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Over 200 Join Webinar on Potential Impact of ISO 10018 Quality People Management Standards

The webinar outlined the scope, economics, framework and implementation process of the new ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards, now applicable to 16 ISO standards and to any type of organization, large or small.

Click here to get a recorded version. Here are answers to the two dozen or so questions that were asked following the 30-minute presentation. The webinar was sponsored in part by Lipic’s Engagement at

About ISO 10018 Standards

  • ISO 10018 standards and certification provide a unique opportunity for Human Resources professionals in that they provide a clear framework for improving efficiencies and stakeholder experiences by applying a systematic approach to all engagement tactics.
  • Organizations that follow ISO 9001 and 15 other ISO standards can apply these same principles to implementation of each standard, as well as to the way they design Human Capital Management (HCM) processes.
  • The new standards seek to do for Quality People Management what ISO 9001 accomplished for Quality Process Management: apply a systematic approach that increases efficiencies and helps breaks down organizational silos.
  • The standards apply a process that connects all aspects of an organization, starting with its brand promises, culture and values, and is thereafter reflected in the selection and coaching of leadership; implementation of communications; learning; collaboration and innovation; job design; recruiting; rewards and recognition; and more.
  • Organizations do not need to be ISO 10018 certified to benefit from the systematic, auditable approach, but those that do can use their status and logo to engage investors, customers, employees, vendors and communities.
  • While providing a clear framework and nomenclature, application of Enterprise Engagement is unique to each situation and in no way diminishes the creative application of solutions.
  • ISO standards provide a systematic approach to the design of traditional recognition, incentive, training, communication, innovation and other engagement tactics.

Why Now

  • These new standards come at a time when investors, customers and talent are putting greater pressure on organizations to focus on human capital because of clear return-on-investment.
  • The Enterprise Engagement Alliance’s Engaged Company Stock Index (ECSI) has outperformed the S&P 500 by nearly 35% since its inception 5½ years ago.

Types of Standards and Process

  • There are two types of ISO 10018 certifications; one for employers, the other for solution-providers.
  • The ISO 10018 audit consists of documenting each step of the human capital strategy and outcome, as well as a random walk through by auditors who talk to employees and others to determine how well they understand the organization’s culture, mission, vision and values, how they individually can support them, and their level of engagement in the organization’s learning and professional development or activities that are disclosed in the audit.
  • To obtain ISO 10018 certification, organizations need to buy the standard (about $180 U.S), employ someone with an Enterprise Engagement Alliance Advanced Engagement Practitioner (AEP) certification and undergo a pre-audit assessment and then full audit to obtain the certification. This process takes several days or more, depending on the size of the organization, with audit costs starting at about $5,000 depending on the size of the organization, plus the optional use of ISO 10018 certification logo, also based on the size of the company.
  • A few days of preparation, including reading Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, helps to prepare for the Certified Engagement Practitioner (CEP) online training program, going through the online modules. This Enterprise Engagement Academy course is available to EEA individual members for $125 and corporate members for $500.
  • The EEA’s Advanced Engagement Practitioner (AEP) program generally requires several years of management experience in some areas of engagement, completion of an online training program on ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards and ISO Annex SL management system principles, and creation of an Enterprise Engagement implementation plan and sample audit. This takes an experienced practitioner about five to 10 days of work and can be completed over any desired period of time. (Note: the full ISO 10018 certification can only be earned once an ICEE auditor has conducted an assessment of the organization’s process.)

 How to Get Started

  • Those seriously interested in learning about this new field or achieving the Advanced Engagement Practitioner certification can attend sessions at Engagement World in Galveston, May 7-8, which also includes three learning and certification programs for leadership and culture, recognition and incentive program design, from the Culture Works, Recognition Professionals International and the Incentive Marketing Association.
  • To get started, people can purchase Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap on or
  • To get online training and earn the Certified Engagement Practitioner designation, go to
  • To keep up on the field at no cost, go to Engagement Strategies Media at and subscribe to our eNewsletters, or follow us on Twitter or Linkedin.
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