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AstraZeneca Receives First EEA Award of Achievement

AstraZenecaThe Enterprise Engagement Alliance held a special meeting and reception at September’s Motivation Show in Chicago. Founders and supporters of the EEA gathered to hear from some of the top names in the field, including EEA Chairman Allan Schweyer, Rodger Stotz of the IRF, Gallup’s Ken Shearer and Melanie Lewis, Director of Sales Engagement at AstraZeneca, who accepted the EEA’s first Enterprise Engagement Award of Achievement on behalf of AstraZeneca.

In her acceptance speech, Lewis noted that AZ’s engagement journey began about four years ago with a simple thought, and a challenge that wasn’t so simple. “Michael Hickey, our Vice President of Sales at the time, posed the thought: Imagine what would be possible if we built an organization in which 100% of the people were engaged 100% of the time,” said Lewis. “Michael had read the book, First, Break all the Rules, co-authored by Curt Coffman and Marcus Buckingham, and learned about the Gallup Organization’s Q12 – the 12 questions used to measure the core elements of employee engagement.”

To read more about how AstraZeneca has grown to become one of the premier corporations in the world in terms of its engagement culture and commitment, click here.

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