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Register to Compare Engagement Services, Technologies at Engagement U., Expo, April 25-28, Orlando

A recent Harvard Business Review article states that public companies with high levels of engagement have outperformed the stock market over the last 28 years, and the EEA’s own Engaged Company Stock Index has bested the market by nearly 7% in the last 3 ½ years.
Learn how to profit from Engagement for your own company at Engagement University & Expo, April 25-28, at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld, part of Engagement World. You will get a roadmap to implementing formal engagement strategies, learn about the latest best practices, trends and research in the emerging field and meet and compare notes with nearly 100 different suppliers of engagement products, services and technologies. 
Bring a Colleague: Register at and you can bring a colleague to attend Engagement University and the following education events at Engagement World: the E2MA Red Diamond Congress, a half-day program at the Loyalty Academy, and the Rewards & Recognition Expo and University. 
Hands-On Engagement Services and Technology: In addition to education and exhibits, R&R Expo and Engagement World attendees alike will be able to learn about a wide variety of engagement services and technologies from nearly two dozen companies, many of them leaders in their field. The Engagement Expo and adjacent Rewards & Recognition Expo are open to all business managers who utilize engagement products, services and technologies or recommend their use to end-clients. 
Wednesday, April 27: Engagement Services 
1 pm-1:30 pm – Kevin Sheridan, Engagement Assessment and Worklife Expert
1:30 pm-2 pm – theEMPLOYEEapp, Employee Engagement Platform
2 pm-2:30 pm – Dr. Bob Nelson, Recognition Program Design Services
2:30 pm-3 pm – Culture Works, Culture and Leadership Training Program
3:00 pm-3:30 pm – Vistance, Analytics-Based Recognition Platform
3:30 pm-4 pm – Life Leadership Corporate Training
4 pm-4:30 pm – The E-Zassi Innovation Platform
4:30 pm-5 pm – The Vestrics Predictive Analytics Platform
Thursday, April 28: Incentive and Recognition Technology 
9 am-9:30 am – Carlton Group, Power2 Motivate Platform
9:30 am-10 am – WorkStride Incentive and Recognition Platform
10 am-10:30 am – Hinda/URE Rewards Exchange Platform and Program Technologies
10:30 am-11 am – Solata, Open-Source Engagement Portals
11 am-11:30 am – Points@work, Incentive and Social Recognition Platform
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