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Six Countries Represented in First ICEE International ISO 30414 Prep Course

Worldwide interest in the new ISO 30414 human capital guidelines is demonstrated by the attendance of leading human resources and analytics executives from six countries in the first ICEE (International Center for Enterprise Engagement) webinar on the new standard. Several have already begun their ISO 30414 professional certification. 
Over 80 professionals registered from leading corporations and advisory services in six countries in the Mideast, Europe, and Asia and about 30 attended the first ICEE ISO 30414 introductory preparatory webinar class held Nov. 13. The program was hosted by ICEE Executive Director Zahid Mubarik and conducted by Lee Webster, a founder of the International Organization for Enterprise Engagement at, the first worldwide certification organization for ISO human capital standards. Three highly qualified professionals have already begun their journey toward ISO 30414 certification under Mubarik’s new leadership role at ICEE. You can access a recorded version of the webinar here: 

The next introductory and complimentary class, timed for the European market, is 6 pm Zurich time (noon Eastern time), Wed., Nov. 27. Click here to learn more and to register.

ISO 30414 Summary of Opportunities

There is a significant opportunity for human capital analytics and related human resources or marketing professionals who can help organizations develop the human capital data and information most appropriate for managing their organizations as well as what they disclose to their respective regulatory bodies or to their stakeholders, including customers and employees. Click here for an article that summarizes the ISO 30414 human capital reporting guidelines.
The growing pressure for human capital management reporting and disclosures. Throughout the world, there is growing pressure on organizations to apply a strategic and systematic approach to the way they manage and measure their investments in human capital, not only in employees, but customers, distribution partners, vendors, and all stakeholders. The European Union countries already are in the process of implementing new disclosure requirements of companies with 500 or more employees, and public companies in the US will shortly be required to report on human capital practices based on a proposed Securities & Exchange Commission disclosure rule. In addition, more organizations throughout the world are voluntarily publishing Corporate Responsibility or Sustainability Reports because their investors or customers are asking for them. These organizations need assistance with creating reports that both advance their own objectives and address the needs of their stakeholders. 
ISO 30414 standards and certification. In December 2018, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published ISO 30414: 2018 Human resource management—Guidelines for internal and external human capital reporting. These global guidelines describe how organizations can measure and communicate the value of human capital in a compelling and comparable manner to internal management, board members, employees, and shareholders. The International Center for Enterprise Engagement (ICEE) at offers the first global certification to become a consultant/auditor on ISO 30414, developed by the founders of the ISO committee that created these standards.
Benefits of professional ISO 30414 certification: This certification demonstrates the knowledge and ability to help organizations or clients develop ISO 30414-consistent human capital reporting for both internal use; conduct effective human capital audits, and to share as part of Corporate Responsibility or related reports to stakeholders and regulatory bodies. 

Steps to ISO Certification

Here’s an overview of how to qualify for ISO 30414 human capital guideline certification. 
Step 1. Confirm your eligibility. The ISO 30414 human capital guidelines certification requires a degree at a recognized university and at least three years of management experience, and/or including auditing, human resources, marketing, finance, operations, etc. 
Otherwise, anyone can qualify through course preparation and a one-hour recorded webinar test for an ICEE Certified Professional certification that demonstrates basic knowledge of the standard and reporting field. 
2. Join the Enterprise Engagement Alliance/ICEE program here in order to register as an individual member, unless yours is a company that seeks multiple professional certifications. The annual individual fee is $250. This includes a listing in the portal to human capital and enterprise engagement solution providers being marketed worldwide as well as access to the education materials needed to complete the certification (including the three-class preparatory course. This fee is paid annually to display the ISO 30414 individual professional certification, once it is obtained.
3. Purchase the ISO 30414 standard, which is required for anyone to obtain an ISO certification. This is purchased directly from ISO. It is necessary to read and understand the standard as part of preparation for certification.
4. Participate in the scheduled monthly three-class course for preparation. 
Candidates may take as many months as needed to complete the three-class course, which is held most months of the year. The schedule will be published shortly. This course also helps make sure candidates know what they need to know to achieve certification.
5. Take the exam. 
This includes a written exercise based on a case study requiring the candidate to demonstrate how he or she would use the guidelines to help an organization create a human capital disclosure document. The written exam is followed by a verbal exam conducted by an examiner in a recorded webinar. The examination is pass/fail. There are no grades. Candidates who fail have the opportunity to address the reasons for their failure.
For More Information
Bruce Bolger
US Tel. 1-914-591-7600, ext. 230
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