of Human Resources for Artis REIT, Winnipeg, admits that she has approached the employee engagement movement with some degree of skepticism. The company describes itself as “a Canadian real estate investment trust who invest in quality commercial real estate in select markets to create value for our stakeholders.” Over the past five years,... [ read more ]

Spark Collaboration: Stressing Social Interaction

Spark Collaboration helps companies, associations and other groups "systematically connect people one-on-one for greater collaboration, innovation and knowledge sharing." The Spark Collaboration platform matches people face-to-face for real time social interactions. "By meeting over coffee, lunch or video, people can create real social connection... [ read more ]

Tolero Solutions: 'Success Through People'

The homepage for Silver Spring, MD-based Tolero Solutions says the company "helps you achieve success through people," a promise that resonates with those of us at the Enterprise Engagement Alliance and Engagement Strategies Media, where our mission has always been "maximizing performance and profits through people." ... [ read more ]

theEMPLOYEEapp for Better Engagement Communications

While proponents of engagement, including the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, have a mission to educate the investor community about the ROI of engagement for shareholders, theEMPLOYEEapp actually grew out of an app that Jeff Corbin... [ read more ]

Engagement University Set for 2014 in Nashville

EEA home page news item Engagement University Set for 2014 in Nashville The Enterprise Engagement Alliance has announced the launch of the Engagement University, the first formal curriculum and certification program on Engagement throughout the organization. It will be held in conjunction with the Rewards & Recognition Expo and Engagement Pavilion, featuring leading exhibitors of reward, recognition and engagement products and services. Based on the Enterprise Engagement Curriculum and Certification program, Engagement University is designed to provide corporate practitioners and solution providers with formal education on the economics, definitions, framework and best implementation practices related to: • Improving customer loyalty and referrals • Enhancing distribution partner engagement • Increasing sales and customer service performance • Improving employee productivity, quality and wellness • Building better vendor relationships The Engagement University education programs do not overlap with exhibit hours, giving attendees the opportunity to meet with suppliers and see demonstrations of the various types of products and services covered in the education sessions. Led by a faculty of corporate practitioners, solution providers, research experts and professors in business and organizational/consumer psychology, the program brings to life a formal Enterprise Engagement curriculum and certification program with sessions on: • Engagement program design and implementation • Enterprise Branding • Communications • Learning and Gamification • Rewards & Recognition • Measurement • …and more Engagement University Directors and Faculty include: • Melanie Lewis, EEA Co-Curriculum Chair and former Director of Commercial Engagement, Astra-Zeneca • Gary Rhoads, Professor of Marketing, Marriot Graduate School of Business, Brigham Young University. • Allan Schweyer, EEA Curriculum Chair and Director, Center for Human Capital Innovation • Rodger Stotz, Research Director, the Incentive Research Foundation and Principal, Delta Qi Consulting • To be named shortly: Leading corporate end-users and solution providers presenting case studies and two professors in marketing and psychology to address the business and scientific basis of engagement. Registration will open Dec. 2, 2013. ... [ read more ]

Using Technology to Educate and Engage

In a tough market, UnitedHealth Group believes continuous innovation will help make it part of the solution rather than part of the problem. With healthcare costs rising steadily on both the employer and employee side... [ read more ]

The Next Generation of Rewards & Recognition

Social recognition isn’t a fad or trend relative to programs, tools and platforms. It’s a new collective way of working, talking and learning – a cultural transformation grounded in social learning By Allan Schweyer and Brad Callahan Today, people are more social than ever before. The global village has been shrunk down to the size of a smart phone. The online tools that make it easy to connect and work together are starting to disrupt traditional views about workforce practices in ways that organizations are only just beginning to realize. A whole new notion of social learning is beginning to evolve around the distillation and distribution of knowledge and recognition of its individual contributors. There is a growing understanding that, rather than being a distraction or a time drain, social connectivity could actually hold the key to a more productive way of doing business by providing an engaging virtual forum for showcasing achievements, recognizing people, leveraging social currency and identifying pockets of expertise within the organization.... [ read more ]

Marcus Evans 7th Annual Internal Communications & Situational Messaging Conference - Nov 30-Dec 1 - Boston

This year’s event will be one you won’t want to miss! We’re featuring two-full days packed with presentations and panel discussions lead by BP, Eddie Bauer, Lowes, American Airlines, BNSF Railways and many more. Attend and learn how to effectively handle situational messaging at your company including: crisis communications, mergers and acquisitions, corporate social responsibility and change management.... [ read more ]

The Road to an Engaged Workforce

This research article identifies several characteristics driving employee engagement, including employee satisfaction, and identifies organizational communication as a key driver of employee satisfaction.... [ read more ]

Why Incentive Programs Endure Recessions

Historically, incentive programs, unlike other sales and marketing strategies, have endured economic downturns. In fact, according to a review of past Incentive Federation and industry studies, the incentive industry managed to grow following the recessions that occurred in the late 1980s, after September 11, 2001, and during the downturn of the late 1990s, following the dot-com collapse. ... [ read more ]

How Attributes of Social Media are Changing Corporate Performance

Today, the structure of recognition and rewards solutions has to be such that continuous change nurtures interest according to societal trends. It must enable the thoughtful consideration of brand values as inherent to the initiative, and it must allow for contribution, participation, thought leadership, and rewards participation across all silos or types of work. The language of motivation is growing to keep pace with Social Behaviors, encompassing people’s needs for contribution to safety, innovation, and charity, as well as their need to collect accolades, points, recommendations, and thanks. In addition to achieving or unlocking rewards, collection of points ‘for the sake of collecting’ is demonstrated in Social Behaviors. ... [ read more ]

10 Steps That Ensure Employee Engagement Success

Improving Employee Engagement is not the product of one initiative. Organizations need a framework to achieve significant improvement in engagement. Sequencing and content of the initiative are critical, as is communication. ... [ read more ]

EEA and Appreciation at Work Collaborate on Purpose Leadership, Stakeholder Management Training

The first independent educational organization to support the practical implementation of purpose leadership and stakeholder management principles is joining forces with the Appreciation at Work culture enhancement platform to provide any size or type of organization, advisory and consulting firm a complete tool kit for enhancing organizational performance and experiences through people. ... [ read more ]

Take This Quick Test to See if Your Permission Marketing Strategy Is Up to Date

As the ability to use advertising networks and remarketing powered by third-party cookies diminishes, organizations will have to take a closer look at how they identify and build relationships with customers and the people most likely to buy. The good news is that once in place a permission-based marketing strategy offers significant financial and experiential advantages over traditional advertising-based marketing. ... [ read more ]

Mid-Year 2023 Stakeholder Capitalism Update: Gradual Progress

Because the entire concept of stakeholder management, metrics, and reporting is barely taught in schools or discussed in the media, coupled with confusion created by the Business Roundtable, BlackRock, and the anti-ESG forces, many organizations are struggling to address the growing demand for organizations to enhance returns for investors by creating value for customers, employees, distribution, and supply chain partners.... [ read more ]

Why the Racial Equity Battle Must Be Fought on Economic Grounds

Investment activists promoting DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) should place more focus on the economic benefits and how DEI practices get integrated into the enterprise rather than siloed into departments with limited scope writes the author, principal of a boutique ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) advisory firm and board member of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, ... [ read more ]

Sunovion Training Exec: Treat Your Salespeople Like Volunteers

Veteran sales training executive Richard (Rick) Beers turns a lot of traditional thinking about sales training on its head through a strategic, systematic, and measurable approach. His program is designed to increase learning retention by creating a positive training environment, leveraging the strengths of newly hired sales professionals, and delivering a strong training curriculum.... [ read more ]

JUST Capital Survey Highlights the Key Source of Waste in Shareholder Capitalism

A survey of over 3,000 Americans by JUST Capital demonstrates that the Stakeholder Capitalism movement has made minimal progress since the 2019 Business Roundtable update of the corporate charter to include all stakeholders. The survey responses highlight the reasons for the high, hidden cost of Shareholder Capitalism: high levels of employee and customer dissatisfaction.... [ read more ]

EEA Class 4 on the Tactics of Enterprise Engagement

This Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube Show, Class 4 of the formal training program on Enterprise Engagement and Human Capital Management, kicks off with a panel discussion with four experts involved with engagement and human capital management in the US and in the European Union. Panelists are concerned that the human resources profession may not have the influence required to move CEOs to a more strategic and systematic approach to people management across the enterprise.... [ read more ]

EEA Offers First Executive Training Program on Stakeholder Management

Business leaders worldwide are talking about Stakeholder Capitalism. The EEA Stakeholder Management Implementation Curriculum and Certification program focuses on the systems and tactics with contributions from world-wide pioneers in the implementation of Stakeholder Management and Enterprise Engagement --the theory, framework, and practical implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles.... [ read more ]

Is Your Company Truly People-Focused? Why Publishing a Human Capital Report May Be the Best Way to Prove It

For decades now, such organizations as the Great Places to Work, J.D. Powers, and the Better Business Bureau have provided meaningful ways for investors, customers, employees, and others to evaluate the people practices of companies. In fact, two studies of the stock performance of Great Places to Work have indicated that such companies outperform their competitors in the stock market. ... [ read more ]

Student Stakeholder Capitalism Society Produces Early Results

University students Richard DeDios, a Junior at Pace University, White Plains NY, and William (Billy) Krupkin, a senior at Tulane University, New Orleans, are among the first students to join the Enterprise Engagement Alliance's Stakeholder Capitalism Society and to participate in the Human Capital reporting internship. ... [ read more ]

Strategic Communications - How to Use Intelligent Content to Enhance Lead Generation and Sales Closing Ratios

Social media, blogs, and e-newsletter technology enable almost any organization to become its own media company to generate leads, enhance thought leadership, build relationships and enhance sales ratios. Very few in business implement strategic integrated communications programs, often because they lack the people with the journalistic and other content creation skills needed for effective content marketing or they fail to integrate the communications programs into their sales and support process. ... [ read more ]

Q&A with EEA Head Bolger on The Engagement Agency

Offering so many services to support the growing field of Human Capital Management and the discipline of Enterprise Engagement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at can seem confusing to some. Here's a Q&A with Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, to explain the Engagement Agency and how it fits into the overall goal of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance: to promote a strategic and systematic approach to people management across the enterprise to fulfill the "S" of Environmental, Social, Governance management principles, increasingly known as Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

Dr. Paul White: More Insights on WFH Trends

Dr. Paul White's Appreciation at Work team has conducted periodic surveys to find out how employees are reacting to the new work-at-home model. In their latest informal survey, they seek to assess the degree to which employees are feeling supported and to find examples of how they are receiving or sharing support. Here are the findings.... [ read more ]

ISO Human Resources Standards Q&A With Zahid Mubarik, ICEE Country Director

Zahid Mubarik, Executive Director, Central Asia, Mideast, and Europe for the International Center for Enterprise Engagement provides answer to frequently asked questions about ISO (International Organization for Standardization) human capital standards. Mubarik, who has earned an ISO 30414 professional certification, is also CEO of HR Metrics, an international human capital analytics firm based in Islamabad. ... [ read more ]

The CEO's Enterprise Engagement Toolkit

A definitive guide to all the tools, tactics and types of engagement solution-providers, offering strategic and tactical solutions for all types of organizations, audiences and applications, as well as some insights on how to select the right solution-provider for your needs and how your organization will pay for the services and measure the impact. ... [ read more ]

New Experience Management Firm Offers 'Vitality Index'

According to Kimberly Lanier, co-founder, Xpedition is a new experience management [XM] intelligence exchange dedicated to empowering leaders at all levels to deliver a superior customer experience by breaking through silos to maximize employee, product, brand and digital experiences. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: America’s Dirty Secret—We’re Miserable at Work

A recent New York Times magazine article, "America’s Professional Elite: Wealthy, Successful and Miserable," suggests that even the nation's most successful people share a general dissatisfaction with their work - yet another byproduct of the failure of enough CEOs to lead a strategic and systematic approach to engaging all stakeholders. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: Who's in Charge?

In a recent article, "News Analysis: Enterprise Engagement Creates Big Opportunity for HR Management," ESM suggests that the emergence of Enterprise Engagement creates a unique opportunity for Human Resources to play a leadership role in overall implementation. Not so fast, suggest experts in marketing. They see the Chief Marketing Officer as the person in charge of brand engagement across the enterprise. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 5th Edition Is Released - The Desk Reference for Engagement Leadership Across the Enterprise

The latest edition provides a comprehensive reference guide for anyone in charge of designing strategic or tactical engagement efforts at public, private, not-for-profit and governmental organizations. It demonstrates how to connect the dots between the organization’s brand, values and goals, the people necessary for goal achievement, and the tactics used to engage them and measure results. ... [ read more ]

ISO 9001 Clause 7.1.2 Drives Need for Engagement Expertise

Organizations seeking to comply with ISO 9001: 2015 standards have until September to incorporate updates that include a new strategic and expanded focus on people outlined in clause 7.1.2. That’s one of the key takeaways of a recent Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinar on the Quality Marketplace, held on Dec. 20. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: ISO 9001 Drives Need for Engagement

ISO 10018 standards and Quality People Management certification bring the advantages of ISO 9001 to organizations in every part of the economic sector, from for-profit to not-for-profit and government, by applying a systematic, integrated approach to achieving goals through people. ... [ read more ]

Baudville Brands, C.A. Short and Divvy Engagement Become Engagement Agency Partners

Baudville Brands, a leading recognition firm in Grand Rapids, MI, C.A. Short Company, an innovator in employee engagement based on Shelby, NC, and Divvy Engagement Solutions, the new name for a 25-year-old, full-service incentive company based in Pleasant Valley, NY, have become partners in the growing Engagement Agency network of engagement solution providers. ... [ read more ]

Worktango Aims to Improve Manager-Employee Communication

It's often said that people leave managers, not companies. Two members of the I Love Rewards Team team that gave rise to Achievers Inc., which was recently acquired by Blackhawk Network, have launched WorkTango, a platform that enables managers "to have better conversations with employees to create alignment, approve accountability, and develop high-performing teams." ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition has been completely updated with new information, illustrations and new chapters. Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, the Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by leading companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management, and community relations.... [ read more ]

Insight: Best Lessons From Bad Bosses

As everyone knows, bad bosses are one of the main causes for disengaged employees, and the dirty little secret remains that most companies have no systematic way to address the issue. So in the meantime we’ll continue to share insights about the impact of ... [ read more ]

Social Media Strategies Summit - Oct. 21-22, 2015 - Boston

Elite marketing professionals will converge at this summit to get re-educated with the latest and greatest social media strategies and trends affecting business today. Speakers from eBay, Yale School of Management, Citi, Forbes, Reebok, Aetna, Fidelity Investments and other well known companies will showcase their... [ read more ]

Engagement World Set for April 25-28 2016 in Orlando, FL

A Conference and Expo dedicated to the many strategies and tactics of Enterprise Engagement and their impact on business is being launched by the Exhibit and Event Marketers Association (E2MA) and Enterprise Engagement Alliance. The event, Engagement World 2016, is designed to ... [ read more ]

GoDaddy Selects Jive Software to Connect and Engage Employees

Jive Software Inc., a provider of communications and collaboration solutions for business, recently announced that GoDaddy has selected the Jive-n interactive intranet solution to help drive employee engagement and communications. By implementing Jive, GoDaddy will help employees work together ... [ read more ]

Survey: Communication Remains Old School

Most companies continue to use traditional tools to communicate with employees, according to a recent survey of more than 200 U.S. workers by theEmployeeapp, a mobile internal communications platform. They survey found that most companies aren’t using the communication tools most familiar to Millennial and Gen-X employees, which include smart phones and text messaging. ... [ read more ]

Study Shows How Mobile Enables Enterprise Engagement

Mobile technology is just the latest tipping point for Enterprise Engagement, as it brings everyone in all areas of business the power to engage people in a highly tangible way. A recent study by International Data Corporation, commissioned by OpenMarket, which considers itself a leader in enterprise mobile engagement, found that most companies take an ad hoc approach to mobile engagement... [ read more ]

Marcus Evans 4th Annual Internal Communications and Situational Messaging Conference - Jan. 28-29, 2015 - Orlando, FL

The marcus evans 4th Annual Internal Communications and Situational Messaging Conference will bring together leading internal communication professionals from all industries to discuss various strategies and insights necessary to reach and engage a diverse workforce through carefully crafted messages. Building on last year’s discussion, this conference will take the delegation beyond a traditionally siloed internal communications practice to realize the power transparency and consistency have in achieving an organization’s mission. Heads of Internal Communications, Employee Engagement, Human Resources, and Marketing will interact with speakers and their peers in a classroom-style setting that fosters both audience interaction and engagement. Attendees will walk away from this forum with a thorough understanding of how to improve and enhance their organization’s internal communication program. ... [ read more ]

Workplace Social Platforms Enhance Engagement

Cindy Mielke, VP of Marketing at Marketing Innovators, recently wrote about how technology has changed the way we handle almost everything, including how we communicate. From the increasing prevalence of cell phones to the introduction of social networks, ... [ read more ]

Marketing Innovators: 5 New Engagement Realities

In today’s business environment the role of the contingent employee has changed as companies leverage freelancers and contractors at an accelerated rate. This creates new opportunities and challenges for HR departments to change their strategy when planning and creating recognition, incentive and reward programs. Focusing on engagement of only direct employees excludes an increasing percentage of the company workforce. Here are five realities from a recent blog posting by Marketing Innovators President Rich Blabolil that you should be aware of as you approach this emerging trend: 1. Workforce engagement must be redefined 2. Contingent workforce hires are on the rise 3. Customization is key 4. Global workforce engagement is the new norm 5. Communication is Critical For detailed descriptions of these “new realities” and to read the original post, go to ... [ read more ]

Get Your Copy of Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook

Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by Ernst & Young and other top companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management and community relations. The newly-released textbook is available from the EEA Store at for $36, or you can purchase it online through The first edition is 268 pages. Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook also provides formal preparation for the Enterprise Engagement Certification program. Preparation and general learning is also available at Engagement University Online. The textbook is updated regularly based on input generated through the online university. ... [ read more ]

How Gamification Impacts Motivation

How Gamification Impacts Motivation Companies of all sizes and types can benefit by using gamification mechanics and game theory to improve engagement, learning and desired behavioral changes By Ira Ozer Last fall’s Gamification Summit in New York City saw leading professionals in the field gather to present best practices, research and case studies. Although gamification is a relatively new term in the world of human capital and engagement, the concepts of game mechanics are well supported by research from psychologists and behavioral scientists, with studies that span more than half a century. Leading performance improvement companies in the incentive industry have used fundamental game strategies and tactics for more than a decade, but only recently has the integration of multiple methods been used to create “gamified” websites that dramatically improve participation and results. ... [ read more ]

Social Recognition: Is the Latest Application of Social Media the Most Powerful Yet?

In the world of talent management, social networks have been used successfully in knowledge sharing, the identification of skills and construction of teams, in recruiting, onboarding and certainly learning. “Social Recognition,” which uses software to enable people to recognize one another, is a relatively new entrant in the pantheon of talent management technology. Yet it draws on practices from some of the world’s most popular internet applications. In connecting peers to peers, and in this case, employees to employees and employees to customers, partners, suppliers and others (the extended enterprise) it opens another dimension in recognition that has the potential to generate powerful cultural evolution within remarkably short timeframes. In others words, social recognition software can be transformative. It can fill a recognition gap quickly and it can extend recognition beyond the organization to help engage customers and other constituents.... [ read more ]

IRF Announces Business Education Series for 2013

The Incentive Research Foundation has announced the creation of a professional development series for progressive practitioners of incentive and recognition programs and the providers whose advice and counsel support their thinking. The program, “Building Better Business Results through Incentives and Recognition,” will be introduced at the 2013 Rewards & Recognition Expo held in conjunction with the Recognition Professionals International Annual Conference, April 28-30, 2013 at the Hilton Riverside in New Orleans, and continue through the spring and summer of 2013. The educational series will provide five hours of education in five of the critical areas of incentive and recognition program development and execution: Business case development Communications planning and execution Award funding and selection Technology and diagnostics Overlaps with other strategic agendas within the organization (operations, marketing, etc.) Speakers will include IRF President Melissa Van Dyke, Chief Research Officer Rodger Stotz and Mike Ryan, SVP of Madison Performance Group. For more information, go to [ read more ]

Don't Miss This Important Webinar on Social Recognition!

The Enterprise Engagement Institute and Marcus Evans offer you this opportunity to be at the forefront of the emerging trend of ‘Social Recognition.’ This free webinar will address the most important issues surrounding Social Recognition, which uses software and communications to enable people to recognize one another and build relationships across the organization. Topics include: • Defining Social Recognition • Key tools/technologies of Social Recognition • Key issues your SR program must address • What can be done to make Social Recognition meaningful and engaging? • What sorts of management and controls are required? • How can Social Recognition be tapped to foster collaboration and innovation? • How can its impact be measured? ... [ read more ]

EEA Rewards & Recognition Expo - April 30-May 1, 2012 - St. Louis

A unique opportunity for rewards and recognition suppliers to meet with top incentive and recognition buyers in an intimate, relaxed environment, and to tap into the expanding recognition marketplace. Co-located with the Recognition Professionals International Annual Conference, April 29-May 2, 2012... [ read more ]

RPI Annual Conference - April 29-May 2, 2012 - St. Louis

At the Recognition Professionals International (RPI) annual conference, recognition professionals from all industries, levels, and departments including human resources, benefits, compensation, and management from around the world will meet to network with peers and learn how to develop effective employee recognition systems based on best practices that enhance employee engagement and performance. ... [ read more ]

2nd Internal Branding & Employee Engagement Conference

Hear from senior-level industry leaders on how to build a roadmap towards building brand commitment and a culture approach to internal branding. With speakers from Richardson International Limited, Loblaw Companies, Suncor Energy, Ocean Nutrition Canada, HSBC Bank Canada and CIBC this is an event you cannot miss! ... [ read more ]

5th Annual Customer Experience & Retention Conference

Learn and share insights with more than 18 Customer Experience, Care, Advocacy and Loyalty Leaders on the latest developments in the design of strategies and methodologies being deployed to determine the proper key performance indicators for customer satisfaction. Cost is $2,969.80, but you can save 10% by emailing and mentioning the Enterprise Engagement Alliance.... [ read more ]

The Economics of Engagement

Most leaders and organizations know the difference between a fully engaged worker and one that is marginally engaged or disengaged. The former brim with enthusiasm, they contribute ideas, are optimistic about the company and its future, are seldom absent from work, they typically stay with the organization longer and are among the organization’s most valuable ambassadors. Disengaged workers, on the other hand, are often absent (even when they are at work). They are disconnected and often pessimistic about change and new ideas. They have high rates of absenteeism and tend to negatively influence those around them, including potential customers and new hires. And the cost of disengagement to U.S. employers is estimated to be as much as $350 billion per year.... [ read more ]

New Public-Private Partnership Aims to Better Integrate Engagement Efforts

A recently announced partnership between, a portal serving the government sector, and the Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) promises to facilitate the flow of research on the emerging field of Enterprise Engagement and increase economic efficiency and operational effectiveness among businesses and government agencies. ... [ read more ]

The Inspiration Factor

Terry Barber, the author of The Inspiration Factor, subtitled "How You Can Revitalize Your Company Culture in 12 Weeks," argues that regardless of your personality type, background, or age, you can choose to create an inspirational transaction and positively impact the people around you. "Inspiration is precursor to leadership, to motivation, and is even a new category for business," Barber says. His book offers seven principles that can help readers become team leaders in their organizations and inspire those around them.... [ read more ]

Event ROI Online

Event ROI Online is an electronic publication of Experient Inc., a meeting and event services company. The publication offers news about the company and the industry and advice and case studies on issues including attendee management, event logistics, and others. ... [ read more ]

Sixth Annual Conference on Employee Engagement

Melcrum's annual Employee Engagement Conference highlights best practices at leading organizations on their journey to achieving a highly-engaged workforce and improved bottom-line results. Attendees will learn how to help their companies achieve performance goals by mobilizing their workforce around a new business strategy; building trust and confidence; and fostering a deeper understanding of your company culture and desired behaviors. ... [ read more ]

Technomarketing: Engaging Customers Through the Use of Newest Tools and Technologies

Engaging customers through the newest marketing vehicles such as social media, customer communities, blogs, RSS and podcasts requires a solid foundation steeped in customer understanding, marketing planning and technological prowess. This two-day course in using the latest marketing tools and technologies to reach today’s customers will take attendees from the defining basics to the planning and implementation stage. Through interactive presentations and exercises, case examples from B2C, B2B, nonprofit and higher education, and best-practice implementation reviews, participants will leave with a comprehensive understanding of how they can profit from the latest in marketing technologies and tools.... [ read more ]

Two New Tools Help Direct Your Engagement Efforts

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) recently announced two key tools to help companies measure engagement: the Enterprise Engagement Indicator , an online survey tool used to determine whether an organization can benefit from a more formal engagement strategy; and the PollStream Enterprise Engagement Meter, residing above on the EEA homepage, which allows individuals to assess their organization’s engagement opportunities. ... [ read more ]

The Corporate Storyteller

Are you struggling to remain an effective communicator in today's high-tech world? Are you feeling intimidated or overburdened by the constant barrage of text messages, emails, FaceBook and Twitter communications? Many corporate executives are, and that's why Elaine Stirling put together this book, which is subtitled "A Writing Manual & Style Guide for the Brave New Business Leader." It offers advice on how to communicate with clarity, confidence, and persuasive style in the workplace, whatever the medium.... [ read more ]

EEA Partners with PollStream to Promote Engagement Best Practices

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) and leading social software firm PollStream recently announced a partnership to promote and improve employee engagement best practices, focusing on the intelligent use of social software to increase employee engagement and earn discretionary effort. ... [ read more ]

"It's Always About the Boss"

Engagement doesn’t just happen, and in most organizations frontline management has a lot to do with the success - or failure - of an organization's engagement efforts. Recent research from the Gallup organization on employee disengagement ... [ read more ]

Driving Engagement by Focusing on Strengths

A common error that frontline managers sometimes make is to focus their performance improvement efforts on employees’ weaknesses, rather than focus on their strengths. But Gallup research shows that the worst thing managers can do is to ignore their employees altogether. According to Gallup researchers Brian Brim and Jim Asplund, “If your manager focuses on your strengths, your chances of being actively disengaged at work are only 1 in 100. If your manager ignores you, however, you are twice as likely to be actively disengaged than if your manager focuses on your weaknesses. Being overlooked, it seems, is more harmful to employees’ engagement than having to discuss their weaknesses with their manager.” This paper offers a summary of their research.... [ read more ]

The Next Generation of Leadership

To be successful in the evolving world marketplace, and even in their own workplace, leaders and managers must begin to understand their constituents’ state of mind, says Gallup’s chairman and CEO Jim Clifton, in this summary of recent Gallup research. Human decision making is more emotional than rational, the research suggests, and “State of mind is everything that matters to leadership: talent, innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, optimism, determination, and all of the other things that create economic growth,” Clifton says. Successful leaders, he adds, will be those who can quantify those states of mind to better understand the emotions that cause behavior. “If you are making decisions without understanding what your constituency is thinking, you are making bad decisions,” he says. ... [ read more ]

BMA 2010 Annual Conference

The Business Marketing Association's 2010 Annual Conference will be themed "Engage!" and focus on innovative ways that corporate marketers are engaging employees, channel partners, customers and other demand drivers to improve customer experience and to generate rapid and profitable sales and brand growth in an improving economy.... [ read more ]

2010 Engage Summit

The Engage Summit 2010 sponsored by Allegiance is an opportunity to learn engagement principles that matter most to organizations. Key presenters will offer best practices in engagement and feedback. The conference will also offer training, demos, market research, and plenty of networking opportunities. ... [ read more ]

Forum Explores How Engaged Employees Can Boost ROI

A recent Think Tank sponsored by the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement explored how to deal with a disengaged workforce and found that engaged employees are 20 percent more effective than those who just "show up."... [ read more ]

Performance Solutions

This article explains the concept of zero-based people performance strategies and provides a list of performance improvement companies that can help to put such a strategy into effect.... [ read more ]

Internal Marketing Best Practices

This paper from the Integrated Marketing Communications Department at Northwestern University takes a closer look at the six characteristics of highly effective internal marketing programs.... [ read more ]

Promotion Revs Its Engines

This case study looks at the promotional campaign that was created to boost a college football player's visibility in the Heisman Trophy competition.... [ read more ]

Engagement is a Journey, Not a Destination

While a dedicated, committed workforce is supremely productive, it can be challenging to achieve. There are two main strategies, however, that employers can use to help boost their employees’ engagement. ... [ read more ]

When Gathering Information, Any Door is the Right Door

While working as an organizational effectiveness and change management practitioner over the last 15 years, I have had the privilege of working with CEOs and leadership teams to influence and participate in implementing various strategies to address and/or manage business challenges. And, I have also had the opportunity to experience those same types of changes from an employee perspective.... [ read more ]

American Business Media

Founded in 1906, American Business Media is the association of business information providers, delivering business intelligence to industry, Madison Avenue, Wall Street and the Beltway. Its 350 -plus member companies reach an audience of more than 100 million professionals and represent nearly 6,000 print and online titles and 1,000 trade shows and well over $26 billion in annual revenues.... [ read more ]

Annual Conference for Catalog & Multichannel Merchants (ACCM)

Catalog industry statistics are presented at the catalog industry's largest conference and exhibition. Offers more than 100 educational sessions and 300 exhibitors. Includes sessions on marketing strategies, merchandising, and Web and email marketing. Also included are the MCM (Multichannel Merchant) Awards, which honor the most effective multichannel merchants.... [ read more ]

Direct Marketing Association Conference & Exhibition

DMA2010 has it all — the latest technology, current research, renegade thinkers, industry giants, hundreds of educational sessions, thousands of your peers, and the world’s largest exhibition for direct and interactive marketers. DMA2010 will feature hundreds of educational sessions, roundtables, forums, and case studies led by the direct marketing community's best and brightest thought leaders. Plus, you'll meet thousands of people from around the globe in the world's largest marketing Exhibit Hall.... [ read more ]

WorldatWork Total Awards Conference & Exhibition

Three days of sessions that address many issues related to incentives and reward practices. The conference attracts over 2,000 compensation, benefits, work-life and human resources professionals from all over the world, and is a great networking opportunity. An entire track of programs is devoted to rewards and recognition. Geared towards attracting, motivating, and retaining a workforce.... [ read more ]

Brand Activation Association

The Brand Activation Association has a broad focus on all the disciplines required to activate a brand's strategy, from creative strategies to measurement, on topics from omni-channel marketing to experiential marketing and social media. BAA builds on its membership knowledge base, spanning expertise in strategy through activation, and across all touch points.... [ read more ]

Promotional Products Association International (PPAI)

The Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) is the promotional product industry’s only international not-for-profit trade association. It offers education, trade shows, business products and services, mentoring, technology and legislative support to its more than 7,500 global member companies. Promotional products are an $18 billion industry, and include wearables, writing instruments, calendars, drinkware and many other items, usually imprinted with a company’s name, logo or message. Since its founding in 1903, PPAI has worked to expand the market, establish standards, enhance the professionalism of the industry and support the growth of member companies. ... [ read more ]

PMA Annual Integrated Marketing Conference

Hosted by the Promotion Marketing Association, Inc. (PMA) this event covers all aspects of integrated marketing and is a must for anybody trying to get to know the field. Brands from all over the world attend and provide their own unique feedback. Provides a means of networking with peers and learning new and innovative strategies from leading companies.... [ read more ]

Marketing Agencies Association Worldwide

The Marketing Agencies Association (MAA) provides members, primarily executives at promotion marketing agencies, with professional support, management development, research, and a forum for the exchange of ideas. The MAA website also provides a search function for marketers looking for a professional marketing agency.... [ read more ]

Meeting Professionals International (MPI)

Meeting Professionals International (MPI) the world's largest association of meeting planners, and meeting-industry suppliers, makes articles, books, and other research materials available through the MPI Resource Center. The resource center serves as a clearinghouse of information related to the meetings industry, and for a fee, depending on the nature of the research. MPI can offer information and articles on meeting planning companies, or rent lists of MPI members who provide professional meeting planning services. MPI publishes a monthly magazine, The Meeting Professional. MPI's publishing lineup also includes an annual membership directory that capsulizes late-breaking industry news. MPI has five special-interest groups, including one dedicated to sales and marketing. MPI maintains a "special interest group" for independent meeting planning companies. This group is currently the organization's fastest growing membership segment. MPI also publishes a monthly magazine, The Meeting Manager, which members receive free. MPI operates an online communications system, MPINet through CompuServe, which, as a networking and information resource for meeting planners and suppliers, allows meeting professionals to communicate with each other in a "private forum.” ... [ read more ]

American Marketing Association (AMA)

The American Marketing Association, one of the largest professional associations for marketers, has 38,000 members worldwide in every area of marketing. For over six decades the AMA has been the leading source for information, knowledge sharing and development in the marketing profession.... [ read more ]

International Special Events Society (ISES)

International Special Events Society (ISES), founded in 1987 is a not-for-profit organization. It is the only international organization representing professionals in all disciplines of the special events industry. It sponsors an annual educational conference and offers an online information service, a fax on-demand service, and a membership directory. ISES strives to educate, advance and promote the special events industry and its network of professionals along with related industries.... [ read more ]

Point-of-Purchase Advertising Institute (POPAI)

POPAI is an international trade association for the marketing at-retail industry. Founded in 1936, POPAI celebrates its 70th anniversary with over 1,700 member companies representing Fortune 500 brand manufacturers and retailers, as well as, marketing at-retail producer companies and advertising agencies from over 45 countries from around the world. ... [ read more ]

Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

Advertising Research Foundation (ARF), founded in 1936, has members from more than 400 advertisers, advertising agencies, research firms, media companies, educational institutions, and international organizations. Its mission is to improve the practice of advertising, marketing, and media research in pursuit of more effective marketing and advertising communications.... [ read more ]

NARMS Annual Meeting, Conference, and Exhibition

Hosted by the National Association for Retail Marketing Services (NARMS), this event includes educational sessions and roundtable discussions which are a great way to learn strategies of other members of the retail marketing industry. The event also includes an exhibition hall on the first day.... [ read more ]

In-Store Marketing Expo

Held each year by the In-Store Marketing Instutute, the In-Store Marketing Expo focuses on designers and builders of displays but also includes some manufacturers, brokers, and promotion agencies. The exhibition includes nearly 200 suppliers each with their own marketing strategies. There is also a long list of seminars presented by industry experts with topics ranging from competing with private labels to accountability in retail media.... [ read more ]

American Advertising Federation (AAF)

American Advertising Federation (AAF) binds the mutual interests of corporate advertisers, agencies, media companies, suppliers, and academia as well as promoting diversity in advertising by hiring from a diverse culture pool. Member benefits include an annual marketing conference, an advertising conference, a government conference, publications, and a job bank.... [ read more ]

World Alliance for Retail

World Alliance for Retail an international alliance of at-retail companies committed to delivering exceptional sales, marketing and service support to manufacturers and retailers.... [ read more ]


PROMAX/BDA is a nonprofit, member-owned association of over 2,000 companies and individuals in 43 countries. Members are promotion and marketing professionals in the electronic media. The association's mission is to advance the role of electronic media in increasing the effectiveness of promotion and marketing within the industry, related industries, and the academic community. Membership includes a weekly promotion and marketing newsletter and Image Magazine, published once a year, which features members and their ideas about concepts and opportunities on building businesses in the promotion and marketing industries. Benefits of membership also include a member directory, and discounts on events and videotapes.... [ read more ]

Business to Business Direct Marketing Handbook

Complete volume that covers all the aspects of business to business direct marketing, from the fundamental and time-tested methods to the most modern techniques. The author offers detailed and practical advice companies of all sizes.... [ read more ]

Dartnell's Sales Promotion Handbook

An all-in-one reference for marketers, divided into four parts with each part devoted to different aspects of sales promotion, from planning and techniques to strategies and issues. Each chapter is written by an expert with experience working in the field. Hundreds of examples and case histories are included.... [ read more ]

Best Sales Promotions

Reviews 126 of the best recent sales promotion campaigns. Readers will develop a better understanding of what constitutes a successful promotion and of what a good promotion can—and can't—do. A straightforward book that is useful for readers with all levels of experience.... [ read more ]

Advertising and Sales Promotion Strategy

A comprehensive handbook on advertising and sales promotion, covering strategic and tactical issues. Includes examples of creative advertising campaigns. The four parts of this textbook cover: Introduction to advertising and sales promotion, Communication strategy, Sales promotion strategy and Planning advertising and sales promotion.... [ read more ]

Guerrilla Marketing Handbook

This is great for small businesses, but anyone can benefit from the "guerrilla" point of view. Gives a great view of basic database and research goals.... [ read more ]

Integrated Direct Marketing

Experienced marketers, especially senior managers, will benefit from the author's strategies for integrating direct mail, advertising, telemarketing, and field sales for maximum impact.... [ read more ]

Commonsense Direct Marketing

This is for anyone whose business depends on direct marketing. Particularly useful are the chapters concerning the agency/client relationship.... [ read more ]

Aftermarketing: How to Keep Customers for Life Through Relationship Marketing

Describes all of the processes necessary for customer retention at both large and small businesses. This book comes closer than any other to addressing all the elements of the New Marketing spelled out in this article.A relevant guide for managers, retailers, educators and students, Aftermarketing is applicable to product and services, consumer and industrial markets, and both the profit and non-profit sectors.... [ read more ]

Friendship Marketing: Growing Your Business by Cultivating Strategic Relationships

This book puts marketing on the most personal, one-to-one level by identifying the elements of friendship and relating them to business relations. Using dozens of real-life examples, the author shows how building relationships is the key to business development and personal fulfillment. It has little to do with technology, but everything to do with sales techniques.... [ read more ]

Multichannel Merchant

Multichannel Merchant is the authoritative source for catalog marketing intelligence. Since 1983, it has built a reputation for anticipating, reporting, and analyzing changes affecting the catalog business. ... [ read more ]

Advertising Age

Advertising Age is a leading industry source for marketing, advertising, demographic, and media news and analysis.... [ read more ]


Brandweek is the leading source of news and information in the U.S. marketing industry and the only trade magazine to offer saturation coverage at all levels of the brand-activation process. Special Reports including Marketers of the Year, Next Generation Marketers (under 40), Guerrilla Marketers and Superbrands, covering the Top 2,000 brands that spend $250 billion on media in the U.S. each year. Brandweek covers the world of brand identity marketing from big-budget ad campaigns to under-the-radar "street" efforts. An indispensable marketing magazine that is a vital part of the marketer's tool kit, Brandweek gives its busy readers valuable competitive information and insights for bringing new products and ideas to the global marketplace. ... [ read more ]


This publication covers every aspect of direct marketing. It aims to help marketers find, reach, and keep their customers. The online version provides access to an online supplier directory. Direct has two e-newsletters: "Direct Newsline" and "Direct Listline." As the authoritative resource for direct marketing professionals, DIRECT delivers detailed coverage of every aspect of successful direct marketing, and helps marketers find, reach and keep their customers.... [ read more ]

DM News

The DMNews franchise today includes the weekly print edition of DMNews, serving a BPA-audited circulation of 50,000 qualified recipients, along with this Web site,, and seven e-mail newsletters. These online editions collectively reach hundreds of thousands of readers per month. Over the years, DMNews has been highly successful in creating new print and online media products that reflect the new trends and technologies in marketing. The DMNews team of professional journalists, as well as contributions from key industry professionals, is uniquely suited to provide comprehensive coverage of the convergence of direct, database and online marketing and advertising.... [ read more ]

Inside Direct Mail

This publication reviews 3,000-4,000 pieces of direct mail each month and reports on the winners. Articles give detailed information on the most powerful and profitable techniques. Subscription includes three special reports on secrets of direct marketing ... [ read more ]


Potentials magazine is now officially a part of its sister publication, Incentive magazine. The new Potentials section within Incentive magazine speaks to incentive buyers and program planners, enabling them to grow their businesses and enhance performance by providing ideas and products that motivate. We offer the most comprehensive look at incentive awards in the industry as well as providing the most up-to-date information on how corporations are leveraging products to motivate employees and clients.... [ read more ]

PROMO Magazine

PROMO Magazine provides insights into using promotion marketing as a strategic, measurable component of an overall marketing mix. PROMO editors take a "What Works and Why" approach to their coverage, informing readers about important trends, issues, news, and deals through corporate profiles, trend pieces, sector-specific departments, single-topic supplements, and exclusive research projects. ... [ read more ]

Target Marketing

This publication covers an extensive range of direct marketing topics. It includes regular features on lists and sources, recommendations of "hot lists" and information on newly published lists. Most issues have feature articles related to choosing and using lists. Target Marketing is self-described as "the how-to publication of the direct marketing industry," circulation over 42,000. ... [ read more ]

Customer Interaction Solutions

This publication offers information on inbound and outbound telemarketing, call center operation, customer service hiring, training, and service agencies. A section focuses on computer-telephony integration and other call-center technologies. ... [ read more ]


Incentive is the only publication devoted exclusively to motivation and performance improvement through the use of incentive programs and consumer promotions. We are a FIRST-READ for executives looking to improve company performance and a FIRST-BUY for advertisers looking to reach the most qualified incentive buyer decision-makers. The Incentive advantage is a direct result of more than 100 years of industry experience coupled with the highest subscriber qualification standards in the industry. Incentive helps both advertisers and subscribers reach their goals.... [ read more ]

Corporate Meetings & Incentives

Corporate Meetings & Incentives (CMI) is part of Prism Business Media's Meetings Group of magazines. It explores trends in meetings and incentives as they relate to companies successfully communicating with employees, dealers, distributors and customers.... [ read more ]

Meetings & Conventions

Since 1965, Meetings & Conventions magazine has been helping meeting and event planners in corporations, associations, incentive houses and independent planning companies excel at their jobs and effectively manage their careers. In our award-winning monthly print publication and here at M&C Online, we offer in-depth features, informative columns, destination insights, news analysis, original research and much more. And, our new, improved website offers additional tools: an articles archive, a powerful facility search engine, breaking news and other helpful features -- literally at your fingertips.... [ read more ]

Meeting News

MeetingNews, the industry's only national newspaper that delivers the most timely and accurate news and analysis - keeping planners up-to-date on the ever-changing developments in the meetings industry. MeetingNews is published eighteen times a year, along with Regional Guides and the Meeting Planners Handbook.... [ read more ]


This publication contains articles of interest to sales promotion and marketing executives who manage sales promotion programs, POP displays, and trade show exhibits.... [ read more ]

Journal of Advertising Research

The mission of the Journal of Advertising Research (JAR) is to act as the research and development vehicle for professionals in all areas of marketing including media, research, advertising and communications. The JAR provides a forum for sharing findings, applications, new technologies and methodologies, and avenues of solution. Its primary audience is the practitioner at all levels of practice. ... [ read more ]

The Anatomy of Buzz: How To Create Word of Mouth Marketing

"The Anatomy of Buzz" explores the most powerful form of marketing: word of mouth. With over 150 interviews from executives, marketing leaders, and major researchers, the author discusses proven techniques for stimulating customer-to-customer selling. This book is indespensible for any company or salesperson looking to market a new product or increase sales on already existing ones.... [ read more ]

Promotion Boot Camp (formerly The Basics of Promotion Marketing Seminar)

The Promotion Marketing Association (PMA) seminar is taught several times a year at different locations. This is a well-rounded introduction taught by senior marketing executives and marketing law attorneys, with the focus primarily on consumer promotions. The conference is internationally acclaimed, and attracts a diverse group of attendees.... [ read more ]

Licensing International Expo

Licensed products have a major role in premium programs. This show, sponsored by the International Licensing Industry Merchandiser's Association (LIMA), is the major event for the licensing industry, with exhibits and an education program covering all aspects of the industry.... [ read more ]

Best Practices : Building Your Business with Customer-Focused Solutions

Best Practices shares how more than forty best-practices companies focus on their customers, create growth, reduce cost, and increase profts. It focuses on customers and how to involve them in everything from the design of products and services to marketing, selling, and product delivery. This book is good for managers in any business, in any industry.... [ read more ]

Guerrilla Advertising

Author Levinson applies his proven guerrilla philosophy to advertising in Guerrilla Advertising. This step-by-step guide will help you develop advertising strategy, design effective ads and copy, maximize advertising effectiveness, focus your audience and much more.... [ read more ]

The ROI of Integrated Marketing

This white paper highlights four key areas that impact organizational adoption of integrated marketing and motivate employees to think about and cooperate with integrated marketing efforts beyond their functional silos.... [ read more ]


This quarterly publication is devoted to frequency marketing and loyalty programs.... [ read more ]

P-O-P Times

An Official News Publication of the In-Store Marketing Institute Published 12 times a year, P-O-P Times serves the news and product information needs of buyers and users of in-store displays, signs and fixtures. Every month, it informs readers of the news, trends, and events that shape the use of P-O-P and the impact and effectiveness of in-store marketing. ... [ read more ]

Engagement Strategies Magazine

Engagement Strategies focuses on what's new, how-to, and where to find products and services related to incentives, motivational meetings, and performance improvement. Its affiliated Web site, the Sales Marketing Network at, offers comprehensive how-to and reference information.... [ read more ]

DMA Copywriting Tools & Techniques Online Seminar

This virtual seminar offered by the Direct Marketing Association over the course of six weeks will help attendees will improve their skills and learn the latest techniques in direct market copywriting.Your instructor – a top professional copywriter – will guide you through weekly lectures and writing assignments sent via e-mail, answer any questions you have along the way and personally critique your work. ... [ read more ]

DMA Creative Direct Marketing Strategies

Develop innovative and successful direct mail strategies for your company and jump-start your direct marketing career. Learn dozens of proven tools that the country’s biggest and best companies rely on. This unique and interactive two day seminar will ensure you know how to make your next direct marketing campaign a huge success. Learn everything you need to know about positioning, choosing the right target market, developing the most effective message, and making your creative work.... [ read more ]

DMA Direct Marketing Institute

The Direct Marketing Association's Direct Marketing Institute is an in-depth course for beginners and a great refresher for experienced DM professionals wanting to sharpen skills, expand their expertise, and update their knowledge. This seminar can be applied to DMA's Certificate in Direct Marketing. ... [ read more ]

Basics of Direct Marketing

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) Basics of Direct Marketing seminar will introduce marketers to all key issues of direct marketing, enabling them to develop skills and gain more knowledge about such vital topics as offers, creative, copywriting and research/testing. It will also provide tools and techniques, help nurture ideas, and teach the essientals of direct marketing.... [ read more ]

Human Resources and Marketing: A Missing Link?

This study, conducted by Prof. Frank Mulhern and Patricia Whalen of Northwestern University, identified a significant gap between the view of human resources and employees on the role of employees on delivering customer satisfaction, but found that companies with a close link between human resources and marketing outperform companies that don't.... [ read more ]

Human Resources and Marketing: A Missing Link?

This study, conducted by Prof. Frank Mulhern and Patricia Whalen of Northwestern University, identified a significant gap between the view of human resources and employees on the role of employees on delivering customer satisfaction, but found that companies with a close link between human resources and marketing outperform companies that don't.... [ read more ]

Build Customer Goodwill With Promotional Products

Promotional products foster customer goodwill (positive attitudes and feelings) toward a company and its salespeople. This study, completed by Baylor University in 1992, involved a textbook publisher sending 4,000 educators either: (1) a pocket calculator plus a letter, (2) a lower-priced highlighter pen plus a letter, or (3) a letter only.... [ read more ]

Increase Booth Traffic With Promotional Products

With the increase of postal rates over the past several years and dwindling advertising and promotional budgets, many companies are tempted to reduce or eliminate investments into pre-show mailings with promotional products in tradeshow settings. Is this a wise choice? The results of a 2004 study by Georgia Southern University indicates the answer is NO.... [ read more ]

Promotional Product Incentives Produce Valuable Referrals From Satisfied Customers

Marketers need not rely on their salespeople to elicit new leads for business. Existing customers are a gold mine for getting referrals—when they are asked! Through direct mail offers of promotional product incentives, marketers can leverage customer satisfaction and secure more valuable referrals. These findings are from a 2005 customer "referencing" study done by an advertising faculty at Louisiana State University and Glenrich Business Studies. *... [ read more ]

Promotional Products: Impact, Exposure And Influence. A Survey Of Business Travelers At DFW Airport

Promotional Products furnish advertisers with advantages that may not be available in other media. These include: • High recall where the name of the advertiser is remembered. • Repeated exposure to the advertising message because of length of time the item is kept. • A more favorable impression of the advertiser, resulting in a propensity to do business with the organization giving the item. Promotional products can provide key elements to an advertising campaign and enhance opportunity for driving a message far beyond traditional media.... [ read more ]

Over the Top

To promote the program, sustain excitement and drive results, a creative communications campaign was designed and implemented, related to mountain climbing. Although the heart of the product rested on a web-based reward platform, the promotion and communication to motivate the sales team was devised to touch the senses in various media, from dimensional premium items, to stimulating visual graphics, to auditory voice mails. ... [ read more ]


To assure the program’s success, Dow developed a comprehensive communications plan to raise awareness of Recognition@Dow, increase participation, boost performance, and most importantly, help to build an appreciation culture. The majority of the launch activities focused on generating content and communicating program messages through existing communications channels such as the Dow Intranet, corporate newsletter and HR website. In addition, training workshops were developed for leaders (managers) to generate program awareness and encourage participation ... [ read more ]


The Rome MMIV program marked the first time dealers were able to access status statements online, so quarterly printed statements were mailed to each dealer to reinforce the online statements. To help the dealers stay focused on their year-end goal, benchmark goals were established for January, April, and July. Waterford crystal awards with Romanstyle etching border designs were selected to mark these achievements. Multiple communications touch points and ongoing performance feedback kept the John Deere dealers engaged throughout the campaign.... [ read more ]

''Capture Your Share'' Generates 18% Sales Gain

MBM Corp.'s sales follow the 80/20 rule: 80% of all MBM purchases are made by 20% of the dealers that sell its line of paper shredders, cutters, and other office equipment. To motivate everyone in its network of 1,800 dealers in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico, the company teamed up with USMotivation to create the "Capture Your Share" campaign. ... [ read more ]

Sony Sounds Great Promotion

At first glance, Pacific Bell Wireless targeted consumers considering the purchase of cellular phone service and cellular phones; however, a closer inspection revealed a highler level of marketing. Pacific Bell Wireless partnered with Sony Electronics and Ronald McDonlad House Charities in an effort to offer a very attractive value-added promotion that would capture the interest of consumers and communitites alike.... [ read more ]

A Chance to Flaunt Your Own Milk Mustache

More than 200 million game pieces were circulated on the caps of white milk gallons, supported by point-of-sale materials installed in participating grocery stores. Consumers collect game pieces for an opportunity to win a grand prize, promoted with the tag line, "Live Like a Milk Mustache Celebrity for One Year!" The winner gets his or her own milk mustache ad in a national publication, along with a trip for two to the October 2000 World Series, the January 2001 Super Bowl, and Hollywood. A milkshake date with Ivana Trump, his and hers mountain bikes, and a plethora of other prizes are also included. ... [ read more ]

CDs Deliver Packard Bell's Message

The promotion, known as "Home Delivery," featured CDs sent to every salesperson's home, using a mailing list created by visiting 1,000 retail locations. CDs included music videos, movie trailers, animation, and key Packard Bell messages. Each CD was packaged to resemble home-delivered, take-out food containers. A pizza-themed CD was mailed in June, followed by a chicken bucket in September and a Chinese take-out in November. ... [ read more ]

Dunkin' Donuts Rewards ''Brilliant Bagel Behavior''

An intensive public relations campaign was created to entice consumers to try the bagels. During peak morning hours, Dunkin' Donuts employees conducted waves of bagel sampling, following instructions in a detailed, 15-page manual prepared by the company.... [ read more ]

HunterDouglas Promo Strengthens Distribution Network

The campaign would have to increase brand reach, frequency, and sales; allow fabricators to maintain their own identity; and accommodate a range of retailers from individual designers to multistore chains. For its "Windows to the World" campaign, travel rewards were selected as the most effective motivator. Retailers would have a choice of six travel destinations based on product purchases. ... [ read more ]

Lexus And Coach Team Up To Create A Masterpiece

A media blitz kicked off the campaign. Before issuing press releases, Coach sent editors of nonautomotive publications a Coach classic key fob featuring a model of a Lexus. Accompanying the key chain was a notice that said, "It Takes Two to Build a Masterpiece—the 1997 Lexus LS400 Coach Edition. Details to come." ... [ read more ]

Mulitpronged Strategy Bolsters Ford's Market Share

To assist dealers in meeting goals, Ford implemented a multipronged strategy that included launching new models, realigning prices for key models, increasing management support, re-evaluating advertising and promotion, and introducing "The Chairman's Challenge" incentive campaign. ... [ read more ]

Online Sweepstakes Draws Teachers to Web Sites

The online sweepstakes, which was used to encourage people to visit the Web site, featured a grand prize trip to Tarrytown, New York, to tour the real Sleepy Hollow. A 30-second spot aired on the network to promote the Web site and sweepstakes. Odyssey's main Web site also carried a banner ad to drive traffic to the film's site. ... [ read more ]

The ''Wilder Side of Milk''

To capture the attention of young consumers and their moms, point-of-purchase displays announcing the "Wilder Side of Milk" sweepstakes featured a chocolate-colored mountain bike sporting cow spots and the "Got Milk" logo, and special edition remote control Monster Trucks. ... [ read more ]

Promotion Revs Its Engines

The Heisman Trophy is college football’s most prestigious award, and DeAngelo Williams is the first University of Memphis football player to be within reach of this coveted trophy. With such a high-level honor at stake, Jennifer Rodrigues, athletics media relations director, knew she had to create a buzz about Williams that was as big as the player’s Heisman dream.... [ read more ]

Panthers Promotions Have Bite

Fred Parker, CEO of Bluegrass Promotional Marketing (UPIC: BLUEGRAS) in Charlotte, North Carolina is a football fan—especially since his company has been named the preferred promotional marketing agency for the Carolina Panthers for the 2006 season.... [ read more ]

Promotional Products—The Key Ingredient to Integrated Marketing: How Promotional Products, Print and Television Advertising Impact Consumer Perception

Many traditional forms of advertising and promotion are losing ground to newer media. This trend presents opportunities for the promotional products medium. However, very little research exists documenting the effectiveness of promotional products when compared to and combined with other traditional forms of advertising such as television and print.... [ read more ]

Promotional Products—The Key Ingredient to Integrated Marketing: How Promotional Products, Print and Television Advertising Impact Consumer Perception

Many traditional forms of advertising and promotion are losing ground to newer media. This trend presents opportunities for the promotional products medium. However, very little research exists documenting the effectiveness of promotional products when compared to and combined with other traditional forms of advertising such as television and print.... [ read more ]

Sunset Limited

In-store displays and other promotional items are used to promote retail book sales.... [ read more ]

I've Seen the Future

Promotional giveaways themed to a new product are used at a trade show to boost traffic and generate leads.... [ read more ]

Building Bonanza

To encourage current members to recruit new members, Meeting Professionals Internaltional used a construction-themed reward program with three travel awards as top prizes.... [ read more ]

Testing the Internal Marketing Model

While it is widely believed that employee attitudes and engagement directly influence customer experiences and customer spending behavior, there is little empirical evidence that has explicitly demonstrated this. This study, subtitled "An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Employee Attitudes, Customer Attitudes, and Customer Spending," combines results from an extensive survey of employees and customers at a hotel chain with the actual spending patterns of customers. Results show a direct, measurable relationship between the employee and customer perceptions of the hotel brand and customer spending behavior. ... [ read more ]

How to Make the Shift to a PPMM Strategy

No doubt some people might dismiss Integrated Marketing as a passing fad, and who would view the burgeoning discipline of People Performance Management and Measurement (PPMM) as a buzz phrase or "flavor-of-the-month" marketing strategy.... [ read more ]

8th Annual National Multicultural Business Conference

The 8th Annual National Multicultural Business Conference held by is the nation's leading conference on business initiatives in Diversity and Multiculturalism. This conference covers the areas of Human Resources, Supplier Diversity, Multicultural Marketing and Ethnic Advertising. Presentations held by nationally known diversity experts are attended by over 1,500 executives from major corporations, educational institutions, government agencies and small businesses. The conference examines the concept of multiculturalism as a positive aspect of a global world and globalized society. ... [ read more ]

The Articulate Executive in Action

Granville N. Toogood introduced the principles of competence, clarity, and communication in his classic bestseller The Articulate Executive--and changed the way managers express themselves. Now he shows how to put these principles to work--at work--in the day-to-day interactions that get the job done. A hands-on action plan, The Articulate Executive in Action is full of examples of leading executives and the communication tactics that create their success.... [ read more ]

Your Attention Please: How to Appeal to Today's Distracted, Disinterested, Disengaged, Disenchanted, and Busy Audiences

Maybe you're in sales...or marketing...or communications? Maybe you're a writer. Maybe you're even a CEO. Whatever your title, you're one of the hundreds of thousands of professionals who communicate for a living-and you're struggling to get your message heard in a noisy and crowded marketplace. Yes, you know what you want to say and who you want to reach. No, you don't have writer's block and you certainly know how to construct a sentence. So what's the problem? The audience you're writing for is going, going, gone... Today's consumer doesn't want to read anymore-they're already overwhelmed by overflowing e-mail, millions of Web pages, and 24/7 news proliferation. Your Attention, Please. is the new strategy guide for communicating to the reluctant consumer. It shows you who the new audience is, how to reach them, and how you must communicate differently-or risk losing mindshare and marketshare. ... [ read more ]

Business-to-Business Marketing Research

Business-to-Business Marketing Research is written by proven research powerhouses. Drawing upon their collective years of experience, the authors examine topics unique to B2B, equipping readers with the tools and the techniques for effective research. The book spotlights new techniques related to focus groups and in-depth interviews, as well as the impact of data mining and other computer and technology-driven types of research. an accompanying CD enables users to apply the tips and techniques to live data.... [ read more ]

Promotional Products—The Key Ingredient to Integrated Marketing

Many traditional forms of advertising and promotion are losing ground to newer media. This trend presents opportunities for the promotional products medium. However, very little research exists documenting the effectiveness of promotional products when compared to and combined with other traditional forms of advertising such as television and print.... [ read more ]

PMA Basics Of Promotion Marketing Workshop

Basics is the internationally acclaimed two-day seminar designed to develop your skills in all aspects of promotion marketing, including promotion strategy, law and all tactical elements of promotion. Marketing professionals who are beginning a career in promotion or integrated marketing, switching careers to promotion or integrated marketing, and are ready for more responsibility, bigger challenges and greater achievement in all aspects of promotion marketing should defiantly attend this seminar. ... [ read more ]

Marrketing Management

Marketing Management packages the best strategic thinking to meet the decision-making needs of knowledgeable executives managing real-world businesses. Published six times a year, Marketing Management sheds light on topics like brand management, CRM, marketing technology, global marketing, B-to-B, services marketing and digital marketing—to help managers keep pace with this rapidly changing field.... [ read more ]

The Economics of Engagement

The cost of employee disengagement to U.S. companies in terms of lost productivity, accidents, theft, and turnover is estimated to be as much as $350 billion per year. Disengaged workers are often absent (even when they are at work), disconnected, and often pessimistic about change and new ideas. They have high rates of absenteeism and tend to negatively influence those around them. Engaged workers, on the other hand, are significantly more productive, interact more positively with other employees and new hires, and are much more likely when they interact with customers to create relationships that generate loyalty and increased business. This white paper looks at the best measures available for building engagement among employees along with looking at the ROI for investing in those measures as a way for managers to demonstrate the economics of engagement to top executives.... [ read more ]

The Economics of Engagement

In today's economic environment, employers are struggling to find every advantage possible to thrive, grow or simply to stay in business. For most US based organizations payroll represents the largest expense. Advantages therefore, come first and foremost through better talent management.... [ read more ]

Return on Value by Engaging Talent: What Leaders Can Do

The economics of talent engagement are widely accepted, but the investment begins with how leaders engage their teams. When leaders shift their mindset from ROI to Return on Value, they energize innovation, collaboration, and discretionary effort. This webcast - scheduled for Tuesday, December 8, from 2 - 3 p.m. EST - focuses on the economic reasons to engage talent and goes beyond leaders who believe in ROI, to what leaders can do to create value from talent engagement. You'll learn examples of leaders and organizations that excel at engagement and gain insight to achieving high levels of engagement in your organization. Presenters include Rodger Stotz, chief research officer for the Incentive Research Foundation, and Jim Dittman, president of Dittman Incentive Marketing.... [ read more ]

HCI 2010 National Human Capital Summit

The Human Capital Institute's 5th Annual National Human Capital Summit is where business meets talent strategy. It's a must-attend event for progressive talent leaders from the Fortune 1000, fast-growth SMB, academia, and government. Attendees will gain insight from innovative leaders and industry experts on the most effective strategies and programs that will engage even the most challenging workforce and drive top line growth and business results. ... [ read more ]

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