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Incentive Program Powers Sydney's Monorail System

As a result, Monorail management decided to concentrate on servicing the tourism and corporate meetings markets. Due to the highly competitive nature of the transit and tourism industry, TNT opted for an employee incentive program that emphasized service and sales goals for workers. Increases in certain high-yield fare products covered the cost of running the incentive program while providing return-on-investment for the company. A tiered campaign was created that offered both merchandise and travel rewards. To address budgetary constraints, a sponsorship program was implemented, which raised 50% of the cost of travel rewards for top qualifiers. Monorail workers were organized into teams involving employees from different job functions. Teams earned points based on sales of specific products. Individuals were rewarded based on "mystery shopper" evaluations. Points were also earned for punctuality, shift attendance, and driving shifts. Sprint campaigns on certain products were introduced throughout the campaign. Teams were shifted each month to allow participants to work with every other individual enrolled in the program.
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