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''Born To Be Wild'' Trip Promotes Teamwork

Washington Mutual, Inc., North America's seventh largest bank, selected an incentive trip to the island of Kauai in Hawaii as the incentive reward for its top achievers. The trip would also introduce Washington Mutual's corporate culture to attendees from Home Savings of America, a newly acquired company. After extensive research, an abandoned sugar mill on plantation land was selected for a road-warriors-type of event. Land in front of the Old Koloa Sugar Mill was cleared, and fresh water and power generators were shipped in, along with food, personnel, and equipment. Two roving bikers and Washington Mutual VIPs greeted guests as they arrived at the rebel encampment. The site was alive with areas to explore: a roadhouse game room, a coffeehouse tent, a tattoo parlor, and a Rebel Alley featuring a selection of midway games. Classic rock music played throughout the meal. Several noted rock legends then took the stage for a private concert for the cheering, dancing crowd.
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