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EEA Curriculum on Measuring Engagement and Performance

There’s a reason for the old adage: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” Anyone who has ever tried to run a business knows that’s true. But it is also true that you can’t manage what you measure only once each year. When it comes to employee and customer engagement, most of us... collect information through annual surveys, analyze the results, share them in a high-level report and perhaps devote part of an executive meeting to discuss the implications. Like performance reviews, this is usually done once a year – if at all.

In order to make informed decisions based in fact, managers need to: 

  • Regularly monitor trends in employee, customer, supplier and partner engagement
  • Analyze those trends
  • Share the information across the organization
  • Set goals
  • Mobilize executives, managers and supervisors to take action

Effective measurement requires that certain fundamentals or principals be observed. Meaningful measurement will normally require an estimate of business impact at minimum and, in some cases, a Return on Investment (ROI) calculation. Following the advice below will ensure that you develop credible and defensible estimates of the business impact and ROI (where necessary) of your engagement initiatives. Click here to read the full White Paper.

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