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Temkin Releases Employee Engagement Benchmarking Report

Employee engagement is one of the four customer experience core competencies and it’s the one that companies tend to struggle with the most. To examine this critical area, Temkin Group surveyed more than 2,400 U.S. employees, finding that only 40% are fully committed to helping their companies succeed, 54% will do good for the company even if it’s not expected, and 26% are likely to look for a new job within six months. The study also introduces the Temkin Employee Engagement Index (TEEI) based on how employees feel about three areas: 1) understanding the company mission, 2) feeling that their feedback is valued, and 3) having the required training and tools. Using the TEEI, Temkin found that only 31% of employees are highly engaged, but these employees are 5.8 times more committed to helping their companies succeed and 4.7 times more likely to recommend that someone apply for a job at their company. It turns out that companies with good customer experience have 2.5 times more engaged employees than companies with poor customer experience. The full report is available for a fee. More info at

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