Peter Hart, Recognition Leader, Reflects on Engagement Movement
I recently caught up with Peter Hart, CEO of
Rideau Recognition, and asked for his thoughts on the engagement movement and its impact on the recognition field. Rideau acquired the
Recognition Management Institute in 2006 and has been a consistent supporter of, and active participant in, the field’s trade organization,
Recognition Professionals International, and other related organizations, and has produced or supported considerable thought leadership on its own. In other words, he and his company are leading advocates for the recognition field.
“Engagement is undoubtedly a reality now, and it will have a profound impact on recognition,” Hart says. “Recognition is only one of the levers of engagement; there are many others, and organizations simply will have to address all of those factors in a coherent way to get the best results from their efforts. In the past, the opportunity was to lead with recognition. Today the big opportunity is to lead with solutions that help organizations achieve critical goals, and recognition, of course, is one of those tools.”
Hart notes that this shift has major implications for recognition companies like his. While he wouldn’t disclose his company’s plans, he says that they will address the needs of customers as they relate both to recognition and the broader concept of engagement and human capital analytics.
Stay tuned.