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Showing Results 1 of 43

EEA Launches Engagement Widget to Promote Referrals, Suggestions, and the IRR Field

Using the EEA Engagement Widget powered by INCENTCO, any size organization can now easily promote and reward referrals, suggestions, and feedback using a widget that can be embedded within minutes on any web or social media site, along with whatever incentives they wish to test to encourage engagement. The widget will be available for free on a beta basis the week of Oct. 31, 2022. ... [ read more ]

Now Available: The Essential Guide to Implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism

Last week, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance released its updated Enterprise Engagement for CEOs: The Little Blue Book for Stakeholder Capitalists. This week, it has published its updated Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap - How to Implement Stakeholder Capitalism to provide management at all levels a comprehensive implementation guide with detailed information on the theory, economics, and practices of Stakeholder Capitalism and human capital management across the enterprise. ... [ read more ]

Spark Collaboration: Stressing Social Interaction

Spark Collaboration helps companies, associations and other groups "systematically connect people one-on-one for greater collaboration, innovation and knowledge sharing." The Spark Collaboration platform matches people face-to-face for real time social interactions. "By meeting over coffee, lunch or video, people can create real social connection... [ read more ]

New Academic Advisor for EEA Curriculum

Gary Rhoads, currently the Stephen Mack Covey Professor of Marketing and the Associate Director of Entrepreneurship Center at Brigham Young University, joins the Enterprise Engagement Alliance curriculum group as Academic Advisor. He will advise the EEA on its curriculum development on Enterprise Engagement for businesses, as well as the creation of an education program for students at various levels. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance is an outreach and curriculum development organization dedicated to establishing engagement as a formal business practice.... [ read more ]

EEA Class 4 on the Tactics of Enterprise Engagement

This Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube Show, Class 4 of the formal training program on Enterprise Engagement and Human Capital Management, kicks off with a panel discussion with four experts involved with engagement and human capital management in the US and in the European Union. Panelists are concerned that the human resources profession may not have the influence required to move CEOs to a more strategic and systematic approach to people management across the enterprise.... [ read more ]

EEA Offers First Executive Training Program on Stakeholder Management

Business leaders worldwide are talking about Stakeholder Capitalism. The EEA Stakeholder Management Implementation Curriculum and Certification program focuses on the systems and tactics with contributions from world-wide pioneers in the implementation of Stakeholder Management and Enterprise Engagement --the theory, framework, and practical implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles.... [ read more ]

Yes, Stakeholder Capitalism Can Transform Society

A worldwide movement is well underway that has the potential to transform America without the need for any political consensus, legislation, or tax increases. Surveys show that its principles are popular on both sides of the political divide, and its practice can help create greater prosperity, improve the daily experiences of both employees and customers, create opportunities for supply chain and distribution partners, as well as for communities and the environment, all while addressing inequalities across society. ... [ read more ]

Q&A with EEA Head Bolger on The Engagement Agency

Offering so many services to support the growing field of Human Capital Management and the discipline of Enterprise Engagement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at can seem confusing to some. Here's a Q&A with Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, to explain the Engagement Agency and how it fits into the overall goal of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance: to promote a strategic and systematic approach to people management across the enterprise to fulfill the "S" of Environmental, Social, Governance management principles, increasingly known as Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 5th Edition Is Released - The Desk Reference for Engagement Leadership Across the Enterprise

The latest edition provides a comprehensive reference guide for anyone in charge of designing strategic or tactical engagement efforts at public, private, not-for-profit and governmental organizations. It demonstrates how to connect the dots between the organization’s brand, values and goals, the people necessary for goal achievement, and the tactics used to engage them and measure results. ... [ read more ]

2019 Engagement World to Focus on 'Most Effective Practices for Everyone'

Engagement World 2019 will present the most effective enterprise engagement practices for organizational practitioners, solution- providers and educators, designed for organizations of all sizes and types based on open-source ISO standards, practical case studies and the certification programs of leading associations in multiple key areas of engagement. ... [ read more ]

ISO 9001 Clause 7.1.2 Drives Need for Engagement Expertise

Organizations seeking to comply with ISO 9001: 2015 standards have until September to incorporate updates that include a new strategic and expanded focus on people outlined in clause 7.1.2. That’s one of the key takeaways of a recent Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinar on the Quality Marketplace, held on Dec. 20. ... [ read more ]

Baudville Brands, C.A. Short and Divvy Engagement Become Engagement Agency Partners

Baudville Brands, a leading recognition firm in Grand Rapids, MI, C.A. Short Company, an innovator in employee engagement based on Shelby, NC, and Divvy Engagement Solutions, the new name for a 25-year-old, full-service incentive company based in Pleasant Valley, NY, have become partners in the growing Engagement Agency network of engagement solution providers. ... [ read more ]

Worktango Aims to Improve Manager-Employee Communication

It's often said that people leave managers, not companies. Two members of the I Love Rewards Team team that gave rise to Achievers Inc., which was recently acquired by Blackhawk Network, have launched WorkTango, a platform that enables managers "to have better conversations with employees to create alignment, approve accountability, and develop high-performing teams." ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition has been completely updated with new information, illustrations and new chapters. Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, the Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by leading companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management, and community relations.... [ read more ]

Nominations Open for 2016 EEA First Awards

Nominations are now being accepted for the Enterprise Engagement Alliance First Awards. These awards honor organizations that are innovative in the formal application of engagement principles in their business, as well as organizations that have supported or otherwise significantly contributed to efforts to create a formal roadmap for the implementation of engagement across the enterprise.... [ read more ]

EEA in Education Pact on Engagement With C-Suite Network

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance and C-SuiteNetwork have announced a broad marketing partnership to educate corporate management on the emerging field of engagement and to provide the EEA community with a range of the C-Suite Network's learning and networking services.Under the agreement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance will develop an education program and content track on... [ read more ]

Social Media Strategies Summit - Oct. 21-22, 2015 - Boston

Elite marketing professionals will converge at this summit to get re-educated with the latest and greatest social media strategies and trends affecting business today. Speakers from eBay, Yale School of Management, Citi, Forbes, Reebok, Aetna, Fidelity Investments and other well known companies will showcase their... [ read more ]

Engagement World Set for April 25-28 2016 in Orlando, FL

A Conference and Expo dedicated to the many strategies and tactics of Enterprise Engagement and their impact on business is being launched by the Exhibit and Event Marketers Association (E2MA) and Enterprise Engagement Alliance. The event, Engagement World 2016, is designed to ... [ read more ]

Conference Board Debuts the Engagement Institute

The Conference Board, Deloitte and Sirota have announced the formation of the Engagement Institute. According to the web page announcing the new organization, these companies have come together to found a research community to advance the state of engagement. It will consist of leaders across industries who will work collaboratively to shape how organizations understand and drive engagement. Activities will include research and peer learning. Companies involved with this initiative include Apple, Oracle, Shell, Colgate Palmolive, Accenture, ITT, Nokia Solutions and Networks, Michelin, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Philips, Unilever, Target, Caterpillar, Xerox, ADP, Coca-Cola, General Motors, Hilton Worldwide, Proctor & Gamble, Monsanto, AT&T, Amazon SanDisk, and Lowe’s, among dozens of others. We encourage any organization that’s serious about engagement to look into this new organization here.... [ read more ]

Deloitte: Tracking the 'Collaborative Economy'

Deloitte was asked by Google Australia to quantify the value of greater workplace collaboration, and the number is big:$46 billion per year – the value of faster-growing, profitable businesses with collaboration at their core... [ read more ]

EEA Launches Social Media Strategy

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its Board have developed a social media strategy centered on the concept of the “People-Centric Enterprise.” The objective is to build a continually growing community of consumers, employees and citizens demonstrating their support for People-Centric businesses, spreading the word about great organizations that “put people first.” The website at allows supporters to engage via LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter and voice their support, as well as post stories about companies that are People-Centric. The EEA and its members urge anyone with an interest in Enterprise Engagement to share this information and website with their friends, colleagues and communities, and hope you agree that this concept is good for business and society.... [ read more ]

Get Your Copy of Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook

Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by Ernst & Young and other top companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management and community relations. The newly-released textbook is available from the EEA Store at for $36, or you can purchase it online through The first edition is 268 pages. Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook also provides formal preparation for the Enterprise Engagement Certification program. Preparation and general learning is also available at Engagement University Online. The textbook is updated regularly based on input generated through the online university. ... [ read more ]

7th Annual Open Innovation Conference - April 15-17, 2013 - Philadelphia, PA

The 7th Annual Open Innovation Conference will provide innovation leaders a unique opportunity to join their peers to discuss new ways to grow their open innovation practice. Discussions will focus on the application of smart-risk strategies, establishing common language that articulates goals of the open innovation practice, cultures that foster collaboration at every level of their enterprise, and expansion scenarios that identify new opportunities for growth and collaboration on a global scale. Attending this leading event will enable you to: • Determine a framework for open collaboration that incorporates smart-risk strategies and strengthens the innovation process from the organization's core capabilities • Establish a common language across the enterprise to articulate the goals and requirements of the open innovation practice • Identify measures that report out of the value of open innovation activities • Review strategies to expand open innovation initiatives on a global level • Recognize and develop an actionable framework to address the legal issues surrounding open innovation ... [ read more ]

Strategic Implementation of Enterprise Engagement

In this paper, one in a series for our Enterprise Engagement curriculum, we examine a critically important element of enterprise engagement – moving from strategy to execution. This paper is targeted at organizations that wish to move from talking about and planning enterprise engagement to implementing the initiatives at a tactical and measurable level – throughout the enterprise and for all key constituents. The main objective of this paper is to assist the reader through practical, clear and readily available techniques, practices and tools to implement enterprise engagement across the organization.... [ read more ]

Don't Miss This Important Webinar on Social Recognition!

The Enterprise Engagement Institute and Marcus Evans offer you this opportunity to be at the forefront of the emerging trend of ‘Social Recognition.’ This free webinar will address the most important issues surrounding Social Recognition, which uses software and communications to enable people to recognize one another and build relationships across the organization. Topics include: • Defining Social Recognition • Key tools/technologies of Social Recognition • Key issues your SR program must address • What can be done to make Social Recognition meaningful and engaging? • What sorts of management and controls are required? • How can Social Recognition be tapped to foster collaboration and innovation? • How can its impact be measured? ... [ read more ]

Showing Results 1 of 43
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