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Just Lounging Around

Published by: Promotional Consultant

Jack Nadel, Inc. gets cozy with lounge pant promotion.

Yvette Widdicombe, vice president of distributor Jack Nadel, Inc. (UPIC: NADELINC) in Palo Alto, California wanted to pamper her employees with a unique gift. After much thought, she decided on lounge pants with an accompanying spa bag and shirt. But ordinary lounge pants wouldn’t do—instead, Widdicombe wanted them custom-made, with the pants’ interior made of the same lining as the spa bag.

Widdicombe was confident the pants would be a hit, so she contacted Michelle Cooke, marketing coordinator of the Toucan Dance line of Tampa, Florida-based Fast Lane Clothing Company (UPIC: FAST4409). “We wanted something that said ‘Sit back and relax. You have worked hard,’” Widdicombe says, adding that the overall goal was one of relaxation.

Cooke says the pants were a bold move, but she knew Widdicombe had a strong sense of how to bring uncommon items together to create a successful promotion. “Our Toucan Dance leisure pants were a perfect fit for a company wanting to treat their employees to a unique, luxurious and relaxing gift,” says Cooke.

Despite tackling the challenge of finding enough fabric for both the spa bags and the lounge pants, Cooke and Widdicombe agree the promotion was a smooth one. “Together we were able to locate the source of the exact fabric she needed, which made for a really great pant,” Cooke says. “Close communication was the key to overcoming all challenges.”

Widdicombe says, “We were beyond pleased with our lounge pant and spa bag promotion. The pants were packed into the matching spa bag with a coordinating shirt, rolled and tied with a coordinating ribbon. A hang tag was put with each to indicate size.”

The lounge pant promotion Cooke prepared for Jack Nadel, Inc. is one of her favorites, she says. “We like the challenge of taking a stellar abstract idea that our distributors bring us and making it a reality for an effective and successful program,” Cooke says.

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