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BlessingWhite: In Search of High Performance

Mary Ann Masarech, Employee Engagement Lead Consultant at BlessingWhite and a regular ESM Columnist, recently posted an article on her company’s website noting that a high-performance work environment is clearly the responsibility of everyone, not just the senior leaders of an organization, and that talent management and compensation policies play a key role. She includes tips to spark readers’ behavior – and that of their fellow leaders. Some highlights:
  • Every week or two, discuss each team member’s workload and help prioritize which outcomes matter most.
  • Conduct engagement conversations with each team member to understand what’s working in support of high performance and engagement – and what’s not.
  • Recognize high performance and address poor performance.
  • Ask managers who report to you what’s getting in the way of high performance. Work with HR, finance, or other peers to address organization-wide practices that don’t work.
  • Invite suggestions from employees on process improvements.
Read the full article >
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