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Showing Results 1 of 39

'Good Company' Pioneer Laurie Bassi Sees Progress

Will companies finally begin to wake up to the financial benefits of having engaged customers, employees and communities? Laurie Bassi, Principal of McBassi & Co., a leading analytics firm, sees progress on multiple fronts. Bassi is author of ... [ read more ]

Carlson, PollStream Change Names

As part of its recent rebranding, Groupe Aeroplan, parent of Carlson Marketing, announced that the company is changing its name to Aimia. The business-to-business brands LMG Insight & Communication and Carlson Marketing will now operate under the name Aimia. Also effective immediately, PollStream has changed its name to TemboSocial, reflecting the firm’s increased emphasis on its suite of solutions and the development of other software tools focused on connection, conversation, recognition and additional engagement products and services. ... [ read more ]

EEA Launches People Value Impact Calculator to Help Make Better Engagement and Compensation Decisions

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance and Talent Management Evolution have created a People Value Impact Calculator (PVIC) that organizations can use to make better compensation, engagement, and marketing decisions and to better estimate the cost of disengagement on sales, profits, stakeholder experiences, and other goals and objectives. A basic one-company license for PVIC comes with an EEA Corporate Solution Provider Enterprise membership.... [ read more ]

Mid-Year 2023 Stakeholder Capitalism Update: Gradual Progress

Because the entire concept of stakeholder management, metrics, and reporting is barely taught in schools or discussed in the media, coupled with confusion created by the Business Roundtable, BlackRock, and the anti-ESG forces, many organizations are struggling to address the growing demand for organizations to enhance returns for investors by creating value for customers, employees, distribution, and supply chain partners.... [ read more ]

Why the Racial Equity Battle Must Be Fought on Economic Grounds

Investment activists promoting DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) should place more focus on the economic benefits and how DEI practices get integrated into the enterprise rather than siloed into departments with limited scope writes the author, principal of a boutique ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) advisory firm and board member of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, ... [ read more ]

Governance Expert Defines Stakeholder Capitalism and its Implications

Speaking before the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, Leo E. Strine Jr., an expert on corporate governance, provides a clear definition of Stakeholder Capitalism that he believes finds common ground among the right and the left, including a little bit of pain for each side. If done right, Stakeholder Capitalism can benefit all the interests we care about while preserving our individual freedoms.... [ read more ]

JUST Capital Survey Highlights the Key Source of Waste in Shareholder Capitalism

A survey of over 3,000 Americans by JUST Capital demonstrates that the Stakeholder Capitalism movement has made minimal progress since the 2019 Business Roundtable update of the corporate charter to include all stakeholders. The survey responses highlight the reasons for the high, hidden cost of Shareholder Capitalism: high levels of employee and customer dissatisfaction.... [ read more ]

EEA Offers First Executive Training Program on Stakeholder Management

Business leaders worldwide are talking about Stakeholder Capitalism. The EEA Stakeholder Management Implementation Curriculum and Certification program focuses on the systems and tactics with contributions from world-wide pioneers in the implementation of Stakeholder Management and Enterprise Engagement --the theory, framework, and practical implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles.... [ read more ]

How a Colorado Not-for-Profit Uses ProsperBridge to Uplift Its Employees

Colorado UpLift's staff of 40 mentors and teachers have a challenging job helping kids from troubled homes navigate multiple challenges to find their way in life. The Denver-based not-for-profit has hired ProsperBridge to help employees address the financial and other challenges in their lives through the support of dedicated Personal Prosperity Assistants. ... [ read more ]

The Stakeholder Capitalist's Toolkit

As can be seen in the ESM feature, The Perfect Company: Anatomy of an Ideal Practitioner of Stakeholder Capitalism Seen Through Its Human Capital Report, implementation requires strategic and systematic management to align the many tactics already used in organizations toward supporting common goals, values, and metrics. ... [ read more ]

Engagement Agency Adds to Managed Outsourcing Services

In responding to a growing number of requests from organizations and solution providers for help with human capital management design and reporting, and assistance finding appropriate engagement technologies and services, the Engagement Agency continues to expand its selection of offerings with the addition of Customer Experience and Strategic Communications advisory and managed outsourcing services.... [ read more ]

Q&A with EEA Head Bolger on The Engagement Agency

Offering so many services to support the growing field of Human Capital Management and the discipline of Enterprise Engagement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at can seem confusing to some. Here's a Q&A with Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, to explain the Engagement Agency and how it fits into the overall goal of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance: to promote a strategic and systematic approach to people management across the enterprise to fulfill the "S" of Environmental, Social, Governance management principles, increasingly known as Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 5th Edition Is Released - The Desk Reference for Engagement Leadership Across the Enterprise

The latest edition provides a comprehensive reference guide for anyone in charge of designing strategic or tactical engagement efforts at public, private, not-for-profit and governmental organizations. It demonstrates how to connect the dots between the organization’s brand, values and goals, the people necessary for goal achievement, and the tactics used to engage them and measure results. ... [ read more ]

2019 Engagement World to Focus on 'Most Effective Practices for Everyone'

Engagement World 2019 will present the most effective enterprise engagement practices for organizational practitioners, solution- providers and educators, designed for organizations of all sizes and types based on open-source ISO standards, practical case studies and the certification programs of leading associations in multiple key areas of engagement. ... [ read more ]

Diversity and Engagement

The larger or more geographically spread out the organization, the greater the issues related to diversity. Beyond the regulatory and ethical obligations to recruit employees and market to customers... [ read more ]

Baudville Brands, C.A. Short and Divvy Engagement Become Engagement Agency Partners

Baudville Brands, a leading recognition firm in Grand Rapids, MI, C.A. Short Company, an innovator in employee engagement based on Shelby, NC, and Divvy Engagement Solutions, the new name for a 25-year-old, full-service incentive company based in Pleasant Valley, NY, have become partners in the growing Engagement Agency network of engagement solution providers. ... [ read more ]

Worktango Aims to Improve Manager-Employee Communication

It's often said that people leave managers, not companies. Two members of the I Love Rewards Team team that gave rise to Achievers Inc., which was recently acquired by Blackhawk Network, have launched WorkTango, a platform that enables managers "to have better conversations with employees to create alignment, approve accountability, and develop high-performing teams." ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition has been completely updated with new information, illustrations and new chapters. Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, the Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by leading companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management, and community relations.... [ read more ]

Engagement World Set for April 25-28 2016 in Orlando, FL

A Conference and Expo dedicated to the many strategies and tactics of Enterprise Engagement and their impact on business is being launched by the Exhibit and Event Marketers Association (E2MA) and Enterprise Engagement Alliance. The event, Engagement World 2016, is designed to ... [ read more ]

The 2015 People-Centric Award Winners

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance is pleased to announce…The 2015 People-Centric Award Winners.What makes these 25 U.S. companies stand apart from their peers and competitors? They each have their unique attributes, but ... [ read more ]

Who Are America’s Most ‘People-Centric’ Companies?

These 25 firms surpass all others when it comes to strategically engaging their employees, customers and communities The Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) has announced the Top 25 Most People-Centric publicly held companies in the U.S., based on a detailed analysis of independent research by McBassi & Company, a leading human capital analytics firm. ... [ read more ]

EEA Launches Social Media Strategy

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its Board have developed a social media strategy centered on the concept of the “People-Centric Enterprise.” The objective is to build a continually growing community of consumers, employees and citizens demonstrating their support for People-Centric businesses, spreading the word about great organizations that “put people first.” The website at allows supporters to engage via LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter and voice their support, as well as post stories about companies that are People-Centric. The EEA and its members urge anyone with an interest in Enterprise Engagement to share this information and website with their friends, colleagues and communities, and hope you agree that this concept is good for business and society.... [ read more ]

Certified Engagement Practitioner (CEP) Designation Now Available

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) has launched its formal online test and certification program on Enterprise Engagement. The EEA Curriculum and Certification program focuses on the principals, framework and tactics related to engaging customers, channel partners, employees, vendors and communities to help achieve organizational goals. The exam is available free online at Those who pass the test can obtain a five-year Certified Engagement Practitioner (CEP) designation for $500, as well as qualify for the Advanced Engagement Practitioner and Master Engagement Practitioner designations. The test is designed to help business professionals demonstrate their knowledge of the leadership skills and tactics required to engage people in the 21st century. By participating in the Curriculum and Certification program, managers can advance the interests of their organizations and their careers by better understanding the unique strategies and tactics of this emerging field. The test is divided into five sections that people can take separately as many times as they wish over a one-month period. Each section includes 20 to 30 multiple-choice and true-false questions that will change each time the test is taken. The sections include: Principals, Economics and Framework of Enterprise Engagement; Customer Engagement; Sales and Distribution Partner Engagement; Employee Engagement; and Tactics: Strategic Implementation, Assessment, Recognition, Measurement, etc. The curriculum is designed to provide organizations with a practical, measurable implementation plan that can help improve short- and long-term performance in all areas of business. By establishing a clear framework and agreed-upon nomenclature for engagement, organizations can accelerate the process of translating theory into action. For more information on the EEA Curriculum and Certification program, go to ... [ read more ]

Social Recognition: Is the Latest Application of Social Media the Most Powerful Yet?

In the world of talent management, social networks have been used successfully in knowledge sharing, the identification of skills and construction of teams, in recruiting, onboarding and certainly learning. “Social Recognition,” which uses software to enable people to recognize one another, is a relatively new entrant in the pantheon of talent management technology. Yet it draws on practices from some of the world’s most popular internet applications. In connecting peers to peers, and in this case, employees to employees and employees to customers, partners, suppliers and others (the extended enterprise) it opens another dimension in recognition that has the potential to generate powerful cultural evolution within remarkably short timeframes. In others words, social recognition software can be transformative. It can fill a recognition gap quickly and it can extend recognition beyond the organization to help engage customers and other constituents.... [ read more ]

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