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The Role of Incentives in Engaging Employees w/ Rob Purdy, CarltonOne Engagement

In this episode, we talk about performance, incentives, and employee engagement.
Bill's guest this time is Rob Purdy, CEO at CarltonOne Engagement, a firm on a mission to become “the world’s leading provider of on-demand recognition, incentive, training, and reward solutions”.
Rob created CarltonOne to crack the code of employee engagement alongside making a positive impact on the environment. Listen to Rob's answers to questions including: 
  • What are some historic challenges faced when trying to engage and reward top work & great performance?
  • You’ve introduced technologies that make a difference in offices, factories, stores, and boardrooms of all sizes and in over 85 countries. How can technology support smaller organizations to provide the same level of incentivization as big companies enjoy?
  • You are a lifelong environmentalist. In fact, you're also CEO at Evergrow, a firm that helps companies thrive by empowering their people to change the world. Your team there has created an AI-powered personalized employee engagement platform that recognizes a team’s best work with cool rewards. Evergrow also helps companies transform the global environment by funding native tree planting. Tell me more.
  • Traditional incentivization is still very important to encourage and recognize high-performance but so too are a host of other 'benefits' around wellness and work-life balance. How can companies mix traditional rewards with new ways to engage and retain their top performers?
  • A big focus of CarltonOne is incentivizing and rewarding sales teams. What's unique about how Sales pros work and how they want to be recognized compared to other departments and why?
  • CarltonOne promises to transform workplace motivation by using AI to create a one-to-one personalized engagement journey while connecting employee action to tree planting and conservation. Talk to be unique about the tech behind the platform.
  • What does it say to a candidate or employee when the employer offers easy ways for staff to support charities that resonate with them? 
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