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Tech Platform Powers Value-Creation-Based Operating Systems

Insights7For organizations with a strategic focus, having an operating system is critical to keeping all stakeholders aligned toward a common purpose, goals, and objectives. Traditional business operating systems are based on the organization chart. This operating system solution provider believes it has found a better approach: a focus on value creation.

Connecting All Stakeholders to Value Creation
The Focus on Value Creation Helps Set Priorities

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Any regular reader of ESM knows that effective stakeholder management depends upon having a business operating system that supports the effective implementation of the organization’s purpose, goals, and objectives. The best-known processes, the Entrepreneurial Operating System, Rockefeller Habits, and the Pinnacle System all are based on traditional organizational charts and related roles and responsibilities. Insight7 believes it has found a better way: a focus on value creation and “speed to optimization.”  
Mike HoganFounded in 2008 by Michael Hogan, Founder and CEO, an IT engineer with years of experience in technology development and deployments, Insights7 combines an operating system designed to holistically align an entire organization and its individual teams toward a common purpose, goals, objectives, and values, with a project planning technology to power and visualize the process in a way that captures value creation as well. The company’s system and technology platform provide a means of establishing value creation and the internal and external stakeholders whose activities contribute to the achievement of key KPIs (key performance indicators) or OKRs (objectives and key results), either of the organization or specific units.  By having every team on the same operating system and project planning platform, everyone gets to see how their specific function creates value in terms of organizational priorities, and the other stakeholders involved, the company explains. 
“Most operating systems focus on the goals, objectives, metrics, and stated priorities,” explains Hogan. “Ours adds critical dimensions—a process to determine the value created by each activity for customers, the company, and employees, and a means for teams to connect their work to the value they create.”  An organization can use Insight7 as a business operating system for the entire organization, or for specific teams or projects, because it is designed to support versions for each division or team as well. This in turn enables the organization to test the process with one specific team or objective, Hogan points out.

Connecting All Stakeholders to Value Creation

Insight7 provides a holistic approach to stakeholder value for customers, the company, and external stakeholders, including employees, distribution and supply chain partners, and communities, he asserts. “It supports an agile strategic execution approach in that it starts with the end in mind, designing work and strategy around customers and stakeholders, and continuously manages and optimizes the process to make changes on the fly while keeping everyone informed.”  It breaks down siloes by exposing team members to the interests of all the stakeholders involved to unite people toward the key KPIs and OKRs on which value creation is measured for the organization or each unit or initiative.
Hogan believes the transparency involved with having all team members seeing the same information empowers people to make decisions that align with the value creation structure, including an understanding of the target value for financial and strategic stakeholders, as well as employees, and related communities. 
In addition for use by the organization, or teams, the paltform helps with the deployment of specific initiatives, such as new technologies or products and services; incentive, rewards, and recognition programs, or any ongoing process used to create value in one way or another for the company and its internal and external stakeholders, the company says.
Mary AdamsAs explained by Mary Adams,  Co-Founder, “The Insights7 technology is a SaaS platform designed to help organizations achieve their goals more efficiently by aligning everyone's interests toward a common purpose and goals. It provides a holistic approach to strategy execution, focusing on value creation for customers, the company, and external stakeholders. The platform offers a way for teams to work together and connect their work to the value they need to create.” Rather than a per-seat model, fees are based on company size. The license supports multiple teams or initatives.
When properly implemented at the organizational level, she adds, the process builds continuous improvement into daily culture, all but eliminating the need for traditional change management processes. “Teams can generate reports or analyze data with minimal effort and Illustrate findings clearly for stakeholders. They can analyze conversations and extract key themes effortlessly. Team members can derive meaningful data from internal or external customer interactions to make better decisions on a real-time basis.”

The Focus on Value Creation Helps Set Priorities

The focus on value creation, Hogan emphasizes, provides the ability to make better decisions and to prioritize where to invest resources based on the potential for impact.
While the platform is not designed specifically to track employee or other stakeholder engagement, the system’s real-time data analysis and visualization features enable organizations to identify hot spots that need attention versus those in which value is being created on schedule or faster, Hogan says.
“CEOs attracted to this process are those who wish to empower and engage all their stakeholders in the organization’s purpose, goals, objectives, and values. Command and control CEOs generally are not drawn to this transparent process until they witness it in action.” Once the platform is set up, with the purpose, goals, and objectives, including KPIs and/or OKRs in place, the goal is to empower employees to focus on their specific roles and those affected by it to optimize outcomes, rather than just being told what to do.
To help prospective clients visualize the process and impact, the company offers a one-day training and demonstration process in which the organization can test the process on a specific goal, objective, or area of pain to see how it works. “Once they see how a participative, systematic process helps identify and address value creation opportunities, light bulbs go off about how it can be used to address any organizational issues,” Hogan observes.
For More Information

Mary Adams 
Insights7, Corp.


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