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enterprise engagement Ranks Engagement Manager No. 4 Best Career

When it comes to the number of job openings, salary, and career opportunities, the job of Engagement Manager is ranked No. 4 by career site Only Data Scientists, Tax Managers, and Solutions Architects rank higher in overall score, but Engagement Managers, with an average base pay of over $125,000, earn more than any of the above. Mobile developers are ranked No. 5 and human resources, No. 6, but human resources jobs pay on average $85,000.
A look through the 1,356 positions posted on finds that the majority of these jobs involve customer engagement, particularly in business-to-business sectors, but there are also a number in human resources, education, and not-for-profits. While much of the hype around engagement involves the subject of employees, it’s clear from the job postings that more and more companies now see the need for having professionals manage all aspects of the client relationships on a one-to-one basis in a way that better integrates all the touchpoints and improves the customer experience.
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