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EEA Class 4 on the Tactics of Enterprise Engagement

This Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube Show, Class 4 of the formal training program on Enterprise Engagement and Human Capital Management, kicks off with a panel discussion with four experts involved with engagement and human capital management in the US and in the European Union. Panelists are concerned that the human resources profession may not have the influence required to move CEOs to a more strategic and systematic approach to people management across the enterprise.
Class 4 of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance learning program focuses on the tactics of stakeholder engagement, how to achieve the best results, and to what extent organizations in general apply a strategic and systematic approach to the implementation of engagement strategies and tactics.
The show kicks off with a panel discussion sharing the views of guest panelists Dr. Heiko Mauterer, Board Member, Four C Group Management Consultancy, an HR advisory firm and ISO 30414 certification company; Jervis DiCicco, Founder, CEO, ProsperBridge, a HR support and benefits company; Darwin Hanson, Founder, CEO, Talent Management Evolution, a talent management and human capital technology firm, and Todd Hanson, CEO and Founder of Catalyst Performance Group, an advisory firm specializing in business operating systems and return-on-investment measurement of engagement processes.
Here are some key findings of the program.
  • Businesses are making slow progress toward adopting a strategic and systematic approach to people management, and not nearly as rapidly as would appear because of the Great Resignation and the significant labor shortage in the US.
  • A main reason for the failure of many organizations to seize the human capital opportunity is because the typical human resources department doesn’t have the same influence on senior management as other departments, such as sales, new product development, or finance.  
  • Many in human resources are resisting human capital management and metrics or even saying that metrics aren’t important when it comes to employees.
  • The human resources profession has a long history of jumping on fads, such as employee engagement surveys or recognition technology, and then moving on to some other fad such as employee experience or renaming a past fad, rather than addressing the fundamental issues of people management across the enterprise.
  • Most companies today are reacting to human capital issues, such as turnover and recruitment, rather than stepping back and creating a strategic and systematic approach that aligns all organizational tactics toward common goals and metrics. Very few companies seriously measure the effectiveness of their human capital efforts.
  • Business operating systems that start by creating a consensus on the organization’s purpose, values, and goals and that bake inter-department alignment into the day-to-day life of the organization are one of the best ways to break down silos and enhance organizational efficiency.
  • Silos at companies on both sides of the Atlantic continue to hinder a strategic and systematic approach to people, such that it’s often difficult to align internal and external engagement activities toward a common purpose. 

Below are some of the tactics commonly used to engage stakeholders. This program emphasizes the importance of aligning the use of these tactics against organizational objectives; identifying other stakeholders that could be affected by the effort; looking for ways to leverage other engagement tactics to improve overall impact; defining key return-on-investment and other impact measures of each initiative.
The show provides an overview of the following engagement tactics, their business models, and potential benefits:
• Business operating systems
• Brand alignment
• Culture
• Benefits
• Employee engagement
• Sales engagement
• Channel engagement
• Customer engagement (loyalty)
• Job Design
• ISO Human Capital Reporting
• Rewards and Recognition
• Motivational Events
• Incentive Programs
• Innovation and collaboration
For more details on the various types of solution providers, click here.
To Contact the Panelists
Jervis DiCicco
Darwin Hanson
Dr. Heiko Mauterer
Todd Hanson

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