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Disrupting Digital Business

Anyone who understands the principles of Enterprise Engagement will enjoy "Disrupting Digital Business" by R. Ray Wang, published by Harvard Business Review Press. Wang, a veteran technology analyst running two of his own consulting firms (currently Constellation Research, and before that Altimeter) and with past positions at Forrester, Oracle, Ernst & Young and Deloitte, believes that, as stated in the subtitle of the book, the key to success is to “create an authentic experience in the peer-to-peer economy.” Many of the chapters overlay the basic framework of what we call Enterprise Engagement. This the perfect book to send to technology leaders seeking to understand the role of engagement in organizational success and the critical role of technology. “When you boil everything down, you can throw out the word ‘digital’ because it is all about relationships with people,” he says. “Companies that don’t make this transformation will go away. We are already seeing increasing gaps in various markets between the market leaders and the No. 2s and No. 3s. What will be the future for Samsung in the handheld marketplace if it continues to lose ground to Apple around the world? They’re getting squeezed at the low end of the market and at the top.” Available from Amazon.

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