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ESM Reader Feedback Requested on Definition of Stakeholder Capitalism

Without a formal definition of a topic, it’s difficult to have an intelligent debate. Given that the subject of Stakeholder Capitalism has entered the political domain with the regrettable divisive consequences, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance is asking for reader feedback on the definition that most specifically defines the concept.

Your Vote is Important to Us
The Three Prevalent Definitions of Stakeholder Capitalism
There is no formal definition for Stakeholder Capitalism in any known dictionary, not even Wikipedia, which only links readers searching for the topic to Stakeholder Theory; yet, it’s a topic that is gaining more visibility in the media because of the closely related ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) controversy.

Your Vote is Important to Us

Please click here to take five seconds to help the Enterprise Engagement Alliance clarify the definition of Stakeholder Capitalism. Simply select the definition you feel most specifically describes Stakeholder Capitalism of the three in use by different parties.
Reflecting the continued general lack of awareness and disinterest in the topic of Stakeholder Capitalism—there are only 720 followers on Linkedin, up from about 20 two years ago--only 102 people responded to our one-week Linkedin survey and two e-mail surveys to ESM 10,000 subscribers over two weeks. In anything but a scientific survey, we asked not if they had ever heard of Stakeholder Capitalism—after all, they presumably know about it by reading our e-newsletter--but rather if someone had mentioned or discussed the topic with them. Of those who responded, about one-third said yes, probably much more than would be the result if asked of the general public.

The Three Prevalent Definitions of Stakeholder Capitalism

A careful search of the Internet yields three definitions of Stakeholder Capitalism used by advocates and opponents. Which one of these definitions most specifically conveys what you understand to be the principles of Stakeholder Capitalism.
Please click here to select the most specific definition; i.e., it contains the most detail distinguishing stakeholder from shareholder capitalism.
_____Stakeholder Capitalism is the idea that companies should look to serve all stakeholders, not just shareholders but also customers, employees, suppliers, and local communities.
_____Stakeholder Capitalism seeks to enhance returns for investors by creating value for customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, communities, and the environment.
_____Stakeholder Capitalism is a system in which corporations are oriented to serve the interests of all their stakeholders.

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Stakeholder Management Business Plans Human Capital Management, Metrics, and Reporting for organizations, including ISO human capital certifications, and services for solution providers.
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