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EEA Enhances Learning Platform for Enterprise Engagement, ISO Certification and Rewards & Recognition

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance now offers a complete suite of learning platforms, including an online training and certification program that any organization, professional or academic educator can customize to provide instruction and testing on the economics, framework, implementation process and return on investment of engagement strategies.

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance has launched an upgraded learning platform for organizations and a course curriculum for academics and professional educators seeking to provide instruction on the emerging field of Enterprise Engagement and on ISO 10018 Quality People Management

Enterprise Engagement has become a hot topic, and yet the subject isn’t taught in schools or professional education largely because there’s no formal curriculum…until now. The Enterprise Engagement Academy, the learning division of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, has launched a full suite of learning platforms for anyone seeking to profit from a systematic approach to engagement across the enterprise, whether for use in businesses, not-for-profits or government. These education platforms were made possible in part through the support of EGR International, CA Short Company, Lipic's Engagement, Enterprise Engagement Performance ManagementITA Group, and Bulova Corporate Sales, Canon Special Markets, FujiFilm Special Markets, and Pulse Experiential Travel

The combination of pressure from investors and corporate boards, the now proven connection between employee and customer engagement and financial results, and new ISO Quality People Management standards, organizations are waking up to the potential benefits of applying a systematic approach to engagement. The new EEA learning platform enables organizations and academics to access multiple learning solutions, including:

1. Online training to educate management teams. Any EEA member company or authorized educator can now obtain a code they can provide employees or students to access the Enterprise Engagement Academy learning platform to track their participation and test results in the learning programs. For an additional fee, organizations and educators can sponsor new learning platforms available to all registrants and EEA members, or create proprietary modules for their own members. The online platform includes training and testing in all areas of engagement, as well as the online tests for the Certified Engagement Practitioner (CEP) learning and certification program. Go to
2. A new course syllabus for academic and professional educators. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance has created a new course syllabus to be used along with the new edition of Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap 4th edition, How to Achieve Organizational Results Through People and Quality for ISO 10018 Certification. Click here to access the syllabus for one-hour, one-day, one-week or a full semester course on Enterprise Engagement and ISO 10018 standards.

3. Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, 4th edition, How to Achieve Organizational Results Through People and Quality for ISO 10018 Certification. This annually updated desk reference provides a detailed guide to the definition, economics, framework, implementation process and key tools of Enterprise Engagement, enabling people to find critical reference information on demand or to support engagement training in offices or classrooms.

4. ISO 9001 and ISO 10018 Quality People Management: Enterprise Engagement in Action, Mon. May 7-8, 3 pm-5 pm, Tue. May 8, 9 am-3 pm, Galveston Hilton Resort and Conference Center. An intensive 1 ½ day on the definition, economics, framework, and implementation process of ISO 10018 quality people management standards and preparation for Engagement Practitioner certification.

For more information, contact Nick Gazivoda at 914-591-7600, ext. 238; e-mail 
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