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Interesting Feedback From a Boeing Reader

Boeing Employee ResponseOne person’s response to an evaluation process for organizational materiality has no statistical merit and is not the basis for drawing any conclusions about Boeing. On the other hand, it demonstrates how a strategic and systematic approach to identifying risks and opportunities could have helped Boeing identify critical challenges and could still do so today.

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How might the fortunes have differed for Boeing shareholders and stakeholders alike had someone at Boeing conducted a serious analysis to determine the maturity of its people management strategies. While an anonymous response from one Boeing employee alone has no value, it demonstrates how a more thorough analysis could have identified the crisis.
The recent ESM article on the Organizational Maturity Index (Omindex®) featured an abbreviated online version of the human maturity evaluation framework used as an introduction to the organization’s process and to provide organizations a quick way to provide a thumbnail result. See ESM: Maturity Index Aims to Substantiate Stakeholder Management Metrics.
In response to the article, and using the link to the free anonymous self-assessment, a two-year Boeing employee provides answers that if verified would sound a serious alarm that Boeing has not yet addressed the issue. The findings from one individual of course are not in themselves of much use because some or many of the impressions may be based more on media reports or hearsay than on personal expertise.
Boeing 2What makes these responses intriguing is that despite reporting satisfaction with the work and the job in general, this employee gives Boeing very poor ratings for company purpose, culture, value, culture, adaptability, business planning and performance, and values and principles; poor ratings for clear vision, strategy, accountability, trust, business risks, and human value, and an average rating for environmental and social impact, stakeholder management, systems effectiveness, and career opportunities.
According to Stuart Woollard, Co-Founder of the Maturity Institute, creator of the Omindex Maturity Index, were these individual’s findings verified, “it would suggest that Boeing has a purpose problem. It is either unclear or fails to connect people to its role in serving society. What risks arise for firms where there is little stakeholder alignment with its core purpose? The company may not have a culture that fosters mutual respect and cooperation. It also does not appear to be characterized by open communication and learning. Does Boeing’s culture have toxic characteristics?,” he would wonder if this report verified.
He elaborates. Despite the claim by Boeing’s CEO that former employee were part of a micro-culture that does not reflect the company’s values, “this response would suggest that the company is still not embedding a clear set of values and principles. Values and principles bring purpose to life. Are Boeing’s both easily understandable by all their stakeholders and do they inform key actions and behaviours of staff?”
Woollard suggests that this one response, were it true, would indicate that the company business planning and strategy is likely disconnected with any people planning and strategy. “Are individuals confused as to what is expected of them and how might this link to the nature of business value creation?”
As the second chart indicates, “Boeing’s current S&P rating is BBB-. This measure of financial health contrasts with this suggested Omindex rating between CCC and BB, based on the information provided by a single employee. Were this confirmed, Boeing would have a ‘risk-ratings’ gap. Regardless of the validity of this single response, it does bring to light an important concern. Did Boeing’s credit rating adequately reflect the human risks that could impact its financial health?”

ESM Is Published by The EEA: Your Source for Effective Stakeholder Management, Engagement, and Reporting

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