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June 16: David Ulrich Headlines Zoom Show on New Human Capital Mandate and HR

A human resources visionary will discuss the emerging concept of Stakeholder Capitalism, the coming human capital mandate and the challenges and opportunities presented to the human resources management community in this new EEA Zoom series: Stakeholder Capitalism in Action, kicking off June 16 at 12 pm, ET. The program will be followed on June 24 at 1 pm ET with a new EEA Zoom show on Measurable Engagement Solutions, focused on what CEOs and HRs need to implement Stakeholder Capitalism principles. 
This first EEA Zoom show on Stakeholder Capitalism in Action interviews Dave Ulrich, a thought leader in human resources, to highlight the significant opportunity for human resources management to play in the coming era of Stakeholder Capitalism and strategic human capital management. Three leading HR professionals will highlight the second program in the new EEA Measurable Engagement Solutions series launched in May with a program slated for June 24, 1 pm-2 pm ET US. 
Stakeholder Capitalism is the term increasingly used for business strategies that achieve organizational goals by addressing the needs of all stakeholders, employees, customers, distribution and supply chain partners, communities, etc., as well as shareholders.

Stakeholder Capitalism in Action Zoom Shows. 

Dave UlrichThe kick-off program with David Ulrich on Stakeholder Capitalism principles and the impact on leadership and HR is set for June 16, noon pm-12:30 pm ET. Register now for free.
Program summary: Demands from investors, consumers, talent, and now the Covid-19 crisis have put increasing pressure on CEOs to have a strategic and systematic approach to managing human capital. This session will address the emerging topic of Stakeholder Capitalism being espoused by an increasing number of influential leaders, including the World Economic Forum, the Business Roundtable, Paul Tudor Jones and his JUST Capital outreach organization, The Embankment Project, and many more, and how this movement promises to affect the management of people in the coming years. This session will address the new focus on people and what skills CEOs and HR management will need to master. 
David Ulrich is a leading speaker, author, professor, and thought leader on human resources management, leadership, and organizational management. 
Register now

Measurable Engagement Solutions Zoom Shows

A follow-up panel discussion with leaders in HR, human capital and sustainability reporting will focus on “How to Educate the C-Suite on the Importance of Human Capital Management, Metrics, and Engagement.” It will be held June 24 at 1 pm-2 pm ET US. Register now for free.
Program summary. This session will focus on the role human resources or other management can play in: helping CEOs develop and implement a human capital management strategy with clear metrics; providing better measurement of HR practices; contributing to the publication of Corporate Responsibility Reports, and even assisting CEOs with human capital merger and acquisition assessments. What does HR need to do as a profession to profit from these opportunities? What types of skills will they need?

Speakers:  Amy Armitage, Chair, Human Capital Investment & Reporting Council, Program Director The Conference Board; Sonia Consiglio Favaretto, UNGC SDG Pioneer/Chair of the Global Reporting Initiative Brazil Advisory Board/ Vice-chair of the CDP Board; Laura Queen, EdD, CEO,, a mid-market M&A advisory firm focusing on human capital risk analysis, with 20-plus years in HR management. 
Amy ArmitageSonia Consiglio FavarettoLaura Queen

Background on both sessions

The Covid-19 crisis is accelerating a trend already well under way: the need for CEOs to have a strategic and systematic approach to human capital management and metrics that engage all stakeholders—employees, customers, distribution and supply chain partners, and communities, etc.—in the organization’s brand, culture, goals and objectives. Over the last year, the World Economic Forum, the Business Roundtable, the Embankment Project led by the Rothschild family; Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock; the hedge fund investor Paul Tudor Jones and his Just Capital outreach group—have all espoused a new charter for capitalism that focuses on achieving sustainable organizational goals by strategically addressing the needs of all stakeholders, not just shareholders. At least $17 trillion in investment capital is now focused on ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) investing, and ESG funds have not only outperformed the general indices during the recent crash and over the last eight years, but more money is flowing into them since the Covid-19 crisis than any other stock category, according to Morningstar. 
Over the last two years, the SEC has proposed new rules for human capital disclosures by public companies based on its chairman’s belief that human capital is material to performance; human capital disclosure requirements have now taken effect in 26 European countries, and two bills have been introduced in Congress requiring human capital disclosures by large companies. 
Now, because of the Covid-19 crisis, CEOs have been confronted with the reality that people really are their No. 1 asset, for without them their balance sheet assets are worthless. A key challenge for CEOs right now will be to make sure they have the people resources and commitment to win back all the talent, customers and other partners that temporarily went away and who are now up for grabs. 
What many leaders lack is any training on how to develop and implement a strategic and systematic human capital plan with clear metrics and a measurable way of engaging all stakeholders in the organization’s brand, culture, and goals. 
These sessions will share insights and practical ways HR and other management can help their organizations profit from this unprecedented convergence of trends favoring a new focus on people and what will be required. 
The program is sponsored by the Enterprise Engagement Alliance at, the world’s only organization dedicated to promote the application of Stakeholder Capitalism through: 
Information distributed through its online trade publication ESM at, with a monthly audience of 20,000 professionals worldwide, and the only Enterprise Engagement marketplace of solution providers at
The first learning and certification program for Enterprise Engagement.
The first certification programs in ISO human capital management standards at
The Engagement Agency business development and implementation advisory service.
Two books: Enterprise Engagement for CEOs, and Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap 5th Edition.

Master the Principles of Stakeholder Capitalism And Implementation Through Enterprise Engagement

Education, Certifications, and Information to Activate
Stakeholder Capitalism Available Nowhere Else
A complete learning, certification, and information program and a course syllabus for educators.
Training and Certification
Enterprise Engagement Alliance Education: Certified Engagement Practitioner; Advanced Engaged Practitioner, and Certified Engagement Solution Provider learning and certification programs on how to implement Stakeholder Capitalism principles at the tactical level. 
International Center for Enterprise Engagement: The only training and certification program for ISO 30414 human capital reporting and ISO 10018 quality people management certification. 
The EEA offers a complimentary course syllabus for educators.
A CEO's Guide to Engagement Across the Enterprise cover
Join the EEA to begin your certification process or see our other resources below. 
Or contact Bruce Bolger;; 914-591-7600, ext. 230 to learn more.
Enterprise Engagement for CEOs:The Little Blue Book for People-Centric Capitalists
This is the definitive implementation guide to Stakeholder Capitalism, written specifically to provide CEOs and their leadership teams a concise overview of the framework, economics, and implementation process of a CEO-led strategic and systematic approach to achieving success through people.  (123 pages, $15.99)

Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap 5th Edition
The first and most comprehensive book on Enterprise Engagement and the new ISO 9001 and ISO 10018 quality people management standards. Includes 36 chapters detailing how to better integrate and align engagement efforts across the enterprise. (312 pages, $36.) 

Communities: The  Enterprise Engagement Alliance and Advocate and the  Brand Media Coalition free resource centers offering access to the latest research, news, and case studies; discounts, promotions, referrals, and commissions, when appropriate to third-party solution providers from participating coalition solution provider members.
Enterprise Engagement Resources: provides the only curated online marketplace to access hundreds of solution providers in all areas of human capital management and enterprise engagement throughout the world. 

Online Overview:  
10-minute short course: click here for a 10-minute introduction to Enterprise Engagement and ISO standards from the learning platform.

•  The Engagement Agency at, offering: complete support services for employers, solution providers, and technology firms seeking to profit from formal engagement practices for themselves or their clients, including Brand and Capability audits for solution providers to make sure their products and services are up to date.
•  C-Suite Advisory Service—Education of boards, investors, and C-suite executives on the economics, framework, and implementation processes of Enterprise Engagement. 
•  Speakers Bureau—Select the right speaker on any aspect of engagement for your next event.
•  Mergers and Acquisitions. The Engagement Agency’s Mergers and Acquisition group is aware of multiple companies seeking to purchase firms in the engagement field. Contact Michael Mazer in confidence if your company is potentially for sale at 303-320-3777.

Enterprise Engagement Benchmark Tools: The Enterprise Engagement Alliance offers three tools to help organizations profit from Engagement. Click here to access the tools.
•  ROI of Engagement Calculator. Use this tool to determine the potential return-on-investment of an engagement strategy. 
•  EE Benchmark Indicator. Confidentially benchmark your organization’s Enterprise Engagement practices against organizations and best practices. 
•  Compare Your Company’s Level of Engagement. Quickly compare your organization’s level of engagement to those of others based on the same criteria as the EEA’s Engaged Company Stock Index.
•  Gauge Your Personal Level of Engagement. This survey, donated by Horsepower, enables individuals to gauge their own personal levels of engagement.

For more information, contact Bruce Bolger at, 914-591-7600, ext. 230.

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