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Employee Engagement Is Rooted in Managers' Leadership Skills

To drive higher levels of employee engagement, companies should work on improving the leadership skills of frontline managers, says a new report from Aberdeen Group. "Employee engagement is something world-class organizations need to be effective at in today's competitive environment," says Mollie Lombardi, an analyst at Aberdeen . "Learning programs provide individuals and managers with the skills and tools to align goals and priorities, and give a strong foundation which organizations can build on in order to achieve success."

According to Beyond Satisfaction: Engaging Employees to Retain Customers, a research study conducted by Aberdeen and SkillSoft, more than half of best-in-class organizations provide training and tools to managers to help them better engage employees, and nearly all of the rest (45%) are planning to extend this type of training in the future. The report also found that two programs – onboarding and development plans agreed to by manager and employee – are critical to building high levels of engagement. Onboarding ensures that employees are aligned with the organizational mission and priorities from their earliest days, and development plans ensure that employees and managers remain in alignment when it comes to their role in achieving organizational success.

For information on Aberdeen and its research efforts, visit its website at To order a copy of the research report, click here.

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