Webinar Addresses New ISO Quality People Management Standards and ISO 10018 Certification - March 20, 2018

- A Systematic Approach to Quality People Management
- The Seven Principles of Quality Management
- New or Updated ISO 9001 Quality People Management Requirements
- New Learning and Advisory Services Available
The new ISO 9001:2015 standards include one of the most significant additions since the creation of ISO 9000—a recognition that people are critical to a successful quality management process. The new ISO 9001:2015 standards address the seven updated quality management principles that include a new focus on people and will explain the new clauses, as well as the new ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards and certification, to provide a complete system for success.
Register for this one-hour introductory webinar on March 20, 2018, co-hosted by Quality Digest, titled, “ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 10018: Developing People Engagement In a QMS.” The webinar provides a useful introduction for those planning to attend the Engagement World conference, May 7-8, in Galveston. Click here for more information. The webinar is sponsored by Lipics Engagement at Lipic.com.
In the webinar, Dr. Ron McKinley, co-founder of the International Center for Enterprise Engagement (ICEE) at the University of Texas Medical Branch, provides an overview of how to profit from the new people management standards in ISO 9001 and the new ISO 10018 certification. ICEE is the first organization to provide certification for ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards, which provide all the elements necessary to address the new people management standards in ISO 9001:2015. According to Dr. McKinley, “Companies don’t need to have an ISO 9001 or ISO 10018 certification to profit from this practical, systematic approach to achieving goals through people. For the first time, ISO 9001 and ISO 10018 create a formal approach to achieving results through Quality People Management in the same way ISO 9000 applied a systematic approach to Quality Process Management.”
A Systematic Approach to Quality People Management
The new ISO 9001 and ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards aim to do for people management what ISO 9001 achieved for process management: introduce a more systematic, measurable approach to the design and implementation of organizational or tactical engagement efforts. The standards include the importance of addressing all organizational stakeholders—customers, distribution partners, employees, vendors, communities and owners—in a cohesive way that integrates all of the key levers of engagement necessary to connect goals, values, actions and results across the enterprise.
Many quality professionals, as well as management in sales, marketing and human resources, remain unaware that a systematic approach to Quality People Management is now a requirement in ISO 9001:2015 and is considered by ISO to be critical to organizational success, whether a company is ISO 9001 compliant or not. The March 20th webinar will provide a general introduction to the new ISO 9001 Quality People Management clauses, as well as the new ISO 10018 Quality People Management standards and certification. The webinar is designed for anyone involved with quality management, ISO 9001 audits and quality consulting.
The Seven Principles of Quality Management
These new or updated requirements, outlined below, are based on ISO’s quality management principles, most recently published in 2015, which include:
1. Customer focus. A demonstrable commitment to continually meeting and exceeding customer expectations.
2. Leadership. An established unity of purpose and direction and conditions in which people are engaged to exceed the organization’s quality objectives.
3. Engagement of people. Competent, capable, empowered and engaged people at all levels dedicated to creating and delivering value.
4. A process approach. A systematic plan to manage interrelated processes that function as a coherent system.
5. Improvement. Continuous improvement built into the culture and organizational ecosystem.
6. Evidence-based decision making. Plans made based on analysis of data and information.
7. Relationship management. A systematic approach to managing relationships with all interested parties, including customers, distribution partners, employees, vendors, owners, communities, etc.
New or Updated ISO 9001 Quality People Management Requirements
Following are the new ISO 9001:20015 requirements related to implementing a systematic approach to stakeholder engagement in quality management efforts:
Clause 4.1.2, “Understanding interested parties’ needs.” The standard now specifically calls for a systematic approach to managing relationships with all people critical to Quality Process Management, including customers, distribution partners, employees, owners, management and employees. For employees, this means having a good work environment, including job security, health and safety, training, opportunities for promotion and recognition and rewards. For others, it is having a means of continually understanding and addressing their needs as they relate to quality management.
Clause 5.1, “Leadership.” The latest standards expand the requirements related to top management commitment to foster a work environment that encourages employees to excel and take an active interest in producing quality products and services, as well as achieve an organization’s mission, goals and objectives; apply a systematic approach to designing, implementing and measuring the outcomes of the process; and to commit the resources necessary to do so.
Clause 5.2, “Customer focus.” This clause calls for connecting customer expectations and perceptions by having one-on-one relationships with each customer to enhance satisfaction. The standards prescribe that this focus should drive the development and implementation of products, services and customer support; the vision, mission, goals, objectives and plans; culture; employee responsibilities; and risk analysis.
Clause 7.1.2, “People.” For the first time, ISO 9001 specifically emphasizes the importance of human resources management. The organization is expected to ensure the necessary amount of human resources, its capabilities, its well-being, and its performance as it relates to an organization’s goals and objectives.
Clause 7.1.4, “Environment.” This standard prescribes a working environment that considers ergonomics, diversity and an affable and non-confrontational environment to minimize stress and promote health and safety.
New Learning and Advisory Services Available
Four new education and advisory resources are now available to help your organization address the critical people issues included in ISO 9001:2015. This is considered so important that ISO created ISO 10018, “People Involvement and Competence,” as a standard pointing the way to a systematic approach to Quality People Management that can be equally applied at manufacturing, services, not-for-profit and governmental organizations. These resources include:
Live: May 7-8, Galveston, TX—ISO 9001 and ISO 10018 Quality People Management:
Enterprise Engagement in Action. This one-and-a-half-day conference is designed to educate organizational professionals on the economics and principles of Enterprise Engagement and to prepare those interested in gaining the Enterprise Engagement Alliance’s Advanced Engagement Practitioner (AEP) certification necessary for solution providers seeking an ISO 10018 developer certification, or for employers seeking to profit from the ISO 10018 framework. Click here to learn more about the conference.
In print: Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, How to Achieve Organizational Results Through People and Qualify for ISO 10018 Certification. This new book is designed to help any organization translate these standards into a formal strategy to improve results through people that can be applied to support overall organizational culture and brand objectives, or tactical goals in sales, marketing, human resources, operations and community-building activities. Click here to order.
Online: The Enterprise Engagement Academy. This is the place to gain proficiency and certification in the Enterprise Engagement practices necessary to earn an ISO 10018 certification for an employer or solution-provider. You can find out more by clicking here.
In Consultation: The Engagement Agency. This unique resource provides advisory services for organizations, consultants and other solution-providers. Explore these options by clicking here.