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The Overlooked Role of Worker Voice

Larry BeefermanThis live and recorded webinar at 1 pm on May 31, 2023 with an expert in work life matters explores an often talked about but little exploited resource in people management: worker voice.
Companies frequently say that workers are their No. 1 asset, but what does that truly mean in practical terms? It stands to reason that if this is so, employees would be central to all key decisions related to innovation, continuous improvement, quality, productivity, culture, wellness, and safety. The question is: to what extent do organizations truly engage employees not only in providing feedback on their current level of engagement and satisfaction with the culture but gaining their active participation in crafting critical strategies consistent with the organization’s purpose, values, goals, and objectives.
This upcoming Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinar set for Wed. May 31st at 1 pm will address the application of the broader concept of “worker voice,” already often utilized on factory floors around the world practicing Total Quality Management, to general people management across the enterprise.
The program is based on the paper, “Managers: Attuned to Change but Tone-Deaf to Worker Voice?” recently published by Larry Beeferman, Independent Consultant and Fellow, at Harvard Law School Center for Labor and a Just Economy, who will join the EEA as a guest on the EEA YouTube show.
Register here to attend the live session and ask a question or stay tuned for a link to the recorded show and podcast.
The program will address:
  • What do we mean by worker voice? What specific forms can it take? 
  • What can the benefits be of worker voice for companies and workers, financial and otherwise? Why are such benefits thought to derive from worker voice?
  • In practical terms, what can contribute to achieving the benefits of worker voice?  What does management need to do or not do? 
  • Some special/important cases: where do board representation, worker committees, worker ownership, and unions fit in with worker voice?
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