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How to Tackle Stagnating Engagement

A recent Gallup Business Journal article by Susan Sorenson and Keri Garman notes that although the state of the U.S. economy has changed substantially, the state of its workplace has not. According to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace: 2010-2012 report, employee engagement levels remain stagnant among U.S. workers. By the end of 2012, as the U.S. inched toward a modest economic recovery, only 30% of American workers were engaged, involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their workplace.
Of the 70% of American workers who aren’t reaching their full potential, 52% aren’t engaged, and another 18% are actively disengaged. These employees are emotionally disconnected from their companies and may actually be working against their employers’ interests; they’re less productive, are more likely to steal from their companies, negatively influence their coworkers, miss workdays and drive customers away. How leaders manage their employees can substantially affect engagement levels in the workplace, in turn influencing the company’s bottom line. The article goes on to list some strategies executives can use to move their companies forward. Read it >

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