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Model For an Ideal Human Capital Report

This "model" human capital report condenses the longer profile of the "ideal" practitioner of Stakeholder Capitalism - a fabricated organization known as IMC, an integrated communications company. See ESM: -"The Perfect Company: Anatomy of an Ideal Practitioner of Stakeholder Capitalism." This model was created to help organizations of all sizes visualize the format and contents of a human capital report based on ISO 30414 Human Capital reporting standards for employees and ISO 10018 People Engagement standards for customers, channel and supply chain partners, and communities. ... [ read more ]

Brand Engagement 360 Guide to Implementation

Kicking off the new Enterprise Engagement Alliance Brand Engagement 360 Knowledge Management program with the Association of National Advertisers, this primer on Brand Engagement 360 is prepared for marketing and agency management ready to implement a strategic brand engagement process that includes its internal and other stakeholders--including employees, distribution and supply chain partners, communities, volunteers, donors etc. This article summarizes the two key phases of the process: 1) Strategic brand purpose definition and 2) Implementation. Neither require major investments in time and money and in fact are designed to save both over time while enhancing performance and stakeholder experiences through greater alignment and efficiency. These processes are based on over 40 years of academic research and processes time tested in the world of total quality management in factories around the world. ... [ read more ]

WORC: Worthwhile Jobs Are a Path to Alpha for Investors

To the Founders of WORC (for Workforce & Organizational Research Center), good jobs are better for employees, investors and for all stakeholders. Her company offers a complete suite of services for not-for-profits, investment firms, and the companies they own to profit from her organization's Worthwhile Jobs Framework. ... [ read more ]

InspireWork Summit NYC, June 22, Offers 10 Free Passes to ESM Readers

Formerly known as the Employee Engagement Conference, The InspireWork Summit returns to New York City on June 22 and offers free passes to the first 10 people who register using the code EEAVIP. ESM the online publication of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, focusing on news, research, profiles, and new products and services related to helping companies implement the principles of Stakeholder Management and Stakeholder Capitalism.... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism: A Primer

The concept of Stakeholder Capitalism has existed for decades but there remains confusion about the definition that is either a natural phenomenon with the emergence of any new concept or in some cases an effort to poke holes in the concept by deliberately mis-defining it. ... [ read more ]

Now Available: The Essential Guide to Implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism

Last week, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance released its updated Enterprise Engagement for CEOs: The Little Blue Book for Stakeholder Capitalists. This week, it has published its updated Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap - How to Implement Stakeholder Capitalism to provide management at all levels a comprehensive implementation guide with detailed information on the theory, economics, and practices of Stakeholder Capitalism and human capital management across the enterprise. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement for CEOs Outlines Stakeholder Capitalism Implementation

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance's newly updated Enterprise Engagement for CEOs: The Little Blue Book for Stakeholder Capitalists provides boards and senior management with a short course on how to turn theory into action. A recent survey by the Conference Board found that 92% of CEOs agree with the shift to Stakeholder Capitalism and 82% say they have begun the implementation process. ... [ read more ]

Appreciation at Work - Culture Toolkit for Solution Providers

One of the world's most recognized experts in culture offers a turnkey support service for human resources, marketing firms or professionals seeking to offer formal culture support services for their clients. Appreciation at Work is a Preferred Vendor in the Enterprise Engagement Alliance's Engagement Agency support service. ... [ read more ]

New Book Aims to Help Organizations Understand and Report on Human Capital

This new book, Understanding and Reporting Human Capital, by a retired senior financial executive dedicated to human capital aims to provide a practical framework "that uses the input, activity, output, and outcome business model for integrated reporting and demonstrates how the model can be populated with relevant metrics, including emerging areas such as organizational culture."... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism Pioneer: We're Entering the 4th Inning

As author of Strategic Management, A Stakeholder Approach, first published in 1984, R. Edward Freeman can be considered one of the founders of the theory underlying the Stakeholder Capitalism movement of the 2020s. He's Professor at the Darden School at the University of Virginia and of the more recently published Stakeholder Theory, an update on the topic since the publication of his first book. ESM recently interviewed Freeman to learn his views on the state of the Stakeholder Capitalism movement.... [ read more ]

EGR Management: We're Entering the Era of the Whole Person and What That Means

EGR International was one of the first firms to position itself as an enterprise engagement agency to help organizations align all stakeholders around a common vision. It was also one of the first in the incentive field to diversify beyond face-to-face events and incentive programs into other forms of communications through its in-house creative agency BlackLab Media.... [ read more ]

EEA Webinar: Total Rewards 2.0--At the Junction of Benefits and Recognition

Traditionally, most incentive and recognition companies have never sold benefits services and vice versa, even though employee engagement and benefits often fall into the same department. This 30 minute webinar with experts in benefits, incentive, and recognition companies will talk about the opportunities to bring these services together to provide Total Rewards 2.0 solutions. Get your questions answered by registering to attend the live event Wed. August 18, at 1 pm ET. ... [ read more ]

Transcend Engagement at the Convergence of Technology and Strategy

When Dr. Bob Randall founded Transcend Engagement over five years ago, he saw an opportunity to disrupt the employee engagement field by creating a platform and methodology to demonstrate a bottom-line impact. Today, he sees more interest in strategy and analytics than ever and has added a full suite of advisory services to provide clients a complete, measurable employee engagement solution. ... [ read more ]

New Engagement Agency Service Focuses on Engagement Needs of Hospitals

To address the need for an ROI- and economic-based approach to human capital management in hospitals, including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), the Engagement Agency has launched a new service in alliance with Dr. Hieu Bui, a practicing radiologist, to help the health care industry cope with the growing surge in turnover. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement Certification Course for CFOs, Attorneys Open to Public

A continuing education program for CFOs (Chief Financial Officers) and attorneys on human capital management, reporting, and ROI of engagement in the new world of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is the topic of a four-hour virtual workshop for attorneys and accountants seeking to maintain their accreditation through continuing education. The program, set for May 15 from 9 am to 1 pm, is open to anyone in business for $49. ... [ read more ]

Try This Free Calculator to Track Your Company's HCROI

A fundamental premise of Stakeholder Capitalism and Human Capital Management and measurement is that organizations with higher levels of people engagement do better. HCMoneyBall, which created the SaaS platform known as HCMetrix for human capital analytics and benchmarking, provides a free calculator enabling any organization to track its Human Capital ROI (HCROI) and the potential impact on financial performance.... [ read more ]

Stay Metrics—At the Front Lines of Turnover

As a retention advisory firm serving the trucking industry, Stay Metrics has faced almost any retention and recruiting challenge imaginable. A highly cyclical business, with recurring shortages and gluts of drivers, the trucking industry faces long-term demographic challenges that, along with a new generation of management, is opening the doors for a more strategic and systematic approach to managing retention and recruitment across all demographic groups. ... [ read more ]

One10 Marketing: The Power of the Pivot in the Time of Covid-19

One10 Marketing, a top-10 full-service performance improvement company, faced the pandemic by finding new ways to serve customers and leverage its people and expertise, says Richelle Taylor, Vice President Strategic Marketing. It is helping companies rapidly shift to new ways to engage, from moving travel incentives and meetings to merchandise and other rewards and virtual events; connecting to the hearts and minds of employees through enterprise engagement technology and effective communications and training, and by helping clients benefit from analytics to make better decisions.... [ read more ]

Headversity: New App Helps Employees Address Mental Health Risks

Facing the combined stress of the Covid-19 crisis and severe economic downturn, employees are at greater risk for mental health issues. Designed by psychologists, this SaaS (Software as a Service)-based application is designed to help employees not only address potential issues but to lessen the chances of their becoming a crisis.... [ read more ]

Olumo Goes Beyond Surveys to Foster 2-Way Conversations

This company’s unique approach is designed to create engagement with employees through anonymous two-way conversations, not just surveys, according to its creator, Robert Brown. This approach, he says, “allows us to ask qualifying questions and engage in deep conversations that take us from a 50,000-foot survey response to an understanding of the root cause of the issues people are experiencing.” He says the platform recently helped one organization significantly increase its Employee Net Promoter Score (ENPS) despite the pandemic and resulting layoffs because of enhanced communication and understanding.... [ read more ]

New Employee Survey Tracks Team Climate

This new low-cost survey platform from the UK and available worldwide enables organizations to pinpoint the key areas of engagement and capability they need to address to improve performance.... [ read more ]

Free Organizational Assessment Tool Charts Path to a Better Business

The RBL Group (RBL) and CorpU have co-created, refined, and delivered an Organizational Guidance System (OGS) to help organizations more effectively achieve their goals. For a limited time, they are inviting organizations free access to an assessment tool to “identify specific paths to achieve the results you want to impact for talent, business performance, customers, and investors.” ... [ read more ]

June 16: David Ulrich Headlines Zoom Show on New Human Capital Mandate and HR

A human resources visionary will discuss the emerging concept of Stakeholder Capitalism, the coming human capital mandate and the challenges and opportunities presented to the human resources management community in this new EEA Zoom series: Stakeholder Capitalism in Action, kicking off June 16 at 12 pm, ET. The program will be followed on June 24 at 1 pm ET with a new EEA Zoom show on Measurable Engagement Solutions, focused on what CEOs and HRs need to implement Stakeholder Capitalism principles. ... [ read more ]

Webinar: HR Metrics, ROI Attendees Agree: Covid Will Increase Focus on People

The key findings of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinar on Human Capital Management, Metrics and ROI of Engagement held May 19, 2020: Most attendees agree that Covid-19 will put an even greater focus on people and that very few organizations have a strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder engagement. Trust will be a critical factor as we come out of the crisis. ... [ read more ]

WorkHuman Launches Free Employee Assessment Tool

This ongoing pulse survey platform includes the ability to determine how many people need to be surveyed each time based on past results; provides specific recommendations based on the problem identified and the company’s extensive experience in the field, and enables companies to benchmark their results with aggregate data from other companies.... [ read more ]

Two New Books Advocate Stakeholder Capitalism

Professors from Harvard Business School, University of Virginia's Darden School of Business and George Washington University author books that include the fundamental need for CEOs to lead a strategic and systematic approach to addressing the needs of all stakeholders. ... [ read more ]

HR Exec Makes Unusual Leap to M&A Human Capital Advisory

Laura Queen rose through the ranks of human resources at multiple companies for more than 20 years. She made the decision to use her expertise to assist mid-cap private equity, venture capital and strategic buyers in mitigating risks by better evaluating the human capital aspect of potential acquisitions. ... [ read more ]

Sales Tech CEO: It's Time to Change the Game

Gary Rhoads, Co-Founder of, a SaaS-based software to support effective one-on-one sales management, believes that the current crisis could cause a permanent change in the way organizations engage their people and sell. ... [ read more ]

Dr. Paul White Has Simple Prescription for Better Cultures: Appreciation at Work

According to Dr. Paul White, co-author of The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, managers can start improving culture in their own departments even without the support of the CEO by addressing every human’s innate desire to feel appreciated. His research and process call into question the validity of many if not most recognition, incentive, and loyalty programs but provide simple and useful ways to significantly improve them. ... [ read more ]

HRD Summit | October 26-27 2020, Boston

Harnessing Human Creativity Is Theme of HRD Summit, October 26-27 2020, Boston. ESM readers can get a 20% discount by using the code HRD/ESM when you register. Over 600 people directors from around the world will attend the HRD Summit, to discuss, debate and share knowledge across the topics of Leadership, Culture, Talent, Engagement, and Learning. ... [ read more ]

ISO Human Capital Standards Bootcamp | Chicago, March 12-13

The Northwestern University Law School’s Workforce Science Project is hosting the first certification preparation program for ISO 30414 Human Capital Reporting and ISO 10018 Quality People Management standard, the first of which was recently achieved by DTE Energy... [ read more ]

Enterprise Technology Engagement

Ask anyone involved with technology implementation, and they'll tell you that the most frequent cause of failure is to strategically and consistently address the people issue. ... [ read more ]

The Brand Engagement Conference | June 18-20 | Chicago

Discover a breakthrough, practical approach supported by ISO standards to enhance performance and stakeholder experience at Selling Power’s Sales 3.0 Conference, "Frictionless Selling," June 18-19, and "Enterprise Engagement in Action," June 20, at the Drake Hotel in Chicago.... [ read more ]

Q & A with Dr. Ron McKinley: Why and How to Achieve ISO 10018 Certification for Employers and Solution Providers

Dr. Ron McKinley, Vice President and Chief Standards Officer for the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, co-founder of the UTMB’s Enterprise Engagement Advisory Practice focusing on the healthcare and hospitality fields, and co-founder of the International Center for Enterprise Engagement (ICEE), recently spoke to ESM, outlining the benefits of the ISO 10018 framework and how to obtain certification... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 5th Edition

The only practical guidebook and desk reference for executives and front-line management seeking to apply a strategic and systematic approach to achieving organizational objectives and improving shareholder value and share-price performance in public and privately held organizations, government, and not-for-profits. ... [ read more ]

Performax360 Software Goal: Connect Assessment to Action

One of the big complaints about survey and assessment tools is the frequent failure to act upon the results. Performax360, a Palo Alto, CA-based software firm, aims to address this by connecting the assessment process to real-time feedback, innovation and implementation tools. ... [ read more ]

A Front-Line Manager's Recognition Tip Sheet

Over the last few years, the recognition field has seen a significant shift from traditional length-of-service awards to programs that focus on supporting critical organizational goals -- quality service to internal or external customers, participation in volunteer initiatives, a willingness to go the extra mile, etc. ... [ read more ]

Survey Platform Designed for Speed and Low Cost

The EmployeeLife survey creation and management tool is designed to provide human resource consultants and departments a low-cost way to conduct employee engagement surveys. Developed by the Optimum Consulting Group in Brisbane, Australia, EmployeeLife reportedly enables companies to... [ read more ]

Worktango Launches Real-Time Feedback Tool

Toronto-based Worktango has introduced Worktango Pulse, a real-time employee feedback tool on a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model. Worktango is an engagement software and consulting firm launched by Rob Catalano and Nadir Ebrahim, formerly of Achievers. ... [ read more ]

80-Year-Old Recognition Company Sees Momentum for Engagement

The C.A. Short Company ( may be best known as a recognition firm, but it has recently made significant investments in developing a world-class engagement practice. The company has created a Program Design team and undertaken initiatives in technology and ... [ read more ]

Applaudit Social Recognition Tool

Next Level Performance, a Dittman Company, recently launched a new online social recognition solution called Applaudit to help organizations engage and motivate their people. NLP says ... [ read more ]

Hilton's Brand VP: Enterprise Engagement is Happening

"Enterprise Engagement is not only going to happen, it's already happening," says Gina Valenti, Vice President, Brand Hospitality - Focused Service Brands, Hilton, and a member of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its Corporate Advisory Board. "I have no doubt now it will ... [ read more ]

Leadership Guru Kevin Eikenberry Features Podcast on Enterprise Engagement

As part of a series of podcasts he produces on leadership and management, consultant Kevin Eikenberry recently featured the topic of Enterprise Engagement because, he says, “of its compelling economics and the ability for every business leader to make a difference.” Eikenberry is a well-known leadership expert, a two-time bestselling author, speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach. He was recently featured in ESM’s Engagement Radio series hosted by Paul Hebert, offering his take on leadership and the emerging field of Enterprise Engagement. ... [ read more ]

'Good Company' Pioneer Laurie Bassi Sees Progress

Will companies finally begin to wake up to the financial benefits of having engaged customers, employees and communities? Laurie Bassi, Principal of McBassi & Co., a leading analytics firm, sees progress on multiple fronts. Bassi is author of ... [ read more ]

Q&A: Professor Stefanie Becker Says Human Capital and Engagement Are Worldwide Issues

ESM recently reported on the creation of an International Standards Organization committee initiated in Germany to focus specifically on the development of Human Capital metrics and standards. This development is of enormous significance to the field of Enterprise Engagement because these standards and metrics likely will include multiple aspects related to employee engagement.... [ read more ]

Diversity and Inclusion Power Engagement at Fifth Third Bank

For many companies, diversity and inclusion are challenges. For Fifth Third Bank, headquartered in Cincinnati, diversity and inclusion are opportunities to not only engage employees but to enhance customer and community relationships to drive greater performance. Demonstrating them means business. ... [ read more ]

Ceridian and WorkAngel Announce Engagement/Wellness Solution

Human capital management technology firm Ceridian has partnered with WorkAngel, an employee engagement and retention platform, to offer what they call "a mobile employee engagement and wellness solution." According to a recent press release, the platform provides users with... [ read more ]

Confessions of a Cautious Convert: Tricia Veness, Artis REIT HR Exec

Tricia Veness, Director of Human Resources for Artis REIT, Winnipeg, admits that she has approached the employee engagement movement with some degree of skepticism. The company describes itself as “a Canadian real estate investment trust who invest in quality commercial real estate in select markets to create value for our stakeholders.” Over the past five years,... [ read more ]

EGR International Engagement Journey Update - Seven Years On

To our knowledge, EGR International was the first among the very few traditional marketing, incentive, or recognition companies that made a formal commitment to the engagement field. As a founding sponsor of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance in 2008, EGR International, which had its roots in the ... [ read more ]

Employee Engagement: Short Cuts Won’t Get You Where You Want to Go

The business case is very clear. Employee engagement programs contribute to improved business outcomes. It makes sense that engaged employees will make a difference in a competitive marketplace by increasing productivity, inspiring innovation, and delivering best results to clients and consumers.... [ read more ]

The World of Engagement Research

A critical element of Enterprise Engagement involves studying the diverse audiences and specific engagement levers that need to be addressed in order to understand the facts behind certain key assumptions. Research plays a major role in that effort. ... [ read more ]

Modern Survey Releases Spring 2015 Engagement Whitepaper

At a rate of over 30%, people managers across the U.S. report that they’re looking for opportunities elsewhere. What to do? Minneapolis-based Modern Survey recently released this and other pertinent data in a Spring 2015 engagement study whitepaper focusing on manager engagement, ... [ read more ]

theEMPLOYEEapp for Better Engagement Communications

While proponents of engagement, including the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, have a mission to educate the investor community about the ROI of engagement for shareholders, theEMPLOYEEapp actually grew out of an app that Jeff Corbin... [ read more ]

New Study Links Engagement and Profitability

The Social Science Research Network website recently posted a research report by Alex Edmans, Lucius Li and Chendi Zhang entitled Employee Satisfaction, Labor Market Flexibility, and Stock Returns Around the World that examines the relationship between employee satisfaction and firm performance using lists of the “Best Companies to Work For” in 14 countries. Edmans, a visiting Professor at the London Business School and Professor at the Wharton School’s Institute of Finance and Accounting, has done extensive work promoting the link between engagement and financial performance. The authors note that “employee satisfaction is associated with superior long-run returns, valuation ratios, and profitability in countries with high labor market flexibility,” and that the results “are consistent with high employee satisfaction being a valuable tool for recruitment, retention, and motivation in flexible labor markets.” To read the full report, go to [ read more ]

Peter Hart, Recognition Leader, Reflects on Engagement Movement

I recently caught up with Peter Hart, CEO of Rideau Recognition, and asked for his thoughts on the engagement movement and its impact on the recognition field. Rideau acquired the Recognition Management Institute in 2006 and has been a consistent supporter of, and active participant in, the field’s trade organization, Recognition Professionals International, and othe... [ read more ]

Marcus Evans High Potential Employee (HiPO) & Leadership Development Conference - March 10-11, 2015 - Orlando, FL

Subtitle: Aligning Employee Development Practices with Strategic Business Goals to Ensure a Robust Succession Pipeline Building on the success of the marcus evans Human Resources and Talent Management Conference series, the High Potential Employee (HiPo) and Leadership Development Conference will feature highly interactive case study presentations, panel debates, and peer-to-peer discussions on key issues affecting the design and delivery of meaningful and effective HiPo and leadership development programs. Talent Management VPs, Directors, and Senior Managers attending this conference will walk away with an enhanced understanding of best practices for growing exemplary leaders and achieve a strategically aligned workforce. Seating is strictly limited to maintain an intimate educational environment that will cultivate the knowledge of all attendees. Please contact Abby Wilson today at for your copy of the conference agenda and registration details. ... [ read more ]

Take Employee Recognition beyond Service Awards

Although employee recognition is typically associated with rewarding years of service or outstanding performance, more targeted approaches have greater financial and cultural impacts. Every organization wants highly motivated and engaged employees who go above and beyond. A more nuanced approach to employee recognition can take service awards to new levels and deliver multiple benefits to your organization... [ read more ]

Engagement University Set for 2014 in Nashville

EEA home page news item Engagement University Set for 2014 in Nashville The Enterprise Engagement Alliance has announced the launch of the Engagement University, the first formal curriculum and certification program on Engagement throughout the organization. It will be held in conjunction with the Rewards & Recognition Expo and Engagement Pavilion, featuring leading exhibitors of reward, recognition and engagement products and services. Based on the Enterprise Engagement Curriculum and Certification program, Engagement University is designed to provide corporate practitioners and solution providers with formal education on the economics, definitions, framework and best implementation practices related to: • Improving customer loyalty and referrals • Enhancing distribution partner engagement • Increasing sales and customer service performance • Improving employee productivity, quality and wellness • Building better vendor relationships The Engagement University education programs do not overlap with exhibit hours, giving attendees the opportunity to meet with suppliers and see demonstrations of the various types of products and services covered in the education sessions. Led by a faculty of corporate practitioners, solution providers, research experts and professors in business and organizational/consumer psychology, the program brings to life a formal Enterprise Engagement curriculum and certification program with sessions on: • Engagement program design and implementation • Enterprise Branding • Communications • Learning and Gamification • Rewards & Recognition • Measurement • …and more Engagement University Directors and Faculty include: • Melanie Lewis, EEA Co-Curriculum Chair and former Director of Commercial Engagement, Astra-Zeneca • Gary Rhoads, Professor of Marketing, Marriot Graduate School of Business, Brigham Young University. • Allan Schweyer, EEA Curriculum Chair and Director, Center for Human Capital Innovation • Rodger Stotz, Research Director, the Incentive Research Foundation and Principal, Delta Qi Consulting • To be named shortly: Leading corporate end-users and solution providers presenting case studies and two professors in marketing and psychology to address the business and scientific basis of engagement. Registration will open Dec. 2, 2013. ... [ read more ]

2012 Motivation Show Offers Engagement Education, Exhibits, Events

Successful companies know that employees who are engaged, motivated and working towards a common goal, generate increased profits. Research shows that a motivated workforce inspires people to work for your company, do business with your company and buy your products and services. How do these organizations set themselves apart as a place where people want to work and do business? Come to The Motivation Show and find out! The 2012 Motivation Show, to be held at Chicago’s McCormick Place, October 23-25, is the world’s largest collection of ideas and solutions to engage, motivate, inspire, reward, connect and thank employees, customers and members. The show features more than 50 professional seminars and more than 500 suppliers of merchandise and travel services, as well as networking events to connect you and your peers with industry experts. New this year, the Incentive Marketing Association is presenting free 20-minute clinics on the exhibit floor to give attendees a fresh data-driven perspective on how incentive and recognition programs stimulate consumers and increase workforce productivity and innovation. The Show’s 6th Annual Conference, Connecting Engagement, Loyalty and Financial Results, will feature a series of 60-minute professional seminars in four learning tracks: Employee Recognition Customer Loyalty Sales Motivation Meeting & Event Management For complete information about attending the 6th Annual Conference Program, visiting the exhibit hall, or becoming an exhibitor, visit The Motivation Show website at or call 866-730-6684. ... [ read more ]

Best Practices in Assessing Employee Engagement

Once an organization believes that a more engaged workforce is better for customer loyalty, revenues and profits, the next logical step is in measuring current engagement to set a benchmark, and then regularly (at least annually) re-measuring engagement to chart progress. The challenge lies in getting the measurement right. Organizations must bear in mind that the tools they choose to assess engagement in year one will be the foundation upon which future data is set. If the data collected is not right or is missing important elements, it will have to be revised or even discarded. Doing so is potentially time consuming and expensive. The EEA and Avatar HR Solutions examine the key drivers of engagement and the benefits of surveys, tools, data collection and analysis. For the full report, click here... [ read more ]

Researchers Find Link Between Nurse and Patient Satisfaction

Yet another study indicates the obvious link between employee engagement and customer satisfaction. Nurses who reported better working conditions in hospitals and less likelihood of leaving had patients who were more satisfied with their hospital stay and more likely to rate the hospital highly, according to a study of facilities in 13 countries, led by the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing in the U.S. and the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, in Europe.... [ read more ]

1to1 Media Names 2011 'Customer Champions'

Peppers & Rogers Group’s 1to1 Media division has announced its 2011 class of 1to1 Customer Champions. The 1to1 Customer Champions program recognizes executives who believe in treating customers in a way that builds loyalty and engagement while driving bottom-line results for their organizations. Now in its eighth year, the program honors 15 executives annually who use innovative approaches to instill customer-centric strategies throughout their organizations. The 2011 honorees include: • Ven Bontha, Director of Customer Experience, CEMEX • Rich Brecht, Senior Contact Center Manager, J&P Cycles • Mike Colbourn, VP and Director of Marketing, Stowe Mountain Resort • Roger Curtis, President, Michigan International Speedway • Susan DeLaney, VP Customer Experience, UPS • Tom Feeney, President and CEO, Safelite AutoGlass • Dennis Fitzgerald, VP Customer Satisfaction, Yaskawa Electric America, Inc. • Stephen Jackson, Chief Information Officer, Harry Rosen Inc. • Donna Lendzyk, Manager, Customer Loyalty, SaskTel • Ingrid Lindberg, Customer Experience Officer, Cigna • David Payne, Assistant VP Contact Center, Stancorp Financial Group Inc. • Chuck Sliker, Senior VP of Operations Service, Arby’s • Jeffrey J. Smith, VP Operations and Loyalty Services, Omni Hotels & Resorts • Tim Teran, Senior VP Consumer Insights and Strategy, Macy’s Inc. • Jay Topper, Senior VP Customer Success, Rosetta Stone Info at ... [ read more ]

Employees: Types of Programs

This article provides an overview and key planning considerations for the most common types of non-sales employee incentive and recognition programs.... [ read more ]

The Road to an Engaged Workforce

This research article identifies several characteristics driving employee engagement, including employee satisfaction, and identifies organizational communication as a key driver of employee satisfaction.... [ read more ]

Inspiring 'Brand Loyalty' for Your Incentive Program

Without question, incentive programs need to generate loyalty – not only from senior management, but also from the customers they’re trying to entice. An effective program will excel for both management and customers when it is built with a foundation that provides a clear vision for success. Many established programs have been assembled using five critical building blocks that inspire brand loyalty among customers. Smart and successful companies know that all five components must be at the core of every loyalty program.To read the full report, click here... [ read more ]

EU Updates CSRD Law While First Reports Get Released

As the largest European Union companies subject to the law begin publishing their integrated financial and EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive reports this year, the European Union has announced an omnibus directive to merge and simplify the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and its sister Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, while significantly reducing the number of corporations subject to the law. ... [ read more ]

Part 2: Stakeholder Management Implementation

This step-by-step process demystifies the concept of stakeholder capitalism by focusing on its practical implementation, metrics, and continuous improvement process. This framework is based on the holistic, strategic, and systematic approach familiar to anyone involved with total quality management in manufacturing. ... [ read more ]

EEA and Appreciation at Work Collaborate on Purpose Leadership, Stakeholder Management Training

The first independent educational organization to support the practical implementation of purpose leadership and stakeholder management principles is joining forces with the Appreciation at Work culture enhancement platform to provide any size or type of organization, advisory and consulting firm a complete tool kit for enhancing organizational performance and experiences through people. ... [ read more ]

Purpose Summit 2024 Sets Agenda for April 29-May 1 Event

Going on its fifth year, the Purpose Summit brings together leaders in all areas of management seeking to make their organizations a better place to work and do business with, and to make life better for the customers, employees, or other stakeholders they serve. Many companies bring multiple managers to help foster alignment, according to the organizers. ... [ read more ]

UAW Settlement Highlights Obsolete Model for Establishing Pay

The current process of establishing compensation based on what can be negotiated at the bargaining reflects a fundamental flaw—the failure to consider objective measures of the value created by various categories of stakeholders in an organization. Only by understanding the source of value creation can organizations better understand where to invest their resources.... [ read more ]

EEA Launches People Value Impact Calculator to Help Make Better Engagement and Compensation Decisions

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance and Talent Management Evolution have created a People Value Impact Calculator (PVIC) that organizations can use to make better compensation, engagement, and marketing decisions and to better estimate the cost of disengagement on sales, profits, stakeholder experiences, and other goals and objectives. A basic one-company license for PVIC comes with an EEA Corporate Solution Provider Enterprise membership.... [ read more ]

CX Experts: Service Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better

Four experts in customer experience, each with decades of experience, believe that customer service has reached all-time lows. They say it could get worse before it gets better until CEOs either finally confront the scale of the waste or customers simply demand better service or move on. ... [ read more ]

Effective Practices: How Stakeholder Capitalism Would Address the UAW-Management Relationship

The shareholders of the automotive companies as well as all their stakeholders will suffer a severe blow from the current strike, belying the notion that shareholder capitalism is efficient. Here’s how mature labor-management relationships can prevent such issues in the future based in part on stakeholder management principles and insights from two recent EEA YouTube Shows on the potential future of productive labor-management relationships. ... [ read more ]

Survey Finds Americans Just Fine With ESG

Despite the retreat of some executives and organizations from using the term ESG (environmental, social, governance) because of political pushback, this survey finds that Americans do not share the concerns. ... [ read more ]

Anti-ESG Backlash Forces Healthy Focus on Value Creation Instead of Greenwashing

Over the last few months, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink tells associates he is no longer using the term ESG (environmental, social, governance) and McDonalds recently reduces mention of the term from its web site. Does this mean the end of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) or a healthy focus on how a strategic focus on sustainability creates value rather than fodder for glossy corporate sustainability reports read or believed by few. Ironically, right wing efforts actually could reduce efforts to curb ESG could actually lead to less transparency. ... [ read more ]

Report Finds Business Unprepared for New EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Law

Perhaps not surprisingly, the world lacks a body of experts in stakeholder management and sustainability reporting that will be required for compliance with the new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, according to this recent article in Responsible Investor. In other CSRD news: the EU seeks to create a marketplace for auditors and independent service providers; the UK publication Edie finds that few companies have begun preparing for the new law. ... [ read more ]

EEA Show Explores Negotiating Labor Agreements in Era of Stakeholder Capitalism

This expert panel demonstrates that while there are significant opportunities for labor and management to collaborate to create value for organizations, the current frustration of workers and resistance by many in management has created a difficult atmosphere for more constructive approaches. Nonetheless, this new program at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University serves to help parties make progress and achieve mutual gains.... [ read more ]

Mid-Year 2023 Stakeholder Capitalism Update: Gradual Progress

Because the entire concept of stakeholder management, metrics, and reporting is barely taught in schools or discussed in the media, coupled with confusion created by the Business Roundtable, BlackRock, and the anti-ESG forces, many organizations are struggling to address the growing demand for organizations to enhance returns for investors by creating value for customers, employees, distribution, and supply chain partners.... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement Tech Market Remains Blue Ocean

Large companies have the resources to create highly integrated employee and other stakeholder engagement platforms through their internal portals. For SMEs (small- to- medium-size) enterprises without such resources, Enterprise Engagement technologies can make it easy to engage all key stakeholders on a single, configurable platform. While there may be 100 or more employee recognition and gifting platforms, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance could identify only eight Enterprise Engagement technology platforms in an extensive Internet search, six of which responded to our request for additional information on their technologies. ... [ read more ]

Why the Racial Equity Battle Must Be Fought on Economic Grounds

Investment activists promoting DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) should place more focus on the economic benefits and how DEI practices get integrated into the enterprise rather than siloed into departments with limited scope writes the author, principal of a boutique ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) advisory firm and board member of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, ... [ read more ]

Study Identifies Gap Between Demographic Diversity and Perceptions of Inclusion

This study of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) finds little connection between the actual demographics of management and employees and expressed feelings of diversity, equity, and inclusion. By distinguishing between demographic factors and how people feel about DEI in the workplace, the authors turn some conventional thinking on its head. ... [ read more ]

CSRD Part 5: Strategy and Implementation

The history of ISO 9001 quality management standards provides a solid foundation for predicting what will happen now that the European Union has made such disclosures a matter of law. A certain percentage of affected organizations will view the disclosures as a competitive opportunity. On the other hand, perhaps 50% or more will view it strictly as a compliance issue. ... [ read more ]

CSRD Report Part 7: Estimated Time and Costs for SMEs and Large Enterprises

The looming question for organizations is: how much is this going to cost? The good news is that the Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its affiliates have first-hand experience: ours are almost the only companies in the world that have created human capital reports and conducted audits for both very large companies and an SME (small- to medium-size enterprise), providing us with first-hand experience of the time and expertise involved; the cost, and scalability factors.... [ read more ]

CSRD Part 5: Strategy and Implementation

The history of ISO 9001 quality management standards provides a solid foundation for predicting what will happen now that the European Union has made such disclosures a matter of law. A certain percentage of affected organizations will view the disclosures as a competitive opportunity. On the other hand, perhaps 50% or more will view it strictly as a compliance issue. ... [ read more ]

Size Matters When it Comes to Corporate Sustainability Reporting

This is the second in a multi-part series on the creation of Corporate Sustainability Reports for all sizes and types of organizations. This article focuses on the strategy for Corporate Sustainability reporting based on the size of the organization. For Part 1 of this series, click here: Is It Time for Your Organization to Publish a Corporate Sustainability Report. ... [ read more ]

New Business Guides CEOs on the Path to Stakeholder Capitalism

If the implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism requires a strategic and systematic process, it stands to reason that the emergence of this field will foster the creation of a new field of experts, services, and technology, much as occurred in the field total quality management, customer relationship management, loyalty management, and many others. Along with the Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its Engagement Agency division, Stakeholder Business is among the first businesses specifically launched to help guide CEOs seeking to make the shift to Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

Dip Your Mind Into the New World of Stakeholder Management...

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance offers free or low-cost ways for people to get started down the path to learning about the formal principles, economics, implementation, and reporting processes of stakeholder management, the implementation process for Stakeholder Capitalism. This learning program is even more important now that the European Union has established stakeholder management as a business norm in its new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive requiring disclosures on all areas of stakeholder engagement of large companies (over 250 employees) doing business in Europe. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism Crosses Red-Blue Divide: 19 Rep., 16 Dem. Govs. Ink Public Benefits Corp. Statutes

Many of the same governors who have come out against Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) have signed into law public benefits corporation statutes which enshrine Stakeholder Capitalism into the corporate laws of their states for any organization which wishes to benefit from them. Beneath the rhetoric, well-known governors in both parties support the principles of Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

Pioneer Stakeholder Capitalist Jurist: Businesses Should Stay Out of Politics

In this recent Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube video update on Stakeholder Capitalism, Leo E. Strine Jr., former Delaware Supreme Court justice, and an early advocate for the Public Benefits Corporation statutes, with Larry Beeferman, Fellow on Work Life and Labor for the Harvard Law School, refute the notion that Stakeholder Capitalism has anything to do with politics. ... [ read more ]

New EU ESG Rules Likely to Affect Many US Companies

New Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) reporting requirements in the European Union (EU) will have a significant effect on nonfinancial reporting, even for US companies, according to this recent report in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance. They will require tens of thousands if not one million or more worldwide to disclose, among other statistics, their employee turnover rates.... [ read more ]

EEA Marks 13th Anniversary With Focus on Implementation of the "S" of ESG

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance was founded in 2008 to advance a strategic and systematic approach to people across the enterprise, otherwise known as the “S” of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG.) Founded well before the emergence of Stakeholder Capitalism, the EEA has led the way in helping to create a formal roadmap for organizations and solution providers profit from this emerging approach to success in business and to discouraging the “bright shiny object” approach that continues to describe most organizational approaches to people management. Here’s a summary of the EEA’s actions to advance the cause of people since it’s formation. ... [ read more ]

CFO Corner: Inadequate Financial Reporting Leads to Bad Decisions

Nick Shepherd, a retired chief financial officer now active as an author of books and articles on financial management and human capital, argues in this new ESM column, CFO Corner, that the financial information provided by organizations today leads to bad decisions because it provides no way to measure the financial impact of stakeholder engagement. The accounting system, says this highly experienced financial officer, does not account for the future value created by investments in people today, nor the future value destruction that occurs in short-term layoffs, such as those occurring at Twitter. ... [ read more ]

Japanese Firm Earns ISO 30414 Certification; HRSI Adds Certification Service

Is momentum beginning to grow for ISO 30414 Human Capital reporting? The Toyota Tsusho Corp. announced that it has achieved the ISO 30414 Human Capital Reporting certification, the second company in Japan and the sixth organization in the world with this designation. And, the Human Resource Standards Institute has announced that it is now providing ISO 30414 certification for organizations, along with ISO 30415 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. ... [ read more ]

Analysis: Is Enterprise Engagement Tech Space Taking Shape With Recent US Entrants?

The little-known ability offered by Enterprise Engagement technology to do for general stakeholder engagement what CRM has done for customer relationship management will gradually get a boost as more companies enter the field and organizations large and small recognize the enormous advantages of aligning all stakeholder engagement practices on a single platform. ... [ read more ]

Governance Expert Defines Stakeholder Capitalism and its Implications

Speaking before the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, Leo E. Strine Jr., an expert on corporate governance, provides a clear definition of Stakeholder Capitalism that he believes finds common ground among the right and the left, including a little bit of pain for each side. If done right, Stakeholder Capitalism can benefit all the interests we care about while preserving our individual freedoms.... [ read more ]

ProsperBridge Prospers by Helping People Prosper

When Jervis DiCicco and Maggie Drucker launched ProsperBridge just about two years ago, their goal was to help organizations enhance engagement, productivity, and quality by addressing a No. 1 employee distraction: financial and related stress. What they have learned is the power of the personal touch. ... [ read more ]

JUST Capital Survey Highlights the Key Source of Waste in Shareholder Capitalism

A survey of over 3,000 Americans by JUST Capital demonstrates that the Stakeholder Capitalism movement has made minimal progress since the 2019 Business Roundtable update of the corporate charter to include all stakeholders. The survey responses highlight the reasons for the high, hidden cost of Shareholder Capitalism: high levels of employee and customer dissatisfaction.... [ read more ]

EEA Class 6 Focuses on Case Studies Featuring Sunovion Pharmaceuticals

Enterprise Engagement Alliance Class 6 of the formal education program on Enterprise Engagement and Human Capital management features a case study of the Sunovion Pharmaceuticals training and engagement process highlighted for its strategic and systematic approach. The EEA curriculum is the only known professional information anywhere ... [ read more ]

EEA Class 4 on the Tactics of Enterprise Engagement

This Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube Show, Class 4 of the formal training program on Enterprise Engagement and Human Capital Management, kicks off with a panel discussion with four experts involved with engagement and human capital management in the US and in the European Union. Panelists are concerned that the human resources profession may not have the influence required to move CEOs to a more strategic and systematic approach to people management across the enterprise.... [ read more ]

EEA Class 3 Recap: The Return on Investment of Individuals

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance addresses a mission-critical stakeholder-focused business process being overlooked by CEOs and the human resources community. The EEA education program provides training on all aspects of the implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles. This is the third in a series of classes on an enterprise approach to engagement and formal human capital practices for organizations shifting their focus toward a stakeholder approach to management. ... [ read more ]

EEA Class 2 - Strategic Culture

Turning culture from posters in the lunchroom into guiding principles of the organization is the focus of Class 2 of the new Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) Stakeholder Management and Enterprise Engagement curriculum and certification program, which focuses on the implementation of human capital management, measurement, and reporting strategies across the enterprise. ... [ read more ]

Kazoo -- From Recognition to Continuous Performance Conversations

As recently reported in RRN, Kazoo, a recognition and performance management firm with offices in Chicago and Austin, has purchased WorkTango, a Toronto, Ont.-based voice of the employee company, to create an integrated platform supporting employee experience, recognition and rewards, continuous performance conversations, and employee voice. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Management Professor Questions the Benefits of ESG Spotlight

Jeff Harrison has taught Stakeholder Management, the underlying theory of Stakeholder Capitalism, has conducted research, written papers, and taught students on the subject for about 35 years, most recently as the W. David Robbins Chair in Strategic Management at the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond since 2004. So, what does he think about all the controversy around Environmental, Social Governance (ESG), increasingly known as Stakeholder Capitalism? ... [ read more ]

Who Is More Prone to Woke Practices--Shareholder or Stakeholder Capitalists?

In the face of noisy attacks from the right on Stakeholder Capitalism deliberately conflating it with Woke Capitalism, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at used the ISO 30414 human capital checklist to compare the characteristics of Shareholder, Woke, and Stakeholder Capitalism to evaluate whether Shareholder Capitalists or Stakeholder Capitalists are more prone to woke tendencies.... [ read more ]

Professors Hope Stakeholder Capitalism Film Can Wake Up the Masses

Despite widespread coverage of the Stakeholder Capitalism movement in the business media, the subject is not mentioned in the mainstream media and is largely unknown to citizens, neither in the US nor elsewhere. A group of professors and other interested parties aim to help change that through a documentary, "Fishing with Dynamite," available through Google Play and a few other services. The challenge of course, is getting people to see it. ... [ read more ]

Guest Opinion: Make Ethics Your Competitive Advantage

How important is ethics to the success of your business? How important is ethics to your employees? Do you think the business world, in general, needs to become more ethical? Most businesspeople agree that ethics is of the utmost importance, however, the word 'ethics' is absent from the employee engagement narrative.... [ read more ]

Opinion: The Model for the New Chief People Officer

Human capital analytics are revealing for the first time the contribution of employees to the bottom line measured by their productivity, quality, diversity, wellness, and willingness to recommend. It's now time to move from analytics to action.... [ read more ]

EEA Offers First Executive Training Program on Stakeholder Management

Business leaders worldwide are talking about Stakeholder Capitalism. The EEA Stakeholder Management Implementation Curriculum and Certification program focuses on the systems and tactics with contributions from world-wide pioneers in the implementation of Stakeholder Management and Enterprise Engagement --the theory, framework, and practical implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles.... [ read more ]

It's Not CSR, It's Corporate Social Opportunity

The well-meaning concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is hampering the Stakeholder Capitalism as well as Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI). It unnecessarily supports the position of those opponents who argue that Stakeholder Capitalism and DEI are focused on diverting money due to shareholders to the pet peeves of CEOs or responses to pressures from outside groups. ... [ read more ]

Tech Firm Releases First ISO 30414 Verified Human Capital Report Amid a War

A technology company that employs both Russians and Ukrainians worked for a year to create a formal, ISO-30414 verified human capital report to demonstrate its commitment to its employees across Eastern Europe and elsewhere, only to face war in Ukraine, where one-third of the company's employees live and work and where many of its Russian employees have friends and family... [ read more ]

Academic Interest Grows in the "S" of ESG

While the world's universities jumped on environmental sustainability as a major focus for research and education, educators have only slowly embraced education about the "S", of Environmental, Social, Governance or related reform efforts. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism Veterans: It's Just Better Business

This recent Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube show - "Stakeholder Capitalism: The Definitive Webinar"- brings together early founders of the movement to clarify the definition and implementation process being confused by newcomers with “woke” capitalism and "corporatism." ... [ read more ]

Global Agency Founder to Help Companies "Build Corporate Soul"

Ralf Specht, founding partner of Spark44, an international ad agency he helped grow into a $100 million plus company with 1,200 employees, now turns his attention to promote "a framework that aligns value-creating employee action with broader corporate strategy through shared understanding and shared purpose."... [ read more ]

Perspective from the Right: What's Wrong With Stakeholder Capitalism

As an advocate for the proper implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism principles, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance does everything it can to enable the expression of all viewpoints. ESM followed up with Wayne Winegarden, whose recently published article on Stakeholder Capitalism in National Review raises serious and legitimate dangers for business. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism: The Definitive One-Hour Webinar

Stakeholder Capitalism has received prominent coverage in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, CNBC, the National Review, and still most people have not heard about it, know what it means, or how it can affect their lives and businesses. ... [ read more ]

At the Front Lines of Making Appreciation Work

Dr. Paul White's Appreciation at Work book has sold over 500,000 copies to help organizations tap the power of appreciation to turn their cultures into action, and Dr. White presents teaches the process of appreciation into hundreds of training sessions. ... [ read more ]

Take This Quick Survey for a Snapshot of DEI in the Workplace

A new stakeholder survey created by the Center for Human Capital Innovation known as DEI360 is built to help organizations establish a baseline for the effectiveness of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion processes. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance is using it as part of an anonymous three-week survey to measure the perceived level of DEI in business, ending Feb. 28, 2022. ... [ read more ]

"Davos Man" Author on the Dangers of Stakeholder Capitalism

Based on the tone of the new book "Davos Man", by New York Times global economics correspondent Peter S. Goodman, one might think he's opposed to Stakeholder Capitalism. In fact, in this recent interview, his views largely mirror those who believe in a system that optimizes returns for investors by transparently creating value for customers, employees, supply chain partners, communities, and the environment. ... [ read more ]

Maturity Index Helps Guide More Effective Management

Worker attitudes highlight changing behaviour. It's time to measure how purpose and values drive human performance. A free online Maturity Index assessment is available to help organizations track their progress toward optimizing results through people. ... [ read more ]

Human Capital Valuation Pioneer Joins B. Riley to Advance Effective Practices

If the formal use of human capital practices and metrics ever get formally integrated into the business valuation process for mergers and acquisitions and other purposes, Dave Bookbinder will have had something to do with it. A valuation expert for over 25 years and author of The New ROI: Return on Individuals, the first book that specifically attempts to demonstrate why and how to integrate people into valuations, says he has joined the financial services firm B. Riley to take his expertise to the next level. ... [ read more ]

How a Colorado Not-for-Profit Uses ProsperBridge to Uplift Its Employees

Colorado UpLift's staff of 40 mentors and teachers have a challenging job helping kids from troubled homes navigate multiple challenges to find their way in life. The Denver-based not-for-profit has hired ProsperBridge to help employees address the financial and other challenges in their lives through the support of dedicated Personal Prosperity Assistants. ... [ read more ]

Is Recognition Beginning the Shift from Rewards to Performance?

For over two decades, the recognition field has talked about how to shift the field's focus from rewards to culture and performance. Now, as the pandemic has put the focus on employee engagement, retention, and willingness to refer, some of the largest recognition companies appear to be doubling down on the rewards story. ESM checked in with several recognition executives to discuss the current state of the field. ... [ read more ]

Yes, Stakeholder Capitalism Can Transform Society

A worldwide movement is well underway that has the potential to transform America without the need for any political consensus, legislation, or tax increases. Surveys show that its principles are popular on both sides of the political divide, and its practice can help create greater prosperity, improve the daily experiences of both employees and customers, create opportunities for supply chain and distribution partners, as well as for communities and the environment, all while addressing inequalities across society. ... [ read more ]

Is Your Company Truly People-Focused? Why Publishing a Human Capital Report May Be the Best Way to Prove It

For decades now, such organizations as the Great Places to Work, J.D. Powers, and the Better Business Bureau have provided meaningful ways for investors, customers, employees, and others to evaluate the people practices of companies. In fact, two studies of the stock performance of Great Places to Work have indicated that such companies outperform their competitors in the stock market. ... [ read more ]

Brand Alignment Case Study - How to Build Consensus Around Purpose

This case study, based on a question-and-answer session with Marian Baldini, President of KenCrest, a large not-for-profit based in Blue Bell PA, demonstrates how her organization uses a systematic alignment process provided by BCAT Brand and Culture Alignment to help launch a major new organization-wide initiative. ... [ read more ]

Is It Now Employee Engagement or Else?

For years, employee engagement was a nice to have for many companies. They set aside budgets for rewards and recognition, engagement technology, perquisites, and perhaps offered half-days on Fridays or holiday breaks as an extra measure. Yet, only a small percentage of companies go further by having a strategic human capital management plan with a clearly articulated set of methodologies and metrics to assess progress and to continuously improve. Will the traditional ad hoc approach change in the era of the Great Resignation? Expert observers believe the jury is still out.... [ read more ]

Student Stakeholder Capitalism Society Produces Early Results

University students Richard DeDios, a Junior at Pace University, White Plains NY, and William (Billy) Krupkin, a senior at Tulane University, New Orleans, are among the first students to join the Enterprise Engagement Alliance's Stakeholder Capitalism Society and to participate in the Human Capital reporting internship. ... [ read more ]

EEA YouTube Show: The State of Stakeholder Capitalism with R. Edward Freeman, a Pioneer of the Movement

Who better to catch up with on the state of Stakeholder Capitalism than R. Edward Freeman, Professor of Business Administration at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. His 1984 book "Stakeholder Management" helped give rise to the extensive research on the benefits and methods of managing and addressing all stakeholders in an organization, rather than focusing specifically on the interests of shareholders. This has earned him the designation as a "father" of Stakeholder Capitalism by organizations such as JUST Capital.... [ read more ]

Strategic Communications - How to Use Intelligent Content to Enhance Lead Generation and Sales Closing Ratios

Social media, blogs, and e-newsletter technology enable almost any organization to become its own media company to generate leads, enhance thought leadership, build relationships and enhance sales ratios. Very few in business implement strategic integrated communications programs, often because they lack the people with the journalistic and other content creation skills needed for effective content marketing or they fail to integrate the communications programs into their sales and support process. ... [ read more ]

Academic World Increasingly Explores Stakeholder Capitalism

Recent papers published by Oxford University, New York University Stern Business School, Stanford University, London School of Economics, Amrita School of Arts and Sciences in India, University of Sydney, Australia, and in other countries signal heightened interest in the "S" of Environmental, Social, Governance, increasingly used interchangeably with Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

Total Rewards 2.0: At the Convergence of Rewards, Recognition, and Benefits

Organizations can maximize the impact of their rewards, recognition, and benefits programs if they align these efforts under a holistic approach known as Total Rewards 2.0. That's one of the key findings of this Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube show designed to help management at all levels optimize the results of their engagement efforts. ... [ read more ]

EEA YouTube Engagement Technology Shows Marry How-to with Solution Provider Interviews

Organizations often ask junior or other multi-tasking managers to investigate human capital or engagement tactics without having extensive experience. These EEA YouTube shows bring together expert panelists to discuss best practices and critical issues related to employee and enterprise engagement technologies, along with the opportunity to stream short video interviews with the owners or senior management of specific technologies to gain a more personal insight on the various options. ... [ read more ]

Wikipedia Publishes Entry on Stakeholder Capitalism

Wikipedia beats and Merriam Webster to the punch with publication of a thorough review of Stakeholder Capitalism submitted by the EEA. It includes a discussion about the definition, history, benefits, etymology, and cites many of the early founders. ... [ read more ]

The Stakeholder Capitalist's Toolkit

As can be seen in the ESM feature, The Perfect Company: Anatomy of an Ideal Practitioner of Stakeholder Capitalism Seen Through Its Human Capital Report, implementation requires strategic and systematic management to align the many tactics already used in organizations toward supporting common goals, values, and metrics. ... [ read more ]

Conference Board Adds Metrics, ROI Analysis, and Strategic HR to Human Capital Center Offerings

One of the world's leading think tanks on Human Capital management has announced a new partnership with HCMoneyball, the ROI Institute, and to offer a suite of human capital benchmarking, return-on-investment analysis, and human resources management solutions for Human Capital Management. These partnerships are part of the Conference Board's expansion of services in Human Capital Center members.... [ read more ]

EEA Consolidates Education on the "S" ESG Management, Aka Stakeholder Capitalism

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance has consolidated all its educational and information resources on the "S" of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) into a single 24/7, 365-day-a-year information center with news, resources, and training available via the Web, social media, e-newsletters, Youtube expert panels, face-to-face learning, and books. ... [ read more ]

Engagement Agency Adds to Managed Outsourcing Services

In responding to a growing number of requests from organizations and solution providers for help with human capital management design and reporting, and assistance finding appropriate engagement technologies and services, the Engagement Agency continues to expand its selection of offerings with the addition of Customer Experience and Strategic Communications advisory and managed outsourcing services.... [ read more ]

Case Study Part I: The Shift to a Human Capital Management Strategy

In its desire to implement a strategic, systematic, and transparent strategy to achieve organizational results through people, the Ukraine- and Russia-based application developer JetRuby turned to the Enterprise Engagement Alliance's Engagement Agency. The company says its goal is to utilize a roadmap that addresses the needs of all stakeholders... [ read more ]

US House Passes Bill on Workforce Disclosures; SEC Launches 10-K Update, PwC Announces Major Investment in ESG

It is all but inevitable now that US public companies will have to disclose specific information on their employees, workforce engagement, turnover, DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), and safety and wellness. The accounting and management consulting powerhouse PwC has committed to hiring up to 100,000 people to help organizations around the world develop and implement Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) management strategies around the world. ... [ read more ]

New Engagement Agency Total Rewards Solution Offers Employees a Personal Prosperity Assistant

In conjunction with ProsperBridge, an Enterprise Engagement Alliance supplier member, the Engagement Agency offers organizations a complete benefits package with a unique addition: a trained Personal Prosperity Assistant who checks in with participating employees each month on a scheduled basis to assist with their financial and related wellbeing. The service is part of a Total Rewards 2.0 benefits package available from the Engagement Agency that also includes access to the KART employee discount program from CarltonOne Engagement and other employee benefit services. ... [ read more ]

Firm Matches Neurodivergent Talent with Employers

The CBS news show "60 Minutes" last year featured a story on employers hiring neurodivergent employees to help tackle specialized tasks. The firm Specialisterne specializes in helping match companies with talented employees on the spectrum, whose talents are often overlooked because of unexpected social behaviors. Finding a way to create wealth by solving social problems is a hallmark of Stakeholder Capitalism principles. ... [ read more ]

Malaysia Leads World in Stakeholder Capitalism Governance Language

This year's Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC) Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Virtual Conference 2021 coincides with a change in the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (MCCG) 2021, which may be the first anywhere to incorporate the principles of Stakeholder Capitalism.... [ read more ]

JetRuby, App Developer, Joins EEA to Enhance Its Human Capital Strategy

An international software and application developer for leading US companies based in Russia and the Ukraine has joined the Engagement Agency at Its goal: to implement a formal Human Capital Management, Measurement, and Reporting strategy designed to achieve its organizational goals in a more sustainable way through people. ... [ read more ]

Do You Know Your Human Capital ROI? If Not, Your Company May Be Leaving Money on the Table

A growing number of investors and board directors now believe that human capital is an asset with a return-on-investment that merits clear strategies, metrics, and tactics aligned with goals. As a result, more companies are publishing human capital reports, in many cases without necessarily addressing the fundamental issues required to have a measurable, successful, and sustainable financial and experiential results for stakeholders. ... [ read more ]

Q&A with EEA Head Bolger on The Engagement Agency

Offering so many services to support the growing field of Human Capital Management and the discipline of Enterprise Engagement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at can seem confusing to some. Here's a Q&A with Bruce Bolger, Founder of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, to explain the Engagement Agency and how it fits into the overall goal of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance: to promote a strategic and systematic approach to people management across the enterprise to fulfill the "S" of Environmental, Social, Governance management principles, increasingly known as Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

EEA Youtube Show: Engagement Field Has Growing Role in ESG Management

According to this Enterprise Engagement Alliance Youtube show: "Essentials of ESG and Engagement," not only is the concept of Environmental, Social, and Governance here to stay, it has created an opportunity both for organizations and the solution providers that can help implement meaningful ESG strategies. ... [ read more ]

Why ISO Standards Make Sense for Investors Evaluating Human Capital and Stakeholder Engagement

For the purposes of evaluating, let alone auditing the human capital practices of organizations large and small, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards can provide institutional shareholders a sensible format for disclosure of information on human capital management, including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) information, that is more likely to have an actual impact on organizational results. Not only have ISO standards proven their effectiveness in the world of quality management and other fields, over one million companies worldwide, including many public companies, already are accustomed to ISO procedures and audits. ... [ read more ]

EEA YouTube Profile on ProsperBridge Financial Wellness Platform for Employees

ProsperBridge is the latest company to be featured in the EEA Human Capital and Enterprise Engagement Youtube channel profiles of solution providers in all areas of engagement. EEA Solution Provider profiles are designed to create a 24/7 online opportunity for organizations and solution providers to learn about services through interviews with their management.... [ read more ]

Human Capital and Enterprise Engagement Youtube Channel: 22 Sessions and Counting

Management involved with engaging people have to be jacks of many trades -- from branding, culture, and communications to DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), innovation, and human capital analytics. In its quest to help organizations profit from the principles of Stakeholder Capitalism through an enterprise approach to engagement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance is building a continually growing library of 30- to 60-minute panel discussions with experts at the front lines of implementing people-focused strategies. ... [ read more ]

JUST Capital Exec: Next 5 Years Critical to Stakeholder Capitalism Movement

Founded in 2014, JUST Capital was a pioneer in focusing on the benefits of stakeholder-driven capitalism at the highest levels of business and government. Beyond providing tools, information and licensing data to investors and others interested in evaluating organizations based on their levels of stakeholder engagement, its goal is to have a seat at the table at the highest levels of government, business, and the media to break through the barriers to what its founders believe is a better form of Capitalism. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement Certification Course for CFOs, Attorneys Open to Public

A continuing education program for CFOs (Chief Financial Officers) and attorneys on human capital management, reporting, and ROI of engagement in the new world of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is the topic of a four-hour virtual workshop for attorneys and accountants seeking to maintain their accreditation through continuing education. The program, set for May 15 from 9 am to 1 pm, is open to anyone in business for $49.... [ read more ]

Kevin Sheridan Joins Senior Advisory Team of the Engagement Agency

An internationally recognized keynote speaker, a New York Times best-selling author, and a sought-after voice on the topic of employee engagement, Kevin Sheridan will provide advisory services to the Engagement Agency at advisory and managed outsourcing service specifically focusing on the implementation of human capital management, reporting, and ROI of engagement to support Stakeholder Capitalism implementation.... [ read more ]

Are Board Directors Still Behind the Curve on People Management?

A recent report published by the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) reads like a playbook from the past. Despite all the talk about Stakeholder Capitalism, human capital management and reporting in the business media over the past year, the organization’s list of board priorities indicates growing awareness of the people business, but that there is a long way to go.... [ read more ]

Employee Engagement Consulting Vet Joins Engagement Agency Senior Advisory Board

Oliver Rueth, a management consulting veteran with a specialty in employee engagement and Human Capital Management, will serve as a Senior Advisor on managed outsourcing focusing on employee engagement and human capital management. The Engagement Agency, a unit of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at, and probably the first Enterprise Engagement advisory service, provides professional services to organizations seeking to create new value out of the 50% or more of their yearly expenses—people. ... [ read more ]

Economics of Mutuality (EoM) Foundation on Stakeholder Capitalism: It's Time for Action

The Economics of Mutuality (EoM) Foundation has as its "main mission to transform the global economic system by creating a mutuality of benefits among all stakeholders," says its Chief Advocacy Officer Jay Jakub. Founded in late 2020 out of an internal think tank at Mars, and incorporated and funded by the company for five years, the foundation aims to help organizations equip management at all levels to support a model that moves corporations from "value extraction for shareholders to a model that creates value for all by solving problems for stakeholders drawn together by a common purpose."... [ read more ]

New EEA Youtube Stakeholder Show: From Fad to Action?

This EEA Zoom show on the principles, ROI, and challenges facing the implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism kicks off a new 30-minute series of strategic and tactical Youtube shows to support new education programs produced by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance. The EEA 2.0 education program focuses on the development, implementation, and measurement of Stakeholder Capitalism and human capital management practices across the enterprise. These programs are designed for boards, CEOs, CFOs, CHROs, CMOs, etc., and managers at all levels seeking to understand how to implement at a practical level the Stakeholder Capitalism theory and human capital management practices. ... [ read more ]

Week in Review-EY Report: People Are No. 1 Priority, BOA Chair Touts Stakeholder Capitalism on Fox

Here’s an update on news about Stakeholder Capitalism over the last week. EY Linked in poll finds people are the No. 1 priority…New Council on Inclusive Capitalism supported by the Vatican…Brian Moynihan, Bank of America co-chairman, touts Stakeholder Capitalism on Fox business news… McKinsey study says Stakeholder Capitalism and Digitalization rank among the biggest trends for 2021…. …Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism issues formal framework…Biden Administration will rescind Trump Administration restrictions on ESG investments.... [ read more ]

Total Rewards 2.0: It's Time to Update the Model

Conceived in the 1990s, the concept of Total Rewards represented a revolution in thinking related to compensation that to this day has not been fulfilled at many organizations, that is: a strategic, holistic approach to compensation that considers every aspect of the employee experience and his or her capabilities and potential contributions to the organization. ... [ read more ]

How ISO 30401 Knowledge Management Standards Can Help Promote This Critical Field

The process of addressing the challenges of the pandemic and post-pandemic world is prompting many organizations to embark on new self-discovery journeys, reinvention paths, and the redesign of their businesses, products, and services. Many organizations are already on the way to digital transformation and transformational innovation. The time is now to address the field of Knowledge Management.... [ read more ]

CarltonOne Storefront Goes Live on

One of the world's leading providers of gifting and engagement technology services offers a comprehensive solution for human resources (HR) and marketing solution providers seeking to bring gifting and engagement solutions to clients.... [ read more ]

Pressures Mount Across the Board for ESG Reporting

A major international accounting firm calls for more education on ESG (environmental, social, governance) reporting...The World Business Council and Baker Mackenzie law firm call for more board oversight of sustainable management... [ read more ]

Why M&A Has Overlooked People Capital

Michael Mazer, an advisor to the Engagement Agency M&A group, one of the first mergers and acquisition firms focused on engagement and human capital metrics, talks about why the people factor remains largely overlooked in the world of mergers and acquisitions. He believes the focus on Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) investment and management practices and the Stakeholder Capitalism movement will create even more interest in the people factor. ... [ read more ]

Early SEC S-K Human Capital Disclosures Reflect a Practice in its Infancy

A review of the first human capital S-K reports published in accordance with the new Securities & Exchange Commission disclosure requirements range from detailed to flimsy, with very little comparable information from company to company. When investors and others begin to analyze and compare the reports against the disclosure recommendations of leading attorneys, accounting firms, and the recent World Economic Forum Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics report, CEOs may find themselves facing an entirely new set of questions at meetings with investors. In most cases, these reports raise more questions than they provide answers related to actual practices and metrics. ... [ read more ]

Stakeholder Capitalism Definition Published by EEA

A debate has erupted at the highest level of business and politics about a subject with no formal definition in any dictionary. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance solicited input on a definition to help clarify the debate going forward and, following a comment period, has published a formal definition to help provide a framework for more productive discussion. ... [ read more ]

EEA Launches Enterprise Engagement Education 2.0 to Power the S of ESG

The 12-year-old Enterprise Engagement Alliance education and certification program focusing on connecting employee engagement and the interests of all stakeholders to organizational success now includes the latest information on Securities and Exchange Commission, World Economic Forum human capital disclosure; other sustainability standards, and return-on-investment of engagement practices. ... [ read more ]

EEA Zoom 10/22 at 1 pm ET US Addresses Employee Engagement Practices, New Disclosure Standards

The HR world has talked about employee engagement for over 20 years and yet employee engagement and customer satisfaction scores have not improved, according to surveys by Gallup and the American Customer Satisfaction Association. This 30-minute Zoom show focuses on how employee engagement practices can be designed to provide a clear ROI and contribute to an overall human capital management strategy.... [ read more ]

World Economic Forum Announces Metrics for Stakeholder Capitalism

Business and media skeptics have challenged the business community to demonstrate they are serious about Stakeholder Capitalism principles. In a web program publicizing the new Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics companies can use to standardize ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) disclosures, business leaders assert that Stakeholder Capitalism has arrived and that it’s time to focus on implementation.... [ read more ]

CarltonOne Joins EEA to Speed Global Impact of Engagement

With a suite of integrated enterprise engagement technologies and a global customizable brand redemption platform, CarltonOne has joined the Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) mission to scale the engagement field and promote the selective use of brands to inspire key stakeholders around the world.... [ read more ]

Analysis: Stakeholder Capitalism Makes More News

In the last week, Stakeholder Capitalism continues to draw both positive and negative attention from the media and business influencers. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance promotes the concept of Stakeholder Capitalism because it is supported by the implementation process and curriculum developed by the Enterprise Engagement in 2009. See Stakeholder Capitalism: A Primer.... [ read more ]

Financial, Legal Leaders Can Now Earn Required Credits on Human Capital Management in EEA Program

Created in 2009, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance's first formal learning and certification program on Enterprise Engagement, encompassing human capital management, measurement, ROI, and compliance will be adapted for chief financial officers (CFOs) and business leaders. The program will be offered in partnership with the Accountant-Lawyer Alliance (ALA), which provides continuing education courses and networking events to certified public accountants (CPAs) and attorneys nationwide. ... [ read more ]

Business Operating Systems, Brand Media the Focus of August EEA Zoom Shows

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance strategic Zoom Show on Aug. 12 at 1 pm ET will focus on Business Operating Systems, an invaluable approach to running a better business of almost any size. The EEA tactical Zoom Show on Aug. 13 at 1 pm US, sponsored by the Brand Media Coalition, will cover the emerging concept of Brand Media, Experiences and Surprise and Delight in rewards, recognition, and gifting. ... [ read more ]

EEA Creates Curriculum for CFO.University

The EEA is creating the first formal learning and certification program on Human Capital Management, Measurement, Employee Engagement ROI, and Compliance for chief financial officers for CFO.University, a leading community for CFOs that will qualify CFO.University members for an EEA CFO certification and annual membership status. This new course at CFO.University is focused specifically on the needs of the CFOs seeking to understand the basic principles involved with managing, measuring, and reporting on all aspects of human capital and employee engagement. ... [ read more ]

EEA Zoom Show Focuses on Advertising and Marketing in the Era of Authenticity

Matthew Della Croce; President Global and Corporate for Allison Partners; Satish Korde, a brand strategy consultant and formerly CEO of GTB, and Allan Steinmetz; CEO, Founder, Inward Consulting, will join EEA Zoom show host Bruce Bolger, Enterprise Engagement Alliance at founder, on how the advertising and marketing field can adapt to the new focus on authenticity and purpose. ... [ read more ]

People ROI Pioneers to CEOs: Human Capital Can Be Measured

Probably no organization has dedicated itself more persistently to the cause of measuring the return on investment of human resources and other people investments than ROI Institute, which now has nearly 6,000 return-on-Investment certified professionals worldwide with an active pipeline of 2,000 people in the process. ... [ read more ]

Appreciation at Work Goes Virtual

The culture company Appreciation at Work has launched a new Virtual Appreciation at Work™ Training Kit specifically designed to make its training assets easily available in the new working conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.... [ read more ]

The New Economics of Capitalism

Why is a leading professor of finance at the London Business School a strong advocate for employee engagement? Because it’s better business, he says. That’s the premise of Alex Edman's new book, Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit, published in March by Cambridge University Press. Edmans will be a panelist in a series of upcoming EEA Zoom Shows... [ read more ]

EEA Zoom Show: Strategic Culture—Beyond the Warm and Fuzzy | July 15 - 1 pm ET

Over the last two decades, hundreds of books have focused on leadership and culture, and many CEOs at companies of all sizes have hired coaches to help improve their management style. And yet, after 20 years or more of talk, probably no more than 20% of organizations have a strategic approach to culture management—i.e., a CE0-ld plan that drives a consensus-based brand promise, values, culture, and objectives through a formal process across the enterprise. The result—almost no change in customer and employee engagement. ... [ read more ]

Engagement Is Critical in Government, Too: Former HUD HR Chief

Believe or not, performance improvement and engagement strategies are required of federal agencies under the Government Performance and Results (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010. The challenge, according to Mike Anderson, formal Chief Human Capital Officer for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is that too many departments just check off the box. A government HR expert prescribes a combination of performance management and employee engagement rarely employed in free enterprise either. ... [ read more ]

HR Metrics, ROI Attendees Agree: Covid Will Increase Focus on People

The key findings of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinar on Human Capital Management, Metrics and ROI of Engagement held May 19, 2020: Most attendees agree that Covid-19 will put an even greater focus on people and that very few organizations have a strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder engagement. Trust will be a critical factor as we come out of the crisis. ... [ read more ]

Authenticity Will Rule, Say Loyalty, Marketing Execs

What major impact will the Covid-19 crisis have on loyalty and marketing? For two different perspectives, ESM turned to Michelle Holmes, Senior Director of Travel and Transport Loyalty, who has over 30 years of experience in financial and related loyalty platforms, and Allan Steinmetz, CEO of Inward Consulting, an executive with 30-plus years in advertising and marketing, including senior marketing positions at Young & Rubicam Advertising, Accenture, Arthur D. Little, and Parago. Their views are supported by a recent PepsiCo study about the state of empathy in America. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: Will CFO's Take Charge of Human Capital Metrics?, one of the leading media platforms for chief financial officers, appears to be increasing its coverage of the emerging topic of human capital management and metrics. Ironically, CFOs are uniquely positioned to address the issues that have impeded the emergence of strategic human capital management and Stakeholder Capitalism principles, because they have influence not only with the CEO and board, and with human resources, but in all aspects of the organization from marketing to community engagement.... [ read more ]

Engagement Field Has Unexpected Opportunity Through ROI Measurement

Despite the enormous worldwide economic downturn, the field of engagement has an unprecedented opportunity. Suddenly every CEO is confronted with the long-overlooked fact that not only are people an organization's No. 1 asset, they are its only asset. For the first time, we can literally see that without customers, employees, distribution partners, suppliers and communities, all our real estate and equipment are valueless. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: The Potential Long-Term Impact of Covid-19 on Business

While the crisis has only just begun, leaders must begin to look ahead. This analysis aims to project what business will look like post-pandemic, assuming that the world’s experience with the disease is no worse than China's so far. With the disease still running its course, it’s almost impossible to guess the short-term impact on our lives and the economy.... [ read more ]

House Committee Votes to Require Human Capital Disclosures

Based on the partisan committee vote, this new human capital disclosure law applying to public companies proposed by Democrats is unlikely to become law under current circumstances, but it indicates growing interest in the topic of human capital disclosures. European Union countries and Great Britain already have human capital disclosure requirements for all companies above a certain size. ... [ read more ]

ISO Human Resources Standards Q&A With Zahid Mubarik, ICEE Country Director

Zahid Mubarik, Executive Director, Central Asia, Mideast, and Europe for the International Center for Enterprise Engagement provides answer to frequently asked questions about ISO (International Organization for Standardization) human capital standards. Mubarik, who has earned an ISO 30414 professional certification, is also CEO of HR Metrics, an international human capital analytics firm based in Islamabad. ... [ read more ]

Human Capital Investment and Reporting Council Formed

Providing up-to-date briefings on ISO 30414 standards, Securities & Exchange Commission human capital disclosure rules, ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) and other emerging human capital measurement standards, as well as case studies, research and on-site and virtual training, are among the activities of a new invitation-only peer group for senior executives in human resources, finance, and the investor communities. ... [ read more ]

Opinion: CX Field Masks Failure of Many CEOs to Focus on Stakeholders

The failure of CEOs to lead a strategic and systematic approach to addressing the needs of all stakeholders is the single source of inefficiency and poor outcomes not only in employee but customer experience. Many of the books and theories about customer engagement and experience focus on the tactics when in fact the best results come when the CEO leads a strategic and systematic approach to making and keeping promises to all stakeholders.... [ read more ]

Zahid Mubarik Receives 2nd ISO 30414 Human Capital Certification

Zahid Mubarik, Executive Director of the Middle East, Central Asia, and Eastern European region of International Center for Enterprise Engagement and CEO of HR Metrics, is the second individual to receive a professional certification for ISO 30414 Human Capital Internal and External Reporting.... [ read more ]

Survey: Americans Agree on Something--Capitalism Should Address All Stakeholders

A survey of over 96,000 Americans conducted since 2015 finds that Americans of all political stripes and demographics agree that they "want to see companies support all their stakeholders, including their workers, customers, communities, the environment and finally their stakeholders." Along with announcing the latest results of its survey of what Americans want from corporate America, JUST Capital announced its annual rankings of America’s best and worst companies.... [ read more ]

Six Countries Represented in First ICEE International ISO 30414 Prep Course

Worldwide interest in the new ISO 30414 human capital guidelines is demonstrated by the attendance of leading human resources and analytics executives from six countries in the first ICEE (International Center for Enterprise Engagement) webinar on the new standard. Several have already begun their ISO 30414 professional certification. ... [ read more ]

Anne-Sophie Pruvost Named ICEE Global Engagement Director

A 16-year veteran of Engagement Enterprises assumes Global Engagement Director role for the International Center for Enterprise Engagement at to establish ICEE's European headquarters in Lille, France, and to support global operations, content marketing and social media. ... [ read more ]

ICEE Taps Zahid Mubarik to Lead Middle East, Central Asia, and Europe

The International Center for Enterprise Engagement at has named Zahid Mubarik Executive Director for the Middle East, Central Asia and European regions. He launches his new role with a series of webinars on ISO human capital standards, particularly people analytics standard ISO 30414 internal and external reporting guidelines.... [ read more ]

SEC Human Capital Proposal Draws Nearly 80 Comments, No Media Attention

Comments were overwhelmingly in favor of even more specific disclosures of human capital investments than proposed in new Securities & Exchange Commission 10-K disclosure requirements, with investors and individual commenters in favor of more specifics and business interests generally opposed to any additional disclosure requirements. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: More CEOs Calls for an Enterprise Approach to Engagement: Now What?

Over the last three months, the prestigious Business Roundtable and trend-setting CEOs such as Marc Benioff of Salesforce and Henry Blodget of have advocated for a new approach to capitalism that all have one principle in common: the need to strategically and systematically address the needs of all stakeholders-customers, employees, business partners, communities, anyone who touches the organization directly or indirectly. The question is no longer if CEOs are going to get it, but rather what they are going to do. ... [ read more ]

Human Capital Gains Traction in the Accounting Field

The recent feature articles, "Human Capital's Big Reveal" in CFO magazine and on "Factoring Workforce Engagement Into a Business Evaluation" in Business Valuation Resources demonstrate the growing importance of human capital and engagement in financial management.... [ read more ]

Barron's: ESG Investor Helped Drive Walmart Gun Decision

A report in Barron’s Sept. 9 edition, “How Investors Helped Curb Walmart Gun Sales,” asserts that a letter by leading Environmental, Social, and Governance investor John Streur, an “ESG titan” who runs Calvert Research & Management, the Responsible investing unit of Eaton Vance, helped convince Walmart it was time to take a firmer stance on gun sales. ... [ read more ]

Business Roundtable: CEOs Must Commit to Benefiting All Stakeholders

Nearly 10 years after the Enterprise Engagement Alliance was founded, the world’s leading CEOs in the Business Roundtable formally embrace an enterprise approach to engaging all stakeholders that uses language almost identical to that adopted by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards, including ISO Annex SL requirements in ISO 90001 Quality Management and 60 ISO standards, as well as in ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards and ISO 30414 Human Capital Management guidelines.... [ read more ]

EEA Groups Partner with The PERKS Conventions to Reach a New Generation of HR Leaders

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance's Enterprise Engagement Advisors Network and Brand Media Coalition have both partnered with The PERKS Conventions to introduce its large and fast-growing audience of HR executives and managers to more exhibitors and resources in employee engagement strategies and services, as well as brands, experiences and technology for rewards and recognition, promotional gifting, company stores, and business gifting. ... [ read more ]

Insight: Before Blaming the CEO, Try Doing the Job

Here's a perspective of human capital from the CEO’s vantage point to help understand how to demonstrate how CEOs above all can benefit from a strategic and systematic approach to engaging all stakeholders--not only be producing more sustainable results, but also by creating better experiences for all stakeholders and reducing risks of accidents, defects, and lawsuits, not to mention management squabbling. ... [ read more ]

Sustainability Expert: Human Capital Garners Increased Attention

Gail Glazerman, a chartered financial analyst for the Sustainability Accountability Standards Board in San Francisco, writes in a recent blog that “the human capital dimension of sustainability has garnered increasing attention because of a growing number of labor actions, protests on behalf of contractors in the gig economy, the increasing number of teacher strikes, and increased focus on pay inequities and more. ... [ read more ]

Stanford U. Article on ESG Investing Highlights Enterprise Engagement Principles

A recently published article in Stanford University’s Closer Look series analyzes the growing trend of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing that the Enterprise Engagement Alliance believes is a major driver of Enterprise Engagement and ISO 10018 Quality People Management and other standards. A growing database of over 17,000 companies makes it increasingly easy to track the relative scores of business, and the results aren’t pretty. ... [ read more ]

The Role of the Chief Engagement Officer

Despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent annually by organizations to engage employees and customers, numerous independent research studies find that neither employee nor customer engagement have improved appreciably in more than a decade. ... [ read more ]

What's Next for ISO HR Pioneers McKinley and Webster?

After spending over a decade helping to create the first worldwide standards on human resources management, Dr. Ron B. McKinley and Lee S. Webster, founders of the ISO HR 260 standards eight years ago, will turn their attention to promoting the use of the standards they helped create in their new roles as co-founders of the International Center for Enterprise Engagement at ... [ read more ]

The CEO's Enterprise Engagement Toolkit

A definitive guide to all the tools, tactics and types of engagement solution-providers, offering strategic and tactical solutions for all types of organizations, audiences and applications, as well as some insights on how to select the right solution-provider for your needs and how your organization will pay for the services and measure the impact. ... [ read more ]

Gary Vaynerchuk: Winner of the ISO 10018 Honorary CEO Citation for Quality People Management

This profile of Gary Vaynerchuk, the CEO of VaynerMedia, a fast-growing New York-based digital marketing agency, continues ESM's new Quality People Management CEO series honoring chief executives at organizations that base their success on a strategic and systematic approach to engaging all stakeholders - customers, distribution partners, sales and nonsales employees, vendors and communities. ... [ read more ]

New Experience Management Firm Offers 'Vitality Index'

According to Kimberly Lanier, co-founder, Xpedition is a new experience management [XM] intelligence exchange dedicated to empowering leaders at all levels to deliver a superior customer experience by breaking through silos to maximize employee, product, brand and digital experiences. ... [ read more ]

Korn-Ferry Study: Investors Lack Faith in CEO Leadership

ESM readers will find the results of this recent Korn-Ferry study of no surprise, but it should be a wake up call to both boards of directors and business school educators: Most CEOs have yet to embrace the value of a strategic and systematic approach to human capital management. ... [ read more ]

ICEE Launches Honorary CEO Citation For Quality People Management

The new honorary ISO 10018 citation for CEOs recognizes leaders with the courage to break the old 20th century leadership mode and embrace the importance of strategic Human Capital Management. This commitment is demonstrated by a CEO-led strategic and systematic approach to engaging all stakeholders consistent with ISO Annex SL and ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards, as well as the new ISO 34014 Human Capital disclosures. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: America’s Dirty Secret—We’re Miserable at Work

A recent New York Times magazine article, "America’s Professional Elite: Wealthy, Successful and Miserable," suggests that even the nation's most successful people share a general dissatisfaction with their work - yet another byproduct of the failure of enough CEOs to lead a strategic and systematic approach to engaging all stakeholders. ... [ read more ]

Engagement in the News: Stock Buyback Bill, Barron's Sustainable Companies List, Amy Klobuchar

When Sen. Elizabeth Warren introduced the Accountable Capitalism Act calling upon CEOs at companies with sales of over $1 billion to "take into account the interests of customers, employees and communities," ESM predicted this could mark the start of new public discussion about the importance of investing in people and what ESM calls Enterprise Engagement, but we didn’t think it would happen this fast. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: Who's in Charge?

In a recent article, "News Analysis: Enterprise Engagement Creates Big Opportunity for HR Management," ESM suggests that the emergence of Enterprise Engagement creates a unique opportunity for Human Resources to play a leadership role in overall implementation. Not so fast, suggest experts in marketing. They see the Chief Marketing Officer as the person in charge of brand engagement across the enterprise. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: More Politicians Call for Human Capital Investments

The issue of investing in people is heating up. In a recent ESM article, "Sen. Elizabeth Warren Proposes Bill That Would Mandate Enterprise Engagement Practices at Large Companies," we predicted that pressure would continue to grow for legislative action on investments in Human Capital. Now Senators Chuck Schumer of New York and Bernie Sanders of Vermont are proposing a bill that would put limits on stock buybacks on public companies that fail to invest in people. ... [ read more ]

SEC Still Weighing Human Capital Disclosures by Public Companies

While some Securities & Exchange Commission observers doubted the SEC would act on a formal petition to require public companies to disclose Human Capital investments during this administration, SEC Chair Jay Clayton recently made it clear to its Investor Advisory Committee that such disclosures are still under consideration. In the call, he acknowledged that human capital can now be considered an investment rather than a cost. ... [ read more ]

HR Standards Pioneers Head Up ISO 10018 Certification and HR Standards Audit Practice at ICEE

The introduction of 10 Human Resources standards, and now the new ISO 34014 Human Capital Disclosure Guidelines, are creating a significant opportunity for CEOs and their organizations to take advantage of a formal process for managing engagement across the enterprise to enhance financial performance, the stakeholder experience and address growing pressures on public companies from investors and on ISO-certified companies from new Annex SL People Management standards. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 5th Edition Is Released - The Desk Reference for Engagement Leadership Across the Enterprise

The latest edition provides a comprehensive reference guide for anyone in charge of designing strategic or tactical engagement efforts at public, private, not-for-profit and governmental organizations. It demonstrates how to connect the dots between the organization’s brand, values and goals, the people necessary for goal achievement, and the tactics used to engage them and measure results. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: Part 2 - What HR Leadership Will Need to Profit From Enterprise Engagement

As outlined in the ESM article, News Analysis: Part I - Enterprise Engagement Creates Big Opportunity for HR Management, CEOs face increasing pressure to have a formal strategy to engage all stakeholders in a strategic and systematic way, not only from investors and ISO standards, but potentially from regulators. HR can help by educating the C-suite on these trends and driving the strategic and tactical solutions to help organizations profit from them. ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Safety Engagement

This article is an excerpt of a new chapter in Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, Fifth Edition, due out in January 2019. This chapter focuses on how Enterprise Engagement and ISO 10018 and Annex SL principles can be applied to addressing why safety remains a serious challenge on many worksites. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: Is the Employee Engagement Movement Dead? Why Customer and Employee Engagement Remain Stuck in Neutral

It's a long list: 20 years of books touting the "new" marketing, leadership and employee engagement, in addition to extensive research identifying the logical link between stakeholder engagement and organizational success, and billions spent on motivational speakers, leadership gurus and coaching, engagement surveys, technology, communication, training, rewards and recognition. Despite all this, consumers continue to ... [ read more ]

Commentary: Why the 'Ban Bossy' Campaign is Terrible for Girls

Despite her success and stature, Sheryl Sandberg’s alleged role in the Facebook privacy scandal exposed in a recent New York Times report demonstrates why her advice for handling bossy girls is precisely the wrong path to the ascendance of women, or anyone, in the workplace. ... [ read more ]

More Firms Waking Up to Customer-Employee Experience Link

After nearly 11 years promoting the importance of linking customer and employee engagement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance is finding more examples of organizations, from Adobe to sports apparel manufacturer Shefit, recognizing the importance of employees in delivering the customer experience. ... [ read more ]

MaritzCX Garners Awards Focused on Customers, Employees

For the third year in a row, MaritzCX received the highest rank for a Customer Experience (CX) technology and research firm from the American Marketing Association (AMA) in its annual Top 50 Report of U.S. Market Research and Analytics Companies.... [ read more ]

HBR Feature: It’s Brand Engagement, Not Just Employee Engagement, That Counts

In a recent Harvard Business Review article, 'Engaging Employees Starts With Remembering What You're Your Company Stands For,' brand consultant and author Denise Lee Yohn argues that engagement has little value unless it connects employees to the brand. Her article adds to the growing number of experts arguing for a need to connect employee and customer engagement and contains an excellent case study for what she calls Brand Engagement - what the EEA calls Enterprise Engagement. ... [ read more ]

Is 2021 the Next Y2K for the World’s CEOs?

Sixty ISO standards now include new Annex SL people management requirements that 80% or more organizations would not meet if thoroughly audited now. Companies were given time to adapt to these major new requirements, but that time is running out, say the authors. ... [ read more ]

Annex SL and Enterprise Engagement: Why the C-Suite Needs to Know About ISO Annex SL

In 2011, ISO came up with a new standard for management systems to make it much easier for all ISO management standards, including ISO 9001 quality management, ISO 45001 occupational health and safety (OH&S), and all other management standards, to apply the same strategic focus on a systems approach to management that addresses the needs of all stakeholders and a focused approach to fostering awareness, capability, buy-in, and inspiration. ... [ read more ]

2019 Engagement World to Focus on 'Most Effective Practices for Everyone'

Engagement World 2019 will present the most effective enterprise engagement practices for organizational practitioners, solution- providers and educators, designed for organizations of all sizes and types based on open-source ISO standards, practical case studies and the certification programs of leading associations in multiple key areas of engagement. ... [ read more ]

Push for Human Capital Disclosures Accelerates Worldwide

An effort supported by over 100 leading investment funds has led to the first-known test of voluntary human capital investment disclosures by public companies. Employee engagement, health and safety, training, diversity and turnover are among the Enterprise Engagement metrics included in these disclosures. ... [ read more ]

WorkTango Finds Growth in Voice of the Employee

When Rob Catalano and Nadir Ebrahim started three years ago, they aimed to create a platform that would transform front-line leadership. What they didn’t expect was the opportunity to disrupt employee engagement surveys, explains Catalano in a recent interview.... [ read more ]

Gartner Study Recommends Connecting Voice of Customer to Voice of Employee Strategies

Since its formation in 2008, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance has had to battle the silos between employee and customer engagement. Despite compelling research from Gallup and numerous others, as well as ISO 10018 standards that link engagement across the enterprise, most organizations have yet to embrace ways to connect customer and employee engagement strategies and tactics. ... [ read more ]

Free Engagement ROI Calculator Now Available From EEA

This new ROI Calculator is one of four tools offered for free by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its Academy to help organizations seeking to implement a strategic approach to Enterprise Engagement and achieve ISO 10018 certification. ... [ read more ]

ISO 9001 Clause 7.1.2 Drives Need for Engagement Expertise

Organizations seeking to comply with ISO 9001: 2015 standards have until September to incorporate updates that include a new strategic and expanded focus on people outlined in clause 7.1.2. That’s one of the key takeaways of a recent Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinar on the Quality Marketplace, held on Dec. 20. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: ISO 9001 Drives Need for Engagement

ISO 10018 standards and Quality People Management certification bring the advantages of ISO 9001 to organizations in every part of the economic sector, from for-profit to not-for-profit and government, by applying a systematic, integrated approach to achieving goals through people. ... [ read more ]

First ISO 10018 Convener Believes Time is Right for a Certification

It took years for the creators of ISO 9001 to understand the importance of culture and people, and almost as many to create the ISO 10018 People Involvement and Competence standard, but one of the contributors to the standard believes the timing is right for a ISO 10018 Quality People Management certification... [ read more ]

News Analysis: Why ISO 10018 Is a Potential Game-Changer

With more investors demanding that public companies invest in human capital and engagement, and the economics of engagement proven beyond logical dispute, ISO 10018 standards have the potential to shake up the marketplace for traditional engagement solutions. ... [ read more ]

Diversity and Engagement

The larger or more geographically spread out the organization, the greater the issues related to diversity. Beyond the regulatory and ethical obligations to recruit employees and market to customers... [ read more ]

News Analysis: Why Engagement Hasn’t Budged

ISO Standards, EEA curriculum provide potential answers. It is the lack of a formal organizational approach to engagement that explains why engagement scores remain low, despite billions invested in leadership coaching, assessment and employee engagement surveys.... [ read more ]

News Analysis: What to Look for in an Engagement Agency or Consultant

With the field of engagement catching on, many traditional incentive, marketing, promotion and management consulting firms now claim that their products and services are engaging, or that they provide engagement services. But what does that mean, exactly? What questions can you ask of solution providers to... [ read more ]

What Are the Hottest Issues in Engagement Today?

Engagement University & Expo, April 18-19 in Chicago, provides both a scientific and experience-based roadmap for identifying the key audiences and levers of engagement that need to be addressed to focus people on the most critical organizational values and goals. ... [ read more ]

Transforming Engagement from Buzzword to Reality

Engagement is a formal business strategy, not another marketing buzzword. Now that ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, has approved the process to create formal guidelines for engagement and a growing number of investors are demanding public companies disclose their engagement investments and results, the 2017 Engagement University ... [ read more ]

UK's Engage for Success Initiative Moves Forward Despite Brexit

Although it was founded shortly after the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, the United Kingdom's Engage for Success initiative has a significant advantage: it was created in part with the support of the government of Prime Minister David Cameron, who took a personal interest in the movement. ... [ read more ]

ITA Group Practices What It Preaches

ITA Group has experienced a growth spurt in the last 18 months, with employment expanding by nearly 16% to more than 600 team members nationwide. To accommodate its increased staff and customer base, the company recently expanded its West Des Moines, IA headquarters and opened an office for technology team members in Phoenix. One of the key factors behind ... [ read more ]

New MaritzCX CEO: Great Data Available - Now What?

To Mike Sinoway, a research and analytics veteran, the next big challenge for business is not the collection of data but the ability to translate it into strategies and tactics to effectively engage customers and employees. Sinoway is the new CEO at MaritzCX, formerly Allegiance ... [ read more ]

MotivAction Sees Big Growth for Engagement

MotivAction is a Minneapolis-based performance improvement company founded in 1976. The firm recently joined the Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA). ESM recently sat down with MotivAction President and COO Joe Keller to talk about his company and the emerging field of engagement. ... [ read more ]

New Evaluation Process Aims to Score Any Organization’s "HR Maturity"

A new evaluation process developed by the Maturity Institute in Great Britain enables any organization to score its level of human capital maturity and identify the steps needed to maximize human capital return-on-investment. The goal is to provide organizations and their consultants a formal process for evaluating the effectiveness of human capital management practices and to identify corrective actions and/or institute a more strategic approach to the management of all people and stakeholders related to the organization.... [ read more ]

ISO Releases the First Standards on Human Resources Practices

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee 260 has issued its first four standards in human resources management. According to the ISO, "A new series of ISO standards aims to help not only improve the recruitment process, but improve businesses through better human resource processes."... [ read more ]

Baudville Brands, C.A. Short and Divvy Engagement Become Engagement Agency Partners

Baudville Brands, a leading recognition firm in Grand Rapids, MI, C.A. Short Company, an innovator in employee engagement based on Shelby, NC, and Divvy Engagement Solutions, the new name for a 25-year-old, full-service incentive company based in Pleasant Valley, NY, have become partners in the growing Engagement Agency network of engagement solution providers. ... [ read more ]

EEA Accepted to Serve ISO Effort on Human Capital Standards

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance was formally accepted to serve on the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) which represents the interests of the United States on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee that is developing standards on human capital management, known as ISO/TC 260... [ read more ]

Richard Warwick, Lipic's Engagement, Earns CEP Designation

Richard Warwick, Business Development Executive at Lipic's Engagement in St. Louis, has earned Certified Engagement Practitioner (CEP) status from the Enterprise Engagement Alliance. Warwick is responsible for developing and implementing the company's business plan for bringing employee engagement solutions to ... [ read more ]

Baruch College Professor Sees Big Promise for Analytics in Enterprise Engagement

Few people in academia better understand the convergence of analytics and Enterprise Engagement than Charles Scherbaum, Associate Professor of Psychology at Baruch College and a member of the doctoral faculty at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Scherbaum, an early contributor to the Enterprise Engagement Alliance curriculum on analytics... [ read more ]

Worktango Aims to Improve Manager-Employee Communication

It's often said that people leave managers, not companies. Two members of the I Love Rewards Team team that gave rise to Achievers Inc., which was recently acquired by Blackhawk Network, have launched WorkTango, a platform that enables managers "to have better conversations with employees to create alignment, approve accountability, and develop high-performing teams." ... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 3rd Edition has been completely updated with new information, illustrations and new chapters. Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, the Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by leading companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management, and community relations.... [ read more ]

EEA Honors 9 Companies With 'First' Awards

Three leading corporations, three engagement solution providers and three key contributors are recipients of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance's inaugural 'First' Awards, honoring early innovators in the field of Enterprise Engagement. ... [ read more ]

Engagement World Event Signals Emergence of New Field

Enterprise Engagement brings together major industry associations and organizations for a week of education, exhibits and networking events at Engagement World, April, 25-28, Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld. Four organizations in management, face-to-face engagement, loyalty, and rewards and recognition have united to promote the concept of enterprise-wide engagement at Engagement World, April 25-28, at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld. ... [ read more ]

Do Men and Women Experience Engagement Differently?

Is the work experience different depending on gender? Modern Survey’s recent research on employee engagement, Employee Engagement and Gender, examines perceptions of the workplace and how those perceptions differ for women and men. ... [ read more ]

ITA Group Launches New Employee Engagement Solution

ITA Group, the Iowa-based employee well-being and engagement firm, recently announced the release of Strive5, what it calls "the Whole-Employee Solution." Strive5 consolidates key employee initiatives onto one platform, focusing on five key areas that influence employee health and... [ read more ]

Aon Hewitt Acquires Modern Survey

Aon Hewitt has announced the acquisition of Minnesota-based engagement analytics firm Modern Survey. Financial terms of the transaction have not yet been disclosed. This transaction strengthens Aon Hewitt's suite of workforce analytics solutions, including business and human capital analytics... [ read more ]

EEA in Education Pact on Engagement With C-Suite Network

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance and C-SuiteNetwork have announced a broad marketing partnership to educate corporate management on the emerging field of engagement and to provide the EEA community with a range of the C-Suite Network's learning and networking services.Under the agreement, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance will develop an education program and content track on... [ read more ]

News Analysis: KPMG Tests Shift from Engagement Surveys to Analytics

Readers of ESM and its blog know the issues people are raising about the relevance or utility of traditional employee engagement surveys, most recently by Dr. Bob Nelson, a prolific author and speaker on recognition and engagement, in the recent ESM article: Bob Nelson: Employee Survey Industry an Epic Failure.... [ read more ]

Arby's Engages Employees in Brand Growth

There’s a spirit of energy at Arby's, where new CEO Paul Brown and his team are bringing innovation to products and services, as well as employee and franchisee relations. Coming off 18 consecutive quarters of same-store sales growth, Arby's is considered a star in the industry, rivaling (and even outpacing) the success of Chipotle. ... [ read more ]

Widgets Author Rodd Wagner: 'The Game Has Changed'

HRM Canada recently interviewed Rodd Wagner, author of the business best-seller Widgets, calling it a "frame-breaking approach to leadership." In response to a range of questions on employee engagement, human resources and management, Wagner noted that... [ read more ]

Ceridian and WorkAngel Announce Engagement/Wellness Solution

Human capital management technology firm Ceridian has partnered with WorkAngel, an employee engagement and retention platform, to offer what they call "a mobile employee engagement and wellness solution." According to a recent press release, the platform provides users with... [ read more ]

IRF Study Examines 'Engagement Wildfire'

The field of engagement is a "wildfire" that risks doing damage unless organizations focus on performance and not simply on engagement, according to Engaged in What?, a study funded by the Incentive Research Foundation and authored by Theresa M. Welbourne, Ph.D, President and CEO of eePulse, Inc., ... [ read more ]

Insight: Best Lessons From Bad Bosses

As everyone knows, bad bosses are one of the main causes for disengaged employees, and the dirty little secret remains that most companies have no systematic way to address the issue. So in the meantime we’ll continue to share insights about the impact of ... [ read more ]

Engage For Success Conference - Nov. 24th - London

"Engage or Bust" is the theme of the Engage for Success Conference, set for Tuesday, November 24th, 9 am to 6 pm at the QEII Center in central London. The event is sponsored by Engage for Success, the government-backed organization established to... [ read more ]

New Human Resources Award Highlights Long-Term Success

A new recognition and award program highlights individuals who have had, and will continue to have, a career of accomplishment in the Human Resources arena. Patterned after the ubiquitous "30 under 30" and "40 under 40" awards, 50over50HR is designed to recognize people who have spent years supporting, changing and making a difference in human resources... [ read more ]

Engage For Success Conference November 24th in London

"Engage or Bust" is the theme of the Engage for Success Conference, set for Tuesday, November 24th, 9 am to 6 pm at the QEII Center in central London. The event is sponsored by Engage for Success, the government-backed organization established to... [ read more ]

Why Chester Elton, ‘Apostle of Appreciation,’ Now Focuses on Engagement

Few people have done more to advance the recognition field than Chester Elton, whose public speaking, research and outreach activities, along with his numerous books, including The Carrot Principle, The Orange Revolution, All In and What Motivate Me, have earned him the sobriquet "The Apostle of Appreciation." He also has a short interview program on WCBS NewsRadio 880 in New York each Thursday at 9:30 am, ironically in conjunction with the station’s Wall Street opening bell report.... [ read more ]

Recognition in the Era of Employee Engagement

Employee engagement and recognition: What is the difference and how this affects solution providers and corporate planners. Over the last two decades, the recognition field has become a multi-billion-dollar business with over a dozen leading solution providers and hundreds of smaller ones across the U.S. Companies spend billions on ... [ read more ]

CA Short Fox Business Feature on Engagement

CA Short, a leading recognition firm based in Shelby, NC, sponsored a 15-minute program on World Wide Business, hosted by successful entrepreneur and business personality Kathy Ireland, that focused on the concept of engagement and CA Short's role in this emerging field. ... [ read more ]

Engagement World Set for April 25-28 2016 in Orlando, FL

A Conference and Expo dedicated to the many strategies and tactics of Enterprise Engagement and their impact on business is being launched by the Exhibit and Event Marketers Association (E2MA) and Enterprise Engagement Alliance. The event, Engagement World 2016, is designed to ... [ read more ]

Hay Group: Engagement Creates Talent Challenge

Oliver Rueth, U.S. Market Leader for the Employee Engagement practice of Hay Group, says business is good, almost too good. "Our No. 1 problem right now is not how to expand our business, structure our organization to handle the new marketplace, or develop a plan. Today, our challenge is finding the talent we need to manage the new requirements of our clients."... [ read more ]

GoDaddy Selects Jive Software to Connect and Engage Employees

Jive Software Inc., a provider of communications and collaboration solutions for business, recently announced that GoDaddy has selected the Jive-n interactive intranet solution to help drive employee engagement and communications. By implementing Jive, GoDaddy will help employees work together ... [ read more ]

IRF: Generations in the Workforce & Marketplace

Keeping employees happy, productive and loyal is essential to the long-term health of any company. But generational differences in the workforce tend to complicate matters when it comes to essential elements of employee engagement such as rewards and recognition... [ read more ]

Modern Survey Releases Spring 2015 Engagement Whitepaper

At a rate of over 30%, people managers across the U.S. report that they’re looking for opportunities elsewhere. What to do? Minneapolis-based Modern Survey recently released this and other pertinent data in a Spring 2015 engagement study whitepaper focusing on... [ read more ]

Reward Gateway to Expand In U.S. With New Owner

In yet another sign of growth in the emerging engagement business sector, Boston-based technology investment firm Great Hill Partners announced that it has agreed to purchase London-based Reward Gateway at a valuation of $217.6 million. Reward Gateway offers enterprise employee engagement software that claims to... [ read more ]

Marcus Evans 5th Annual Talent Management Canada - Sept. 23-24, 2015 - Toronto, ON

This marcus evans event targets talent management as the backbone for organizational success. Heads of Talent, Human Resources, and Organizational Development will address holistic and persona-based trends for talent management, solidifying an organizational identity, progressive and competitive talent strategy, and an influential and engaging corporate culture.... [ read more ]

Is your reward program really engaging people?

Tom McMullen, writing recently on the Hay Group blog, notes that a recent study of World@Work members found only 11% of organizations conduct a formal ROI assessment of their reward programs. However, 48% of respondents said they planned to more rigorously assess... [ read more ]

The Engaging Employees Conference - Dec. 1, 2015 - London

This 1-day, Industry-led conference and networking event is scheduled for December, 1 2015, at One America Square in Central London. The Engaging Employees Conference will feature: 22 Brand Speakers - 13 in-depth Sessions focused around your hottest Employee Engagement topics - 2 interactive Panel Discussions... [ read more ]

Finance Staff Struggle To Engage With Other Departments

A recent study of CFOs by Robert Half Finance & Accounting has found that the greatest challenge for finance and accounting professionals is learning to interact with a variety of personalities when working with those in other departments. When asked, “Which one ... [ read more ]

Engaging Millennials in the Workplace

Millennials are entering the workplace at such a swift rate that, according to Deloitte, they will make up 75% of the workforce by 2020. Organizations are scrambling to understand how they can better engage Millennials in the workplace.... [ read more ]

Recent Report Highlights Impact of Bad Bosses on Engagement

A recent New York Times Sunday Review article entitled “Is Your Boss Mean?” written by researchers who have studied the subject, reported that mean and demeaning bosses not only make people miserable, they significantly affect the ability of employees to do their jobs correctly, as well as their willingness to share information, even when that information could help the organiza... [ read more ]

The Other Side of Corporate Social Responsibility

Over the last 20 years, many organizations have adopted Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives aimed at allocating some corporate profits and resources to address social, environmental, or other issues important to the community. In this recent TEDx talk entitled "The Social Responsibility of Business," Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance at... [ read more ]

U.S. and China Lead the World in New Buckingham Employee Engagement Index

The U.S. and China lead the world in employee engagement, according to a new standardized international employee engagement index created by the Marcus Buckingham Company. Called the StandOut Global Engagement Index (GEI), the report compares employee engagement in 13 countries. Spain and Argentina ranked lowest in employee engagement. The company claims that this is the first survey of its kind. “These findings point to two key themes in the state of engagement today... [ read more ]

The 2015 People-Centric Award Winners

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance is pleased to announce…The 2015 People-Centric Award Winners.What makes these 25 U.S. companies stand apart from their peers and competitors? They each have their unique attributes, but ... [ read more ] Enters Engagement Field

A recent post on the EEA blog reports that has released new human resources tools designed, as reported by Techcrunch, “to improve employee engagement.” Based on its announcement, these new technologies will enable companies to handle most routine human resources and benefits processes using various apps... [ read more ]

Female Bosses Are More Engaging Than Male Bosses

Gallup Business Journal recently reported that employees who work for a female manager in the U.S. are actually more engaged, on average, than those who work for a male manager. However, only one in three (33%) working Americans say they currently have a female boss. Female managers themselves tend to be more engaged than male managers. Gallup finds that ... [ read more ]

U.S. Employee Engagement Reaches Three-Year High

Gallup reports that the percentage of U.S. workers engaged in their jobs rose from an average 31.7% in January to an average 32.9% in February. The latest monthly rate of employee engagement is the highest Gallup has recorded in three years and is a full 1.5 percentage points above where it stood in February 2014.... [ read more ]

Engagement’s Emerging Role in Corporate Wellness

A shift is taking place in workplace wellness related to the concept of Enterprise Engagement, linking wellness strategies to an organization’s culture, retention, productivity, performance and even customer and employee satisfaction. By Amy Kramer & Paula Godar. Wellness goes beyond the obvious benefits of lowering healthcare claims,... [ read more ]

Driving Talent Development with Data

Leading-edge companies are tapping the potential of advanced analytics to improve talent acquisition, employee engagement, retention, talent development and, ultimately, their bottom lines. Soon this will be the... [ read more ]

Driving Engagement through Business Travel - Wed, May 6, 2015 2-3:00 PM EDT - Live Webinar

The impact of well-designed incentive travel and other business travel– as compared to cash and merchandise incentives – appears to be increasing as both consumers and high performers seek tailored experiences over commodity goods aimed at the mass market. But extracting the greatest impact and ROI from investments in business travel requires more imagination and creativity than ever. Join experts from industry, Patty Pae and Sandra Daniel, along with the EEA’s Curriculum Chair, Allan Schweyer, as they discuss and demonstrate the practices, trends and innovations in better business and incentive travel design. ... [ read more ]

Again...Less Than 30% of Employees Are Actively Engaged

Avatar Solutions recently announced the results of its annual analysis of employee engagement levels in the U.S., finding that only 29.2% of employees surveyed were "Actively Engaged," 58.8% were "Partially Engaged" and 12% were "Actively Disengaged." ... [ read more ]

BlessingWhite: In Search of High Performance

Mary Ann Masarech, Employee Engagement Lead Consultant at BlessingWhite and a regular ESM Columnist, recently posted an article on her company’s website noting that a high-performance work environment is clearly the responsibility of everyone, not just the senior leaders of an organization, and that talent management and compensation policies play a key role. She includes tips to spark readers’ behavior – and that of their fellow leaders. Some highlights:... [ read more ]

Survey: Understanding Values is the Key to Engagement

Don McPherson, President and Co-Founder of Minnesota-based Modern Survey, recently noted that when people say they know and understand the organizational values of the company they work for, those people are 51 times more likely to be "Fully Engaged" than ... [ read more ]

Tapping Into the Power of Peers

Globoforce reports that best-in-class companies know something about recognition. According to a new report from Aberdeen, more top performing organizations than ever before are leveraging peer-to-peer recognition to deliver results. Built from data drawn from Aberdeen’s The Power of Employee Recognition report, this new Aberdeen white paper shows how ... [ read more ]

Survey: Employees Less Loyal Than They Were 5 Years Ago

Management’s view of a key aspect of engagement is not very favorable at this point. More than half of managers (52%) consider their employees less loyal than five years ago, according to a survey of more than 1,200 executives and managers by the American Management Association (AMA). Just over one-third (37%) perceive employees to be about as loyal as they were five years ago. The most telling statistic: Only 11% view employees as more loyal. This trend is even more pronounced among organizations with more than 1,000 employees. Just over 60% of respondents at large organizations consider employees to be less loyal than five years ago, compared to 44% of respondents at firms with fewer than 1,000 employees. Other highlights from the survey: • Declining employee loyalty is thought to harm organizations by causing low morale (84%), high turnover (80%), disengagement (80%), growing distrust (76%) and lack of team spirit (73%). • One-third (33%) of senior leaders believe employee loyalty has a direct link to profits. To read the full article, go to ... [ read more ]

Hampton Hotels Turns Culture Inside-Out

The Hampton brand has knocked down its walls to unleash its culture – both internally and externally. defines corporate culture as "the distinctive ethos of an organization that influences the level of formality, loyalty and general behavior of its employees."... [ read more ]

How Engagement in Nonprofits is Different, Yet Similar

When it comes to engagement, most nonprofits have an advantage over for-profits in that they can attract employees and volunteers based on the organization’s mission. When you feel strongly about a mission – whether helping families and communities in need, rescuing animals, providing... [ read more ]

Career Management Programs Missing the Mark

Career management programs are supposed to help employees understand advancement opportunities and chart career paths with their organizations, resulting in greater engagement. However, research from Towers Watson reveals that employers and employees alike agree that career management programs are largely failing to meet these goals. This finding comes at a time when many employees believe their careers are stuck in neutral and say they would need to leave their employer to advance their careers. According to the Towers Watson Global Workforce Study, less than half of all employees (46%) and only 59% of high-potential employees – a group that employers should be working hard to keep – say their organization provides useful career planning tools. An even smaller group (42%) report that their employer provides advancement opportunities. Furthermore, roughly 4 in 10 employees believe they would have to join another company in order to advance their careers. Read more at [ read more ]

Marcus Evans HR Summit - January 22-24, 2015 - Las Vegas, NV

HR Summit January 22-24, 2015 Green Valley Ranch Resort & Spa | Las Vegas, NV This event brings together human resource executives from fortune 500 companies. Types of attendees include: EVP, SVP, VP, of Human Resources. Some topics discuss will be: Succession Planning and Talent Pipelining, Winning Tomorrow’s Employees Today, and Investing in Your People. Along with presentations, all executives will have a chance to have individual meetings with the vendors, onsite. These meetings are all pre-scheduled and mutually agreed upon, and their purpose is to learn about solutions and services executives may not have known existed. There is also informal networking opportunities during meals, coffee breaks and cocktails. For more information, please contact Jennifer Keljik, ... [ read more ]

Marcus Evans Corporate Benefits Summit - January 22-24, 2015 - Las Vegas, NV

Corporate Benefits Summit January 22-24, 2015 Green Valley Ranch Resort & Spa | Las Vegas, NV The summit will focus on the opportunity for industry leaders to network with one another and learn about current struggles and solutions within the benefits industry. Topics that will be discussed include: Private Exchange Transition, Employer Mandate Final Regulations, Employee Engagement, The Global Health Issue, and Strategic Benefit Plan. During the event, business meetings will occur between executives and vendors; during this time, it will be a one on one opportunity to learn about one another. These will be pre-scheduled 30 minute meetings that are mutually agreed upon. Other networking opportunities will be available during coffee breaks, meals, and cocktail hours. To hear more about the event contact Jennifer Keljik, ... [ read more ]

Breaking Down Silos

Enterprise Engagement requires the cultivation and participation of numerous constituencies, both inside and outside the organization. In this excerpt from his new book, Strategic Brand Engagement, author John G. Fisher discusses how ... [ read more ]

A Millennial’s Perspective on Motivation at Work

Most people have heard of Millennials. You know, the age group that was born between the 1980s and the 2000’s; children of Baby Boomers or Gen-Xers, defined by their use of technology and their upbringing? Well, you should know about them, considering they’ll son make up over 50% of the workforce. Most organizations are trying their best to recognize the rise of this group and are thinking about how to “handle” them in their organizations.... [ read more ]

A Changing Workforce Requires a New Perspective on Recognition

The workforce is changing drastically, becoming even more diverse and multi-generational. As Boomers hang on longer and even forego retirement as an end goal – and up to four more generations squeeze in behind them – creating appropriate rewards and recognition programs is becoming increasingly complex.... [ read more ]

Who Are America’s Most ‘People-Centric’ Companies?

These 25 firms surpass all others when it comes to strategically engaging their employees, customers and communities The Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) has announced the Top 25 Most People-Centric publicly held companies in the U.S., based on a detailed analysis of independent research by McBassi & Company, a leading human capital analytics firm. ... [ read more ]

‘Increase Your Power by Reducing It’

Pink’s latest book, 'To Sell is Human,' may sound unrelated to engagement, but it actually offers a number of useful insights into human nature and what compels us to make the decisions we do... [ read more ]

The Psychology Behind Engagement

UK-based P&MM, parent company of Motivation Matters, recently released a white paper entitled Employee Engagement: The Psychology Behind Individual Behaviours. The report, co-authored by Ruth Patel, Workforce Psychologist at Unlocking People Potential, examines a range of key elements, such as why employee engagement is important; how to create the right work environment; addressing individual needs; and four areas that can help boost employee engagement. Low engagement can be seen through factors such as high absenteeism, staff turnover and poor staff performance. A Gallup poll also indicates that engagement levels could be predictors of sickness absence, with more highly engaged employees taking an average of 2.7 days per year off sick, compared with disengaged employees taking an average of 6.2 days per year. To download a free copy of the white paper, click here.... [ read more ]

Marketing Innovators: 5 New Engagement Realities

In today’s business environment the role of the contingent employee has changed as companies leverage freelancers and contractors at an accelerated rate. This creates new opportunities and challenges for HR departments to change their strategy when planning and creating recognition, incentive and reward programs. Focusing on engagement of only direct employees excludes an increasing percentage of the company workforce. Here are five realities from a recent blog posting by Marketing Innovators President Rich Blabolil that you should be aware of as you approach this emerging trend: 1. Workforce engagement must be redefined 2. Contingent workforce hires are on the rise 3. Customization is key 4. Global workforce engagement is the new norm 5. Communication is Critical For detailed descriptions of these “new realities” and to read the original post, go to ... [ read more ]

Get Your Copy of Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook

Authored and edited by dozens of experts in general management, marketing, sales, data management, business and academia, Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook’s methodology has been endorsed by Ernst & Young and other top companies as a means of achieving both strategic and tactical organizational goals related to sales, marketing, human resources, vendor management and community relations. The newly-released textbook is available from the EEA Store at for $36, or you can purchase it online through The first edition is 268 pages. Enterprise Engagement: The Textbook also provides formal preparation for the Enterprise Engagement Certification program. Preparation and general learning is also available at Engagement University Online. The textbook is updated regularly based on input generated through the online university. ... [ read more ]

2014 R&R Expo and Engagement U in Nashville: 'I’m Happy I Came'

The 2014 Engagement University and Rewards & Recognition Expo was held at the Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville April 6-8. The meeting brought together many of the leading thinkers and practitioners in the field. Curt Coffman, co-author of the seminal HBR article “Manage Your Human Sigma” and “First Break All the Rules” gave a keynote and hosted a panel session to discuss his perspectives; Gina Valenti of Hilton Worldwide described the implementation of the successful “Hamptonality” program; and others talked about their experiences with organizations such as McAfee, AstraZeneca and Ernst & Young. The Rewards & Recognition Expo attracted more than 80 exhibitors from 50 exhibiting companies, including American Express LoyaltyEdge, TUMI, Applebees, Naples/Marco Island CVB, Victorinox Swiss Army, Target, Canon and dozens of others. “The event exceeded my expectations,” said exhibitor Pete Mitchell, Director, B-to-B Sales at Samsonite. “The majority of my meetings were with current clients...and we were able to get to the business at hand. I’m happy I came.” Attendees were also impressed with the ‘conversation center format’ of the Exhibit Hall, which lent itself to relationship-building and face-to-face conversations rather than the typical ‘drive-by’ literature grab that characterizes most trade shows. “A well-planned and organized event,” noted Jill Trupo, Program Manager at Incentra, Inc. “The speakers were great, the mix of show floor and in class speakers was nice, and the exhibit format was excellent for getting new information from our suppliers and new partners.”... [ read more ]

Engaging Millennials

Aon Hewitt has released its annual list of Best Employers in Canada, revealing that Millennials – the generation entering the workplace after 2000, who have often been characterized as self-interested, difficult employees – are becoming more engaged the longer they’re in the workforce. The survey measures how well organizations perform in six key areas: Leadership Excellence, Manager Effectiveness, Enabling Productivity (how well organizations equip employees to do their jobs), Growth & Development, Valuing & Appreciating Employees and Overall Employee Experience. This year, average employee engagement was 78% at Best Employers, roughly on par with last year’s 79%. The average for other participants was 58%. The study also suggests that the long-held assumption that part-time Millennials are less engaged than their full-time counterparts is simply not true. Read the full report at [ read more ]

Four Steps to Improve Your Engagement

No one can make you more engaged. Your engagement, ultimately, is a personal equation. It reflects your relationship with work, based on your values, your talents, and your aspirations... [ read more ]

Employers Trying to Boost Success of Health/Productivity Programs

As companies strive to keep workers healthier and stem the tide of higher health care costs, they will continue to embrace health and productivity programs as a solution. According to the 2013/2014 Staying@Work Survey, conducted by Towers Watson and the National Business Group on Health, employers will have to address lifestyle risk issues, improve employee engagement and articulate a strategy to establish a workplace health culture, an essential factor for success. Respondents reported the same three lifestyle risks as the biggest workforce issues: stress, obesity and lack of physical activity. These risk factors result in increased employee illness, higher medical costs and lost productivity due to unplanned absence and decreased efficiency at work. To combat these issues, companies have to overcome poor employee engagement. Nearly eight in 10 (77%) employers view a lack of employee engagement as the biggest obstacle to changing behavior. Despite offering a variety of health and productivity programs, employers report that actual program participation is low. For more information, visit [ read more ]

Engaging Tech People: Rise of the Wikipedians

In today’s knowledge economy, competitive advantage is no longer secured purely through the access to capital or information – but by having employees come up with creative and novel ways of solving clients’ problems. To achieve this, organizations are increasingly dependent on the passion, creativity, energy and engagement of the workforce, and in particular on expert employees in fields like finance, engineering, design and technology. Fraser Marlow, Head of Research at BlessingWhite, notes in the firm’s latest installment in a series of ongoing research reports that technical people in organizations have specific workplace needs and face particular pitfalls when taking on leadership roles. The report, Leading Technical People – Research Report 2013, tells you how to take inspiration from the likes of Wikipedia to learn how to engage and lead technical experts to help advance the goals of your organization. For more information, go to [ read more ]

Recognition Programs: Six Steps to ROI

"What’s our return on investment?" If you can't answer the question, your recognition budget could be the first thing on the chopping block when budgeting time comes around. Depending on the size of your organization, you can be spending an average of $125 to $175 per person per year on award costs and ... [ read more ]

Breaking the Code

Digital gift cards – quickly acquired, used, and gifted – are gaining speed in the marketplace... [ read more ]

Leadership Development vs. Employee Engagement

Chris Brunone, Leadership Practice Head at BlessingWhite, recently posted an article on the firm’s website noting that organizational development budgets are limited these days, so it's important that every initiative count. Training leaders who are trying to do more with less often ask which approach will produce the best results: 1) Training the more senior ranks in the organization to become better leaders or 2) Focusing on the engagement of the broader employee base? Should you cut back on leadership development efforts to refocus our energy on Employee Engagement? To help you answer this question, check out the full article at [ read more ]

Certified Engagement Practitioner (CEP) Designation Now Available

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) has launched its formal online test and certification program on Enterprise Engagement. The EEA Curriculum and Certification program focuses on the principals, framework and tactics related to engaging customers, channel partners, employees, vendors and communities to help achieve organizational goals. The exam is available free online at Those who pass the test can obtain a five-year Certified Engagement Practitioner (CEP) designation for $500, as well as qualify for the Advanced Engagement Practitioner and Master Engagement Practitioner designations. The test is designed to help business professionals demonstrate their knowledge of the leadership skills and tactics required to engage people in the 21st century. By participating in the Curriculum and Certification program, managers can advance the interests of their organizations and their careers by better understanding the unique strategies and tactics of this emerging field. The test is divided into five sections that people can take separately as many times as they wish over a one-month period. Each section includes 20 to 30 multiple-choice and true-false questions that will change each time the test is taken. The sections include: Principals, Economics and Framework of Enterprise Engagement; Customer Engagement; Sales and Distribution Partner Engagement; Employee Engagement; and Tactics: Strategic Implementation, Assessment, Recognition, Measurement, etc. The curriculum is designed to provide organizations with a practical, measurable implementation plan that can help improve short- and long-term performance in all areas of business. By establishing a clear framework and agreed-upon nomenclature for engagement, organizations can accelerate the process of translating theory into action. For more information on the EEA Curriculum and Certification program, go to ... [ read more ]

Secrets of Effective Employee Engagement

New research by Bersin & Associates shows that recognition programs dramatically improve employee engagement and reduce turnover, yet 87% of organizations still rely on outdated tenure-based service level awards. Companies with recognition programs that are highly effective at improving employee engagement have 31% lower voluntary turnover than their peers with ineffective recognition programs. The findings, which appear in a new research report, The State of Employee Recognition in 2012, indicate that recognition plays a much more measurable role in business performance than previously believed. “This new research highlights a huge opportunity for companies to redirect existing expenditures to programs that significantly influence engagement and retention,” says Josh Bersin, President and CEO of Bersin & Associates. “The findings also suggest that recognition programs should align with an organization’s comprehensive performance management strategy to drive business results.” To download a copy of the WhatWorks Market Brief on the importance of recognition in performance management, go to [ read more ]

New Book Explores the Engagement Equation

One sign that engagement has emerged as a formal field is the proliferation of books published on the subject over the last few years. The latest, The Engagement Equation: Leadership Strategies for an Inspired Workforce, by BlessingWhite consultants Chrisopher Rice, Fraser Marlow and Mary Ann Masarech, and published by Wiley, focuses specifically on how to infuse engagement throughout your managerial and organizational culture. A fundamental premise of the book is that “you can’t actually make employees engaged. Engagement is fundamentally an individualized equation. What might make one person engaged might turn off the person in the next cubical.” The authors stress the link between “maximum engagement and maximum contribution…” – i.e., the importance of continually linking engagement to organizational results. The book stresses the importance of finding a common definition for engagement and a way of talking about it in the organization; focusing as much on individuals as on global trends or indices; making engagement a priority and shared responsibility so that everyone has a stake in the process; making sure management is as engaged as employees are expected to be; and how to map out an overall plan that provides a clear direction and vision, open communication and realistic ROI measurement tools. They caution that surveys tools should be used to diagnose issues rather that simply as a “prize.” Click here to view a video by the authors.... [ read more ]

Social Recognition: Is the Latest Application of Social Media the Most Powerful Yet?

In the world of talent management, social networks have been used successfully in knowledge sharing, the identification of skills and construction of teams, in recruiting, onboarding and certainly learning. “Social Recognition,” which uses software to enable people to recognize one another, is a relatively new entrant in the pantheon of talent management technology. Yet it draws on practices from some of the world’s most popular internet applications. In connecting peers to peers, and in this case, employees to employees and employees to customers, partners, suppliers and others (the extended enterprise) it opens another dimension in recognition that has the potential to generate powerful cultural evolution within remarkably short timeframes. In others words, social recognition software can be transformative. It can fill a recognition gap quickly and it can extend recognition beyond the organization to help engage customers and other constituents.... [ read more ]

Employee Engagement Surveys - Measurement Issues Webinar

Join the Enterprise Engagement Alliance and Hay Group on Tuesday, December 4th for a FREE expert discussion of best practices and methods in the selection, implementation and analysis of employee engagement surveys. This curriculum segment provides practitioners with a formal framework to determine the best approach to measuring employee engagement in a way that can identify granular solutions. Topics include:... [ read more ]

Most Engaged Employee Contest Will Recognize & Reward Top Talent

Most Engaged Employee Contest Will Recognize & Reward Top Talent The Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) has launched the Most Engaged Employee contest to publicly recognize actively engaged employees for making a significant difference for their employers, colleagues and customers/clients. The annual winner, to be named in May 2013, will receive a trip for two specially designed to fulfill a personal dream or desire they haven’t had the time or resources to accomplish. Monthly winners will receive gifts specifically selected based on their personal interests – something special and meaningful that they will always remember. Visitors to the website ( can nominate themselves or anyone they know and/or anonymously measure their own level of engagement using the Personal Engagement Meter. Nominees will be judged on a variety of criteria, including ongoing actions indicative of a high level of engagement, length of service and clear evidence supporting how they made their organization a better place to work or created better experiences for customers, clients or patients. ... [ read more ]

Best Practices in Assessing Employee Engagement

“Research Has Clearly and Consistently Proved the Direct Link Between Employee Engagement, Customer Satisfaction and Revenue Growth.” ~ Harvard Business Review, 2000 If there ever was a true debate around the linkage between employee engagement and organizational success, that debate has long since ceased.... [ read more ]

Take Your Engagement Pulse at

Anyone can track their own individual engagement at any time and compare it with those of others using the Personal Engagement Meter at Just go to, click on the box on the upper right that says ‘The Personal Engagement Meter’ and follow the simple steps. It takes just a few minutes, it’s completely anonymous, and you’ll see how you stack up against more than 2,000 people who have already taken the survey. Organizations can also anonymously benchmark their engagement practices against those of other companies using the Enterprise Engagement Benchmark Indicator at: is a website and contest seeking to recognize America’s Most Engaged Employees. It is produced by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at ... [ read more ]

Linkage Leads to Peak Performance

A recent TNS Global Panel Study reveals that integrating employee, brand, and customer engagement is strongly connected to high performance. Research from across 23 countries has established four key insights that aim to increase the brand promise to customers and enable the growth of high performing companies: 1. Develop better relationships with employees 2. Focus on the customer experience 3. Be committed to delivering the brand promise to customers 4. Serve as a brand ambassador, and actively promote the company to others. The gaps between “top company” and “well below average” are substantial. This supports the belief that the brand promise has to be experienced by employees so they can live it with the company’s customers. High performing companies are breaking down the silos between customer and employee engagement and branding, and viewing them as multiple expressions of the core of who they are. Go to for more information.... [ read more ]

Inspiring 'Brand Loyalty' for Your Incentive Program

‘Repeat business or behavior can be bribed. Loyalty has to be earned’ - Janet Robinson While Ms. Robinson may have been referring to brand loyalty or product loyalty as opposed to customer loyalty programs in the above quote, her words illustrate a very important concept. Incentive programs don’t start with built-in loyalty and customer buy-in. Without question, incentive programs need to generate loyalty – not only from senior management, but also from the customers they’re trying to entice. An effective program will excel for both management and customers when it is built with a foundation that provides a clear vision for success. In fact, many established programs have been assembled using five critical building blocks that inspire brand loyalty among customers. ... [ read more ]

Marcu Evans 8th Edition Talent Management & Leadership Development - August 7-8, 2012 - Chicago, IL

Hear from 15+ expert practitioners on strategies and best practices in incorporating an enterprise wide approach to talent management and leadership development programs to maintain competitive in a changing global market. Attending this conference will enable you to: - Combine the talent value chain with business and workforce planning strategies to deliver a sound talent management and leadership practice - Ensure a fully integrated talent management practice to establish consistency across the employee lifecycle - Create and implement a multifaceted leadership development strategy that contributes to overcoming succession hiccups - Apply proven talent management and succession plan forecasting methodologies to develop a balanced approach to engaging, retaining and developing HIPO employees - Design a talent analytics practice that links fluctuations in key business drivers to talent management and succession planning forecasts ... [ read more ]

EEA Curriculum Offered at Marcus Evans Chicago Conference

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance curriculum will be presented in conjunction with the upcoming Marcus Evans Customer Experience Conference, July 17-18 in Chicago. The EEA seminar date is July 16. Registration opens soon. Speakers will include executives from Yahoo!, Microsoft, Level Three Communications, Hilton Worldwide, Marriott International, Avaya, American General Life Companies, Deluxe Corporation SimplexGrinnell, and Comcast Corporation. Information about the event can be found at [ read more ]

7 Steps to Measure and Build Engagement: How to Keep Line Managers Interested and Involved

Employee surveys have the potential to help companies understand the relationship between human capital and the bottom line. Yet, if not managed carefully, surveys may fail to realize their potential as strategic organizational tools. Why? Because many organizations are successful in designing reasonable questionnaires, generating high participation rates and gathering a lot of good information. But where survey processes most commonly break down is in the “hand off” between a survey team, perhaps working with the assistance of an outside consultant, and line managers throughout the organization.... [ read more ]

Case Study Examines Rapid Improvement in Engagement

Average levels of employee engagement weren’t good enough for Stryker, as one New Jersey plant discovered. The Gallup Management Journal recently published an extensive case study looking at how a fast-moving manager changed the plant’s culture in less than a year, improving engagement levels from 48% to 57%. Stryker believes that ... [ read more ]

Older Workers Are Most Engaged

A new research study by the Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College examines work experiences of employees, finding that those 40 years old and older are the most engaged and demonstrate the highest level of organizational commitment, and that those 50 years old and older are the most satisfied with their jobs. Employees between the ages of 30 and 39 evidenced ... [ read more ]

Survey Examines the Engagement/Performance Equation

Employee engagement and employee performance management truly go hand in hand. The goal for both is to create alignment between the needs, desires, skills and activities of individuals and what the business requires to achieve results. But in today's intense business environment, what managers and employees need to achieve this balance can be difficult to discern. ... [ read more ]

Temkin Releases Employee Engagement Benchmarking Report

Employee engagement is one of the four customer experience core competencies and it’s the one that companies tend to struggle with the most. To examine this critical area, Temkin Group surveyed more than 2,400 U.S. employees, finding that only 40% are fully committed to helping their companies succeed, 54% will do good for the company even if it’s not expected, and 26% are likely to look for a new job within six months. ... [ read more ]

New Company Offers Unique Award Strategy

LoyaltyShares LLC, a New York-based company, is launching what it calls a Loyalty Equity Acquisition Program, or LEAP, offering a way to include the sponsoring company’s publicly traded stock as an award redemption option without disrupting or changing the current loyalty program process and technology. In addition to providing a template for implementation and guidance in planning, LoyaltyShares LLC will have an ongoing program role as data intermediary, facilitating the flow of information to and from program members, the reward-points system, and the system for administering program shares. Info at [ read more ]

Maritz Announces Custom Travel Division

Maritz recently announced the launch of Maritz Journeys, a new division providing personalized, one-of-a-kind travel itineraries geared toward incentive/reward trips and vacation planning for individuals and small groups. By tailoring the experience to the traveler’s interests and specifications – such as length of travel, destination, activities and budget – programs are designed from the bottom up to create a truly rewarding and memorable experience. The travel solutions range from incentive trips and experiential travel to destination celebrations and multi-generational family travel. Info at [ read more ]

Measuring Enterprise Engagement and Performance

There’s a reason for the old adage: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Anyone who has ever tried to run a business knows that’s true. But it is also true that you can’t manage what you measure only once each year. When it comes to employee and customer engagement, most of us collect information through annual surveys, analyze the results, share them in a high-level report and perhaps devote part of an executive meeting to discuss the implications. Like performance reviews, this is usually done once a year – if at all. ... [ read more ]

EEA Curriculum Challenges Reward Assumptions

Recently, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) performed a review of the past quarter-century of research into Rewards & Recognition. Among the main objectives of this review was to determine links between the use of Incentives and Engagement. Looking at evidence from more than forty studies, researchers found that incentive and reward programs can drive engagement if they are carefully and deliberately designed to do so. Read more >... [ read more ]

New Enterprise Engagement Benchmark Indicator Ready for Testing

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance has created a simple tool that any company can use for free to almost instantly benchmark its engagement efforts against best practices and an aggregate of other organizations using the tool.You can test it at... Simply fill out the questionnaire, click on submit, and the results come up instantly. Complete confidentially is assured, because there’s no need to identify yourself or your client. Please feel free to share any feedback with me. The questions are based on extensive research on Enterprise Engagement practices and on input from Allan Schweyer, EEA Chairman and an expert on employee engagement; Rodger Stotz, the Incentive Research Foundation’s Chief Research Officer and an expert on channel partner engagement, and Tom Hoffman, Executive Business Editor for Peppers & Rodgers’ 1to1 Media division.This tool was made possible by sponsorship support from Canon Special Markets, JWT Inside, and Marcus Evans. ... [ read more ]

EEA Curriculum Webinar Series Announced

The EEA has announced a series of 1-hour webinars covering various aspects of its newly developed curriculum on Engagement. Each live session will be followed by a half-hour Q&A with presenters.

Nov. 16: Measurement
The EEA has also scheduled a series of webinars on The Science of Rewards & Recognition presented by EEA Chairman Allan Schweyer on the following dates: Dec 7, Jan 18, Feb 16 and March 15. Sponsored by Canon.
... [ read more ]

EEA Rewards & Recognition Expo - April 30-May 1, 2012 - St. Louis

A unique opportunity for rewards and recognition suppliers to meet with top incentive and recognition buyers in an intimate, relaxed environment, and to tap into the expanding recognition marketplace. Co-located with the Recognition Professionals International Annual Conference, April 29-May 2, 2012... [ read more ]

RPI Annual Conference - April 29-May 2, 2012 - St. Louis

At the Recognition Professionals International (RPI) annual conference, recognition professionals from all industries, levels, and departments including human resources, benefits, compensation, and management from around the world will meet to network with peers and learn how to develop effective employee recognition systems based on best practices that enhance employee engagement and performance. ... [ read more ]

The Motivation Show - Oct. 23-25, 2012 - Chicago, IL

The Motivation Show includes the Incentive Travel and Meetings Executives Show (IT&ME) and the National Premium Incentive Show (NP/IS), with exhibitors representing the entire range of premium and incentive product and travel destination offerings. Educational sessions cover consumer premiums, employee incentive awards, incentive travel, employee recognition and performance improvement. ... [ read more ]

Is Your Rewards Program Fair?

We all know that employee perceptions of reward fairness are strongly related to employee attitudes, behaviors and performance. But it’s less clear what impact reward practices have on these perceptions. In other words, do certain types of reward programs or policies...... [ read more ]

Winning with a Culture of Recognition: Recognition Strategies at the World's Most Admired Companie

Employee engagement is the great, untapped resource of most organizations. Yet only 25% of employees are truly engaged in their work. Why are all the others so reluctant to "get in the game"? WINNING WITH A CULTURE OF RECOGNITION: Recognition Strategies at the World's Most Admired Companies reveals the surprising answer: Most managers fail to formally recognize high performance and connect it with company culture. Salary and bonuses are only part of today's employment contract. To get everyone performing together, employers need to create a culture of appreciation, recognition, and reward. ... [ read more ]

The Incentive Research Foundation Vertical Markey Study

Are there differences in how a computer manufacturer plans and implements an incentive program versus how a pharmaceutical company or new car dealer does? What about a commercial banking operation, insurance agency or a telecommunications company? Are there processes, types of incentives used, or other nuances that are unique to these markets? Which industries are more likely to develop their programs in-house, as opposed to securing an outside vendor? The Vertical Market Study attempts to answer these and other questions. It provides a full report on how the six specific industries planned and implemented incentive travel, motivational meetings and special events.... [ read more ]

Anatomy of a Successful Incentive Travel Program

This recently conducted analysis by The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF)of one company's long-standing use of travel awards as a motivational tool shows that such incentives have a clear, measurable and positive impact on corporate culture and employee performance, as well as a broader "ripple effect" on the economy of the region where an incentive travel program (ITP) is held.

Overall, the study concluded that the importance of these programs should not be undervalued; their impact and their value reach well beyond the typical event timeline. Earners of the incentive travel program are far from the only beneficiaries of the program. The sponsoring company, the destination and the suppliers all receive significant benefits as well.

... [ read more ]

Spring 2010 Pulse Survey: Incentive Industry Trends 2010

The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) surveyed industry professionals during the month of April 2010, asking them about incentive travel programs, merchandise/non-cash programs, and ROI/budget considerations. The most promising data show that respondents appear to be more optimistic about the current economic climate than they were in either the Summer or Fall of last year. When asked, "In your opinion, what impact will the economy have on your ability to plan and implement incentive travel programs?" 69% say it will have a positive impact vs. only 33% in the Fall of 2009 and just 24% in the Summer of 2009. Similarly, those who say the economy will have a positive impact on merchandise/non-cash incentive programs increased from 20% (Summer '09) and 26% (Fall '09) to 41% currently. Still, one-third of those surveyed predict that budgets for incentive travel will decrease this year, while 37% say they'll remain unchanged. Things were a little better on the merchandise/non-cash side, where only 22% expect a decline (down from 51%), while 40% predict an increase and 37% say they see no change in budgets. This indicates that although there's an uptick in optimism about the economy in general, it may not translate into more money for programs – at least not in the near term. ... [ read more ]

January 2010 Pulse Survey: Incentive Industry Trends 2010

Given that the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) is charged with advancing the science of incentives, it surveyed industry professionals to obtain their opinions about the more salient trends affecting the industry during 2009 and leading into 2010. The IRF asked these professionals questions on trends with regard to incentive travel programs, merchandise non-cash programs, and budget changes forecast for 2010. Findings indicate that the trends are stabilizing for each of the core issues since March 2009. However, the trends remain significantly lower than in 2008. Survey participants expect more domestic than international destinations, "slightly smaller" budgets, and shorter stays for incentive travel in 2010. A majority of participants also expected decreased award values on the merchandise side. ... [ read more ]

The Value and ROI in Employee Recognition

Subtitled "Linking Recognition to Improved Job Performance and Increased Business Value - The Current State and Future Needs," this study, cosponsored by the Human Capital Institute, the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement, and the Incentive Research Foundation, synthesizes recent research by analyzing case studies of successful recognition programs and recommending further investigation into workplace recognition. Recognition's value is demonstrated by recent studies that show a high correlation between recognition and improved employee engagement, which in turn improves job performance and captures business value. It also finds that organizations that actively improve employee engagement through recognition financially outperform their competitors. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Research Foundation Produces First Educational Day Symposium

On October 12, 2010 in Chicago, the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) will hold its first ever education day – “From Strive to Thrive: Critical Tools for Prospering in the New Incentive Economy” – in conjunction with The Motivation Show. The full-day workshop will summarize more than $2 million in research into four sessions that provide critical tools and key information for maintaining a successful business in 2011 and beyond.... [ read more ]

6th Annual Talent Planning & Leadership Development Conference

More than 20 leading experts in Talent Management, Leadership and Organizational Development will focus on driving and retaining high performing talent in order to grow employees in both performance and productivity. Cost is $2,500, but you can save 10% by emailing and mentioning the Enterprise Engagement Alliance.... [ read more ]

Travel Incentives Can Boost Performance and Retention

Incentives have a clear, measurable and positive impact on employee performance and retention, according to the results of an Incentive Research Foundation study of one company’s long-standing use of incentive travel awards as a motivational tool. ... [ read more ]

USTA Council Will Promote Incentives and Events

Following the recent passage of the Travel Promotion Act, the U.S. Travel Association (USTA) announced the creation of a new council that will build a proactive research, communications, government relations and promotion agenda for the meetings and incentives industry.... [ read more ]

The Inspiration Factor

Terry Barber, the author of The Inspiration Factor, subtitled "How You Can Revitalize Your Company Culture in 12 Weeks," argues that regardless of your personality type, background, or age, you can choose to create an inspirational transaction and positively impact the people around you. "Inspiration is precursor to leadership, to motivation, and is even a new category for business," Barber says. His book offers seven principles that can help readers become team leaders in their organizations and inspire those around them.... [ read more ]

EEA Partners with PollStream to Promote Engagement Best Practices

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) and leading social software firm PollStream recently announced a partnership to promote and improve employee engagement best practices, focusing on the intelligent use of social software to increase employee engagement and earn discretionary effort. ... [ read more ]

"It's Always About the Boss"

Engagement doesn’t just happen, and in most organizations frontline management has a lot to do with the success - or failure - of an organization's engagement efforts. Recent research from the Gallup organization on employee disengagement ... [ read more ]

Driving Engagement by Focusing on Strengths

A common error that frontline managers sometimes make is to focus their performance improvement efforts on employees’ weaknesses, rather than focus on their strengths. But Gallup research shows that the worst thing managers can do is to ignore their employees altogether. According to Gallup researchers Brian Brim and Jim Asplund, “If your manager focuses on your strengths, your chances of being actively disengaged at work are only 1 in 100. If your manager ignores you, however, you are twice as likely to be actively disengaged than if your manager focuses on your weaknesses. Being overlooked, it seems, is more harmful to employees’ engagement than having to discuss their weaknesses with their manager.” This paper offers a summary of their research.... [ read more ]

Engagement and Enablement Will Boost Company Performance

Recent research by the Hay Group suggests that while increasing employee engagement will certainly improve performance results, increasing employee engagement in tandem with employee enablement will result in even more significant performance improvements.... [ read more ]

Internal Marketing Best Practices

This paper from the Integrated Marketing Communications Department at Northwestern University takes a closer look at the six characteristics of highly effective internal marketing programs.... [ read more ]

Employees: Overview

This article takes a general look at the types and use of incentive programs for non-sales employees.... [ read more ]

Awards: Gift Cards

This article looks at the types of gift cards that are available and the pros and cons of their use in consumer promotions and in employee and channel incentive programs.... [ read more ]

Awards: Cash

This short article looks at the pros and cons of using cash as an incentive.... [ read more ]

Finding the Right Mix

How do you determine the right mix of compensation, benefits, training, and rewards and recognition. This article offers some suggestions.... [ read more ]

Calculating the ROI of Recognition Programs

Measuring the ROI on recognition programs is difficult, given the range of benefits and their long-term impact, but it can be done. This article from the Enterprise Engagement Alliance offers some ideas on how to do it.... [ read more ]

ROE: Return on Engagement

This short article from Enterprise Engagement Alliance looks at the profound cost of employee disengagement and argues the need for and benefits from improving employee engagement levels in organizations.... [ read more ]


An annual conference sponsored by the International Customer Service Association (ICSA) that focuses on customer service management, education, networking and technology. ICSAnet is a three-day conference which includes a trade show, networking events, and educational sessions. ... [ read more ]

American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)

ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. ASTD’s members come from more than 100 countries and connect locally in almost 136 U.S. chapters and 26 Global Networks. Members work in thousands of organizations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers.... [ read more ]

Incentive Federation

The Incentive Federation Inc. is the umbrella organization founded to promote, protect, and research the incentive field, encompassing recognition, promotional products, and related promotions. In addition to being the industry's primary lobbying entity, the Incentive Federation provides the infrastructure for industry-wide corporate outreach efforts spearheaded by the Incentive Performance Center, as well as for the research developed by the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement at Northwestern University. Plus, the Incentive Federation commissions the industry's only benchmark studies on the use of incentives by U.S. organizations. All suppliers and customers in the incentive and promotion marketplace benefit from these initiatives.... [ read more ]

International Customer Service Association (ICSA)

ICSA is a non-profit association led by customer service professionals for customer service professionals. These are people who have walked in your shoes and understand your challenges and motivation. Organized in 1981 by a group of 59 customer service management professionals, today's ICSA has come a long way! Globally, our membership tops 700 and we offer a full range of programs that provide members with a forum for sharing knowledge and experience, searching for solutions and networking with other customer service management professionals. ... [ read more ]

WorldatWork Total Awards Conference & Exhibition

Three days of sessions that address many issues related to incentives and reward practices. The conference attracts over 2,000 compensation, benefits, work-life and human resources professionals from all over the world, and is a great networking opportunity. An entire track of programs is devoted to rewards and recognition. Geared towards attracting, motivating, and retaining a workforce.... [ read more ]

International Society for Performance Improvement

Founded in 1962, the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) is the leading international association dedicated to improving productivity and performance in the workplace. ISPI represents more than 10,000 international and chapter members throughout the United States, Canada, and 40 other countries. ISPI's mission is to develop and recognize the proficiency of our members and advocate the use of Human Performance Technology. Assembling an Annual Conference & Expo and other educational events like the Institute, publishing books and periodicals, and supporting research are some of the ways ISPI works toward achieving this mission. ... [ read more ]

Recognition Professionals International

Recognition Professionals International (RPI) is the new name of the National Association For Employee Recognition (NAER.) Recognition Professionals International (RPI) is the only professional association at the forefront of workforce recognition through its sole focus on recognition innovations and education as a systematic method for improvements in the workplace. RPI is endorsed by top authorities in the industry, has an impressive membership of Fortune 500 organizations and is the only association offering Certified Recognition Professional (CRP) courses.... [ read more ]

Brand Activation Association

The Brand Activation Association has a broad focus on all the disciplines required to activate a brand's strategy, from creative strategies to measurement, on topics from omni-channel marketing to experiential marketing and social media. BAA builds on its membership knowledge base, spanning expertise in strategy through activation, and across all touch points.... [ read more ]

Promotional Products Association International (PPAI)

The Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) is the promotional product industry’s only international not-for-profit trade association. It offers education, trade shows, business products and services, mentoring, technology and legislative support to its more than 7,500 global member companies. Promotional products are an $18 billion industry, and include wearables, writing instruments, calendars, drinkware and many other items, usually imprinted with a company’s name, logo or message. Since its founding in 1903, PPAI has worked to expand the market, establish standards, enhance the professionalism of the industry and support the growth of member companies. ... [ read more ]


WorldatWork is the world's leading not-for-profit professional association dedicated to knowledge leadership in total rewards, compensation, benefits, and work-life. Founded in 1955, WorldatWork focuses on human resources disciplines associated with attracting, motivating and retaining employees. Besides serving as the membership association of the professions, the WorldatWork family of organizations provides education, certification, publications, knowledge resources, surveys, conferences, research and networking. ... [ read more ]

PMA Annual Integrated Marketing Conference

Hosted by the Promotion Marketing Association, Inc. (PMA) this event covers all aspects of integrated marketing and is a must for anybody trying to get to know the field. Brands from all over the world attend and provide their own unique feedback. Provides a means of networking with peers and learning new and innovative strategies from leading companies.... [ read more ]

Incentive Gift Card Council (IGCC)

Incentive Gift Card Council (IGCC), is a strategic industry group within the Incentive Marketing Association. The IGCC educates the incentive marketplace and the corporate community on the benefits of gift cards, including choice, value and service, and other key attributes recipients say that they want their awards to have. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Manufacturers & Representatives Alliance (IMRA)

The Incentive Manufacturers & Representatives Alliance (IMRA), a branch of Incentive Marketing Association (IMA), represents factory-direct salespeople in the incentive business, along with manufacturers. IMRA publishes a handbook for suppliers, conducts an annual marketing conference, and offers a free directory of incentive representatives. As a member, you automatically become a member of the IMRA.... [ read more ]

EIBTM (European Incentive & Business Travel & Meetings Exhibition)

EIBTM is the second largest incentive travel exhibition in the world. Although held in Europe, it is attended by many U.S. incentive travel buyers who use foreign destinations. Executives at major companies that use incentive travel might qualify for a special hosted buyer program that helps defray some of the travel costs. Attracting nearly 3,000 international suppliers and 6,000 other visitors, this event is a great networking opportunity for those in the incentive travel and meetings industry.... [ read more ]

Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE)

Founded in 1973, SITE is the only international, not-for-profit, professional association devoted to the pursuit of excellence in incentives, a multi-billion dollar global industry. Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE) provides educational seminars and information services to those who design, develop, promote, sell, administer, and operate motivational programs as an incentive to increase productivity in business. Currently SITE has over 2,100 members in 87 countries, with 35 local and regional chapters. Members represent corporate executives, incentive companies, destination management companies, travel & event planners, official tourist organizations, transportation companies, hotels and resorts, cruise lines, trade publications, and supporting organizations such as restaurants and visitors attractions. ... [ read more ]

SITE International Conference 2010

The International Conference of the Society of Incentive & Travel Executives (SITE) International Conference is a key event in the incentive travel industry. It includes educational and networking events that help incentive and travel professionals expand their business network by exploring trends and the strategies of their colleagues. This event attracts attendees from all over the world who bring their own diverse solutions to the table.... [ read more ]

ESM Association Annual Conference and Exhibit

The Employee Services Management (ESM) Association's annual conference and exhibition provides an opportunity for managers responsible for employee work/life and other services to network within the community vendors and other employee service managers. The exhibition is also a great way to expand your knowledge of available vendors. ... [ read more ]

International Consumer Electronics Show (CES)

This conference is a great way to gain knowledge about the latest in consumer electronics technology. In a 2005 survey conducted by Burson-Marsteller it was ranked as one of the top ten most desired speaking opportunities by CEOs. The show also has 2,700 exhibitors which cover the entire consumer electronics market, from digital imaging to wireless technology. Also included are two awards programs, the International CES Innovations Design and Engineering Awards and CNET's Best of CES Awards.... [ read more ]

ATA National Convention & Expo

This conference and expo offered by the American Teleservices Association (ATA) focuses on delivering the brand promise and an "ideal customer experience" through teleservices ... [ read more ]

ASTD International Conference & Exposition

The American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) annual conference and expo covers a wide range of training topics in concurrent sessions, and many sessions are directly or indirectly related to sales or customer service training. There are also pre- and post-conference workshops and a large exposition.... [ read more ]

Society for Human Resource Management

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest professional association devoted to human resource management. Our mission is to serve the needs of HR professionals by providing the most current and comprehensive resources, and to advance the profession by promoting HR’s essential, strategic role. Founded in 1948, SHRM represents more than 225,000 individual members in over 125 countries, and has a network of more than 575 affiliated chapters in the United States, as well as offices in China and India. ... [ read more ]

Incentives in Marketing & Motivation

A comprehensive text on the incentive marketplace. The content is illustrated and includes numerous case studies that reveal the breadth and potential of the incentive marketplace.... [ read more ]

Secrets of a Successful Recognition System

This short book provides a simple program designed especially for companies trying to break down barriers between management and a union. Based on the importance of thanking employees, the book provides some practical ideas, but its approach seems a bit simplistic for complex labor-management issues.... [ read more ]

Motivating Employees

This book reveals how Southwest Airlines, Walt Disney Co., Ben & Jerry's, and other companies have turned themselves into "motivating organizations" that inspire employees to do excellent work.... [ read more ]

1001 Ways to Reward Employees

Helps managers take certain rewards and mold them into new management styles at their companies. The author polled companies about their favorite recognition practices, no matter how small, and came up with a gold mine.... [ read more ]

301 Ways to Have Fun at Work

This book present hundreds of methods and activities that incorporate fun in an organization's work: hiring, training sessions, meetings, communications, awards, and teamwork. The authors asked successful businesspeople worldwide if fun played a part in their corporate culture--and, if so, how it was actually manifested in everyday life.... [ read more ]

Principles of Results-Based Incentive Program Design

Based on the Incentive Marketing Association's Principles Of Results-Based Incentive Program Design Seminar, this is the first formal curriculum ever developed for incentive program planning. The textbook includes sections on Incentive Program Basics for the Business Executive, Core Strategies for the Business Executive, Planning and Design Considerations for the Practitioner, and Implementation and Management Considerations for the Practitioner.... [ read more ]

Best Sales Promotions

Reviews 126 of the best recent sales promotion campaigns. Readers will develop a better understanding of what constitutes a successful promotion and of what a good promotion can—and can't—do. A straightforward book that is useful for readers with all levels of experience.... [ read more ]

Managing to Have Fun

Takes a lighter approach to management that includes using toys, games, and contests to motivate employees.The keystone of this approach for businesses interested in team building for increased profitability is "fun in the workplace."... [ read more ]

Innovative Reward Systems for the Changing Workplace

Although several years old, this book takes a thorough look at reward systems in the context of today's customer- and performance-based management styles. The author tells how to: make pay relate to achievement, foster a sense of stake in the company, update the traditional performance appraisal process, and measure customer-based performance.... [ read more ]

How to Design & Implement a Results-Oriented Variable Pay System

Here's a detailed process for implementing profit sharing, gain-sharing, and goal sharing. You'll get a step-by-step approach that includes organizing the design team, establishing baselines and measurement tools, and determining the frequency and methods of payout. Chapters cover: multi-tiered and small-group systems, selecting and evaluating measures, assigning values to gains or goals, establishing baselines, and sharing the gains. You'll find more implementation details than in many business books.... [ read more ]

Compensation for Teams: How to Design and Implement Team-Based Reward Programs

Managers looking for a team approach will find particular satisfaction here. The author looks at the critical issue of aligning an organization's compensation, culture, and strategy, and then delves into the steps involved with designing and implementing team-based reward systems. Chapters cover such issues as incentive compensation, recognition awards, and the architecture of team pay.... [ read more ]

The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First

This book examines why much of the current conventional wisdom is wrong and asks us to re-think the way managers link people with organizational performance. Pfeffer builds a powerful business case for managing people effectively--not just because it makes for good corporate policy, but because it results in outstanding performance and profits. ... [ read more ]

Motivation of Personnel

Various authors give you the lowdown on many motivational issues. Contains good summaries of both Maslow and Herzberg. ... [ read more ]


Potentials magazine is now officially a part of its sister publication, Incentive magazine. The new Potentials section within Incentive magazine speaks to incentive buyers and program planners, enabling them to grow their businesses and enhance performance by providing ideas and products that motivate. We offer the most comprehensive look at incentive awards in the industry as well as providing the most up-to-date information on how corporations are leveraging products to motivate employees and clients.... [ read more ]


Incentive is the only publication devoted exclusively to motivation and performance improvement through the use of incentive programs and consumer promotions. We are a FIRST-READ for executives looking to improve company performance and a FIRST-BUY for advertisers looking to reach the most qualified incentive buyer decision-makers. The Incentive advantage is a direct result of more than 100 years of industry experience coupled with the highest subscriber qualification standards in the industry. Incentive helps both advertisers and subscribers reach their goals.... [ read more ]

Corporate Meetings & Incentives

Corporate Meetings & Incentives (CMI) is part of Prism Business Media's Meetings Group of magazines. It explores trends in meetings and incentives as they relate to companies successfully communicating with employees, dealers, distributors and customers.... [ read more ]

Corporate & Incentive Travel

Corporate & Incentive Travel, published monthly since 1983, is edited for corporate meeting planners with the responsibility for staging and planning meetings, incentive travel programs, conferences and conventions. They are also responsible for site selection, specifying accommodations and transportation. Each issue provides in-depth editorial focus on selection of site, accommodations and transportation, current legislation, conference, seminar and training facilities, budget and cost controls, and destination reports. Special columns are written by key industry leaders. Department and regular features highlight industry news and developments, trends and personalities, meeting values, facilities and destinations. Circulation more than 40,000 ABC audited. ... [ read more ]

Occupational Hazards

Occupational Hazards informs safety, health and industrial hygiene professionals in the manufacturing, construction, and service sectors about trends, management strategies, regulatory news and new products that help them provide safe and healthy work sites. ... [ read more ]


Training magazine covers productivity in American organizations with a focus on the role that training departments and programs play in achieving competitiveness and profitability. Articles cover presentation techniques, computer-based interactive learning, and leadership. ... [ read more ]

Best Practices : Building Your Business with Customer-Focused Solutions

Best Practices shares how more than forty best-practices companies focus on their customers, create growth, reduce cost, and increase profts. It focuses on customers and how to involve them in everything from the design of products and services to marketing, selling, and product delivery. This book is good for managers in any business, in any industry.... [ read more ]

How to Motivate People: The Team Strategy for Success

How to Motivate People explains the principles of successful motivation through author, Tarkenton's, P.R.I.C.E (Pinpointing, Recording, Invovlement, Consequences, Evaluation) program. This book shows you how to identify motivational stumbling blacks, track performance levels, inspire participation in setting goals and achieving objectives, plus much more.... [ read more ]

Performance Solutions

This white paper discusses the range of "zero-based performance improvement strategies" that can be developed with the help of full-service incentive and performance improvement companies. It also includes contact information on members of the Incentive Marketing Association's Performance Improvement Council, made up of a dozen organizations dedicated to offering companies solutions-based incentive and performance improvement programs.... [ read more ]

Seven Steps to Performance Through People

Presents an overview of the essential elements involved with performance improvement strategies. Breaking new ground, "people performance management" takes familiar disciplines and integrates them across functional lines to maximize results.... [ read more ]

Incentives, Motivation, & Workplace Performance

A summary of research by the ISPI (International Society of Performance Improvement) on the impact of incentive programs and the essential implementation steps necessary for success. Shows how helpful incentive and motivation programs can be in terms of engaging employees and improving performance.... [ read more ]

At Last, A Real Way to Measure ROI

A study designed to determine which aspects of selling respond to incentive travel and how that response can be measured. Researchers surveyed 1,800 subscribers of Meetings and Incentive Travel magazine and 3,000 members of the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association. To present an in-depth picture of incentive travel, and to provide a practical template for determining program ROI, the authors made a point of recording views of both the people who win the awards and those executives who allocate the money to fund them. ... [ read more ]

The Birth of a Needed New Profession: People Performance Management

This paper introduces the discipline of "People Performance Management" as developed by the Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement, a unit of the Integrated Marketing Communications Department of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. People Performance Management refers to an integrated process designed to help firms maximize long-term financial performance through a strategic focus on their most valuable asset -- human capital.... [ read more ]

The Benefits of Tangible Non-Monetary Incentives

This paper discusses four psychological processes that can be categorized as items that directly affect the perceived value of an incentive or recognition award. In particular it looks at factors that increase the perceived value of earning the award because the awards are earned rather than purchased. ... [ read more ]

The Economics of Retention

Improving economic conditions, an impending skilled labor shortage, and the proven link between low turnover and profitability are forcing organizations to take a new look at employee retention. This paper suggests that sound retention strategies can not only head off a future problem, they can save money and improve sales today.... [ read more ]

Putting Trophy Value Into Your Gift Card Program

Gift cards have become an important corporate tool for reward and recognition. This paper looks at the growing use of gift cards and how to add to the "trophy value" of gift cards via communication, customization, and presentation.... [ read more ]

The ROI of Integrated Marketing

This white paper highlights four key areas that impact organizational adoption of integrated marketing and motivate employees to think about and cooperate with integrated marketing efforts beyond their functional silos.... [ read more ]


Published by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) HRMagazine focuses on issues, products, and trends of interest to human resource professionals.... [ read more ]

Human Resource Executive

Human Resource Executive Online® is an interactive resource designed specifically for directors and vice presidents of HR. ... [ read more ]

Workforce Management

This publication focuses on human resources, staffing, and staff management issues, as well as legal and regulatory issues affecting workforce management.... [ read more ]

Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy

Blur explores the emerging economic landscape where knowledge and imagination are more valubale than physical capital. Authors, Davis and Meyer, challenge readers to question their assumptions they know about business and to experiment at the edges of business.... [ read more ]

Engagement Strategies Magazine

Engagement Strategies focuses on what's new, how-to, and where to find products and services related to incentives, motivational meetings, and performance improvement. Its affiliated Web site, the Sales Marketing Network at, offers comprehensive how-to and reference information.... [ read more ]

Human Resources and Marketing: A Missing Link?

This study, conducted by Prof. Frank Mulhern and Patricia Whalen of Northwestern University, identified a significant gap between the view of human resources and employees on the role of employees on delivering customer satisfaction, but found that companies with a close link between human resources and marketing outperform companies that don't.... [ read more ]

The Path to Employee Engagement

This study, a follow up by Prof. James Oakley, identified key internal levers that affect employee satisfaction and, more importantly, the level of engagement.... [ read more ]

Taxation of Employee Achievement Awards

Section 274(j) of the Internal Revenue Code contains specific rules on the tax treatment of “employee achievement awards.” As a general rule, the employer cannot deduct employee achievement awards, unless they meet certain criteria.... [ read more ]

Tax Considerations for Incentive Programs

The federal income tax considerations for incentive programs are often overlooked. While it is difficult to give technical tax advice that would apply equally to all incentive programs, following certain general income tax principles can make an incentive program more successful and avoid unpleasant surprises.... [ read more ]

The Road to an Engaged Workforce

For last year’s Summit, a research study was conducted to assess the drivers of employee satisfaction and engagement and the downstream customer and financial implications of these important employee attitudes. This research identified several unique organizational characteristics driving employee engagement, including employee satisfaction, and identified organizational communication as a key driver of employee satisfaction.... [ read more ]

Human Resources and Marketing: A Missing Link?

This study, conducted by Prof. Frank Mulhern and Patricia Whalen of Northwestern University, identified a significant gap between the view of human resources and employees on the role of employees on delivering customer satisfaction, but found that companies with a close link between human resources and marketing outperform companies that don't.... [ read more ]

Incentive Research Foundation

The Incentive Research Foundation funds and promotes research to advance the science, enhance the awareness and appropriate application of motivation and incentives in business and industry globally. The goal is to increase the understanding, effective use and resultant benefits of incentives to businesses that currently use incentives and others interested in improved performance... [ read more ]

International SITE Foundation

Founded in 1973, Society of Incentive and Travel Executives (SITE) is the only international, not-for-profit, professional association devoted to the pursuit of excellence in incentives, a multi-billion dollar global industry. SITE provides educational seminars and information services to those who design, develop, promote, sell, administer, and operate motivational programs as an incentive to increase productivity in business. Currently SITE has over 2,100 members in 87 countries, with 35 local and regional chapters. Members represent corporate executives, incentive companies, destination management companies, travel & event planners, official tourist organizations, transportation companies, hotels and resorts, cruise lines, trade publications, and supporting organizations such as restaurants and visitors attractions. ... [ read more ]

Over the Top

To promote the program, sustain excitement and drive results, a creative communications campaign was designed and implemented, related to mountain climbing. Although the heart of the product rested on a web-based reward platform, the promotion and communication to motivate the sales team was devised to touch the senses in various media, from dimensional premium items, to stimulating visual graphics, to auditory voice mails. ... [ read more ]


To assure the program’s success, Dow developed a comprehensive communications plan to raise awareness of Recognition@Dow, increase participation, boost performance, and most importantly, help to build an appreciation culture. The majority of the launch activities focused on generating content and communicating program messages through existing communications channels such as the Dow Intranet, corporate newsletter and HR website. In addition, training workshops were developed for leaders (managers) to generate program awareness and encourage participation ... [ read more ]

Policy Points

The agent loyalty program "Policy Points" is an on-line program that is customized around GMAC's brand. It was designed to build awareness, loyalty, web traffic and business among GMAC's agents and agency partners. Points are awarded for new business and business transfers.... [ read more ]

You've Got the Power

You've Got the Power was the third in a series of Lowe's employee initiatives designed to build credit card application growth and promote customer loyalty. The promotion successfully combined the power of merchandise incentives and cash to motivate a diverse workforce.... [ read more ]

A Trip to Remember - Video Wins Telly Award

USMotivation produced a documentary-style video to capture trip highlights, South African scenery, and participant reflections during the trip. Shortly after participants returned home from their unforgettable experience, the video diary was mailed to their homes as a keepsake of their South African safari, and Cape Town odyssey. ... [ read more ]

An Apple Theme Is ''Successful To The Core''

Each employee received a T-shirt imprinted with the company's core values and philosophies, an apple stress ball, and a behavior profile describing the "Successful to the Core" ideals. Employees were then asked to nominate fellow workers who exhibited these core values. The names were placed in an apple suggestion box. Nominees received wooden apples, and their pictures were displayed on a bulletin board labeled "Apple of Our Eye." Every quarter, one nominated employee was presented with an acrylic apple by the division head. ... [ read more ]

Checkers/Rally's Hi-Performance Super Human Crew Contest

Checkers/Rally’s joined forces with a report-card-carrying super-sleuth who possessed the authority to issue Speeding Tickets. These Speeding Tickets transformed to prizes, which were sourced by GDM, and prizes were to produce employee retention and rising sales. ... [ read more ]

ClickRewards Spur Use Of Online Programs

Cisco began by converting order processing from manual to electronic. In the past, customers faxed orders to Cisco, which sometimes resulted in errors. With the use of Netcentives' online ordering program, order forms became 70% more accurate. ... [ read more ]

Destination Points Encourage New Business, Teamwork

Points accumulated with each new transaction; double points were awarded to employees who met or exceeded their goals. Branch managers earned points based on the banking office's total performance. If the office met its goal, everyone's points doubled. This encouraged teamwork. ... [ read more ]

Dunkin' Donuts Rewards ''Brilliant Bagel Behavior''

An intensive public relations campaign was created to entice consumers to try the bagels. During peak morning hours, Dunkin' Donuts employees conducted waves of bagel sampling, following instructions in a detailed, 15-page manual prepared by the company.... [ read more ]

Incentive Program Powers Sydney's Monorail System

As a result, Monorail management decided to concentrate on servicing the tourism and corporate meetings markets. Due to the highly competitive nature of the transit and tourism industry, TNT opted for an employee incentive program that emphasized service and sales goals for workers. Increases in certain high-yield fare products covered the cost of running the incentive program while providing return-on-investment for the company. ... [ read more ]


Adelphia had grown substantially through acquisition over the last few years and, with that, the company acquired a number of different compensation and incentive plans along the way. It was found that sales were reported differently, as well.... [ read more ]

Lincoln Benefit Life

The excursion took place on the Royal Pacific Canadian railway, which is comprised of five, three-engine vintage railway cars from the early 1900s. It was a six-day trip, starting at Calgary, Alberta, and going through the Canadian Rockies. The train has meeting rooms, dining car, suites for two, and high-speed Internet access. ... [ read more ]

Listen to the Sounds of Vienna

Fortis chose a group travel program to accomplish their goals. Knowing their sales force consists of mostly well-traveled and highly cultured individuals who are offered a variety of travel incentives, Fortis knew the program destination would be key to their success. After analyzing the competition, Fortis chose Vienna, Austria, a high-end European destination known for its music, art, culture and history. Fortis Health leveraged this beautiful city's most notable image--music--with the development of its theme: Listen to the Sounds of Vienna. ... [ read more ]

Platinum Award

GE Financial Assurance (GEFA), a subsidiary of the General Electric Company, is a consumer insurance and investment business helping 25 million people in 17 countries build financial security. There are over 17,000 Associates worldwide in the GEFA division. ... [ read more ]

Scratch-Off Cards Motivate 7,000 Bank Employees

The "BB&T Birthday Bash Deposit Campaign," a two-month contest using merchandise and travel premiums, was designed to motivate 7,000 Branch Banking & Trust employees to achieve record sales in celebration of the company's milestone anniversary.... [ read more ]

Turn on the Lights for the DOE

West Valley Nuclear Services Company, part of Washington Group International, manages and operates the WVDP. The Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Program is an integral part of the effort to educate and encourage employees to both minimize waste and prevent pollution, to protect the environment on a local and global scale, and for providing reports, both at the federal and state levels, on the amount of waste generated and minimized. In November 1999, the Secretary of the Department of Energy issued several national goals for all Department of Energy sites, including the reduction of all types of waste streams (radioactive, hazardous, industrial, and sanitary) through the 3R philosophy of reduce, reuse, and recycle, as well as conserving energy and buying recycled products. ... [ read more ]

Unique Celebrates 25th Anniversary With Travel Rewards

A team of three agencies created the reward trip for Unique, which wanted a sophisticated, urban setting that would appeal to its young, dynamic staff. New York City was chosen as the destination, so the trip was themed "Unique Goes Broadway." ... [ read more ]

Windows to the World – Tierra de los Conquistadores (Land of the Conquistadores)

USMotivation teamed up with Diebold to develop and implement the 2001 Master’s Circle program, Tierra de los Conquistadores (Land of the Conquistadors), a destination-based theme that would build on the Windows to the World umbrella theme for the program. Motivating performance with travel to Puerto Rico, a repeat destination for Diebold, required additional creativity and branding to keep the interest and attention of its team throughout the year. ... [ read more ]

"Leveraging Excellence"

Anderson’s thirty-five employees are young, technologically savvy, professionals between the ages of 25-45. Most are married with children and, as a group, the staff tries to maintain a fair balance between work, family, and community involvement. The “Leveraging Excellence” program was designed to motivate positive changes in employee behavior that would improve each employee’s knowledge, increase their performance, and thus, contribute directly to their own success, as well as their organization’s success. ... [ read more ]

Creating a Total Rewards Strategy

Described by the publisher as a "toolkit for designing business based plans," this book provides a highly detailed approach to implementing a total rewards strategy. Literally every step of the process is detailed, with specific examples, Includes a CD. ... [ read more ]

Four Elements of Successful Management

This book addresses basic management issues applicable to almost any organization and manager. It provides a simple approach summarized as "select, direct, evaluate, and reward," but is in no way short of details. It includes extensive information on every aspect of the process, including benefits of cash and noncash awards. ... [ read more ]

Retaining Your Employees

Described as a "crisp, fifty-minute" book, this concise, step-by-step approach to employee motivation. The authors focus on using "respect, recognition, and rewards" to achieve positive organizational results. In a concise, quickly readable format, they address the benefits to keeping employees and keeping them happy; creating a fun, enriching and "hard-to-leave" workfplace; understanding the impact of feeling valued at work, and tapping to employee desires for personal and professional growth. ... [ read more ]

The Performance Institute

The Performance Institute is the nation's leading authority on measurement and management methodologies for improving individual and organizational performance. The Performance Institute's mission is to identify, study and disseminate the leading strategic management and performance measurement practices pioneered by best-in-class organizations.Through national conferences, in-house training programs, consulting services and on-going research, The Performance Institute helps organizations access cutting-edge expertise in planning, implementing and evaluating business strategies to address their management challenges and improve organizational results.... [ read more ]

Exceeding Customer Expectations

Based on the business practices and history of Enterprise Rent-a-Car, this book focuses on how the company has achieved financial results by creating happy customers, successful business partnerships, and an engaged and motivated workforce. It discusses the relationship between the company's employee satisfaction, retention, and profitability, and shows how Enterprise makes and reinforces those connections. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Marketing Association - Canada Council (IMA-CC)

IMA-CC, a branch of the Incentive Marketing Association (IMA), provides information services, publications, conferences and seminars, media representation, research, and public relations efforts to the Canadian corporate community to promote the use of incentives. IMA-CC’s primary goals are to build awareness within the corporate community on how to effectively use incentive programs to motivate employees and customer groups, with the ultimate goal of improving corporate performance.... [ read more ]

Annual IMA Executive Summit

The Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) produces an annual Executive Summit attended by delegates from every supplier category in the incentive field. This conference, the largest event of its kind, includes educational and networking events that help incentive professionals expand their incentive program knowledge and marketing partner network. IMA’s Executive Summit is the premier annual conference that offers you the opportunity to network, benchmark and learn from your colleagues – professionals representing every segment of the incentive marketplace. ... [ read more ]

SHRM Annual Conference & Exposition

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Annual Conference & Exposition offers attendees the most comprehensive and relevant professional development programs available in the field. It offers opportunities for HR professionals to improve their knowledge, skills and abilities in a variety of areas, including employee retention, human resources development and training, and employee engagement. ... [ read more ]

Incentive Marketing Association (IMA)

The Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) promotes the use of incentive programs as effective marketing and motivational tools. Membership includes manufacturers, representatives, distributors, incentive houses, gift certificate suppliers, and marketing agencies. IMA also holds annual education programs at trade shows as well as information services, publications, conferences and seminars, media representation, research, and public relations efforts to its members and to businesses to help them effectively use incentive programs to motivate employees and customers. IMA offers a complimentary listing of incentive product and service providers. IMA is also the umbrella organization for several Strategic Industry Groups, including the Global Incentive Council, IMA-Canada Council, Incentive Gift Card Council, Incentive Manufacturers and Representatives Alliance, Performance Improvement Council, and the Incentive Technology Council. ... [ read more ]

Promo Ideas

This site includes a broad array of information beneficial to those who approve, specify or purchase promotional products, including industry facts, case studies, education, powerful research and a seasonal calendar. The site also includes a search tool that will enable buyers to locate a promotional consultant in their area or request a speaker at a meeting or event.... [ read more ]

Building Bonanza

To encourage current members to recruit new members, Meeting Professionals Internaltional used a construction-themed reward program with three travel awards as top prizes.... [ read more ]

Project S.O.S.

This promotion aimed to internal cooperation and support of company sales efforts.... [ read more ]

Testing the Internal Marketing Model

While it is widely believed that employee attitudes and engagement directly influence customer experiences and customer spending behavior, there is little empirical evidence that has explicitly demonstrated this. This study, subtitled "An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Employee Attitudes, Customer Attitudes, and Customer Spending," combines results from an extensive survey of employees and customers at a hotel chain with the actual spending patterns of customers. Results show a direct, measurable relationship between the employee and customer perceptions of the hotel brand and customer spending behavior. ... [ read more ]

How to Make the Shift to a PPMM Strategy

No doubt some people might dismiss Integrated Marketing as a passing fad, and who would view the burgeoning discipline of People Performance Management and Measurement (PPMM) as a buzz phrase or "flavor-of-the-month" marketing strategy.... [ read more ]

Creating a Total Rewards Strategy: A Toolkit for Designing Business-Based Plans

Salary, bonuses, benefits and "perks" may be the most visible elements of a rewards program, but other components are just as valuable to employees. This comprehensive book and CD-ROM package shows how nonfinancial rewards can be quantified and combined with monetary measures in a way that complements business objectives. The authors' eye-opening research on what employees value is backed up by examples from their own consulting experience. The book's step-by-step process features more than 100 practical tools for developing an "M3" rewards system based on money, mix, and message, and provides a blueprint for creating a custom-tailored rewards strategy to match an organization's specific goals. ... [ read more ]

Maintaining Brand Safety in Profitable Special Markets

Manufacturers are sometimes cautious about the use of their brands in special markets. Obviously they want to maintain their brand integrity and avoid any impact consumer sales channels. This white paper from the Incentive Marketing Association (IMA), however, suggests that with basic safeguards in place, special markets like the incentive industry are “a win for the supplier, a win for the company, and a win for the employee.”... [ read more ]

Occupational Health & Safety Magazine

Occupational Health & Safety Magazine is the leading publication in the safety field. Its 84,000 readers utilize motivational programs to help improve safety performance. OH&S regularly covers the subject of safety incentives editorially throughout the year. The readers are fully in charge of selecting the products and services used in incentive programs, and they use the editorial and advertising material in the magazine as a guide in developing and improving their programs. ... [ read more ]

AEIS - Max! Employee Reward & Recognition Program

American Express Incentive Services (AEIS) needed a short, catchy, and memorable way to link recognition with high performance and to convey the value that it places on its people. The Max! employee recognition program was developed to create and enhance a high performance culture, and was based on the premise that the Max!-imum performance of AEIS employees is worthy of Max!–imum recognition. The Max! Employee Reward & Recognition Program is personified via Max!, a graphic character who embodies the spirit of a champion. The custom-designed, blue-skinned superhero dons a red cape and tie and carries a briefcase in his quest for superior performance. He's helped along the way by AEIS peers, supervisors, and officers who know the value of recognizing and rewarding achievement. ... [ read more ]

Sovereign Referrals and Rewards

Sovereign Bank realized that it needed to streamline its customer referral process and provide its almost 11,350 Team Members at nearly 750 community banking offices with a compelling reason to increase their referral activity.... [ read more ]

Premium Incentive Products Magazine

Premium Incentive Products (PIP) is committed to providing readers with answers to their most pressing questions about developing incentive programs and using products to motivate their employees, salespeople, channel partners, and customers. A product-oriented publication featuring rich, on-target editorial, PIP covers new products, new program ideas for existing products, plus industry trends and best practices. Each issue instructs our readers on the ins and outs of creating, managing, and measuring their incentive programs. Premium Incentive Products performs a vital role for the premium incentive industry, its advertisers, and its readers. ... [ read more ]

Why Incentive Programs Endure Recessions

Historically, incentive programs, unlike other sales and marketing strategies, have endured economic downturns. In fact, according to a review of past Incentive Federation and industry studies, the incentive industry managed to grow following the recessions that occurred in the late 1980s, after September 11, 2001, and during the downturn of the late 1990s, following the dot-com collapse. In fact, there is no evidence that the industry suffered serious declines following the recession in the late 1970s/early 1980s, and the industry continued to prosper even during the Great Depression when the industry’s trade magazine at the time, Premium Practice, was filled with advertising pages.... [ read more ]

The Economics of Engagement

In today's economic environment, employers are struggling to find every advantage possible to thrive, grow or simply to stay in business. For most US based organizations payroll represents the largest expense. Advantages therefore, come first and foremost through better talent management.... [ read more ]

Training magazine's 33rd Annual Event

Join your training peers for Training magazine's 33rd annual event—Training 2010 Conference & Expo, Feb. 1-3, 2010, in San Diego. Experience a world-class program featuring 125+ sessions—including a special keynote event with Stephen Covey Sr. and Jr. together on stage, as well as keynotes by social media, 3D learning, and future workforce gurus.... [ read more ]

Las Vegas Incentive Marketplace

Looking for great ideas for your incentive travel programs? Then don't miss the sixth-annual Las Vegas Incentive Marketplace, December 6-9, 2009, at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. Hosted program for qualified buyers includes airfare, hotel accommodations, all sponsored events, meetings with suppliers of your choice, and educational programs. ... [ read more ]

Return on Value by Engaging Talent: What Leaders Can Do

The economics of talent engagement are widely accepted, but the investment begins with how leaders engage their teams. When leaders shift their mindset from ROI to Return on Value, they energize innovation, collaboration, and discretionary effort. This webcast - scheduled for Tuesday, December 8, from 2 - 3 p.m. EST - focuses on the economic reasons to engage talent and goes beyond leaders who believe in ROI, to what leaders can do to create value from talent engagement. You'll learn examples of leaders and organizations that excel at engagement and gain insight to achieving high levels of engagement in your organization. Presenters include Rodger Stotz, chief research officer for the Incentive Research Foundation, and Jim Dittman, president of Dittman Incentive Marketing.... [ read more ]

IRF Incentive Invitational 2010

One of the prestige incentive industry events of the year aims to increase understanding and use of incentive merchandise and travel. The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) will hold its 17th annual Incentive Invitational in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on May 19-23, 2010, at The Broadmoor. The event is known for bringing together top incentive buyers and corporate decision makers, along with incentive professionals from leading travel organizations around the world, for business networking events and educational seminars. The goal of the event is to increase the understanding, effective use and resultant benefits of incentives to businesses that currently use incentives and others interested in improved performance. ... [ read more ]

3rd Annual Internal Branding & Employee Engagement Conference

Are you looking for ways to drive employee engagement and internal culture to impact your bottom line? Then try the 3rd Annual Internal Branding & Employee Engagement conference, hosted by marcus evans and taking place February 22-23, 2010 in Miami, FL. Smart companies realize that their employees have a profound impact on the profitability of their business through customer centric service and loyalty to the organization. But to ensure that there is a return on Internal Branding strategies within your organization; collaboration is needed from the marketing, communications, and HR. This conference offers insights from American Airlines, Blue Cross - Blue Shield, Eddie Bauer, Google, and ING.... [ read more ]

HCI 2010 National Human Capital Summit

The Human Capital Institute's 5th Annual National Human Capital Summit is where business meets talent strategy. It's a must-attend event for progressive talent leaders from the Fortune 1000, fast-growth SMB, academia, and government. Attendees will gain insight from innovative leaders and industry experts on the most effective strategies and programs that will engage even the most challenging workforce and drive top line growth and business results. ... [ read more ]

Engagement: Winning the Battle for Customer and Employee Hearts and Minds: The Spillover Effect

Measuring the success of a business is not as simple as saying: ‘happy employees equal happy customers.’ Happy employees can also be lazy employees. A person taking tickets at a movie theater may be happy, but it may be because he or she gets to sit around on a comfortable chair while drinking free soft drinks and eating free popcorn. Many people might be happy if their employers paid them for what is merely time spent drinking soda, eating popcorn and collecting ticket stubs. For the above saying to be true, companies should be looking at levels of engagement as the measuring stick. We know that emotionally engaged employees feel like they are doing something valuable for their organizations and that their efforts will make a difference. Customers know when they are talking to emotionally engaged employees. The positive feelings that the employees have about their jobs and employers influence the level of service they give to customers. When these positive experiences continue to happen, then customers become engaged, and they become advocates for the company’s products and services. While movie theaters may be an easy target when it comes to pointing out the signs of disengaged employees, it’s certainly not exclusive to this business. Employees across all industries have a major impact on customer loyalty and engagement. The mantra of ‘happy employees equal happy customers’ is real, and companies should seek emotionally engaged employees because it will be these employees who help create emotionally engaged customers. This is the spillover effect. ... [ read more ]

Which? Who? What? Why Award Selection is Critical to Driving Engagement

Each year in the United States, organizations spend tens of billions of dollars on cash and non-cash rewards for consumer, distributor, sales and employee incentive programs –merchandise, gift cards, group and individual travel programs, time off, cash, etc. But few organizations invest the necessary time to understand which rewards should be used for which people to encourage what outcomes... [ read more ]

'Attachment' Levels Between Employers and Employees on the Rise

A recent survey by human capital consulting firm Randstad finds that a majority of U.S. employees are highly engaged and happy in their jobs. According to the latest Randstad Employee Attachment Index, 78% of respondents report feeling inspired to do their best at work; 76% are proud to work for their companies; and 66% enjoy going to work every day. Likewise, researchers found that employee volatility is down, with 60% reporting they would not give consideration to or accept a new job offer in the next six months. For more information, go to [ read more ]

Mercer Survey Shows Declining Employee Loyalty

Employee loyalty is dropping around the world, according to new Mercer’s What’s Working survey. The research, conducted among nearly 30,000 employees in 17 geographic markets between the fourth quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2011, shows that the percentage of workers seriously considering leaving their organization has risen since the last time the survey was conducted in each market (prior to the economic downturn). In many markets, the increase is 10 percentage points or more. In the U.S., the increase was 9 points, from 23% in 2005 to 32% in 2010. According to Pete Foley, PhD, a Principal at Mercer and North American Employee Research Leader, “The overall employment deal is in a state of flux around the world, with employees rethinking what they want out of the employment relationship. Our research shows that, despite the ongoing economic uncertainty, more employees would consider leaving today for a better opportunity.” For a complete summary, go to [ read more ]

Motivating Your Middle 60%

Many managers focus motivation programs on their top performers at the expense of the vast middle, where even a little improvement can have a significant effect. Here's how to structure performance-improvement efforts for maximum impact on the middle 60 percent of your organization. ... [ read more ]

Gallup: Engaged Workers Experience Less Stress from Commuting

Fourteen percent of all American workers report they spend at least 45 minutes getting to work. Now, Gallup-Healthways Well Being Index data confirms that for many Americans lengthy treks to work hamper their mood. The good news is that workers who are engaged in their work and workplace appear to be buffered from some of the effects of long commutes. The percentage of actively disengaged workers who report a lot of stress and worry in their lives without a lot of happiness and enjoyment increases from 15.5% for those with short commutes to 27.1% for those with long commutes. In contrast, engaged workers’ low worry and stress levels do not change significantly, regardless of commute time. To learn more, go to ... [ read more ]

Forum Focuses On ‘Virtual Employee’ Engagement

“With off-site workers now representing up to 40% of the U.S. workforce in companies with 5,000 employees or more, and as many as three out of four organizations already using remote employees, we felt it was important to examine ways that employers can better engage their remote employees,” says Keith Fenhaus, President of The Forum (formerly known as The Forum for People Performance Management & Measurement). At their Fourth Annual Think Tank, Fenhaus explained that The Forum’s latest study examined the challenges of building relationships between a company and virtual workers who may feel disenfranchised due to geography or cultural barriers. Analysis of the interviews resulted in these key findings: Engaging remote employees must be a strategic part of a bigger virtual employee management practice endorsed by top organizational leaders. Virtual employment helps address the trade-off between finding quality talent needed within a restricted geographic area. Periodic face-to-face contact can help overcome the disconnect of distance. Formal policies and programs for virtual employees enhance the performance and quality of the work experience. Companies need to invest in technology that empowers virtual employees. Leaders need to actively work on integrating virtual employees into the organizational culture. For more on The Forum’s Fourth Annual Think Tank, go to ... [ read more ]

New Market Report Says Corporations Spend $720 Million a Year on Improving Engagement

The Oakland, CA-based HR research firm Bersin & Associates recently released a market focus report on employee engagement showing that organizations currently invest approximately $720 million annually in engagement improvement, including both outsourced and internally developed programs. The report, Employee Engagement: Market Review, Buyer’s Guide and Provider Profiles, describes a number of key trends, including: Providers do not agree on how to define employee engagement. In fact, definitions vary dramatically, with elements including commitment, goal alignment, enjoyment, performance, and the antithesis of “burnout” – to name just a few. Buyers need to define what employee engagement means for their organization and select providers that align with that definition. Market innovators are integrating engagement into all HR functions. HR leaders increasingly are focused on aligning engagement efforts with business strategy, and they are also integrating engagement with HR programs and organizational operations. From recruiting to building a leadership bench to alumni relations, innovative providers are helping their clients infuse engagement into every step of the employee lifecycle. Global specialists are rare. As organizations expand their geographic footprint, few providers are equipped with resources around the world to handle international clients who have more than 50,000 employees. “Big Data” and analytics are on the rise. While most of the engagement providers reviewed in this report offer some way to measure the relationship between engagement and organizational performance, only a few have moved into a new frontier – HR analytics. Since HR analytics enables organizations to optimize workforce performance and fuels continual improvement efforts, buyers should consider their requirements in this area carefully. A free WhatWorks Market Brief titled Employee Engagement: Behind the #1 Metric is available here. A PDF of the full report costs $995. For more details, click here.... [ read more ]

Korn Ferry CEO Coach: Engage or Die!

In a recent article, the Global Leader of Korn Ferry's leadership coaching group echoes views of other management experts that today's CEOs need to be Chief Engagement Officers and lead the effort to creating and implementing a systematic approach to engagement. ... [ read more ]

Meet the First Companies With ISO 30414 Human Capital Reporting in EEA Webinars

For those curious about why organizations have voluntarily produced human capital reports verified by third-party human capital experts, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube channel features two upcoming live and recorded Youtube shows with management at three of the first five organizations with ISO 30414 Human Capital certifications. ... [ read more ]

Who Says Employee Engagement ROI Can't Be Measured?

This invaluable statistical process control created by the American Productivity and Quality Center for the orgnization now called the Incentive Research Foundation provides a clear roadmap for the implementation of measurement performance improvement programs. It demonstrates how almost any job function can be measured and the process used to accomplish it. ... [ read more ]

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