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Enterprise Engagement Alliance Names New Executive Director

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA) has named Steve LaMotta, a veteran of the talent management profession, as its new executive director. LaMotta, who has considerable experience with a number of well known HR organizations, will direct EEA’s sponsorship activities to better help connect organizations looking for engagement solutions to those that provide them.

Enterprise engagement is a growing interdisciplinary field that connects people, performance, and profitability among employees, managers, channel partners, and customers. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance promotes research, education, certification, and networking opportunities aimed at integrating engagement efforts within and among organizations. LaMotta’s work will focus on EEA activities related to developing an industry of specialists equipped to provide engagement solutions to all business constituencies.

LaMotta has held key executive positions at the Human Capital Insititute (HCI), HRSmart, and HR Alliance. And he has help board positions for the HCI, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the Staffing Management Association (SMA), and the Employee Management Association Foundation.

“The financial benefits of engaging people across the organization come from the careful integration of many areas across the business ecosystem,” says LaMotta, about his goals and objectives as executive director. “I look forward to helping organizations find solutions and assisting engagement specialists of all types to expand their businesses by helping their clients succeed.”

Allan Schweyer will remain EEA’s research chair, and Bruce Bolger is EEA’s managing director. For further information about the appointment or about the EEA, contact Bruce Bolger at 914-591-7600, ext. 230.

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