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More Proof: Social Recognition Boosts Engagement

Looking for independent verification that social recognition and reward programs have a direct impact on employee engagement and business outcomes? Globoforce notes that Gartner’s recent report, Social Employee Recognition Systems Reward the Business with Results, is a comprehensive analysis of the impact that SaaS-based social recognition can have on business results – including sustained employee engagement and culture alignment. Implemented as stand-alone programs, social reward and recognition programs deliver significant business value, as measured by performance across employee engagement, employee success, and customer and business success. As organizations explore opportunities to leverage the benefits from these programs into other talent management processes (such as performance, recruiting and onboarding), new benefits and process transformations surface to drive even greater business impact. There are, however, inherent risks to programs that incorporate gamification and social concepts, and organizations must plan accordingly and continuously monitor and adjust program components as necessary. More here.

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