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Employees More Likely to Quit Than Be Fired; HR Cedes Key Role

The latest issue of BlessingWhite eNews notes that as we begin 2015, American workers are feeling more confident in the economic foundation their jobs depend on, but their expectations that their employer will support their career goals continue to wear thin. The natural result is that many people are looking outside their organizations for next-step opportunities rather than committing to carving out a more meaningful role with their current employer. In December, 87% of employees surveyed said it was more likely they would quit than be fired, an increase of three percentage points over the year before. In focus groups and one-on-one interviews that BlessingWhite conducted with Human Resources leaders, it found most agree that over the last decade or so the HR Department has become known more as the group that helps ensure compliance rather than the group that introduces breakthrough ideas. Read the full article >

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