Engagement Agency Launches New Support Service for ISO 10018
The Engagement Agency provides a complete set of services to help solution providers profit from ISO 10018 Quality People Management processes and certification.

The EEA’s Engagement Agency support service is designed to help organizations and solution providers profit from the ISO 10018 formal framework and implementation process for Quality People Management, whether they wish to seek the formal certification to use in marketing and recruitment efforts or not.
“Organizations do not themselves have to seek actual certification to benefit from the standards or profit from them,” says Bruce Bolger, EEA founder and President of the Engagement Agency. “The standards provide a transparent roadmap anyone can benefit from by applying a formal, measurable process to people management as was successfully facilitated by ISO 9001 in the quality field.”
While the Enterprise Engagement Academy and Certified and Advanced Engagement Practitioner programs provide training and certification for individual professionals seeking to support ISO audits or process design and implementation, The Engagement Agency provides support for organizations and solution providers seeking to benefit from the strategic approach offered by the ISO 10018 framework and implementation process.
The Significance of ISO 10018
According to Bolger, “ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards were published by the creators of ISO 9001 Quality Process Management standards to address the long-overlooked need to engage people in the quality process.” Based on ISO quality management principles published at that time that align with the principles published by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance in 2010, the ISO 10018 standards enable organizations to apply a process approach to Quality People Management in the same way ISO 9000 provided a systematic approach to quality in the 1980s. When the first ISO 9001 standards were published in 1987, not one company was certified. Today there are over 1.3 million ISO 9001 certified companies worldwide.
The Return on Investment
While an ISO 10018 Quality People Management certification should provide marketing benefits for customers, distribution partners, employees, vendors, volunteers, donors, etc., the most concrete benefits, Bolger claims, include a formal, measurable process to:
- Achieve core sales, marketing, fundraising or other organizational goals and objectives.
- Increase customer retention and willingness to recommend.
- Attract and retain high achieving distribution partners and talent.
- Improve quality, service, safety and well-being.
- Foster continuous improvement, innovation and collaboration.
- Increase productivity.
Bolger notes that ISO 10018 standards create opportunities for any type of organization that can benefit from a process approach to Quality People Management, as well as to a wide variety of solution providers in all areas of engagement. The Engagement Agency provides support services for both types of organizations. “For organizations seeking to profit from 10018 Quality People Management standards and certification, The Engagement Agency provides all the training, process design and assistance with implementation required by the organization based on its needs and available internal resources,” he explains. “The Engagement Agency can provide simple training and process design services, or assist with some or all the other elements of the process based on organizational needs. For those organizations that need to outsource certain services, The Engagement Agency has developed a growing community of solution providers in all areas of engagement to help organizations find precisely the right solutions for their needs and budget.”
A Major New Marketplace
Bolger believes that, like ISO 9001, ISO 10018 has the potential to create a large marketplace of solution providers: “As with almost any profession, an enterprise approach to engagement includes a variety of tactics, including brand development, leadership training, assessment, all forms of communication, innovation and collaboration, rewards and recognition, analytics, and technology. The Engagement Agency helps these types of solution providers and others profit from the growing field of engagement boosted by the emergence of ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards and certification.”
The Engagement Agency provides these solution providers with a full set of services to help them profit from engagement, from strategic planning and training to the development of marketing materials, content marketing, thought leadership and other business development and implementation solutions. “It also makes them a part of a growing community of solution providers ISO-oriented organizations can select from," says Bolger. "While the EEA helps train professionals, The Engagement Agency creates a community of trained solution providers that can help Quality People Management-oriented organizations implement effective and sustainable processes.”
For More Information:
Nick Gazivoda
914-591-7600, ext. 238