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2017 Engagement U. and Expo Focuses on Implementation, Certification

Engagement University & Expo, set for April 18-20, 2017 at the Fairmont Chicago, Millennium Park, will feature an intensive learning program on the framework and implementation process for Enterprise Engagement, including preparation for the Certified Engagement Practitioner program.
Enterprise Engagement is an emerging field that focuses on achieving financial success by fostering the proactive involvement of all people critical to that success by and integrating all of the levers of engagement to maximize alignment. 
Headed up by Enterprise Engagement faculty leaders Gary Rhoads, Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at the Marriott School of Business at Brigham Young University, and Allan Schweyer, Curriculum Director for the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, the intensive, two-day program will focus specifically on the definition, science and economics of Enterprise Engagement. The sessions will also provide preparation for the Certified Engagement Professional program.
Employee and customer engagement are among the hottest topics in business today, as more and more companies seek to improve performance through better relationships with customers, distribution partners, employees and communities. Recent moves by leading investor groups and international standards organizations are now putting increasing pressure on large corporations to adopt and report on formal engagement strategies. See the following articles from Engagement Strategies Media: Professor Stefanie Becker Says Human Capital and Engagement Are Worldwide Issues and $2.6 Trillion Investor Coalition Sees Link Between Human Capital Management and Shareholder Return
Further driving demand for education in this field are new standards being developed by the International Standardization Organization for employee engagement likely to be included in future versions of ISO 9001 quality standards.
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This new focus on engagement across the enterprise is driving demand for a new level of expertise among executives in sales, marketing, human resources, finance and general management. The Engagement U. education program is specifically designed to help executives at all levels gain a rapid grasp of this powerful new business field through information-packed sessions, roundtable discussions and opportunities to meet with experts in all areas of engagement in unique, interactive format.
The program will also include a special track for engagement solution providers seeking to profit from this new field, as well as preparation for the Certified Engagement Professional online test. 
Registration for the event will open shortly. For more information, contact:
Nick Gazivoda
Engagement University & Expo
Tel. 914-591-7600, ext. 238
From the Why to the How
This conference is designed to take attendees beyond the why to the how by providing both a scientific and experience-based roadmap for identifying the key audiences and levers needed to be addressed to focus people’s passions and skills on the most critical organizational values and goals.
More and more corporations are sending out RFPs seeking engagement solutions or putting people in charge of engagement initiatives without having a clear framework for what is required to achieve results by better engaging customers, distributor partners, employees, vendors and communities.
Who Should Attend
  • Corporate management responsible for achieving critical sales, marketing and human resources goals.
  • CEOs and management involved with sales, marketing and program design at solution providers in all areas of engagement, from leadership training and communications to innovation and analytics.
Created by Pioneers Representing All Aspects of Business
This educational program is unique in that it was created starting over eight years ago by a community of academics, corporate executives, and engagement solution providers who believe that engagement is a process like any other in business and requires agreed upon nomenclature, an overall framework, and a formal process for organizations to generate measurable benefits.
The EEA curriculum authors analyzed dozens of studies and collaborated with dozens of experts, to develop a formal process that takes engagement beyond ad hoc niceties to include:
  • A formal Engagement business plan with clear goals, objectives, strategies, and measures.
  • A clear understanding of the audience, be it consumers; distribution partners; sales, operational or administrative employees; vendors, or communities and how they can affect performance.
  • A plan to address all of the appropriate levers of engagement in a strategic way, including culture, brand, leadership at all levels, communication, learning, collaboration and innovation, analytics, and more.
Presenters will include the co-authors and editors of the first formal curriculum on Enterprise Engagement, first created in 2008 and significantly enhanced since then, along with leading corporate practitioners and expert engagement solution providers.
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