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Expresit Connects Employees and Customers, Enhances Engagement

The founder of (formerly known as Goodsnitch) comes out of the financial services sector, and his company supplies an app he hopes will help transform the relationships between customers, employees and companies of all sizes – but particularly small retailers. Expresit addresses the fundamental customer-employee connection that is at the heart of Enterprise Engagement, and is exciting in its ambition to help small retailers improve their customer experience. Expresit is a free app on Android and Apple OS that both companies and consumers can download, not specifically to rate a company (although customers can do so), but for customers to single out an employee who has provided great service. This product is an offshoot of a rating technology that its parent company, Hundredx, sells to large firms. “Our model,” says founder Rob Pace, “is to highlight the positive and quietly help the retailer deal with the problem. So far, out of the about 100,000 feedback messages we’ve received through the system, 90% are positive. Most companies are conditioned to think that feedback is a necessary evil, but it’s actually a key to building great retention. Over 50% of the time, the motivation of one of our users is to give a shout-out to an employee.” How does he differentiate Expresit from traditional rating sites? “With most ratings platforms, the conversation is between the customer and the business. We think there should be a conversation with the employee. Ours is a 30-second way that a customer can share an experience with an employee and a business that can help that business do better.”

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