Sales 3.0 and EEA Join Forces on Education To Build a Culture of Brand Engagement
The Sales 3.0 Conference and Enterprise Engagement Alliance are co-locating in San Francisco April 1-3 to provide the first of three education programs this year to focus on new ways to optimize sales performance by engaging the entire organization in your brand.
Be inspired by new sales performance ideas from industry innovators from top companies and learn a practical ISO-compliant systematic process to engagement design that enhances the ROI of traditional coaching, communications, incentive, and rewards efforts.
Sales 3.0 and the Enterprise Engagement Alliance have put together a unique interactive event, launching April 1-3 in San Francisco, in which attendees contribute to maximize idea-sharing and learning. The goal is to help you bring your sales organization to the next level and discover a more systematic and measurable way to turn your entire organization into brand ambassadors. Register to both events at and get a 50% discount on the combined programs.

The three-day learning program includes a highly interactive learning and collaborative format with over 400 sales and marketing executives, including a one-day crash course on new ISO 10018 compliant processes to significantly improve the ROI of traditional assessment, coaching, and incentive programs by engaging everyone in the brand. Speakers include:
- Todd Albright, Chief Revenue Officer, MERRILL CORP., on “What Is Organizational Culture – and How Does It Impact Sales Success?”
- CJ Anderson, CEO and Founder, DREAMS NEVER DIE FOUNDATION, and former L.A. Rams running back, on “Why Dreams Never Die.”
- Joe Batista, Director and Chief Creatologist, DELL Technologies, on “Beyond Solution Selling – What’s Next?”
- Tiffani Bova, Growth and Innovation Evangelist, SALES FORCE, on “Customer Experience Is the New Battleground.”
- Plus: Leaders in ISO compliant engagement design process that turn traditional engagement costs into profit centers in a way that enhances the experience for all.
The program provides a practical approach to engagement that uses the same ISO process that transformed quality management to generate a higher return on your current incentive, coaching, training, and sales enablement process. Sales 3.0 topics include: sales acceleration, coaching salespeople, deploying the right technology stack, sales enablement, the rise of artificial intelligence, unlocking your growth DNA, winning against the odds, and achieving consistent success. The two-day program is followed by a crash course on ISO-based engagement principles that can result in significant cost savings, efficiency, and return on investment of current assessment, coaching, incentive, and other engagement tactics that often have little ROI.
CLICK HERE for the complete Sales 3.0 program.
REGISTER HERE for the 50% discount on the combined Sales 3.0 Conference and ‘Enterprise Engagement in Action’ program or for the ‘Enterprise Engagement in Action’ only on Wed. April 3.
Services: The International Center for Enterprise Engagement at, offering: ISO 10018 certification for employers, solution providers, and Enterprise Engagement technology platforms; Human Resources and Human Capital audits for organizations seeking to benchmark their practices and related Advisory services for the hospitality field.
Master the Principles of Enterprise Engagement to Achieve Organizational Goals and Enhance Your Career
- Profit from a new systematic approach to engagement to enhance your organization’s brand equity; increase sales, productivity, quality, innovation, and safety, and reduce risks.
- Achieve ISO 10018 Quality People Management Certification to demonstrate your organization’s strategic commitment to people to your customers, employees, distribution partners, vendors, communities, investors, and regulators.
Live Education: Enterprise Engagement in Action Conference at Engagement World, April 3, 2019, in San Francisco, in conjunction with the Selling Power Sales 3.0 Conference. Learn about the economics, framework, and implementation process for an ISO certifiable approach to achieving organizational objectives by strategically fostering the proactive involvement of all stakeholders. Learn more and register now. 

The first and most comprehensive book on Enterprise Engagement and the new ISO 9001 and ISO 10018 quality people management standards.
Online: The Enterprise Engagement Academy at, providing the only formal training on Enterprise Engagement and the new ISO 9001 and ISO 10018 quality people management standards. Provides preparation for professionals to support organizations seeking ISO 10018 employer or solution provider certification, as well as elective courses on Trade Show Engagement, Rewards and Recognition, Government, and other topics.
Plus: 10-minute short course: click here for a 10-minute introduction to Enterprise Engagement and ISO standards on

The Engagement Agency at, offering: complete support services for employers, solution providers, and technology firms seeking to profit from formal engagement practices for themselves or their clients, including Brand and Capability audits for solution providers to make sure their products and services are up to date.
C-Suite Advisory Service—Education of boards, investors, and C-suite executives on the economics, framework, and implementation processes of Enterprise Engagement.
Speakers Bureau—Select the right speaker on any aspect of engagement for your next event.
Mergers and Acquisitions. The Engagement Agency’s Mergers and Acquisition group is aware of multiple companies seeking to purchase firms in the engagement field. Contact Michael Mazer in confidence if your company is potentially for sale at 303-320-3777.
Mergers and Acquisitions. The Engagement Agency’s Mergers and Acquisition group is aware of multiple companies seeking to purchase firms in the engagement field. Contact Michael Mazer in confidence if your company is potentially for sale at 303-320-3777.
Enterprise Engagement Benchmark Tools: The Enterprise Engagement Alliance offers three tools to help organizations profit from Engagement. Click here to access the tools.
• ROI of Engagement Calculator. Use this tool to determine the potential return-on-investment of an engagement strategy.
• EE Benchmark Indicator. Confidentially benchmark your organization’s Enterprise Engagement practices against organizations and best practices.
• Compare Your Company’s Level of Engagement. Quickly compare your organization’s level of engagement to those of others based on the same criteria as the EEA’s Engaged Company Stock Index.
• Gauge Your Personal Level of Engagement. This survey, donated by Horsepower, enables individuals to gauge their own personal levels of engagement.
For more information, contact Bruce Bolger at, 914-591-7600, ext. 230.