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Experience Rise Above 2020 w/ Samuel Isaac, Neeyamo

IsaacThe pandemic has forced global enterprises to change in ways that they were not ready for and identify new ways of working. For many organizations both large and small, wading through the pandemic is a matter of survival, but for others, the changes have been a silver-lining amidst the crisis. How have these forward-looking organizations tackled this chaotic year? How are they planning to set the global HR agenda for 2021 and beyond?
In this special HRchat interview, part of a series looking ahead to the Rise Above conference on November 12 - 13 we preview the virtual event and consider how organizations are future-proofing their operations, technology, and people for a changed world.
The HRchat guest this time is Samuel Isaac, Head of Global Marketing & Strategy at Neeyamo. With two decades of experience in business process design and delivery, he has engineered several large-scale HRO and Payroll deals.
Register for the free Rise Above 2020 event.
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