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Survey: Top Companies Not Following New Rules of Engagement

Nearly 85% of engagement leaders believe that companies must engage their workforces differently if they’re to succeed in the future. Yet only 30% believe their organizations are doing enough to adapt appropriately to the changes that lie ahead, according to new research from Hay Group. The research & consulting firm interviewed 300 heads of employee engagement from FTSE 250 and Fortune 500 companies regarding the implications of six converging megatrends (as identified in their Leadership 2030 research) that, both individually and combined, are fundamentally transforming the global business environment: Individualism, Digitization, Technological Convergence, Demographic Change, Globalization 2.0 and the Environmental Crisis. Human resources professionals continue to list employee engagement as the top issue keeping them up at night. But just as they generally view their companies as sluggish in responding to the new rules of engagement, most are also personally struggling to adapt to the trends. Two-thirds of those surveyed said they haven’t personally changed the way they operate in light of the megatrends. More information is available at

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