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Increase Booth Traffic With Promotional Products

This study was an experiment conducted using the pre-registration list of attendees for a trade show with 379 booths in the pharmaceutical and medical products supply business in Baltimore, Maryland. Exhibitors at the show were all ingredient suppliers of functional, healthy and botanical ingredients. A sample of 797 pre-registered attendees was drawn from a total registration of approximately 2000. In A Nutshell: • Including a promotional product with a pre-show mailing or an offer for a promotional product increases the likelihood of the attendee stopping by the booth to see the exhibitor’s product offerings. • As a general rule, promotional products of greater value generate more sales leads than products of lower value. Using promotional products in conjunction with pre-show mailings make effective tools to inform, remind and persuade attendees to at least stop by a booth, which increases traffic to these booths. Greater traffic to a booth generates greater potential for more sales leads. 36% 41%
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