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Dip Your Mind Into the New World of Stakeholder Management...

Enterprise Engagement Alliance The Enterprise Engagement Alliance offers free or low-cost ways for people to get started down the path to learning about the formal principles, economics, implementation, and reporting processes of stakeholder management, the implementation process for Stakeholder Capitalism. This learning program is even more important now that the European Union has established stakeholder management as a business norm in its new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive requiring disclosures on all areas of stakeholder engagement of large companies (over 250 employees) doing business in Europe. 

Free EEA Resources
The EEA Formal Training and Certification Program
EEA Advisory Services
Perhaps you’ve heard about the concepts of human capital management, Stakeholder Capitalism, ESG and wish to learn more but aren’t ready yet to begin a formal learning progress. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance offers a variety of free to low-cost ways to get started on your path without joining the EEA’s individual or corporate learning program or considering certification.

The program is designed to fill a serious void in professional business education: the need for an interdisciplinary strategic and systematic approach to stakeholder management across the enterprise that enhances returns for investors by creating value for employees, customers, supply chain and distribution partners, communities and the environment. The education can be tailored for everyone from board members, asset managers and analysts and C-suite management to front-line managers in finance, sales, marketing, human resources, operations, logistics, administration, etc. seeking to find new areas of value creation in their organizations.
More akin to total quality management than it is to corporate social responsibility, stakeholder management will set you and/or your organization apart from others that still manage people as a sunk cost with little to no return on investment for their engagement efforts.
The EEA resources are specifically designed to help organizations and their management teams move toward a stakeholder approach to enhancing returns for investors by creating value for customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, and communities. It is no more complex or difficult than the transition to total quality management in manufacturing.

Here are all the ways we help. 

Free EEA Resources

ESM at The EEA’s weekly e-newsletter and 14-year-old web site with news, research, new solutions, company profiles, and a 14-year-old publishing web site offering thousands of articles and a complete library of resources.
The marketplace of engagement solution providers.

RRN at The EEA's weekly e-newsletter and 27-year-old web site providing news, how to, reference, research, market reports and more on total rewards.
EEA YouTube channel: Over 40 and growing YouTube shows featuring experts and business leaders on all aspects of Stakeholder Capitalism, strategic and tactical implementation, including incentive programs, recognition, total rewards, and more.


The Power of AndThe Enterprise Engagement Alliance curriculum membership program comes with six books covering all aspects of theory, economics, implementation, measurement, and reporting, all included in membership, but which can be purposed separately at the links below.
  1. The Power of And–Responsible Business Without Tradeoffs, by R. Edward Freeman. The theory and principles of stakeholderGrow the Pie management from the academic founder of the field.
  2. Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit, by Alex Edmans. The financial principles of Stakeholder Capitalism based on research.
  3. Building Corporate Soul: Powering Culture & Success with the Soul System by Ralph Specht, on the new approach toBuilding Corporate Soul leadership and culture in the world of stakeholder management.
  4. Humanizing Human Capital: Invest in Your People for Optimal Business Returns, by Dr. Solange Charas and Stela Lupushor. The information needed to drive today’s people-oriented organization.Humanizing Human Capital
  5. Enterprise Engagement: for CEOs–the Little Blue Book for Stakeholder Capitalists, by Bruce Bolger. The practical guide for executives seeking to bake stakeholder management into current organizational processes.Enterprise Engagement for CEOs
  6. Enterprise Engagement: The Roadmap, by Bruce Bolger, Allan Schweyer, and Richard Kern. A detailed guide to all the tactics involved with stakeholder management.Enterprise Engagement: A Roadmap
The Enterprise Engagement Alliance also has created a free curriculum for educators.

The EEA Formal Training and Certification Program

For those who seek to get serious about stakeholder management, implementation, and reporting, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance has perhaps the world’s only professional learning and certification platform for the implementation of a strategic and systematic approach to engagement across the enterprise. The EEA paid curriculum includes:
  • The six books above and the nine recorded videos below.
  • An optional basic and advanced certification program.
  • Nine videos and training programs with experts in all aspects of the business. Click here to experience two sample programs
Fees: Individual membership is $425; $1,075 corporations, with additional programs for engagement solution providers. Click here for more details on curriculum membership and certification and to join. The fees are used to continually maintain and update the curriculum and to make it free or discounted to educators. 

Videos: Nine videos break up formal instruction with interviews with experts in all aspects of Stakeholder Capitalism in panel discussions. The instruction prepares participants for formal certification. 
1. EEA Class 1 Stakeholder Management Theory and Practice. The academic founder of the field explains the essential theory behind Stakeholder Capitalism and helps clear up misconceptions.
Expert instructor: R. Edward Freeman, Professor, University of Virginia Darden School of Business, author of Strategic Management, A Stakeholder Approach; Managing for Stakeholders, The Power of And, and others.
2. Human Capital Management and Reporting: Are CEOs Driving With One Eye on the Road?
Human capital experts show the metrics most organizations fail to track that can have a direct impact on earnings.
Expert instructors. Dr. Solange Charas, Founder and CEO of HCMoneyball and Adjunct Professor on Human Capital Management, Columbia University, New York University, and University of Southern California, and co-author of "Humanizing Human Capital: Invest in Your People for Optimal Business Results," with Stela Lupushor, Chief Reframer, Reframe.Work Inc. 
3. How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit Enterprise Engagement and Human Capital Essentials. This session explains why Stakeholder Capitalism is not about trading off profits for purpose.
Expert instructor: Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance, London Business School
4. The ROI of DEI. In Stakeholder Capitalism, diversity, equity, and inclusion are business opportunities, not social obligations.
Expert instructors: Eric Darrisaw, Principal, Lazarus Advisors; Marvin Owens, Chief Engagement Officer, NAACP Impact Shares; Rene Redwood, CEO, Redwood Enterprise.
5. EEA Class 2: Strategic Culture—Baking Purpose Into Process. Culture isn’t just a marketing slogan and posters. It’s a strategic, never-ending process aligned with organizational, purpose, goals, and objectives.
Expert instructor: Ralf Specht, author, Building Corporate Soul, former CEO of Spark 44, an international ad agency.
6. EEA Class 3: The Return on Investment of Individuals. This session addresses the human capital issues and metrics generally overlooked in organizational valuations, mergers and acquisitions, and day-to-day business management that often lead to either overlooked value or risks.
Expert instructors. Valuation veteran Dave Bookbinder and author of The New ROI: Return on Individuals; Amy Armitage, Founder and Co-Chair, Human Capital Investment and Reporting Council; Laura Queen, Founder and CEO, 29 Bison, and author of People Economics: Defining and Measuring the True Value of Human Capital.
7. EEA Class 4: The Tactics of Enterprise Engagement. Just like any discipline, stakeholder engagement involves the alignment of multiple disciplines—from brand architecture, business operating systems, communications, learning, and assessment, to rewards and recognition, loyalty, innovation and collaboration and job design. This session looks at how a stakeholder approach better aligns current organizational engagement activities.
Expert instructors. Dr. Heiko Mauterer, Board Member, Four C Group Management Consultancy, an HR advisory firm and ISO 30414 certification company; Jervis DiCicco, Founder, CEO, ProsperBridge, a HR support and benefits company; Darwin Hanson, Founder, CEO, Talent Management Evolution, a talent management and human capital technology firm, and Todd Hanson, CEO and Founder of Catalyst Performance Group, an advisory firm specializing in business operating systems and return-on-investment measurement of engagement processes.
8. EEA Class 5: Human Capital Reporting and ROI of Engagement. This program provides a deeper dive into ways to measure the return on investment of engagement activities and on the basics of human capital reporting and audits.
Guest instructors. Allan Schweyer, Senior Research Consultant, Center for Human Capital Innovation,
and Chief Research Advisor. Todd Hanson, President, Catalyst Performance Group, an expert on return-on-investment measurement.
9. EEA Class 6. Case Studies, featuring Sunovion Pharameuticals. Here are some examples of the practical implementation of a stakeholder approach to management at the front lines, include one provided by a guest expert.
Guest experts. Rick Beers, Senior Director, Sales Training, for Sunovion, a Japanese leader in treatments for central nervous system pharmaceuticals and Todd Hanson, CRP, CPIM of Catalyst Performance Group,.

EEA Advisory Services

  • Development of formal stakeholder management business plans to address voluntary ISO and the upcoming mandatory European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.
  • Creation of formal, auditable corporate sustainability reports.
  • Auditing of reports not created by the EEA through our affiliate.
  • Implementation of fully integrated content marketing programs for engagement solution providers. 
For More Information
Bruce Bolger, Co-Founder
Enterprise Engagement Alliance
914-591-7600, ext. 230
Subscribe to ESM's weekly newsletter. 

Click here to learn about the EEA’s bi-partisan petition to keep politicians out of business management.

1. Professional Education on Stakeholder Management and Total Rewards
2. Media 3. Fully Integrated Business Development for Engagement and Total Rewards
Business Development for Stakeholder Management and Total Rewards solution providers, including Integrated blog, social media, and e-newsletter campaigns managed by content marketing experts.
4. Advisory Services for Organizations

Stakeholder Management Business Plans Human Capital Management, Metrics, and Reporting for organizations, including ISO human capital certifications, and services for solution providers.
5. Outreach in the US and Around the World on Stakeholder Management and Total Rewards
The EEA promotes a strategic approach to people management and total rewards through its e-newsletters, web sites, and social media reaching 20,000 professionals a month and through other activities, such as:
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Enterprise Engagement Resources
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