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Is the New EU Sustainability Reporting Directive a Game Changer for Stakeholder Management?

Carmen X. W. LuA US legal expert on ESG and stakeholder governance and a European Union specialist on human capital reporting will help management worldwide understand the potential implications of the new European Corporate Sustainability Directive (CSRD) in this EEA YouTube Show, March 21 at 1 pm ET. It is expected by the US legal community to have far more impact on US businesses than the EU GDPR privacy rules because of the breadth of the disclosure requirements.
Heiko MautererIs it an exaggeration to say that the new European Union Corporate Sustainability Directive is a game-changer for many businesses? Make that determination yourself by attending the Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube Channel program on:  Is the New EU Sustainability Reporting Directive a Gamechanger for Stakeholder Management? A leading expert on ESG law at one of the world’s most prestigious law firms and an expert on human capital reporting in Europe will help attendees decide.

The disclosure requirements largely mirror the framework of Stakeholder Capitalism principles in the way they address all stakeholders.
The live webinar at which questions and viewpoints are welcome is set for March 21 at 1 pm ET. Register here. As usual, the recorded version will be on the EEA YouTube channel and in a summary article will be published on ESM.
Carmen X. W. Lu is Corporate Counsel at Wachtell Lipton, widely considered one of the world’s leading law firms, at which she advises public and private companies and boards of directors across industries on ESG; corporate governance matters and evolving market trends, expectations, and practices. She has written widely on ESG and stakeholder governance issues. She is joined by Dr. Heiko Mauterer, Board Member for 4C Group, a leading EU human capital advisory firm and auditor of ISO 30414 human capital reports for Allianz, DWS, and Deutsche Bank.
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation had an enormous impact on US and countries throughout the world that do business with European Union countries because they had to comply with privacy rules at the risk of significant penalties and bad public relations. The already passed CSRD law awaits only the final rules expected to be published in summer 2023 and take effect in 2024 for companies with more than 500 employees and in 2025 for companies with 250 employees. For background on the new laws, see ESM: New EU ESG Rules Likely to Affect Many US Companies. Here are links to the details on the draft disclosure regulations related to the “S” of ESG.
Own workers
Workers in the value chain
The webinar will address:
  • What is the CSRD law and what specifically will it require of, who and when?
  • What is the potential impact in comparison with GDPR regulations?
  • An overview of what is being required in disclosures of employees, customers, supply chain and distribution partners?
  • What makes these disclosures different from Securities and Exchange Comission or other voluntary disclosures?
  • What are the potential costs and risks for US companies?
  • To what extent is auditing of reports, such as ISO standards, assist with safe harbor in a litigious climate?
  • To what extent do companies in the EU and the US appear to be prepared for these disclosures?
  • Who should be in charge of the process—lawyers and/or management, and which type?
  • What types of expertise is now required of boards and senior management in tackling a stakeholder approach to management and reporting?
  • What are the pro’s and con’s of approaching the laws as a compliance or business opportunity?
  • What role can technology play in terms of collecting and managing reporting?
The live webinar at which questions and viewpoints are welcome is set for March 21 at 1 pm ET. Register here. As usual, the recorded version and a summary article will be published on ESM.
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For More Information
Bruce Bolger, Founder
Enterprise Engagement Alliance at
914-591-7600, ext. 230

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