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Selecting a Toolset for Improving Collaboration

The argument for better Employee Engagement has never been more compelling. Articles, papers and blogs abound covering the philosophies and tips for improving work environments, social conditions and organizational sensitivity. The purpose of this article by the marketers at Flagpole Software, an ‘open innovation’ system developed from the MindMatters Technologies Enterprise Innovation Management System platform, is to offer guidance on some of technology applications that companies are looking at to help them engage employees better. Although software alone will certainly not ensure your success, there are some powerful tools available that, if used wisely, can help build a bridge to better engagement. Selecting applications that offer best practices already built in will eliminate some trial and error and help leverage the “lessons learned” from companies that have achieved success. A great place to start is checking off a few key functions that need to be present to make these programs operate successfully. To see a Tools Checklist and read the full report, click here.

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